
Archive for July 30, 2018

Frugal Things To Do Before Summer Comes to a Close

With August practically here, it might not seem like you got much out of your summer. In the upcoming weeks school will be back in session and life will go back to ordinary for many families. If you’re feeling the summer blues then rest assured, because there is still plenty of time to accomplish a few goals before your regular life resumes. These ten ideas will make you feel like your summer was worthwhile, so you can feel more accomplished and ready to take on the rest of the year. So, brace yourself as the next few weeks might fly by, but with these tips on your side you’ll be able to make the most of your time.

1. Read a Book
It doesn’t matter if you have a summer reading list or not. However, diving into a good book and finishing it is a great way to make your summer feel even more accomplished. You can choose from any genre of book too. Perhaps, you want to challenge yourself with a lengthy fiction or sci-fi novel. You might want to check out a self-help book that can add even more meaning to your life. You can even read a text book to bring new knowledge to your world. No matter what you choose, try to allot time every day for reading until you get through your book. Once you’ve finished, you will feel incredible about the achievement especially since most people don’t get through a single book in a year. You can hold onto this summer success to help you power through other goals in the year.

2. Explore a New Area
Exploring is one of the best aspects of summer. However, if you’re on a tight budget and don’t have a lot of time off then this can be something that is incredibly hard to do. You don’t have to go out of your way to travel far though. If you’re looking for adventure, you can actually find it in your own area. If you live in a city, then try to explore an area that you haven’t spent a lot of time in. You might find new restaurants or hang outs that will make your life a lot more interesting. If you live in a small town and feel like you’ve covered every inch of the town then branch out. Try to explore a neighboring town or head to the city for some fun. No matter how you choose to explore, you’re certain to broaden your horizons.

3. Set a Goal List
A lot of people tend to move through the last half of the year as if it is a blur. We move quickly from holiday to holiday, which can make time fly and ensure we don’t get a lot accomplished. However, the end of summer is the perfect time to work through a list of goals to help you improve your life for the better. You should consider making goals that will help your personal life as well as your education and career. However, you should make a wide assortment of goals too. Some should be small and easy to meet while others should take a lot of work to achieve. Make sure your goals are realistic as well, because creating goals that aren’t achievable can only lead to disappointment which might set you back.

4. Enjoy Summer Foods
Fresh summer food isn’t here for very long, so you should try to embrace it while you still can. Before you know it, the last of the summer crops will be coming in and the price will quickly increase as autumn harvest begins to dominate. One of the best foods to cheaply buy now is corn on the cob. You can create lots of delicious salads, soups, side dishes and even simply grilled corn for less than you’d imagine. Zucchini, tomatoes, peaches and so much more are also in season during summer, so have some fun with these foods. If you’re looking to save some money then buy these foods in bulk while they’re cheap and freeze them. This will allow you to enjoy summer flavors throughout the rest of the year.

5. Do a Tech Detox
Without a doubt, technology totally absorbs our lives at times. However, summer is one of the best periods of time to take a break from social media, games and more. To do a technology detox, simply deactivate your accounts temporarily. You can go for a few days, weeks or even until the end of the year if you’re enjoying yourself. You might find that you have a lot more time on your hands without social media taking up your spare time. You can also set times to shut off the electronics in your home. There are some cities that even offer rewards for doing this during peak hours, so it might be fun to embrace this little challenge. Of course, you can always return to your old way of life, especially when school is back in session, but until then try to enjoy the world around you.

6. Sleep Under the Stars
One of the best things about summer is you can actually get outside and sleep under the stars because the temperatures aren’t too cold. This can be one of the most fascinating experiences, especially since it allows you to explore the skies and see that the universe is truly a huge place. Sleeping under the stars doesn’t have to cost you a fortune either. In fact, you can easily do it for free in your own backyard. Simply pull out your sleeping bags or gather a bunch of blankets and pillows to enjoy your night. You might find that enjoying Mother Nature without technology is one of the most rewarding experiences. Of course, you can take your trip a little further. For instance, if you live in the city then you might plan a small camping trip to help you enjoy the night sky even more.

7. Enjoy a Movie
Without a doubt, summer is one of the best times to take in a movie. There are so many blockbusters to choose from that you might even consider watching more than one. A trip to the movies can be one of the most memorable experiences during the summer. However, it can also be pricey. If you have children, then try to choose one of the free days to take the kids. Many cinemas will also do promotions like $5 Tuesday to draw people in. Of course, you can always get more for your money by taking the whole family to the drive thru. This usually allows you to get in two movies for less than you’d spend at the theater. Often, theaters will space out movies so the first is a child’s movie while the second will suit the needs of adults. By the time the second movie is on most young children will be too tired to sit through it. You can also just stay home and rent a movie. There are many releases hitting the stores now that will still make your summer exciting.

8. Have a Garage Sale
Summer is one of the best times to get out in the garage or storage area and sort through all of the junk that you don’t necessarily need or want anymore. Once you’ve cleared everything out, you can easily organize a garage sale to earn some extra money. Try posting signs around the community and sharing on social media, so you can draw in a crowd to get rid of your things. Not only will this help you clear up more space during the winter time, but it will also help you to earn money that can be used for the holiday season or the excess heating costs for the winter months.

9. Swim
It might not seem like a proper summer if you haven’t taken the time to go swimming. It doesn’t matter if you’re hitting the local pool, or hanging out by the lake, river or beach. You should try to take a dip whenever you can. Swimming is a great way to blow off steam, so by the time you head back to your ordinary life you will feel relaxed and ready to handle anything that comes your way. On top of that, swimming is the perfect way to get into shape and feel more confident about your body. Of course, the best thing about swimming is it is a lot of fun. So, get in the water a few more times before summer ends, so you can get the most out of the season.

10. Shop Summer Clearance
Right around this time frame, all of the amazing summer clothes you wanted at the beginning of the year will be on sale. This will allow you to finally get the items that were too expensive to buy prior. Shopping summer clearance can also be a great way to stock up for the next summer and even add a few new items to your yearly wardrobe. Tees and tanks can be incorporated into every day wear, so you can get more out of these items than you’d expect. Simply pair them with a cardigan or other outer layer and you’ll have a hot look for autumn and winter. You still might want to check out items like bathing suits, shorts and even sandals though so you won’t have to worry about shopping next year. Of course, shop a size or two up for children so they’ll have a fresh new wardrobe when next year rolls around.

Since summer is practically over for many households, these tips should provide you with everything you need to get back on track for the upcoming year. You should be able to have a bit more fun while adding memories to the year that your whole family will cherish. Best of all, these tricks won’t cost you a small fortune.

Quick Tips for Surviving Festival Season on a Budget

Festival season is finally peaking, which means there’s a lot of fun to be had no matter your age group. From outdoor concerts and seasonal fairs to comic conventions and medieval fairs, there are many things to enjoy for every personality. Although festival season brings a lot of joy to the world, it can also be rather expensive and in some instances dangerous. Often, people spend a lot of money trying to stay comfortable outdoors while enjoy these summer activities. Luckily, there’s a few frugal ways you can enjoy festival season while saving money and staying safe. So, don’t forget to check out these ten suggestions that will make your experience even more enjoyable.

1. Buy Tickets in Advance
One of the best things you can do when you’re planning on going to a festival is buy the tickets in advance. This is actually one of the smartest things to do if you really don’t want to miss out on the event, as sometimes tickets will sell out. However, there are also a lot of great deals for early bird shoppers if they can buy tickets early enough. A lot of places will offer tickets online and at a box office. Your best option is to purchase at the box office in person if you can. A lot of the time online ticketing agents will charge fees, which will add to the price of your tickets. However, if you live far away from the destination then don’t hold out on your tickets because of this. Even if the risk of selling out isn’t on the table, there’s still a good chance that tickets sold at the door will be much more expensive.

