
Archive for December 28, 2017

Ten Quick, Healthy and Frugal Tips To Ditch your Holiday Hangover

The holidays are one of the worst times for coping with a hangover. With so many opportunities to enjoy a nice drink, the body begins to protest a little before it is all said and done. New Years is one of the worst periods of time for dealing with hangovers. Luckily, there’s a lot of very cheap remedies that can help you get through this trying aspect of the holiday season. With any luck, you won’t have to fight off a hang over on the first day of the year thanks to these amazing remedies. Best of all, they’ll all suit your frugal budget. In fact, you might not even have to do any shopping to enjoy the amazing remedies listed here. So, enjoy your nights of celebrations, as your mornings won’t look as grim when you give these quick remedies a try.

1. Drink Water
Without a doubt, one of the best ways to ditch a hangover is to actually start drinking water as soon as you wake up from a night of drinking. In fact, if you start drinking water before you hit the sack you’ll be even better off. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it not only forces you to get rid of the liquid that you intake while drinking, but it also pulls water from the rest of your body. This is what causes you to feel terrible, particularly when it comes to the morning after headaches. So, giving your body a bunch of new fluids will knock out the symptoms quickly. Not to mention it will be helping with the overall health of your body.

2. Coconut Water
Coconut water is definitely one of the most expensive items on the list, but if you have some lying around the house then you’re going to be in for a treat after drinking. Coconut water actually helps the body to absorb water faster, which means you’re going to be rehydrating a lot quicker than you would with just water. This doesn’t mean you should drink coconut water all morning. Instead, have a glass first thing in the morning and then work on rehydrating with simple glasses of water. The water with stay in your system longer, which will help the body recover faster. You may even notice that your headache will start to fade after the glass of coconut water.

3. Herbal Teas
Nothing will help you to feel comforted after a night of drinking quite like a cup of tea. Of course, you might want to skip over your traditional black teas though, as an herbal tea is going to help you recover a bit more. For instance, a nice ginger tea will help to settle an upset stomach, which can make recovering a lot easier. Not only will it allow you to rehydrate faster due to the calm stomach, but it will sooth you too. Peppermint is also a great option for an upset stomach and will help you feel the warmth of the season. Of course, if you’re a caffeine drinker then you might want to enjoy a herbal tea mixed with a black tea, so you don’t have to worry about getting a headache due to lack of caffeine.

4. Oatmeal
A lot of people migrate towards a greasy breakfast after a night of drinking, but this can really make the problem a lot worse. Grease helps the alcohol stay in your system longer and will add to your upset stomach. One of your best breakfast options is to a grab a nice healthy bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal moves through the body slowly and provides lots of natural energy that will help you recover from the night. You can even improve on the taste by adding a touch of honey to sweeten it. Honey also is a great way to ditch a hangover and improve on your immune system. If honey isn’t your thing then dress up your bowl with a banana or even a few dates. These help get rid of the hangover faster as well, so by adding them you’ll have an even more powerful breakfast to combat the issue at hand.

5. Smoothie
Speaking of fruit, a smoothie is one of the best ways to get rid of a hangover. Whether you’re blending one up for breakfast or a snack, you can really pack a punch when it comes to ditching the hangover. As mentioned, bananas and dates are great to add into the smoothie because they will help you get rid of the hangover faster. You might also consider fruits that help hydrate the body. For instance, coconut, watermelon, kiwi and so on are great additions. You might consider apples for their fiber and oranges for their vitamin C content. Another great add in is coconut water, if you have it. Adding grains to the mix will help make the hangover go away faster while giving you a lot more energy to move through the day. Don’t forget, leafy greens are also an amazing option when adding to your smoothies, especially if you’re looking for a healthier blend.

6. Soup
Some say soup warms the soul, which may be true when you’re dealing with a hangover. Soup is one of the best ways to get liquid into your system while also adding much needed salt back into your diet. Two of the best options are the traditional chicken noodle soup, but if you’re feeling like stepping outside of the box then miso is a great option too. Of course, you can enjoy just about any soup you like if you’re feeling sick from your hangover. Just make sure you drink the broth, so you can begin the healing process. Of course, if you want to really improve on the way you feel then you might choose an option with lots of healthy items like vegetables to help the body get lots of nutrients. If you don’t feel that you can handle soup, then plain chicken broth will help do the trick.

7. Pickle Juice
Pickle juice isn’t just a craving for pregnant women. Many people crave pickle juice after drinking for a very good reason. This juice is loaded with sodium, which will help you absorb water a whole lot faster than you typically would. Plus, your body does need a certain amount of sodium to function and the pickle juice will help bring this amount back into the body. Vinegar is another way to help the body feel better and can ease your stomach pain rather quickly. Apart from that, cucumbers are packed with essential vitamins to help the body feel back to normal faster.

8. Coffee
Since coffee is also a diuretic, many people tend to avoid it whenever they are experiencing a hangover. However, if you tend to drink a cup of coffee every single morning then you shouldn’t skip out on it just because you’re experiencing a hangover. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should go right to the coffee pot as soon as you wake up either. Try to drink two or three glasses of water before you drink your cup of coffee. This will help get water back into the body, so you can feel better as you enjoy your cup of coffee. Skipping out on the coffee will only lead to a caffeine headache, which will make you feel even worse. You should continue drinking water after the coffee though to ensure you won’t become dehydrated again.

