
Cheap Ways to Make the Most Out of Vacation Time During the Pandemic

Currently, a lot of people are sitting on vacation time that they need to take before it disappears. In the current climate, traveling isn’t exactly a wise option, which makes many people feel like they should just miss out on the vacation time that they’ve built up. It isn’t a great idea to skip out on your vacation, because these are well deserved days off. Plus, even if you can’t travel the world or engage in anything social, you’ll still be able to do the one thing vacations are meant for. That is, relax. So, here are ten ideas to ensure your pandemic vacation isn’t wasted.

1. Sleep
Without a doubt, one of the most important things you can do during a vacation from work is sleep. Try to give your body the rest that you might not get while on the job. Everything from stress to long hours in front of the computer can affect your health, so make sure you finally take some time to rest as much as you possibly can. While you’re on vacation, you might also take the time to learn more about your sleep health. This might include figuring out methods to help you get to sleep faster and sounder even when you’re on the job. You won’t regret doing this as it will definitely change the way you feel.

2. Complete a Project
Work gets in the way of a lot of things. Even when we’re not working, we want to catch up on rest instead of doing something productive. However, if you find yourself with a little vacation time and nothing to do then you might want to complete a project. Perhaps, you have been putting off a home project for quite some time. You might have even planned on working on something personal that you may have had to put on the backburner. Maybe, you even have a family project in line, like building a treehouse. No matter what your project is, your vacation time is the perfect time to work to complete it.

3. Bond with Family
Without a doubt, everyone is really busy with school, work, friends, and personal interests. Instead of spending your vacation on the go, you might want to just stick close to home and bond with family. Try enjoying movies together. Schedule in a game night. Cook and eat dinner together. Use the time to reconnect as a family unit. You might be able to find a way to keep the connection strong even when there is a lot of chaos at work and school. You can also use this time to reconnect with family living away from the home. Simply make some calls, write some emails, and maybe even host a group video chat. Everyone will love the time spent with you, which will make vacation well worth it.

4. Spa Day
We all deserve a little TLC, but with busy schedules, it is hard to actually take the time to treat ourselves right. A lot of people like to book time at the spa when they have a bit of vacation. However, right now that isn’t the wisest thing to do. Instead, you might consider purchasing some products you can use at home. You might grab a facial peel, something for a pedicure and manicure, some bath bombs, and so on. No matter what you choose to grab, it will most likely still work out cheaper than a day at the spa. Of course, the key is to take some time to actually rest and enjoy your spa time.

5. Get Outside
We all probably spend a bit too much time inside. The great outdoors is actually great for the mind and the body. Not only does the fresh air help you feel wonderful, but it also helps to improve your body’s health. Spending time in the sunshine also gives you a boost of vitamin D, which your body needs. Fun in the sun tends to mean you’re going to be getting a bit of exercise too. So, enjoy the great outdoors before you have to go back to spending your days inside.

6. Take Care of Appointments
Vacation time is also the perfect time to take care of any appointments you might have been putting off. No one likes going to the doctor or the dentist, but they’re important for your health. Spending time at the doctor’s office isn’t exactly ideal right now anyways, but it can be imperative to keep you healthy. If you’re worried about exposure to COVID, your doctor can give you some tips on helping to keep yourself healthy. You might also be able to get a COVID anti-body test so you can see if you’ve had the virus already. All in all, getting these appointments out of the way might save you a bit of the hassle of having to go if things do get worse. So, don’t put things off until you absolutely have to go.

7. Drive Somewhere New
If you have a touch of cabin fever going on, then you don’t have to stay home. Instead, you might want to come up with a mini road trip to give you a sense of adventure. Try driving to a campsite, a national park, or just hitting the road and seeing where life takes you. You might not want to go too far because staying in a hotel isn’t ideal right now. However, if you venture far enough to find your bed or a tent at night then you should be good to go. You should also take as many precautions as you can while you’re out. Make sure to wash hands frequently, use sanitizer when you can’t, and utilize a mask when you go to a store or you’re around other people.

8. Prepare to Return
Although you might not want to think about your return to work while you’re on vacation, you’d be surprised how much a little planning can help out the situation. You might take a bit of time to deep clean the house so that you only have to worry about the basics when you get back into the swing of things. You might also consider meal prepping. This is a great way to save money and time when you’re back to work. If you make lots of meals at one time, then you can also freeze them to have on busy days or to take to work with you. Preparing to return to work can also lift some anxiety off of you, which will actually make it so much easier for you to return in a stress-free environment.

9. Make a COVID Plan
At this point, most people are realizing COVID is very real and will probably be around for quite some time. If you haven’t already made a COVID plan with your family then your vacation time is the perfect time to do so. For starters, you might discuss how you will get groceries if someone in the house comes down with it. You might research local options to see what works best for you and what you can afford. Apart from getting necessities, you should also consider what should happen if one person in the house comes down with it. A quarantine area should be defined as well as the precautions needed for everyone else in the household to stay safe. Apart from that, you should also consider what will happen if someone goes to the hospital with it, or if the unthinkable happens. It’s not a fun topic to cover with family, but it is a necessity in this day and age.

10. Do Nothing
If you can do only one thing while you’re on vacation, you should spend some time just doing nothing. We live in a hectic world where there is always something for us to do. However, this really isn’t great for us. Scientists have discovered that spending time doing nothing is one of the best ways for our bodies and our minds to heal. If you’re not sure how to do nothing, then start by staying in bed a little longer. Instead of going for your daily run, layout under the clouds and watch them pass you by. You might consider catching up some TV shows or doing virtually anything that requires very little thought or action on your part.

All in all, your vacation time isn’t going to be a waste of time even if you can’t travel this year. These ten ideas will help you to enjoy your time at home and feel relaxed, so you can head back to the office feeling refreshed. So, don’t skip out on the time you’ve earned, especially in today’s stressful world.

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