2. Pack for Emergencies
A lot of the time, people pack their bags for events with their basic needs like hunger, thirst and entertainment in mind. However, you should also consider thinking about potential emergencies. For instance, a lot of the time you might end up falling or receiving a small injury. Thus, carrying around a small first aid kit might come in handy. Consider packing bandages, ointment and items like smelling salts and candy. These should help with any emergency that doesn’t require you to immediately go to the hospital. Apart from that, you should also pack a water bottle that has its own filter. This will allow you to drink water from the tap if water prices are too expensive. A light rain jacket will also help you to get more out of your experience, so you don’t have to pack up at the sight of rain.

3. Stay Hydrated
With so much fun going on at the festival, it is very easy to forget to drink water while you’re out. Many festivals also serve alcohol and many people forget that they need to hydrate more after consuming such products. Dehydration can not only lead to you feeling terrible during the festival but can also force you to have an expensive stay in the hospital. So, you should make sure to drink water as much as you can during the event. You might make a point to drink a bottle of water after every concert, panel or show you attend. Remember, healthy adults need half a gallon of water a day, but this amount increases in the heat. So, carry around a jug that helps you keep track of the amount you need if it helps. You might also see if you can bring your own reusable water bottle to the event, so you don’t have to waste money on bottled water.

4. Locate Shade First
One of the first things you should do when you arrive at the festival is find some shade. You should have a few different shaded areas on your radar before you begin to enjoy the activities going on. After each activity, try to find some time to kick back in the shade for a little while. This will not only allow you to cool down for a few minutes, but it will give your skin a break from harsh UV rays. Your shade time is the perfect time to reapply sunscreen and drink some water. Of course, if you’re worried about the lack of shade that might be at the festival, then you might want to bring an umbrella or a small stand up tent with you. This will allow you to enjoy concerts, shows and more without having to leave the area in you’re in.

5. Don’t Wait to Use Restroom
It is hard to stop enjoying the fun at festivals in order to go to the restroom. This is why many people end up holding it during the event. However, this can cause your body a lot of harm. If you’re willing to hold it during a show or event, then you can pretty much expect other people to do the exact same thing. Thus, when the event lets out you’re going to spend some time waiting for the restroom. Even if you’re a healthy adult, you may find that this can cause many physiological problems and might even cause your stomach to become upset. This can force you to miss even more of the event. So, instead of holding out for a while, try to use the restroom when you need to, so you can get more for your money and avoid further pain or accidents.

6. Go Minimalistic
When it comes to packing for such an event, you might want to go as minimalistic as possible, especially if you’re flying to the event. Keeping your luggage light for flying will help save you a lot of money to begin with, especially when it comes to under the plane luggage. However, if you’re just packing a bag for a night or two at the event then there’s still no reason to lug around a lot of stuff with you. Your items can always wind up stolen or lost too, so the less you pack the greater chance you’ll return home with your items. One of the fastest things to ditch in your bag is your skin regime and makeup. Try to keep things simple by just wearing sunscreen to event. Your pores will thank you for this anything as they won’t become clogged with makeup. If you intend on shopping then wait until the day you plan to go home, so you don’t end up with too many things to carry around during the event.

7. Hide Your Money
Another handy trick to have under your belt for festival season is a few ways to hide your money and other important belongings while you’re having fun. It isn’t always convenient to carry a bag around with you during these events and even this might not safeguard your possessions. So, knowing how to create a safety net for your necessities is important. Placing items in your pocket isn’t always the best option either as they can fall out and sometimes skilled pickpockets can distract you enough to get your money anyway. One easy way to hide items is to sew in secret pockets into your clothes. These pockets can be on the inside of a shirt, a scarf, belt and so much more. You should also split your money up, so you don’t place it all in one area. Keeping your money safe will save you the misfortune of losing out on it and will prevent you from having to leave your event early.

8. Eat One Meal A Day
Eating in the heat can be a real chore and might even make you feel sick. This, combated with the high prices of the concession stands at most festivals, might turn you away from food altogether. It is important to eat at least once meal a day though. You might choose to eat a larger breakfast or a dinner depending how your body digests. Throughout the rest of the day, you should snack on things like fruits, nuts and other foods that will give you energy. Of course, if you’re drinking you should avoid food with sugar and make sure you do eat something every few hours to avoid alcohol poisoning. A pretzel or other bread like or greasy item are usually go-to items but make sure to watch your spending and how you feel throughout the day.

9. Minimal Cosplay
More often than not, cosplay adds a fun twist to many festivals. It doesn’t matter if you’re dressing up as a superhero for a comic convention or you’re in an animal costume for a laugh at a music festival. What does matter is that you take precautions to keep yourself safe in these costumes. You should probably try to choose a costume that isn’t going to make you overheat, especially if you’re spending long periods of time outdoors. If you do choose an exhausting costume, try to limit the time you’re in it and change before the peak heat of the day arrives.

10. Create a Checkpoint
One of the first things you should do when you arrive at a festival is come up with a checkpoint with your friends. This is a meeting place so that if you’re separated for whatever reason, you will know a specific time and place to meet up. This can ensure everyone is safe and sound. Although cellphones often take the place of having such security measures, sometimes cellphone service can be spotty, mobile phones die and so on. Thus, you need a physical place to find your friends. If you want to be even more secure, you can come up with a phrase to text or call with if someone is in need of help. This should help keep everyone secure. However, you should not stray from your group alone. At least keep one person with you at all times.

Festival season is time to kick back and enjoy your life. There is a little something for everyone, so if you plan correctly you should be able to have some fun without worrying about unexpected bills arising. These tips will give you a good foundation when it comes to enjoying your summer festival season during the hottest months of the year.

Quick Ideas to Make Back to School Lunches Cheap and Stress Free

Back to School is right around the corner, which might leave a lot of households scrambling to prepare for a whole new year of school. Everything from school supply and clothing shopping to signing up for activities is probably going through your mind. One of the main concerns for many parents is how to cheaply feed their children lunch during the school year. This can be one of the most expensive aspects of school for some families. Luckily, there are many solutions to provide your children with delicious lunches that can be fun and healthy too. These ten tricks should get you and your family on the right path to feeding your children during this school year.

1. Free Lunch Program
A lot of parents don’t know that their family might actually qualify for free lunches through a government program. Paperwork for this program is often sent out before school begins or presented during school registration. However, if you do not receive this paperwork, make sure you ask your child’s administration office during the first week of school. Even if you did not qualify during the previous school year, you might consider applying again just in case. If your household income has changed or if the household size has changed then you might qualify for this year. This program can come in handy too because it can allow your child to receive free or reduced priced lunches and breakfasts. This will help cut back on your spending and the amount of time you spend on preparing school lunches.

2. Leftovers
One of your best assets when it comes to school lunches is leftovers. You can pack these items in containers for a warm lunch at school, which most children will love in comparison to what the school serves. However, if you have more than one child then you might consider cooking a bit more at dinner, so you have enough to give each child for lunch. You don’t have to pass leftovers over as the meal either. For instance, you can liven up meatloaf by making it a sandwich. You can transform fajita night into a delicious burrito that will entice any appetite. Leftover spaghetti can be transformed into a spaghetti taco using a parmesan shell that will make your child smile. There are many ways to work with leftovers, but if you’re not sure what to do with your meal then you can always browse around online. You will be surprised by how many out of the box ideas are posted for some of the most basic menu items.