9. Herbal Supplements
If you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, then you might want to consider taking an herbal supplement to help you get rid of your handover. These tend to be pricier items, but if you already have them in your medicine cabinet then you’re good to go. A good start is to consider taking milk thistle or ginseng. Both of these supplements actually help to remove toxins from the body, which will have you on the road to recovery rather quickly. If you are having problems with your stomach, then taking some ginger can do the trick in a hurry. Another great option for a headache is turmeric. This supplement actually helps with inflammation which is a great way to combat a headache as well as body aches. These supplements combined with water should have you on the mend, so you can head to work or have more fun.

10. Sleep
When it comes down to it, sleep is one of the best things to do for your body when you have a hangover. If you can, wake up and rehydrate and maybe get a little food on your stomach. Then, go straight back to bed and sleep off all of the aches and pains. Sleep will naturally heal your body, which will allow you to feel rejuvenated in no time at all. Of course, not everyone has the luxury of sleeping on a work day. If you can, try to combat your aches and pains with water or other natural remedies and then get in a nap whenever you have a lunch break, or you get off of work. This should help your body bounce back, so you can start the New Year right.

Dealing with a hangover is never much fun, especially when it comes to the holidays. Luckily, these simple ideas should help you get your life back on track, so you can feel great in the New Year. With these tips, you’ll never feel like you need to go to the bottle of medicine as soon as you wake, which will lead you to a healthier lifestyle in no time at all.

Store Your Holiday Decor Without Spending a Fortune

Soon enough, the holiday will be over and it will be time to put away all of the holiday decor. This can actually be an expensive endeavor if you want to protect your beloved decor from getting broken or ruined by the elements throughout the year. Luckily, there’s quite a few ways that you can store all of your items securely without actually having to spend a small fortune on storage items. These ten tips should give you a great start, so you can enjoy your amazing decor year after year. The best thing is, these tips should also cut down on the amount of space you need to store all of your supplies, which will help keep the home a bit more organized during the off-season.

1. Don’t Toss the Wrapping Paper
One of the most important things you can do during the holidays is save all of the wrapping paper you accumulate. This doesn’t mean you have to make sure the kids don’t rip it to shreds when opening their gifts. Rather, just pick it up and place into a bag or box until it is time to actually take down the holiday decor. Once the time comes, pull out the wrapping paper to use it to wrap up ornaments in order to give them a little extra protection. This can also be used on larger items that go into boxes. When all of the items are wrapped up, then toss extra wrapping paper into the box to add even more cushion to the box. This should help keep everything in good order and will prevent you from wasting all of that paper. Even your wrapping paper rolls can come in handy during this season. You can use these to wrap up garland or lights, so you don’t have to deal with tangles next year.

2. Re-Use Shipping Items
In this day and age, it is almost unavoidable to not have something delivered to your home. These boxes can really come in handy though, so you don’t have to let them go to waste. You can put all sorts of decor items in them to help you pack away your items with ease. These boxes are perfect for items that have worn out boxes and need a more secure place to be stored. If you don’t need a box for something, you can always cut up the cardboard to use as ornament separators in another box. Longer boxes can even be used for all of the wrapping paper you acquired over the season. This should help make stacking your storage items a breeze, so you can keep your holiday decor in a minimal amount of space.

3. Hang Wreaths
Wreaths can be one of the most expensive items when it comes to holiday decor, they are also one of the most delicate. This can be a major problem when it comes to storage. If you simply stuff your wreath in a box, then you may end up with a squished wreath that doesn’t look very good next year. However, if you hang up your wreath then you’re going to have a beautiful wreath to display later on. All you need to do this is a clothes hanger and some plastic. The plastic can be anything from a trash bag or clothing bag from the dry cleaners. Simply hang the wreath over the top of the hanger then place the plastic over the hanger. You can then hang your wreath on a hook in the garage or in a closet. If there are delicate items on the wreath, then you might consider taping them down before putting the wreath away.

4. Wrap the Tree
A lot of people get sick of putting the ornaments on the tree just to take them off again a few days later. If you’re one of these people, then there is a pretty awesome storage hack for you. All you have to do is leave your tree completely intact. When you’re ready to store it then wrap it up in a thick plastic wrap. You can buy this at most home improvement stores for a fair price. Make sure you wrap the tree tight though. Once it is secured, all you have to do is store it how you normally would. Then, when next year rolls around, place the tree in the area you want it displayed and take off the plastic carefully. Everything will be as you left it. This is handy for places with little storage too, as you won’t need lots of boxes for ornaments.

5. Use Recycling
Rather than going out to purchase items to store your decor, you can probably find lots of great options in your home. Recycling is one of the best places to find items to use. For instance, you can use toilet paper and paper towel rolls to put away your garland and lights. This will cut down on the huge pile of lights you have to store and will keep you from dealing with tangles next year. Another great option is to use apple and egg containers to store your ornaments. This will already give them more protection and makes it easier to stack them into a box. Shredded paper can also make these items more secure. Oatmeal containers and other items are also great for oddly shaped decor or shatter proof ornaments. These items are a breeze to stack and will help make storing items a cinch.

6. Fold Up Ribbon
Ribbon is a major part of the holiday fun and it can be pricey too, so don’t let it go to waste. Unfortunately, ribbon that isn’t still on the spool can take up a whole lot of space and it can even become a tangled mess if it’s not stored properly. Instead of creating a mess to sort through next year, there’s a few simple ways to remedy the problem. You should always fold up ribbon when its not on a spool. This will help keep it beautiful and will prevent the tangling issue from happening. Lightly fold the ribbon so you don’t have to deal with creases, then place a piece of tape on the ribbon to prevent it from unwinding. Once you finish this, toss your ribbon into a gift box, gift bag or a shoe box for storage. You never know when your ribbon collection will come in handy.

