
Archive for May 23, 2019

Frugal Tips For Pride Parade Fun That You Can Use All Month

June is Pride Month, which means you’re in store for a whole lot of fun if you’re ready to show off some pride, support the LGBTQ+ community and fight to maintain basic rights. Pride month can be one of the most exciting times, especially since summer is beginning. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself LGBTQ+ or you’re just there to support your community, as Pride Month is a time to celebrate who you are as well as love your neighbor for the person they are. A lot of people wind up spending quite a bit of money on Pride though. There are so many ways you can embrace it without letting it hit your budget though. These ten ideas will make your Pride Parades more fun and frugal, so you can make the most out of this inclusive month of love.

1. DIY Shirt
If you plan on marching in the parades, or merely observing them, a cool new tee is a great way to show off your pride and your support. T-shirts are incredibly easy to make too, so you can have a lot of fun using your creativity to channel how you feel. One of the easiest options is to tie-dye a shirt in rainbow colors. This will give you something vibrant to wear that you can also sport all year long. Another fun option is to add LGBTQ leaders to a shirt and show off some of their more famous quotes. If you’re not LGBTQ+ then you might consider offering words of support to those that are. T-shirts offer so many options that you can easily make several if you’re having fun with the concept.

2. Craft a Flag
A flag is a quick way to get noticed when you’re at a Pride Parade, but it is also a great way to show your support. You don’t have to spend a fortune in order to buy a flag though. In fact, there are lots of tutorials that can help you make your own. If you want a big flag, then you can cut out strips of fabric and sew them together to get the effect that you desire. You can also make a flag cape in this manner, which is bound to help your concert stand out. If making a huge statement isn’t your thing, then you can easily make a paper flag by coloring in the rainbow or printing it from your computer. There are so many other options available though, so have some fun with it.

3. Balloons
If you’re looking for a cheap way to make a bold statement, then balloons are going to be the best way to go. You can purchase balloons of all colors from just about any store, which will allow you to keep your style frugal while still bringing some attention to your message. Balloons are especially great for floats or large groups, but you can also assemble a rainbow flag using balloons. If you really want to add some fun, then place the balloons on your clothes. Another fun way to enjoy balloons is to pass them out to children that are also enjoying the parade. Large balloons can be given out singly or in bundles that create rainbows, while smaller balloons can easily be shaped into rainbows. You can also make all sorts of props out of balloons, so make sure to enjoy yourself.

4. Water
It might not look cool carrying around water, but when you’re setting up for a parade this is going to be essential. June weather tends to be on the warmer side in most places, so pack to stay hydrated. If you want to do the environment a favor, then you might plan on packing a reusable water bottle or two with you. You can even decorate your bottle to show off your pride. Ensuring you have water on hand will also prevent you from stopping, so you can keep enjoying the parade or even marching in it. Of course, you might also find that stores will be packed with people hoping to purchase drinks. Sometimes, stores will even hike up the price, which will make your time at the parade more expensive than it should be.

5. First Aid
Although you might not plan on it, accidents can happen at any time. So, it is always wise to pack a first aid kit with you whenever you attend such an event. Scrapes and insect bites are some of the most common injuries, but you might encounter someone fainting or enduring a headache or stomach problems. So being prepared will make you a star. Of course, your first aid kit should always have sunscreen on hand, so you can keep safe when you’re out in the sun. In this day and age, having a first aid kit on hand could even save a life if you find yourself in a life-threatening situation. So, add a first aid kit to your bag and think carefully about the items that you choose to place in it, as it will help keep your mind at ease for a while.

6. Makeup
Another cheap way to add your own personal flare to parade day is makeup. You can find lots of colorful options for fairly cheap. You might even consider using costume makeup to give your look the bold feel that you’ve longed for. Your makeup can range from a few colorful touches that could be worn every day, to bold styles that will make you feel like a Rockstar. On top of that, you’ll find that your makeup is definitely easy to change up if you feel your mood changes throughout the day. This accessory is simple to place in your bag too, which will definitely make freshening up easier.

7. Comfortable Shoes
Wearing huge heels or other flashy shoes might be tempting during a Pride Parade, especially if you’re wearing a costume to the event. However, if you can possibly avoid using shoes like this then you absolutely should. Instead of going flashy, consider a pair of shoes that will help you walk without feeling like you’ve traveled across hot coals the following day. If you can’t avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes for your costume, then make sure to pack a pair of shoes that you can swap into after some time. This will help take some of the burden off of your back, which is certain to make you feel a lot better. This will allow you to enjoy the parade all the more.

8. Child Safety Items
If you’re bringing your children to the parade, then you really need to think safety. Although the parade is generally a peaceful and fun place to be, it can be a dangerous situation for children, just as any other crowded place is. So, if your child has a problem with running off, you need to take extra precautions. You might consider a child leash or hand link to ensure that your child is connected to you at all times. This will help everyone feel a bit more at ease, so you can enjoy the parade. Another option is adding a GPS device to your child’s bag, clothing or even a special watch. This will help you locate your child if they do end up getting out of your reach.

9. Your Tribe
When it comes to going to a Pride Parade, the best thing you can do is bring the people you love with you. This adds an even more special vibe to the parade, because it shows you and the people around you are comfortable with each other. This in itself is part of what Pride Month is all about. Of course, having people with you also brings a sense of a security that can help you feel better about your surroundings before, during and after the parade. You never know, you might even help some of your friends live a more accepting lifestyle by showing them how much you can get out of Pride events.

10. A Game Plan
Generally speaking, Pride Parades usually end up becoming more than a parade. There are usually lots of other fun events surrounding the parade, so you might want to plan ahead so you can fit in more of the fun. You should be able to find out more about the fun events when you check out the social media pages or listings around colleges or clubs. Once you know what is going on, schedule it in your phone. This will help you enjoy the day all the more. Of course, you might end up changing plans at the last minute as many people throw parties after the event but having a general idea will help ease stress.

Pride Month can truly be a reason to celebrate. So, don’t let your budget stand in the way of enjoying a parade in your community and those surrounding your area. These ten tips will help you look and feel your best while at the parade for much less.