3. Shop Bulk
When it comes to purchasing items for school lunches, your best bet is to go with bulk buys whenever you can. Keeping up with one child’s lunches can get pricey and you’ll probably run out of supplies quickly. So, if you have multiple children you’ll need to purchase even more. Bulk items actually help save you some money in most cases, which can come in handy when you have so many items to buy. One of the best things to purchase in bulk is bread. If you see a sale on this item, then you should grab as many as you can because bread freezes well. This will ensure you have a staple on hand for your lunches. Chips are another item that can be commonly bought in bulk. From family size bags to coupons that allow you to get more for your money, this food item is easy to add to the meal to keep your child full for less. Snack items and more can help you too, so keep your eye out for these items whenever you’re surfing deals.

4. Invest in Reusables
One of the worth things about packing lunches is having to use plastics to store each of the items you have. You will constantly need to replenish sandwich bags, straws, utensils and more. Worst of all, these items fill our oceans because many of the products can’t be recycled and many more hit the garbage can instead of the recycling bin. Instead of spending a fortune on items that are going to be thrown away, you might consider working with reusables instead. You can find reusable straws made out of plastic, metal and more for a fair price. However, if you’re worried your child will lose them there is also paper and pasta options that can be thrown away. Storage containers can be found just about anywhere too and can be cleaned and used again. You can even find reusable sandwich bags and cling wrap. Of course, you should pack your items in a lunchbox or reusable bag to keep things even more frugal and ecofriendly. After using these products you’ll feel a lot better about your budget and your role in preserving the planet.

5. Forget Prepackaged Foods
Prepackaged foods can do a lot of damage when it comes to your budget. One of the biggest culprits is tiny bags of chips. Although they might make your child feel happy, these chips are a waste of material and money as you will never get the same price for these items as you would a bulk bag of chips. Premade sandwiches and even lunchables can do your budget in too. These items can easily be made at home from scratch for a price that won’t cut into your food budget. These foods are often filled with preservatives too, so you’ll be doing your child a favor to skip them altogether and just use what you already have in the home.

6. Get Creative
The same foods can get pretty boring after eating them throughout the school year. So, you might consider adding a few special touches to some of your child’s go to meals. For instance, you can transform any sandwich into fun puzzle pieces using a knife. If you have cookie cutters at home, then you can also use these to make fun shapes that kids will love. Feeling ambitious? You can even transform your child’s foods into images from their favorite shows and movies. Fruits and vegetables can also be cut into fun shapes to make them seem more appetizing. Of course, there’s lots of other great tips online that you can utilize to make your children want to eat more.

7. Scratch Made Foods
When it comes down to it, some of the best items you can add to your child’s lunch are items that are made from scratch. Bread is actually very simple to make and can give your child a wider variety of options when it comes to flavor. On top of that, this bread doesn’t have preservatives that can cause harm to your child’s health. If you’re looking for healthier options for your kids, then you might consider making your own chips from vegetables. Of course, homemade desserts are always appetizing too and will ensure your child finds a little bit of sweetness in their day. Overall, you can find recipes for all sorts of homemade items that will make your child happy, so if you feel like trying something new then you might use school day lunches as a little motivation to go for it.

8. Go Meatless
Meat can be one of the priciest items to add to your child’s lunch, so you might skip the meat one or two days out of this week. This will help cut prices and might even become a healthier option for your child. Like Meatless Monday, going meat free for lunch can also help improve on the environment too. There are lots of great options that don’t require meat though. For starters, you can send your child to school with a cheese sandwich or even an option that is filled with delicious vegetables. Pita pizzas are often a favorite too and can be packed with nutrients. There are many cheap options though, so have fun with your meatless meals. You can even ask kids for ideas to make them feel like a part of the lunch process.

9. Add Fruit
If you’re really looking to keep things cheap and healthy then skip out on the dessert. Instead, toss in an apple, a banana or any other fruit that you already have in the house. Fruit is one of the cheaper dessert items you can give your child. On top of its low price, it will help give your child more energy throughout the day, which might even improve their grades at school. Sending fruit to school will also help your child develop an idea of what eating healthy is like, which will help them by leaps and bounds when they’re older. Best of all, most fruit doesn’t need packaging and makes a great palate cleanser for most meals. It can even help clean your child’s teeth after eating.

10. Meal Prep
Meal prepping is a huge trend that seems to be here to stay. This technique really comes in handy though, especially with things like school lunches and after school snacks. This also helps prevent your child from having to eat a sandwich every day of the week. Before you start, look over the ingredients you plan to buy during your next grocery trip. You can easily make bulk meals out of many items typically found in the home. For instance, egg bites can be filled with cheese and veggies for a perfect lunch that will help the mind work wonders. You can easily prep all sorts of meals based on your child’s tastes too. So, look around online and plan because meal prepping will make your life so much easier when the school rush begins.

School lunches don’t have to be stressful or expensive if you tackle the problem early. These ten ideas should help you ensure your child has plenty to eat during the school year while also ensuring you don’t spend a bundle on the food. This will allow you to worry about other portions of the school season, which are far more important.

Frugal and Fun Advice for Romance Awareness Month

August is Romance Awareness month, which makes it the perfect time to spice up your love life. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a long-term relationship or you’re looking for someone to date, this month is a great time to work on the romance level in your life. Best of all, summer is coming to an end, so you can avoid the short term summer relationship that might make you hesitant to start something new. Although dating can be rather expensive, there are quite a few amazing ways to date without spending much of anything. These ten tips offer a wide range of ideas to help you find the love of your life, have fun with someone you care about or simply rekindle old feelings in a long-term relationship. Now, you can forget about the financial burden of dating and work on relaxing and having fun.

1. Free Trials
If you’re looking for love, you may find it increasingly difficult. This is especially true if you end up working long hours or inconvenient hours. Instead of spending large amounts of time trying to find a date, you might consider looking into dating sites. Most of these sites offer special programs to match you with someone in your area that shares the same interests, values and sometimes even personality. These can really help you find someone faster than traditional methods, but a lot of the time the websites charge for their services. You might try to find one that offers an extended free trial. This should give you time to try out the website or app and see if you like it or if you can find a match quickly. If you don’t end up meeting someone then move on to the next website or app. Once you get through the trials, which will take some time, you can choose the website you preferred if you choose to pay for services.

2. Speed Dating
Another great option for finding someone is enjoying a speed dating event. Speed dating allows you to get to know a wide variety of people and is largely based on first impressions. Thus, you might want to work on your ability to ask the right questions to help find the right person for you. Although speed dating only allows you to meet someone very briefly, it does expose you to a lot of different people which could help you build a foundation for many friends and potential love interests. Of course, since first impressions are important you should make sure to look your best and be prepared to answer and ask off the wall questions that will help break the ice and allow you to get to know the person you’re speaking with.

3. Ask for Blind Dates
If you’re having trouble finding a date and you aren’t sure you want to turn to technology, then asking your friends and family for help might be one of the best ideas. Blind dates are a great way to get to know people who have common relationships with you, which can help improve the relationship. Asking for a blind date also allows the people close to you to recommend someone that they feel you would get along with. This can often lead to a better relationship faster, particularly if the person making the recommendation knows you well. Of course, asking for a blind date will also help you see yourself through your friends’ eyes, which can be an enlightening experience too.

4. Volunteer Date
If you’re looking to have some fun on a date without spending a penny then you might consider signing you and your date up for a volunteer experience. You can work in a soup kitchen, pick up trash in a park or build a home for Habitat for Humanity. This experience will give you the chance to learn more about your date’s work ethic while also helping the two of you do right by mankind. Volunteering also gives you plenty of time to talk and get to know one another on a deeper level. Of course, volunteer dates aren’t just great for new couples, but it can also help spice up the lives of those in long-term relationships. Try to choose a volunteer task that is new to each partner, which will help add excitement to the date while helping the two of you get out of your comfort zone.