7. DIY Ornament Box
If you don’t have an ornament box handy and you’re not okay with placing your ornaments in a simple box, then there is a great alternative. You can easily make your own ornament box for next to nothing. There are actually many ways to go about this. One option is to wash all of the plastic cups you used for the holiday meal. Then place a layer in a box. Each cup can hold one ornament securely if the item is breakable. You can place smaller items that aren’t breakable together with ease. When you have your first set in the box then create a whole new layer. You can place the cups into the box until it is full. If you want to add even more protection, add paper into each of the cups. You can also craft your own box using cardboard and other items that you can salvage from your wrapping paper.

8. Wrapping Paper
Wrapping paper can be a real inconvenience to store. If you don’t choose a secure place it often falls in the floor and can easily get damaged. There are many great ways to store wrapping paper though, which will help you save money on storage and the supplies you’ll need for next year. For starters, you can place your wrapping paper in a waste basket to help keep it all in one place. You can also stick other item in with them, so the storage space doesn’t go to waste. Another option is to stick them in a coat bag and hang them up. This is perfect if you already have wreaths hanging up as it will help you stay more organized. Of course, another easy option is to store them the box with your Christmas tree.

9. DIY Tree Bag
One of the best ways to store you Christmas tree is in its original box; however, after years of use and being moved around, your box might not be able to store your tree properly. So, when it is time to call it a day, there are many frugal options to choose from. One of the best ways it to make up your own tree bag. There are many options when it comes to this craft, but one of the easiest is to use tarps to create the bag. You can find tarps for next to nothing, which will help you save even more money. Best of all, the tarps will help protect your tree from the elements and are a breeze to store.

10. Shop Clearance
Of course, if you prefer to use items that are actually marketed for storing your Christmas decor then you still don’t have to spend a fortune on the items. Generally, after the holidays are over, particularly New Year’s, you should be able to get most of these items marked down for clearance. This will help you save on a wide assortment of items too, so you can really customize for your needs and storage space. You may even want to stock up on some of these items to use for other decor too as you never know when they’re going to come in handy.

Putting up your holiday decor can really be a pain, especially if you’re not organized. These ten tips should help you find the supplies you need to store everything securely while allowing you to store it away properly. This should make the process a whole lot easier when it comes to putting up the decor and taking it out again in the upcoming year. Best of all, they won’t put a dent in your tight budget.

Festive and Fun Ways to Welcome in the Winter Solstice on a Budget

It is time to finally say goodbye to autumn and to welcome in the winter solstice. Many people often have this day come and go without recognition, but if you would like to help celebrate the season there are many ways for first timers or even recurrent celebrators to help make this occasion special. With all of the holidays happening at once, you might not feel like you have the budget to add in another one. However, this holiday can be one of the most frugal you’ll find. It will also help you and your family feel more in tune with the planet. So, get ready to enjoy the winter solstice on the December 21st without worrying that your budget can’t keep up.

1. Learn about cultural celebrations
In many countries, the winter solstice actually brings lots of holiday fun and traditions. You might want to look up some information to see what kind of cultural traditions everyone shares on this day. You may even want to try a few out if you have the time or budget. There are often festivals to help bring in the winter months too, so it might be cool to watch some of the amazing shows that are performed at these. Some cultures have interesting stories surrounding their winter solstice celebrations. For instance, in Australia, they tell the story of Krampus, which might be a fun story to tell around the campfire to older children. You will be surprised by all of the fun information that you find though, so make sure to embrace it in order to add fun to your occasion.

2. Rediscover Santa Claus
Believe it or not, but Santa Claus didn’t get his start when the Christmas holiday began. Rather, he had been around for many decades prior to this holiday’s existence. You can find a variation of Santa Claus in so many cultures too, so you might want to look into all of the amazing information available on the holiday icon. Doing this can help children see even more magic in the holiday as it will show them Santa Claus is connected to people across the globe and he has deep roots in the past. It will also help to bring him to life with an actual history of the man. You might be surprised to read that one of the earliest adaptations began with the Pagan’s celebration of the winter solstice.

3. Enjoy a Yule Log
Yule logs are one of the most used traditions for this holiday. The logs are designed to last all night long, which helps light up the home while adding extra warmth to your evening. This can even cut down on your heating costs, which will be a nice gift to you as winter moves in more rapidly. Generally, it is tradition to save a piece of the yule log to help light next year’s log, so be careful when cleaning out your fireplace. You can actually make your own yule log, if you want to save money in this manner. There’s many tips online, which can help you. Of course, if you don’t want to spend money on the log or you simply don’t have a place to burn it then there are lots of yule log videos to help get you through the night. Apart from that, you can also make a yule cake to help create a delicious treat that represents the tradition.

4. Lights Out
Another great tradition for this holiday is to actually turn out your lights for the night. This is to help everyone appreciate the light the sun brings in each day. Of course, you don’t have to sit in the dark all night long. This can be difficult in today’s world, especially if you have children that are afraid of the dark. So, you might want to collect your candles, flash lights and other sources of light to help make the home comfortable. The important thing is to ditch electronics and other forms of light for the night. You can play games and talk to keep busy. If you want to add even more tradition to the evening, then you can always make solstice lanterns too. This makes great décor and will keep the kids excited for the holiday. There’s lots of ideas for this craft online too, so have some fun with it.

5. Enforce Bonding Time
Like most holidays, the winter solstice is a great time to spend with family. This is a great holiday to allow everyone to unwind from their personal life and have everyone reconnect as a family. Try pulling out some board games to help make the hours fly by. You can even make lots of great snacks together and share stories about what has been going on in your lives. Since many people don’t celebrate winter solstice, this is a great time to reconnect with just your immediate family, as most holidays involve extended family and friends.

