
Archive for February 10, 2020

Ten Ways to Show Self Love During the Month of Romance

February is known as the month of love, especially since it hosts Valentine’s Day. However, if you’re not in a relationship, this can make the month a bit tougher for you. It doesn’t have to be that way though. In fact, February can be the perfect time to step away from a relationship and work on loving yourself. This can be tricky for anyone, but there are so many innovative ways that you can make yourself fall in love with you. Best of all, many of these techniques won’t force you to spend a fortune, which will make the month more frugal than it would be if you were pouring money into Valentine’s Day. So, get ready to retake February as you stand strong and begin the process of loving yourself all the more.

1. Celebrate Your Strengths
A lot of the time, society has everyone focusing on their weaknesses instead of the things that make them strong. So, instead of sitting around wondering how you can make yourself better in every aspect, you might take February to celebrate the things you are good at. In order to do this, you should sit down and think about the things that make you happy and those that you excel in. If you’re having trouble, then talk with a friend or family member that you are close to. Often, people can share strengths with you that you never knew you had. Once you have a list of strengths, take pride in them. Find ways to utilize them in your everyday life. This will allow you to feel confident about the person you are while also improving the way you approach everyday life.

2. Pamper Yourself
There is definitely no harm in pampering yourself, especially if it makes you feel good about the person you are. So, this February, take the time to focus on you by doing pampering activities that bring you joy. For instance, if you find a great deal on a spa then splurge a little on yourself and enjoy all of the pamperings you receive. If a spa visit isn’t in the budget, then make your own home spa. There are so many things you can do at home that will leave you feeling like you can take on the world. Another simplistic action is to go out and get a haircut. A change in your appearance might be the ticket to helping you feel great about you. A pedicure or manicure at home will also allow you to look and feel like a million bucks. Of course, don’t do these things if they don’t make you happy. You might find pampering yourself to be sitting in a hot bath with a book. Choose activities that suit you and not others, as this will make you feel your best.

3. Try Something New
It is very easy to fall into a rut, which makes many people feel down. That is why it is important to try new things in order to practice self-love. Part of life is learning about yourself, embracing new experiences, and exploring things that you might love. So, get out there and try something new this month. It can be as easy as going to a new restaurant alone or trying a new dish at an old restaurant you love. You can also try a new activity, like a craft, sport, or club. You might find yourself feeling rejuvenated in no time. Of course, you can also make travel plans that you’ve always dreamed of. It is important to make a savings plan to help you get to these plans though. Before you know it, you will feel impressed with the person you are becoming, which will improve your self-love immensely.

4. Make an effort to be Healthier
One of the most important things that you can do for yourself is to work on leading a healthier lifestyle. This will help you love yourself while ensuring you have a better quality of life day in and day out. One of the first things you should start doing is work on having a healthier diet. Try incorporating at least one balanced meal into your diet per day, as this can help you adjust to a new way of eating. Then, as you get used to it, make sure you eat healthier for every meal. You might even change up your eating schedule to suit your body’s needs. Apart from eating right, you should also consider exercising more. The goal is to hit 30 minutes a day, so try out new things. You can also start walking to improve your health while allowing yourself to get fresh air. Apart from that, you should consider taking mental health breaks.

5. Ditch Social Media
Social media tends to dominate our lives, even if we don’t realize it. This form of expression can be one of the worst things for your ability to love you though. Although it is a great platform for expressing yourself, keeping in touch with loved ones, and so much more, it is also known to have many negative elements. This can really play on self-esteem even if we don’t realize it. From people writing negative things about others online to the responses we receive on personal development, you will certainly find that giving up social media might help you to feel better overall. Not only does social media take up a lot of our time, but it is also is a drain on our mood. So, shut your personal pages down for the month and see how it affects your self-love. You might be surprised.

6. Practice Mindfulness
There is a lot of talk about mindfulness now. Although you can view mindfulness in many ways, there are some important ways to be mindful when it comes to accepting and loving yourself. One of the best things you can do to promote mindfulness each day is to take a few minutes to reflect on your life. You should look at your plans, your motivation, your goals, your thoughts, and your emotions. By taking in all of the elements of your needs, you will be able to navigate the day efficiently. You can do this by meditating, making lists, or just talking to yourself in a positive way. You should also be mindful of the things you do. How are your actions affecting others and the world around you? How are your decisions changing your path? After considering all elements of your life, you should feel more mindful and prepared to love yourself more.

7. Take a “You” Day
There is nothing wrong with taking a break for yourself, especially if you’re not feeling up to the day. Mental health is often overlooked in today’s society, which causes even more depression, anxiety, and even greater mental illnesses. So, if you’re not feeling great, take a day for yourself. You can play hooky from work, college, housework, or whatever plans you had for the day. Instead of going about your routine, do something you love instead. May it be spending the entire day in bed watching TV or getting out of the house and exploring the world around you. The time for you will help you feel rejuvenated and will allow more acceptance for yourself. Of course, you should be willing to make up the work you missed out on and you shouldn’t do it frequently, as it will cut back on progress and will make your “you” days less significant.

8. Treat Yourself
There is no rule saying you have to wait to be gifted something for Valentine’s Day or any other time for that matter. So, instead of doing without, celebrate your independence by purchasing the item you want for yourself. You can easily grab yourself a bouquet of flowers and chocolates if this is what is going to make you happy. Plus, purchasing a gift for yourself means you get exactly what you want. You don’t have to stop at Valentine’s Day items though. Instead, you can simply purchase something you’ve wanted for some time. Don’t go overboard with treating yourself though, as this can land you in financial trouble and won’t make the treats as special.

9. Work on You
Although it is great to focus on our strengths and fall in love with ourselves, it is also important to work on the aspects we would like to change. This doesn’t mean you should be hard on yourself though. Instead, work on habits or responses that you have which you feel should change. As you grow as a person and learn to love who you are, you will find it much easier to be in a relationship. However, growing as a person doesn’t mean you have to enter a relationship either, as you should do what makes you happy.

10. Ignore the Hype
There is no law saying you have to celebrate Valentine’s Day. So, just ignore it if the holiday bothers you. It is primarily a day to get people to shop more anyway, so there really isn’t a whole lot of affection that goes into it. Instead of celebrating Valentine’s Day, take some time to do something that doesn’t involve finding romance, going on dates, or the colors pink and red. This might mean avoiding retail stores and spending time in places that people aren’t likely to congregate. However, this action in itself might be totally freeing and will allow you to get to know yourself a lot better.

February is the perfect time to celebrate the love you have for yourself, instead of just the love shared in a relationship. With these ten tips, you should find a few different ways to embrace who you are and improve the way you feel about yourself. This will not only improve your confidence but might even help you find the love you’ve been looking for.