5. Group Date
Another way to break the ice with a new relationship or spice up an old one is to go out on a group date. This type of date adds a fun element to the date, which can help you and your date feel more at ease. Groupe dates can also save you some money too. There are many groupons and other social coupons that can cut the cost of the experience substantially. You can also choose activities that offer discounts to groups too. For instance, if you choose to do minigolf or bowling you only play for the game opposed to the number of people participating. Of course, you will have to choose activities that suit more people in the group, which can make planning more complicated. However, if you work around groupons then you might be in for a surprise.

6. Picnic
A picnic is one of the most obvious ways to enjoy a date with someone special. Picnics create intimate settings that will inspire the two of you to talk and enjoy Mother Nature. This makes picnics great for couples that are just starting and those that have stood the tests of time. Of course, a picnic is one of the best ways to save money on dating too. You can create sandwiches and salads that are very cheap and easy to eat on a picnic. Another great option is to pack fruits to enjoy. You should also make sure you have a decent place to sit and relax, as well as something to sit on. If you follow the basic elements of a picnic and keep the conversation comfortable, you should be in store for a great date.

7. Cook Together
Restaurants can be expensive, especially if you are taking your date out often. One way to mix things up a bit and still enjoy one another’s company is to set a date where you can cook together. Before your date, look up a recipe that you would like to try out. You can choose romantic foods or even your date’s favorite meal to add even more charm to the evening. Then, try to make the cooking experience as fun as possible. You can learn from each other while seeing how well you work as a team. This in itself can be a very important exercise for potential couples. You might even have more fun cooking together then you would just sitting in a restaurant. Cooking together allows you to talk while working, which might also help reduce some of the stress of the date. You never know, you might replace restaurants with the cooking method more often.

8. Community Activities
If you live in a city or larger town then chances are there are plenty of community activities you can check out for your date. A lot of these activities are free, but those that do cost money usually won’t cost you a fortune. These events are a good way to bond while saving a whole lot of money. Plus, community activities offer a wide range of activities, so you will get to explore new interests together. From minor concerts to festivals, you should be able to find some fun things to do to ensure you have fun together without worrying about your budget.

9. Stargaze
When it comes to turning up the romance a notch, one of the best ideas is to go stargazing. This activity provides the perfect opportunity to fit in some deep conversations, so you can figure out if you’re compatible with the person you’re dating. It can also bring some much-needed alone time for couples that have been together for quite some time. If you want to really impress your date then make sure you look up some information on stargazing, so you help your date find constellations, planets and more. There are even apps to help with this, so you’ll be more than prepared to make your stargazing experience great.

10. Outdoor Activities
Another great way to get to know someone while you’re still breaking the ice is to plan activities that keep you both moving. You might plan a tennis match with friends or a one on one tournament match between the two of you. Another great option is going on a hike or cycling together. You can even keep it as simple as a game of catch. Of course, spending time on the waterfront will keep you both busy while adding a romantic vibe to the date too. If you’ve been with your partner awhile, a little physical activity can help make your date more fun. This is especially true if you both love athletic activities. All in all, outdoor activities give you a wide range of ideas to choose from too, most of which won’t cost you a cent. It will also help the two of you to support a healthy lifestyle together.

Dating during Romance Awareness Month can be a lot of fun. Perhaps, you will find the confidence to ask someone special out during this magical month. If you’re already in a relationship, then August might be the perfect month to propose or show your spouse a little extra love. With these tips, you won’t run out of cheap and fun date ideas to enjoy.

Quick Tips to Find the Perfect Mobile Phone on a Budget

In most regions of the world, mobile phones seem to be the power that keeps the world turning. So, it can be incredibly difficult when you’re in need of a new phone, but your budget stands in the way of getting what you want or need. Luckily, there’s a few things you can do to actually cut back on the amount of money you spend on mobile phone. These tricks should help you to afford a better phone without forcing yourself to spend a whole lot of money. This should allow you to get back in the game, so you don’t fall too behind with work or your social life. So, get ready to shop because now you’ll be able to finally get the mobile phone you want without the extra stress.

1. Consider Off-Brand
When it comes to mobile phones, there are a few brands that everyone wants to have. However, these brands can really cost a fortune and don’t particularly last longer than other phones on the market. So, when you’re shopping for a new phone you might consider looking around for other brands that might operate just as efficiently as Apple and Samsung phones. One of your best options is to get on a phone website and look at reviews. To make sure you are getting honest reviews, check out the reviews on multiple sites. You should have good luck looking on sites like Amazon, Walmart and even your phone carrier, but it would also be wise to look at the reviews from tech websites or blogs too. Off-brand phones are now just as amazing as their big name competitors, so you may even find a phone that is better than your previous model if you’re willing to do the research.

2. Shop Refurbished
Of course, if you have your heart set on a popular phone model or you simply want to save more money then there is one great option to consider. That is, purchasing a refurbished model. These phones have been previously used and turned into a company, but the company works to ensure that the phones are as close to new as possible. When you purchase a refurbished phone, you can actually read the potential problems it might have and what precisely was fixed on the phone. Shopping for these phones can be easy and safer than purchasing just a used phone. However, you should be careful as to where you buy the phone from. Usually, larger scale stores like Amazon and Walmart will offer protections when purchasing refurbished models from them, but there are many websites that specialize in refurbished phones that could rip you off. So, make sure you do your research before shopping on such websites.

3. Hold Off On New Models
When new phones are about to hit the market, there is so much hype around that it is hard not to throw caution to the wind and purchase the new phone right away. However, this can cost you a lot more money than you want or need to spend on a phone. One of the keys to getting new models is to be patient. This will allow you to save up money. By the time you have saved the money for the phone, then chances are it will be much cheaper than it was on the date it was released. On top of that, sometimes new phones have many bugs that need to be worked out. By waiting on your phone, you will be able to see what the bugs are to assess if you want the phone. It also gives the company enough time to fix the bugs, so you don’t have to worry about your personal information being vulnerable.

4. Wait for Sales
If you can hold out to buy a new phone, then you should always wait until a good sale comes around. Some of the best times to purchase a phone are during Amazon’s Prime Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. However, there are sales that pop up here and there throughout the year. These tend to happen around holidays, so keep your eye out on good deals whenever you’re searching for a new phone. By waiting, you will ensure you get the phone you want for less. It can also allow you to purchase a higher quality phone for the budget you may have set aside for a mediocre one.

5. Trade in Old Model
One of the best things about mobile phones is they can always be turned in for money when we’re finished with them. There’s lots of websites that will take your phone and refurbish it, which will allow you to earn some money from your old phone. If you don’t want to go this route, then you can always factory reset your device and sell it for yourself. You might make a bit more money going this route, but it will depend on the quality of your phone. Even if you have a phone that is damaged, you can still get some money back for the item by recycling it. Overall, if you go the extra mile you should have a little extra money to put into your new purchase, which will save you some money too.

6. Invest in Protection
Although an extra cost isn’t something you want to see on an already expensive bill, you should always opt to add protection to your phone. Even if you are an incredibly careful person, a little insurance on your phone can help prevent you from spending a fortune any time soon. Of course, there is more protection than just insurance though. Another important investment is a phone case. This should cover everything but the screen of your phone. There are many great brands that can even stand up to protection for those who might work on construction sites or other hands on jobs. A screen protection is another great option. This will help keep the screen from getting scratched and smudged but can also add a little more protection when it comes to dropping your phone and so on. These investments will ensure your phone will last much longer so you’ll get more for your money.