6. Decorate the Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree is actually another Christmas tradition that began with the celebration of the winter solstice. This holiday tradition also began as a pagan form of celebration as people would decorate trees with food in order to win the favors of the spirits associated with winter. So, if you haven’t already done so, the winter solstice might be the perfect time to decorate your tree. If you want to add more tradition to this holiday fun, then you can make sun ornaments out of orange peels and other simplistic supplies to represent the love of the light. You might also consider making other natural ornaments.

7. Candle Ceremony
The candle ceremony is another popular option for those who want to celebrate the winter solstice. This is another frugal option too as all you need to participate in the ceremony is candles. You can make your own candles, use what you have or buy some cheap ones from a department store. You will need one large candle though that will be lit first. The ceremony begins when night falls. The lights in the home are turned out for a few minutes so that everyone can embrace the darkness that winter brings. Then, someone lights the large candle in the center of the table. From that point on, everyone takes turns lighting the smaller candles. Each time a candle is lit a blessing for the new season or year is given. If you want to add even more to the ceremony, then you can complete it with a song. There are many traditional songs you can find online if you’re not sure where to start.

8. Go Caroling
Back in the day, many pagans would celebrate the winter solstice by wassailing. This was the process of caroling in the fields to ward off spirits. However, in this day and age people tend to go caroling in order to spread holiday cheer. Of course, not everyone has fields to sing in, so it is just easier to go door to door bringing joy to the community. You can choose a wide variety of songs to sing while you’re out, which can include Christmas songs as well as those simply involving the season. All you have do is have some fun with it. It will also help kill some of the hours you planned on spending with your lights out.

9. Stay Up All Night
A lot of people who celebrate the winter solstice like to stay up all night in order to embrace the full length of the time. To them, seeing the sun come back in the morning is a true gift of the season. So, you might want to consider this to enjoy your winter solstice too. Of course, if you have to work the next day or have small children then this might not be an option for you. Instead, you may just want to have everyone wake up before the sun comes up, so everyone can watch the sun rise together. In order to make staying up all night worth the effort, you may want to plan a lot of activities to help the day fly by. Games, snacks and more can help time pass quickly. You might also want to use this time to do some star watching. There are lots of beautiful astronomical occurrences during this time, but make sure you stay warm while watching them.

10. Have a Feast
The winter solstice is a great time to have a feast as a way to celebrate. You don’t have to go all out like you might do during other holidays though. This might overwhelm the body and the budget. Instead, place fresh fruits and vegetables on the table for people to eat. You might also add seasonal foods and nuts to help create a balance. Of course, homemade breads are also a real treat during this time. Another popular item to add to the mix is mulled wine or even mead. Hot cocoa or warm teas might be a great idea for younger attendees.

Celebrating the winter solstice is a great way to have some fun while connection you to the planet. These ten ideas will help you begin your celebration while ensuring you don’t spend a fortune on the holiday. The events may even help you feel more connected to the world you live in, which might spur ideas as to how to make it a better place.

Ten Last Minute Gifts That Won’t Break Your Budget

No matter how hard we may try, it feels like it is impossible to get all of our holiday shopping finished by the time the big day arrives. May it be a last-minute Secret Santa at the office or an unexpected gift from a friend or family member, there are many reasons why it is hard to stay on track of your shopping. Luckily, there’s quite a few last-minute gifts that will impress others without breaking your budget. These ten items are sure to make you feel like you handled unexpected gifts like a boss, which will make your holiday shopping even more rewarding. So, don’t panic next time you realize you’re short a gift or two because these ten ideas will help you get through the holiday crisis.

1. Gift Card
If you want one of the quickest options for someone you’re not quite sure about, then a gift card can really do the trick. The best thing about gift card is the amount of options you have to choose from. If you’re not sure what to get then you can always grab something for coffee or food, as so many cafes and restaurants offer gift card options. There are also cards for department stores, game stores and so much more. Of course, you can also keep this gift close to your budget. They sell gift cards for as low as $5, so you won’t have to reach too far, especially if your office has a low cap on the gifts you can purchase. A small gift card can also top off a gift you may have already planned out, such as a mug.

2. Snack in a Jar
A snack in a jar is one of the best ways to put creativity to work. All you really need to begin this craft is a clean mason jar and a lid. Once you’ve decided what you would like to do then grab the ingredients and pour them so that they create a cute design. One of the best options is for a cookie in a jar. This will allow you to separate the flour, sugar and colorful ingredients, like candy, to create lovely layers. Of course, you can do this for hot cocoa, brownies and other desserts. If you don’t have a sweet tooth on your list, then consider a ramen in a jar treat or even packing Chex Mix and other savory treats. When you have your snack made and secured in the jar then dress up the exterior of the jar. You can add ribbons, reindeer antler, elf feet and more. Decorating after the development of the snack will help keep glitter and other craft items out of the food portion of your gift.

3. Decorative Plant
If you’re looking for a great gift for a colleague or even someone with a green thumb, then a decorative plant is a great option that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. One of the biggest trends for these plants are succulents, which don’t emit a strong odor and won’t take up too much space in an office. These can easily be found in home improvement stores or even department stores, so they will suit your last minute needs. These plants can even be decorated to suit the holidays with fun decals or even simple craft supplies. Of course, you can always go with a classic decorative plant too, which you can find year-round. These plants shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg either and can be picked to suit the person you’re shopping for.

4. DIY Painted Portraits
If you know someone that likes art or has kids, then a painted portrait is a great way to give this season. You don’t have to be a master at the world of art in order to pull off this gift either. All you need is a digital photo. You can place a variety of filters on it to make it suit the painting style that you want. This is great because it allows you a little freedom with your art. Two of the most common options are pop art and water color though, so if you’re looking for an easier task then one of these methods is the way to go. Once you have the filter added on to the picture then print it out. All you have to do is go over the printed image with paint to create a fun look. Of course, you can get even more into this craft if you have more time and experience. When your painting is dry then put it in a frame and wrap it up for the lucky recipient.

5. Personalized Mug
Personalized mugs are another great gift that are simple to do. Plus, they can suit your colleagues well and work perfectly for friends and family that love tea or coffee. You can make a personalized mug with your own craft supplies if you are in a real rush. This can be very inexpensive too. All you need is a blank mug, ceramic paint and a sealer. You might also print out or make your own stencil to help make the mug look professional. Of course, if you want to go the extra mile and have a bit more time to work, you can easily have a mug made up for the recipient. This will cost a bit more, but you’ll have a mug that will look great. In order to go the extra mile with your gift, toss some tea bags, coffee beans or hot cocoa mix into the mug for good measure.

6. Bath Bomb Set
Soaking in a tub is a great way to kick back and relax. That’s why a bath bomb set is going to be one of the best ways to give someone on your list a frugal gift in a hurry. There’s lots of bath bombs you can purchase at a reasonable price. These bath bombs tend to be of good quality and can help ease your shopping pains in a hurry. Of course, if you want to save even more money or you simply have a lot of people to gift to, then you might want to make them on your own. You will be surprised as to how easy this is and you can do it with basic household items and essential oils. Once you have your bath bombs made up, you can even make the packaging cute. For instance, you can put them in a customized bag or decorated mason jar.

7. Soft Blanket
One of the best things about winter is curling up with a soft blanket when the weather is cold. If you know a coach potato or just someone who is always cold, then this is a great option to choose for a frugal and fast gift. Since it is practically winter, you’re going to see a wide variety of blankets in just about any department store you walk into. Luckily, most of these blankets won’t cost you much at all. As a matter of fact, you can find some for $5 or less if you know where to shop. These blankets come in a wide variety of colors, prints and characters too. If you want to spend a little extra on someone then you can always find a blanket with a cute cartoon or geeky character to make things even more fun. This blanket is sure to be a hit with most people, particularly if they love to binge watch shows or read when the weather is frightful.

8. Baked Goods
Another great way to warm the hearts of anyone on your list is to add a special baked good under their holiday tree. This will be very frugal on your end and will allow you to put a little love into your gift. You might want to ask around and find out what kind of treats the recipient may want to eat. Of course, if you have a specialty then this might be wise to work with that, so you know you’ll be giving out something that you’re good at making. This is a fun gift to work with because the options are endless. You can make cookies, brownies, cakes or a combination of all three. When your goods are done then place them in a decorative tin, bag or box. This gift will be a special surprise if given when the items are still fresh or even hot, so you can really push the boundaries on this last minute gift. Plus, if you already had the supplies in your pantry, it won’t cost you anything extra.

9. Alcohol
If you’re celebrating with friends, then one simple gift that will make them happy is their favorite kind of alcohol. This doesn’t mean you have to go out and purchase an expensive bottle. Rather, choose a frugal option that you know they will enjoy. This is especially great as a gift if you’re headed to a party for a gift exchange. It can help cut back on the hosts expenses and will brighten someone’s day. You can even go the extra mile by making up a mixed drink starter to help the alcohol go further. Best of all, you can have fun with the alcohol bottles or cans. For instance, you can turn them into cute reindeers or even make them into holiday trees. This will add a festive touch on your gift and will ensure they are enjoyed even more.

10. Re-Gift
If you’re in a pinch and you have something lying around the house that you know someone is actually going to enjoy then go ahead and re-gift it. This will not only clear up space in your home, but will help you save money when it comes to buying for others. Re-gifting is probably one of the easiest ways to handle a crisis situation during the holiday season as it only takes a few minutes to re-wrap and tag a gift that was probably given to you by someone that hardly knows you. Although it is easy to feel guilty about re-gifting, chances are many of the seasonal gifts you receive won’t last long enough for someone to realize you gave it away anyway. It will also give someone else a chance to enjoy an item that you won’t get as much pleasure out of.

The holiday season can be really hard to navigate through when it comes to all of the spending we have to do. It is even harder when an unexpected gift turns up and you want to practice good etiquette by returning the favor. These ten ideas should help you get out of your bind without forcing you to spend a small fortune on gifts. Now, you can keep your cool when something comes up, because you’ll have a few frugal ideas to help you get through the occasion with ease.

Fun Ideas to Make Your Gingerbread House Frugal and Adorable

Creating gingerbread houses is a classic way to have some fun with your whole family while celebrating the holiday season. You can really have a lot of fun making a gingerbread house, but if you’re not careful it can really drain your budget. There are lots of ways to keep your gingerbread house on the frugal end of the spectrum though. This should help you have a lot more fun with your family project while making the activity carefree. You may even want to make this a family tradition, so you can enjoy the fun year after year. These ten tips will help you save money and enjoy your gingerbread construction a little more, so get ready to show off your creative side!

1. Ditch the Kit
During the holiday season, you can find gingerbread kits in just about any department or grocery store that you go in. Kits are pretty convenient and will give you everything you need to get started on the process. They may even be an enticing option for first time builders. However, you can easily make your own items from scratch for the price that you would pay for a kit. This will allow you to also make healthier choices when it comes to your gingerbread house as you won’t have to use items with preservatives or an overabundance of sugar and sodium. Kits tend to be filled with items that won’t be eaten too, which is a waste of money. You’re better off choosing your own candy and working with your own dough and icing if you can. This will also give you more freedom to explore your creative instincts as you work without a set guide.