7. Research Phones
One of the most important things you can do when purchasing a phone is put in the research needed to make a smart purchase. No matter the brand or model you should choose, you should look at reviews of the phone before you buy it. This will allow you to see if there are things about the phone that just don’t suit your needs. It will also give you a better idea of what the phone features, so you can see if the phone is up your alley. Apart from reviews, you should also look at the technological details, so you can make sure the phone has the processing power, battery life and memory that you need. Another thing to consider is your personal needs. If you’re looking for a phone for the office then you might check out battery life, memory, as well as the type of apps it can use. Gamers or those looking for entertainment phones might look at screen quality and size as well as memory and processing. Of course, there’s many other things to consider so look around before settling on a phone.

8. Shop Unlocked Phones
Your cellphone service provider might have you believe that you have to purchase a phone from them. They often offer plans that allow you to get some of the highest quality of phones on a payment plan which tends to cost you a bit more than actually buying the phone outright. However, you never have to purchase a phone from your provider. Instead, try looking around for an unlocked phone so you can bring your own phone to your cellphone company. Buying a phone outright saves you interest fees as well as the price hike that many companies add to the phone. Best of all, you can purchase just about any phone you would like unlocked, so you have more variety and can shop around for the best deal with ease. This will allow you the freedom of changing plans at will without having to get a new phone each time.

9. Shop Upgradable Phones
If you’re in the market to buy a phone quick, but don’t have a lot of money to put into it then you might consider shopping for phones that are upgradeable. These phones allow you to add in memory, improve the battery and so much more. This will allow you to slowly improve on the phone so that it won’t be as big of a burden on your budget. With this ability you may even be able to get your phone to last a lot longer than your typical phone would. You will have to do some research as to which phones will allow you to do this though. If you’re in doubt, then talk to an expert to see if someone can steer you in the right direction.

10. Shop Around Plans
Of course, purchasing the phone isn’t the only cost that you should consider. Your mobile phone plan can also leave you hurting if you purchase the wrong phone. Before you decide on a phone, you should make sure that you can use the phone on your current phone plan. If not, then you might have to pay an early termination fee or other fees to switch plans. If your phone has a problem with using data, then you might also want to consider another phone or another plan. One of the best options to choose is a plan that offers you unlimited data so that you can use any phone on your Wishlist. If you want a specific phone then talk to your provider, or other providers in your area, to see which plan would help you save the most money on your new device.

Your mobile phone doesn’t have to leave you longing for money. Rather, you can easily save yourself a bundle if you’re careful while shopping for your new device. This will allow you to enjoy your phone even more and might even help you to stick with the same phone for much longer. This should help make your mobile phone shopping experience even more enjoyable.

Frugal Ways to Boost Your Brain Power with Little Effort

We are constantly told to work out our bodies in order to maintain our health. However, it isn’t as stressed that we should also spend time working out our minds. Doing mental workouts can be pricey if you don’t know how to get past all of the gimmicks out there. Luckily, there’s many ways you can actually improve your brain capacity, even as you age, that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. So, get ready to turn your life around as these ten tips will have you improving your mind faster and cheaper than you ever thought possible.

1. Stick to a Routine
A routine is actually a great way to help the body and the mind. Having a stabile routine will ensure your mind harbors less stress, which will help with cognitive functions. A healthy routine requires a bedtime that allows you to get plenty of sleep. The common goal is eight hours, but you know what your body needs to strive for in order to maintain a healthy body. You also need scheduled meals that are healthy. These meals will also help reduce stress in the brain and will ensure proper nutrients reach it throughout the day. Exercise is another part of the routine that shouldn’t be skipped over. Of course, you should also schedule in time for socializing and entertainment. With a regular routine, your mind will feel confident about its purpose and help build stronger connections that will benefit your life.

2. Work Out
If people have been harping on about exercising, there is a good reason for it. Exercise is one of the keys to life and without it your body and mind will quickly become ill. Part of maintaining health is keeping your whole body healthy. With all of your systems functioning well, your brain has more energy to concentrate on improvement. On top of that, you will have a lot more energy to burn, so you won’t feel fatigued when getting through daily tasks. You should always try to mix up your workouts though. You need to have a combination of cardio and strength training. However, workouts like yoga and tai chi actually help to work the body and the mind at the same time.

3. Listen to Music
If you’re feeling a little slugging or you just need a little extra stimulation to get you through your day then music is one of the best options. For years, it was thought that classical music was the best way to improve on your brain waves. However, scientists have recently said that any music at all can make a huge difference in the way your brain functions. So, if you’re really wanting to get your mind working better and faster then put on music whenever you can. This can be one of the easiest ways to improve your cognitive functioning and can bring you plenty of joy too.

4. Mix it Up
Although a routine is absolutely necessary for brain health, so is stepping out of the box and breaking your routine every now and then. This doesn’t mean you should break your routine constantly as this will actually mess up your routine. However, you can find simple ways to mix things up every once in a while. For instance, instead of keeping up with your weekly menu, you might try to add something new to the menu once a week. There’s lots of great recipes available to choose from too. You could also just try a new restaurant instead of eating at one of your favorites. Another option is to play with your wardrobe a bit. Perhaps, you might consider wearing a color you normally wouldn’t. This can be tricky with work, but the workplace is one of the places that you will need this variety the most. You might consider taking a different route to work sometimes. This will also change your day enough to keep your brain flourishing. There are so many ways to choose from so enjoy spicing things up whenever you begin to feel bored.

5. Proper Diet
Like exercise, food is a crucial aspect of the body’s health. Pigging out on junk food on a daily basis isn’t going to do your body any favors. Instead, you should consider foods that are designed to help the brain. Fruits, vegetables and lean meats are an excellent option, but some foods will benefit you more than ever. One thing you should consider eating is foods rich in omega-3s. Leafy greens are another fantastic option that will have your whole body feeling fantastic. There are some amazing fruits to choose from too, like apples, which will help the brain function better. Healthy fats are another great option, so you might want to spring for the guacamole when you go out. If you have trouble with these foods, then make sure to purchase a multivitamin to keep your body going. Of course, drinking plenty of water is also crucial to your health.

6. Get Creative
Creativity is another amazing way to help make your brain flourish. Luckily, there’s a ton of great ways to be creative so there is something for everyone to enjoy. One of the most common ways to get the mind going is to doodle. You probably did this a lot in school, but little did you know you were actually helping your brain out. If you love creating visual art then you might want to take time draw, paint, make a sculpture and so much more. Even more traditional options like knitting or needlepoint can help you create some brain waves that will improve your brain’s health. If you love to write stories or simply journal, then consider sitting down with a pen and paper instead of using your laptop. Writing by hand is said to help the brain immensely. Of course, creating music is another great option. You can do this with an instrument, your voice or even a piece of technology.

7. Solid Relationships
Another great way to improve on the brain is to have stable relationships. You need a variety of these to keep you feeling mentally strong too. One of the best things about these relationships is the trust you feel, which helps to boost confidence and makes the brain feel less stressed. Deep conversations are another perk to solid relationships which not only keeps the mind active but will help broaden your horizons and improve on the wisdom you develop in life. Learning from others is key to success in life and with these relationships you can easily find knowledge you may have never otherwise gained. Laughter is another key to a healthy mind, which you are more likely to find with a solid relationship. Laughter can keep depression away while allowing you to feel happier. With your partner, a healthy sex life can also help to improve your mind and body. All of this combined will make your brain feel youthful and open to the world around you. Of course, it is perfectly acceptable to keep to a small list of solid relationships depending on your personality’s needs, so you don’t have to feel desperate to go out of your comfort zone and become popular overnight.