2. Scratch Made Ingredients
Buying premade ingredients for your gingerbread house may seem faster and easier, but you will get a lot more out of the process if you make your own items. When it comes down to dimes and nickels, making your items from scratch will end up saving you money. It will also show your children that you can make delicious items without reaching for a packet of premade dough or a jar of icing. This can be a very valuable lesson, especially if you are teaching healthy eating habits. If you’re worried about making dough from scratch, then you’ll be relieved to know there are many simple recipes online to choose from. You can even look for more advanced options later as you begin to perfect your craft. You can even alter your recipe to suit the desires of the household. Homemade icing is also a cinch to make and will allow you to create different colors, levels of thickness and more. Making your own ingredients gives you lots of wiggle room to work with too, which will make the activity a lot more relaxed.

3. Use Scraps
When you use your own dough and other supplies then there’s no reason to toss all of the scraps that you have leftover. Sure, the gingerbread house is the main show, but you can easily construct extra items to bring the design to life. If you have dough leftover, then you’re in for a lot of fun. For instance, you can make gingerbread men to go along with the house using a simple cookie cutter. You can also turn this classic design around to make reindeer. You might also consider making some gingerbread trees to add even more flavor. You can also turn cooked pieces into rocks and other decor with just a little icing work. You can also use the extra icing to help secure these items or to make rocks and other fine details. You can really have fun with this and it may take your original design in an entirely different direction, so just go with it and have some fun.

4. Leftover Candy
You don’t have to go out and spend a bundle on candy for your design either. Luckily, the holiday season is filled with occasions that kids receive an abundance of candy. Instead of using new candy, then grab a few items leftover from the Halloween stash and use them to decorate. Usually candy is fine at this age, but if you’re worried you can always freeze it to help it stay decent until gingerbread season rolls around. You might also hold onto some of last year’s Christmas candy. If you don’t plan on eating the gingerbread house, or at least the candy decor, then this won’t inhibit the design at all and will help cut back on money substantially.

5. Ditch the Gingerbread
If you’re not a fan of gingerbread, or you simply don’t want to dedicate a lot of time baking, then there’s lots of other options you can use. For instance, you can use simple supplies like paper bags, regular paper or cardboard to build a faux gingerbread house that you won’t have to worry about spoiling. This can be a great tradition for the whole family as you can build a gingerbread village that grows a little every winter. All you need is simple craft supplies like straws, glue, paper, pom poms or anything else that you think will make your gingerbread house look incredible. You will be surprised by what your kids come up with as they work with these supplies. You might find that ditching the gingerbread will give the household more creative freedom. Plus, you have more room to work with if a mistake is made.

6. Think Outside of the Box
There’s no rule saying that your gingerbread house actually has to be a house. Instead, you can always come up with ideas that will suit the interests of your household. For instance, some parents with younger children might consider creating a Thomas the Tank Engine gingerbread house. You can print out templates online to construct the train, so all you’ll have to do is work on painting the face with icing. Of course, you can also channel your inner fandom. Some fans have recreated the Death Star, TARDIS and so much more. You don’t even have to travel too far from the holiday theme as a large gingerbread tree is both fun and easy to make with your whole family. Your imagination is the limit here, but don’t be afraid to make mistakes as these items will be harder to make in most cases. However, if you’re up for the challenge, you’ll get more for your money if you decide to make the project even more fun and exciting for the whole family.

7. Enter a Competition
If you want to get more out of your gingerbread house experience, then share your creation with a competition. Some local communities will actually host these, but if you’re not lucky enough to have one nearby then you can always enter a competition online. There are some free competitions if you want to keep things on the frugal side, but if you have a lot of faith in your gingerbread house then you can always pay an entry fee in hopes of winning a larger prize. There are some major competitions that you can enjoy too. These are great to check out even if you don’t want to enter one of the competitions with your own gingerbread house.

8. Give as a Gift
Your gingerbread house doesn’t have to take away from your holiday gift giving budget as the house itself can actually be presented as a gift to someone special. Most people will love to see the hard work you put into their gift, plus it will provide a delicious treat for snacking on for quite some time. By giving the gingerbread house as a gift, you will get to experience the fun of decorating your home while allowing yourself to share your creativity with others. If you really want to save money while sharing some gingerbread with loved ones, then consider making littler gingerbread houses. These can be passed out to neighbors or taken to a nursing home for an extra special treat during the lonely season.

9. Bake Sale
Another way to make your gingerbread house experience frugal is to present your creations to a bake sale. During this time of the year, many communities, schools, churches and more love to put on bake sales to help earn money with all of the delicious holiday treats. If you join in on this bake sale you can always earn your money back for the price of supplies and maybe even a little more. Of course, you can also donate your gingerbread house so that it can earn some money for a charity. Either way, you will have a little more fun with the experience and will be able to earn some money back on your project.

10. Eat the House
Of course, one of the best ways to get your money’s worth out of your gingerbread house is to actually eat your creation. You might want to give it a day or two to enjoy the decor, but if you can’t hold your horses then go ahead and eat it. The gingerbread makes a nice delicious treat during this time of the year and the kids are certain to love all of the icing and candy. Of course, you might want to save your creation for a family gathering so that everyone can enjoy your handy work as well as the delicious flavor.

Making a gingerbread house can be a great experience to share with your loved ones. With all of the creativity and fun involved, you’re sure to find this project one of your favorite aspects of winter. These ten tips will not only keep your gingerbread house frugal, but will also allow you to get a little more out of the experience.

Hanukkah Fun That Will Make Your Celebration Memorable on a Dime

Hanukkah begins this Tuesday, so you might already feel like you’re undergoing crunch time when it comes to planning your holiday celebration. Luckily, there’s still plenty of time to get a gathering together for family and friends if you choose to. If you’re on a tight budget, then you’re in luck as there are many ways to keep your guests entertained without forcing you to spend a whole lot of money. These ten tips will help you plan a great event, so you can keep the celebration going all eight days without feeling your budget enter crisis mode. Now, all you have to do is focus on the celebration as you won’t have to worry that your budget won’t stretch far enough to keep everyone entertained.

1. Embrace Music
Without a doubt, music is one of the best ways to celebrate just about any occasion. Hanukkah is a great time to enjoy your favorite traditional songs that you have probably sung since childhood. One of the best things you can do is designate a time for everyone to break out in song, so all can enjoy their favorite holiday songs. You can even teach the next generation all of your favorites, so they will be able to pass down their favorite songs one day too. Music also brings on the urge to dance which is another great way to spend your time at a party. If you don’t want to play your own music, there are plenty of religious or holiday themed playlists you can choose from online at no cost to you. This should liven up your party and ensure young and old will enjoy the occasion. Of course, you may want to move around your furniture to make sure this activity is safe for everyone to enjoy in the home.

2. Cooking Session
If there is one thing that brings a smile to everyone’s faces during the holiday season, it is certainly the presence of food. Many people enjoy the aspect of cooking though, which is a great way to spend time. If you have friends and relatives that have their own traditional dish then you might want to invite them to cook it in your home, rather than have them simply bring it over. People can share their recipes while cooking them too, which will be a great lesson to many. Plus, this opens up a fun area for people to chat and talk about their favorite traditions and memories. You might have to set an oven schedule and use extra tables for prep work, but this shouldn’t be time consuming or expensive.

3. Set Up Games
Games are one of the best ways to keep everyone as busy as can be during a party, so you won’t have to stress about boredom setting in. There is not only the option to play games, but people can also watch too. Luckily, there plenty of traditional games you can set up in order to keep everyone busy. For instance, the kids will love playing dreidel for hours, especially if you have plenty of gelt to go around. You might also set up some non-traditional games to give everyone a little something to do while they wait their turn for other games. You can even transform your favorite games into a Hanukkah theme to keep the fun going for hours.

4. Storytelling
One way to keep the crowd engaged is to allow people to tell stories to the crowd. Of course, one of the more popular options is the Hanukkah story, which is great for the kids. It is important to share the message, especially to the younger children who may not know the reason why they’re celebrating. You might also consider sharing family history or having people talk about their favorite Hanukkah memories. There are so many options to choose from that people are certain to find eight days worth of stories to share with those around them. This can help increase knowledge of your lineage as well as to make you feel closer to your religion and heritage. You never know what might come up as so many people have stories to tell from some of the most grim areas in history which are important to hold onto, while others will be able to liven the room with laughter with silly stories from their past.

5. Craft Table
Making crafts is a great way for guests to spend time, especially when it comes to the children. So, you might consider setting out a craft table with all sorts of supplies. If you’re low on supplies, then a lot of hobby stores are offering incredible deals right now because of the holiday season. There are lots of crafts that are fun and easy to make too. For instance, you can set up an area for children to make their own dreidels to play with. Another option is crafts like making a Star of David for decoration. Guests can even place their crafts in bags and give them out as gifts to some of the other guests. The craft table should be busy throughout the celebration, so have a little fun with it. There’s lots of ideas online if you’d like to set up specific crafts for people to make.

6. Puppet Show
Another fun option, especially for the kids, is to host a puppet show. You can have the children make their own puppets at the craft table and then construct a story to share with the whole party. It can be a lot of fun seeing what the children come up with, especially if you schedule the shows by age groups. Adults might also want to get in on the fun too. You can make puppets out of socks, cardboard or paper which will allow you to have fun with all of the details you want to put into your puppet. One idea, as far as storyline goes, is to present the story of Hanukkah in puppet form. This should engage the kids for quite some time and might even be a hit with the adults too.

7. Bring Your Own Wine
Wine can be a major part of Hanukkah meals, which can really make the price add up when it comes to your gathering or gatherings. If you want to save money on this aspect of the celebration, then ask your guests to bring their own wine. You may even find that some people bring a few bottles since they won’t have to provide wine for their own gathering. This will allow everyone to enjoy the type of wine they like anyway, which can be a tough feat to do when you have many people to provide for. This alone should make the mood even more joyous.

8. Make Gelt
Gelt can be a huge part of the holiday, especially when it comes to the children. Gelt is an important part of the dreidel game and can be a delicious dessert for the whole crowd. If you buy gelt in bulk you can save money on it, but you might not get the delicious taste you desire. Gelt can easily be made at home at a low price too. If you’re okay with not having the golden coating over your gelt then this is especially up your alley. There’s so many recipes for gelt that you can try out a whole lot if you’re up for it. This should help provide your guests with something that makes them smile. You can even put the gelt in goodie bags so that you can send your guests home with a special treat. The gelt can also be used for games, which might inspire people to play more.

9. Give Gifts
Gifts can be a really fun aspect of the holiday, but they don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. You might ask people to arrive without a gift. Then, during the celebration they can work on the gelt, crafts or even a puppet to give to some of the other guests. This will not only make your activities fun, but will add extra meaning to them. People can even draw names to see who they should give their gift too. Your guests might love this so much that it will become a tradition each and every year that you host a gathering.