8. Endless Education
You never really finish learning, even if you have finished your schooling. You should always work to improve your education even if you feel like you’ve learned all that you can in your field of work. There are always new and exciting things to pick up as technology and education advances. Of course, you don’t have to work with the field in which you’ve chosen as a profession. Rather, you can easily spice up your life by learning something you simply find interesting or something you’d like to gain a better understanding over. Some popular choices that fit into most individuals’ lives are child development, culinary skills, politics and government as well as foreign language. In fact, learning a foreign language can actually open up your mind to a whole new way of thinking, which will certainly help improve your mind. You don’t have to stick to classical education either. You can also learn to do a new craft or artform. Technical skills are always a must, especially if you want to save money on things like car repair or plumbing. Luckily, we live in the age of knowledge so you can find free courses on just about anything online and sometimes at colleges or universities.

9. Read
If you’re looking for a cheap and easy way to work out your brain, then look no further than your public library. Reading is one of the best ways to improve brain functions and can actually help you to live longer. Best of all, you don’t have to read educational material just to improve your brain. In fact, you can crack any book you like and still reap the benefits. Even fiction genres like fantasy and science fiction can help you improve your mind. Best of all, the content in books will help you to see life from a whole new perspective, which will allow you to become a well-rounded and maybe even a more accepting individual.

10. Download an App
By now, you’ve probably seen commercials and advertisements about apps like Luminosity. These apps are actually designed to help with your cognitive growth which can improve your life in many different facets. These apps are a great way to spend less time working on growth while still receiving some benefits. There are many apps to choose from too, so you can play around to find what is right for you. Some of the apps are absolutely free, which is great for anyone on a tight budget. However, even the apps that do charge for the download or have a monthly feel won’t leave you pinching pennies to afford them. These apps are a great way to get the most out of your phone and the spare minutes you have throughout the day. You will be surprised how much they help to build you up.

Your brain is one of the most important elements of your body, so don’t forget to give it a workout too. These ten ideas are simple enough for just about anyone to try out, so you will have a variety of ways to keep your mind going strong. With any luck, you’ll be able to fit more than one form of exercise into your busy schedule.

Frugal and Fun Ideas for the Best Staycation Yet

It’s officially vacation season, which can be one of the most relaxing and exciting periods of the year. However, if you’re on a tight budget or you simply can’t get time off to travel far then a staycation might be the answer to your vacation time. Most workers choose not to take a vacation each year due to lack of funds or time off, which can actually do psychological harm and cause burn out in the work place. A staycation is a great alternative that will help you relax and enjoy some time to recharge without forcing you to spend a bundle on a vacation. These ten ideas will help you transform a staycation into a relaxing experience that you might enjoy more than a classic vacation.

1. Sleep in
Work, family and other responsibilities can get in the way of our sleep routine. This can cause you to feel run down and burned out faster than you normally would. So, during your staycation you should concentrate on getting the sleep you need for your body to heal and recharge. This is actually hard to do on typical vacations because you are mostly trying to fit in as much fun as possible. With a staycation, you can enjoy sleeping from the point in which your body is ready to hit the sack every night to when your body naturally wakes up each morning. You can even work out a routine that allows you to relax and find the natural sleep schedule you need to be healthy all year long.

2. Catch Up On Shows
When we’re busy at work, our own entertainment often gets put on the back burner. TV shows we once love come and go without being watched and movies hit the theaters and leave before we can make time to watch them. Since you’re enjoying a staycation, you might want to take some time to catch up on everything you missed while you were too busy to enjoy yourself. You can find most TV shows streaming online or even On Demand with your cable subscription. You can also catch up on movies by renting them online or at rental kiosks in your area. You may even be able to catch a few of the movies you wanted to see in the theater. Doing this can help you relax your body and mind while bringing you joy, which is a perfect thing to get during your vacation.

3. Eat Out
Cooking day in and day out can be a real chore, especially if your menu tends to be the same foods over and over again. While you’re enjoying a staycation, you might make it a point to take a break from this chore. This will help cut back on the cleaning you will need to do during the staycation as well. Although eating out does cost money, it will allow you to feel more relaxed during your time off. Restaurants also offer more variety, so you can change things up a bit which will allow you to move out of your routine. On top of that, trying out a variety of restaurants is an excellent way to explore your own region. It can even help boost your local economy, which does everyone a world of good. You will find, after eating out that you feel a bit better about not traveling. Of course, you may want to choose healthier options during this time as you don’t want to return to work feeling dreadful due to lack of nutrition.

4. Meditate
It might not sound like a world of fun, but meditating can be one of the best ways for you to calm your mind during a vacation. We tend to end up with a lot of pent up energy while working, which we often don’t even notice until we are too stressed out to function. Meditating during your vacation will help you to get back on track with ease. If you are seasoned in meditation, then this might be part of your regular routine. However, if you’ve never meditated before or you have given it up, then now is the perfect time to develop your habit. It might seem a bit boring at first, but as time passes you will notice how clearer your mind is as well as how relaxed you feel, even in stressful situations. This can truly help with your work life, which will promote happiness.

5. Backyard Camping
Camping doesn’t have to take place in the wilderness. If you’re looking to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature without going too far then look no further than your backyard. This can actually make an amazing campsite, especially if you have little ones to look after. The backyard offers a more secure setting for children and will allow you to rest easy knowing that wild animals and other dangers won’t pose as much of a threat to you. You can still have just as much fun camping in the backyard. For instance, you can pack snacks and classic camp foods to enjoy. You can also tell ghost stories, sing songs and go on a scavenger hunt. There are so many amazing ways to amplify the experience that you will have fun simply planning out the trip.

6. Local Entertainment
It doesn’t matter if you’re living in a city or a town as there is bound to be some form of local entertainment to keep you busy during your staycation. However, if you’re having trouble with this then you might want to travel to a nearby city in order to take in the sights. One of the more common things to do is check out a museum. These can bed educational, enlightening and might even leave you feeling relaxed. Another option is a water park, which will give you the feel of a theme park for a lot less money. Zoos and aquariums are another popular option that shouldn’t cost you a lot of money. Of course, you should do a little research for your area as sometimes activities aren’t advertised. You never know, you might discover something exciting that you never knew existed.

7. Embrace Your Region
The region you live in also has a lot to offer when it comes to adventure and fun. Instead of doing something you’ve already done, you might try to check out the local lake, river, beach or whatever else you might find in your region. You can also go on a hike, climb a mountain, take in a walk or go for a run. There are more things to enjoy than that though. No matter where you live, you’re bound to find some cool rocks that you can always do a little research on and collect. You might also check to see if there’s any Geocaching in your area as this tends to be a fun activity for many people. Another option is to take the time to check out a museum based on your region, or simply do some research. It might give you a better connection to your community to know more about the place you reside.

8. Practice Self-Care
Self-care can easily be put on the backburner during the day to day routine too. One of the best things you can do for yourself during your staycation is make sure you’re taken care of. One of the more relaxing things to do is visit a spa or have a spa day at home. This can be fairly inexpensive depending on what you choose to have done. You can also keep it simple by taking a long bath or having a friend over to do nails. Of course, you should also look out for your health during this time. Try to get in some workouts and make a workout schedule that will help you keep up with it even when you’re back to work. You might also consider looking over diet plans. Treating yourself to something special can also be a part of self-care, but don’t go too overboard. There’s lots of other things you can do to improve on your health and personal joy.

9. Enjoy a Concert
Music can be one of the best ways to improve on your mood and even your healthy. Luckily, summer is the perfect time to take in a concert as there are many tours and festivals to choose from. So, you might start perusing your community websites to see if anyone you enjoy listening to is going to be performing near you. Another option is to check out something local. Often, you will find a small concert at a local pub, café or even in a park. These concerts tend to cost very little if anything at all, so you might consider checking them out just to have some fun. You might broaden your musical horizons by doing so. Getting out and enjoying local music also might improve your connection with your community and help you to learn more about yourself.

10. Get Outside
The summer heat tends to keep people indoors, especially after they’ve put in a hard day’s work. So, during your staycation you might take the time to hang outdoors as much as you can. Try going to a park to see what you can explore in your own area. You might consider taking morning or evening walks in order to improve on your day. If there is water or a beach nearby then have some fun swimming and playing in this area. You can even gather up friends for a sports day that should keep most people busy. Another great option is to have a barbecue and enjoy the company of your loved ones outside in the fresh air. Just spending time outdoors will help boost your health and your happiness, so you’ll go back to work feeling amazing.

Staycations don’t have to be bland nor boring, especially if it is the only vacation you plan on taking. These ten ideas should help keep you feeling relaxed and entertained while you enjoy a well-deserved break. With these frugal tips on your side, you should be able to put back more money for a vacation at a later date too.

Stylish and Cheap Summer Fashion Ideas

The weather is peaking in temperature, which means you’re probably looking for some fun ways to spice up your style while finding items that will keep you cool. If you’re on a tight budget, then this can be particularly hard. Luckily, when it comes to fashion, you can improve you wardrobe with a little creativity. These ten summer fashion tips should have you looking incredible without forcing you to spend a small fortune on a new wardrobe. Best of all, they will offer you a few fun things to do during the long days of summer. So, enjoy the cool styles the heat brings, because these frugal tips are certain to bring compliments your way.

1. Tie-dye
Tie Dye has moved in and out of the fashion world for decades now. Luckily, this summer it is in again, which means you’re in store for some good ole fashioned fun. You can tie dye with a wide assortment of things including food coloring and even some powdered drink mixes. So, you won’t have to spend a whole lot of money on this task. All you will need to do is find something to tie dye. A white shirt or other white clothing are great options, but you can tie dye with most light-colored items. If you want to work a bit harder then bleach a dark colored item, in certain areas, so you can add color to it too. You can also tie dye items like shorts and denim products. Another trend that is possible to accomplish with tie dye is space prints. Thee tend to require navy blue or black fabrics, but with a bleach pen and some spare time, you can make the most of this experience. Best of all, tie dye will give you an entirely unique look you’ll love to show off.

2. Cut-offs
One of the timeless traditions for summer styles is obviously the comfortable and cheap cut-off. You can do this in so many different ways though, so you can put a taste of your own personality into the mix. The most common form of cut-offs is taking an old pair of jeans and cutting them along the thigh to create a pair of distressed and cool shorts. Of course, you can do so much more with these shorts. You can cut the hem to offer a more expensive style or you can add detailing to the bottom of the shorts to ensure you have a unique look. You can make cut-offs out of more than just jeans though. Any pair of pants can be transformed into a cool new look with just a couple of steps. On top of that, you can also enjoy cutting off your shorts to create cropped styles or a simple tank top. Have fun with your old clothes and they’re certain to make you look and feel cool.

3. Light Colors
When it comes to a heat wave, one of the best ways to cool down is to wear light colors whenever and wherever you can. These colors attract less heat, so you should feel much cooler when you’re out and about. White is a very popular summer color, so as long as you wear it before Labor Day arrives, you’ll show the world your keen sense of fashion. If you have plenty of light colors in your wardrobe, then you shouldn’t need to go out of your way to go shopping. However, if you’re low on such clothing then check out thrift stores before you choose to spend a fortune on a new wardrobe. Light clothing is very easy to pair with other items too, so you will be able to have more of a variety when it comes to your clothing options.

4. Upsize
One of the worst feelings in the summer is when your clothes begin to stick to your body due to sweat. So, one of the best things you can do during the summer is wear clothes that aren’t form fitting. This will give you more breathing room, which will help sweat dry before your clothing begins to stick to your body. This is a great way to prevent chaffing too, so you will feel even more comfortable in the summer time. Of course, it isn’t always fashionable to wear baggy clothes, so make sure the items you do pick out look good on your body when worn larger. When it comes to children, this is also a great way to help save money while ensuring your kids have the latest fashions. Buying the size up for children will allow kids to wear comfortable clothes during the summer and they can even carry over the look into other seasons while they are still growing.

5. DIY Hair Accessories
No matter the length of your hair, you probably know how horrible it can be to deal with your locks during the hot summer months. Luckily, there’s lots of great accessories that can cut back on the discomfort your hair brings to you while you’re out and about. There’s lots of great ideas that can even be handmade, which will save you a small fortune when it comes to your fashion budget. One of the more common options is hair ties. These can be wrapped around the head to show off a lovely bow or can be used to create a ponytail that will have your friends envious. These ties can be made with ease from an old shirt or pair of leggings. Simply cut a strip of fabric and add any details you please to the look. You can also create cool accessories for buns using chopsticks, the shells of empty pen cases and more. Your imagination will certainly pay off when it comes to keeping your hair off of your body this summer.

6. Shop Sales
If you’re low on trendy clothes or you just want to purchase a few more items, then you’re certainly in luck as many stores will host sales on summer clothing before the season is over. Around the Fourth of July, you will start to see some holiday sales that will help you stock up on some of the items you’ve been wanting to buy. If you miss out on these sales, then have no fret. Before the Back to School sales begin, which usually happens in late July to early August, you will find a wide assortment of summer sales to choose from. This tends to be when summer clothes hit the clearance rack too, so shop away.

7. Incorporate Swimwear
Believe it or not, but your bathing suit can be one of the coolest fashion pieces in your wardrobe. If you have a pair of board shorts then you have a cool and colorful option that pairs well with tees, tanks and sandals. Even your bikini can make a bold statement with a pair of blue jean shorts or a flowing skirt and sun hat. Your once piece can also make a great fashion statement. Since bodysuits are currently in style, you can easily save money that you’d spend on such an item and use your stylish and colorful one piece instead. This will allow you to go from casual fashionista to swim ready in mere seconds too.

8. Signature Pieces
Like with any style, a good signature piece can transform a look. If you don’t have a lot to work with then this might be the best way to show off what you do have. One of the most fashionable things to consider is adding a belt to a baggy dress. This will not only give your body a more defined look but will make you look like you belong on the catwalk. Another great option is to try to add some loose-fitting bangles or other accessories to add to your look. Of course, since it is summer, a nice pair of sunglasses or a cool hat can really make your style stand out too. You can DIY these items at home or purchase cheaper options that you find in thrift stores or on the clearance rack.

9. Glamorize
Summer is the perfect time to have some fun with your style too. For instance, you can add a hint of glamor to almost anything you own. A touch of glitter or anything that sparkles is in style now especially when it comes to teenagers. This effect is easily created with gemstones, fashion glitter and so much more. Of course, you can really give your style a custom appearance by adding patches to your clothing. You can find patches at most stores and online, but you can also make them for yourself. If you don’t want to sew or add things to your clothing, then consider pulling out your favorite permanent marker or fabric paint marker and doodle away. This can look especially cute on an old t shirt or a pair of shorts. Another major trend is adding tassels to the bottom of shorts and sometimes even shirts. If tassels aren’t your thing then consider adding lace to your favorite styles. You don’t have to stop there as you can really spice up a pair of sunglasses to suit your personality. Finally, creating your own personal tote can take your look to a whole new level.

10. Light Weight Styles
Keeping cool is one of the main goals when it comes to summer fashion that is functional. This can be really hard if you’re celebrating a special occasion or your workplace has a dress code. In these instances, your best option is to search for light weight fabric. This can be easier than you think if you know which fabrics to look for. When you shop for lightweight clothing you aren’t as limited by your style either. You can even wear long sleeve items in the summer to suit your needs. Of course, you can also get away with wearing sleeveless looks at the office if you have a light weight outer layer to cover up the fashion choice.

Dressing for summer can be exciting and fun, even if you are on a budget. These tips should help you create a fashion savvy look that won’t cost you much at all. Before you know it, you’ll be turning heads and collection compliments as your friends and family look to you to set the latest trends.

Frugal Fun That Will Get You Through the Dog Days of Summer

Although summer is just now beginning, you might be wondering how you’re going to get through it. Temperatures seem to be high already and with the dog days of summer coming up, more specifically July 22 to August 23, it might seem grueling to think about how hot these days are going to get. Luckily, there’s a few ways to get through the dog days so you can live to tell the tale as autumn approaches. If you’re on a tight budget, then have no worries as there are plenty of things on this list that will allow you to indulge without going overboard. So, get ready to brace yourself without giving up a good time, when you check out these fun ideas for the hottest days of the year.

1. Visit Planetarium
Whether you have kids or you don’t, taking a trip to the planetarium can be one of the most relaxing ways to beat the heat during the dog days of summer. Usually, planetariums aren’t packed full of people, so you will get to enjoy a mostly quiet experience that is certain to make you forget all about the sweltering heat outside. Planetariums usually crank up the air conditioning too, even in the winter, to ensure their equipment is working properly. Generally, these facilities don’t cost a lot of money to get into either and some even offer memberships. Of course, if there isn’t a planetarium in your area then you might consider making one in your own home. Since temperatures probably won’t be cool during the evenings of the dog days, staying in and checking out constellations projected on the ceiling can be a fun way to celebrate summer without actually having to deal with it.

2. Build a Hammock
Nothing says summer and relaxation quite like a hammock. If there is one way to relax during the hot months, then this is certainly the way to do it. Luckily, building a hammock is very inexpensive. You don’t even have to go out of your way to purchase anything to make this dream come true. In fact, all you need are blankets and a few other household supplies to get started. Of course, if you want to make things easy then investing in a hammock can help save you time. These hammocks can even be permanently left outdoors because they are weatherproofed. Hammocks don’t have to spend their lives outdoors though as you can build them indoors to help stay out of the heat. These fun beds are great for napping but might also encourage kids to enjoy a good book. Best of all, the first day of the dogs of summer is actually National Hammock Day, which should add to the fun.

3. Make Frozen Treats
One of the best ways to cool off on a hot day is to consume something cold. So, making your favorite frozen treats is one of the easiest and cheapest things you can do. If you have items to make your own popsicles then you can easily accomplish this with juice or pudding that you already have in the home. Of course, if you don’t have a popsicle mold then consider using your ice tray and toothpicks to make some special treats for the kids. You can also turn the popsicle ice into a fun way to cool down other drinks, which will add some more flavor to life. Making your own ice cream is a fun project that most children will love. You can even make some wacky flavors to suit Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day on July 1. Other treats might include snow cones and slushes which are easy to make with ingredients commonly found at home.

4. Enjoy a Paddle Pool
Going to the pool or water park can be pricey and if you don’t have a pool of your own then you might be looking for any option available. A paddle pool cost next to nothing to use, which makes it a great option for the whole family. Paddle pools are a great option for young children to splash in, which will help to keep them cool. However, adults might also consider using the pool to cool down their feet, which will ultimately work on the whole body. If you have a dog, then setting a paddle pool outside can help keep the animal cool while you are away from the home. Of course, the paddle pool can be recycled for other things later on. For instance, you can use it for a pond in the garden, a sandbox for the kids or even a playpen for infants that haven’t yet mastered crawling or climbing.

5. Movie Deals
It isn’t just the amazing summer blockbusters that make summer the perfect time to go to the movies. There are actually a ton of deals to enjoy at most movie theaters. For instance, many of the chain cinemas will actually offer a free kids movie each week. Children can enjoy a movie that isn’t brand new, but still exciting to see on the big screen. Some theaters also offer deals like $5 Tuesdays, which is a real bargain when it comes to ticket prices these days. Apart from that, you’ll find a wide assortment of food deals and so on to help you enjoy the experience more. Best of all, the cinema is always ice cold, so you can pretend it’s the dead of winter instead of the hottest period of the year.

6. Take On a Diet
Usually people like to try to get on a diet during the summer in order to look their best in their bathing suits. Although this reason is enough to inspire some people, sometimes the heat is the best way to inspire others. With the temperature so high, your appetite might not be at its peak. The food you do eat might be much lighter than the options you would normally choose too. So, if you want to be successful in a diet then this might be the best time to do it. Of course, make sure your diet offers proper nutrition as you will want to get the most out of your food especially if you’re eating less. By doing this, you will be setting your body up to eat smaller portions even as the weather cools, which can help you keep the weight off. You might want to research diets before you start though. One of the more popular options now is the keto diet, but there are also many more that will suit your needs.

7. Cool Your Home
It’s never too late to start taking actions to keep your home cool. Even though the heat has already set in, you might be encouraged to take more precautions to keep the home cool when the dog days of summer arrive. This is usually the worst period of time for electric bills as we spend so much on cooling. However, if you take a few actions to cut down on cooling then you might see a decrease in these bills. One of the first things you should consider is black out blinds. This will keep the sun out of the home. Although it might force you to turn on the lights more often it won’t force you to keep the air running constantly. Another great option is to add awnings to windows. This also removes the sun from the window and creates shade for the home. If you’re on an especially tight budget, then you might consider adding tin foil to the windows to help keep out the heat. There’s lots of great remedies for your home though, so do some research to figure out the best ways to cut the heat.

8. Seasonal Activity Pass
If you don’t like being closed up in the house during the summer, then you might consider grabbing a seasonal pass to one of your favorite activities in your communities. These are usually designed for museums, zoos, aquariums and theme parks, so you have a lot of options to choose from based on what is available in your region. A seasonal pass will allow you to enjoy the activity as much as you want during the summer months. This can help keep you busy and take your mind off of the terrible heat. On top of that, it will allow you to cool down too. Many of these activities are indoors and those that are not usually have rides that involve cool water.

9. Embrace Night Life
If you don’t have to worry about a schedule or children, then you might want to make night life your thing during the hottest days of summer. Usually, the temperature slightly drops as the sun goes down, so use this time to check out a restaurant and eat without feeling uncomfortable. You might check out a cruise on the river if you have one in your area. This should keep you even cooler. On top of that you might consider visiting a club, an art gallery and so much more. Even if you do have restrictions then you might consider finding a sitter once every couple of weeks to get out of the house and enjoy the night life. Not only will it keep you cool while you’re having fun, but it will also allow you to sleep in longer during the day, so you don’t have to deal with the heat as much.

10. Spoil Your Dog
Dogs are often associated with the dog days of summer due to the constellation Sirius, based on a dog, is at its peak during this time. Although the dog days of summer don’t always coincide with this constellation based on our predictions. All the same, people love to take this time to spoil their dog. One of the best ways to do this is purchase a few items to make their life easier. For instance, a set of dog booties can help protect their feet. This can actually save you a small fortune in vet bills too and a lot of pain for your fur baby. Another great option to buy is a cooling shirt for walks and time spent at the dog park. A paddle pool is another great way to keep your dog cool while allowing it to get some exercise too. These items won’t cost you a lot either and will make you feel as happy as your pet.

The dog days of summer don’t have to be a period of misery for you and your loved ones. Instead, you can make it one of the best times to enjoy your life and explore new forms of entertainment. With these tips, your dog days of summer should pass quickly so you can enjoy everything that summer brings.