10. Light the Menorah
Of course, if you’re having a Hanukkah gathering then you won’t want to forget the process of lighting the menorah. This can be one of the most important aspects of the celebration for many of your friends and family. You should incorporate your family’s traditions into this aspect of the celebration, but you might also ask others how they celebrate. To make things more exciting for the kids, you might have them make their own menorah that they can pretend to light in order to bring even more meaning to the holiday.

Hosting a Hanukkah celebration can be really stressful if you’re on a tight budget. These simple tips will help you organize numerous activities to keep everyone satisfied with their experience. You might even feel that some of these ideas bring everyone closer together, so the holiday will have an even greater meaning.

Ten Frugal and Fun Ways to Help Your Children Stay on Santa’s Nice List

Winter vacation is just around the corner, which means trying to keep your kids on their best behavior even when the boredom sets in. This can be challenging whether you’re traveling or waiting out the cold days in the house. There are a few ways that you can keep your children on Santa’s nice list though, without getting in the way of their holiday fun too much. These ten tips will give you a few ways to remind them of their behavior, while encouraging good deeds without the reward they feel Santa brings. So, this holiday, you won’t have to worry about your kids getting too crazy as these tips will help keep everyone feeling happy during the holiday season.

1. Elf on the Shelf
Many parents aren’t excited about the Elf on the Shelf concept, because they feel as if it is teaching their children that it is okay to be spied on. However, Elf on the Shelf can be a whole lot of fun without the spying aspect. You don’t have to approach the Elf on the Shelf as a tool for your children to stay on their best behavior. Rather, you don’t have to tell your children that the elf is monitoring their poor behavior at all. Instead, tell them the elf likes to tell Santa about all of the good things that they do. You might even explain it as the elf is measuring or collecting Christmas spirit in each home. This should help encourage children to want to do good deeds and to avoid doing bad things without feeling nervous. Plus, the Elf on the Shelf can be a whole lot of fun for parents as it allows them to embrace creativity in new ways. If you want a few ideas then there’s lots of great ones online to try out with your children. You might even encourage your children to make gifts, clothing or accessories for their elf to raise holiday spirit and to ease some of the boredom of winter break.

2. Donate Old Toys
If your child has a pretty long holiday list, they already have too many things, or you know you have limited space, then now is a great time to encourage your children to donate some of their old toys. During this time, thrift stores and other charities could always use toys to pass out to children in need. So, in order for your children to make room for new items they can sift through the stuff they don’t use anymore. They don’t have to get rid of sentimental items, but they might want to give away items that haven’t been played with in months. You might sit down and explain that not all children are fortunate enough to get lots of gifts, so by giving away toys they will be adding holiday magic to the children who won’t get a lot.

3. Offer Rewards
Another way to avoid your children hitting the naughty list is to offer them rewards that aren’t presents. Toys and other items will be forgotten over time. So, one way to make your child feel good about the deeds they’ve done is to offer a certificate. This can be hung up throughout the year to remind your child how amazing it feels to do good. You don’t have to wait for Christmas morning for children to receive such a reward either. Instead, you can easily mail a special letter from Santa that shows appreciation for their good behavior and offers recognition for some of the good behaviors your child exhibited throughout the year. For instance, you can offer a reward for a good attitude or keeping up with chores. Children will take more pride in their behavior and will work hard to show the best of their personality.

4. Good Deeds Chart
Helping your children get in the habit of doing good deeds is always a great thing to do no matter the time of the year. However, during winter vacation, you might want to encourage this behavior to keep your children busy. One way to help kids keep track of their deeds is to make a chart of nice things they can do. For instance, you can come up with some great ideas for the household. Chores that help out others like helping a younger sibling with a task or even simply reading to them can be one of the easiest ways to start your children off. After they get the hang of things, you can add deeds that are outside of the home. A good example is to have them help out a grandparent with household chores. You can even expand with community projects like cleaning up trash in the park. Younger children can even take part by offering hugs.

5. Get Crafty
Making crafts is one of the best ways to keep kids busy during the winter break. Not only does it keep children busy, but it also allows them to keep their minds going when they’re not in school. Creativity is a great way to teach children to think out of the box and can improve holiday cheer. One way to enjoy crafts with kids is to come up with holiday themed crafts. Ornaments are a fun way to start and will make your tree look amazing. You can even make them out of recycled items like toilet paper rolls if you want to save even more money. Another fun idea is to make wreath, which can easily be done with tutorials. These wreaths can even be passed out to nursing homes, hospitals and more. Apart from that, you can have the children work on holiday cards to send to loved ones.

6. Santa Letter
If your child seems to be having a hard time staying on track, then you might want to consider sending them a letter from Santa Claus. You can download fonts that will make the letter look more authentic, which will help your children feel the magic of the season. In the letter, you should offer words of encouragement, rather than using Santa Claus as a threat. You might tell your children they have worked very hard in one manner, but Santa would encourage them to work harder in another area. You should also send praise so that the letter doesn’t feel negative. This will inspire kids to work harder. You don’t have to base your letter around holiday themes either. Instead, concentrate on the important areas like overall behavior or school work.

7. Monitor Screen Time
Keeping track of your child’s screen time is important all year long, but during the holidays you can really encourage good behavior by only allowing children to watch certain shows. There are many cartoons and children’s shows to choose from now; however, not all of them will offer your children moral reinforcements. There are an abundance of shows designed to encourage empathy, compassion and emotional health though. These shows can help children realize there is more to life than materialism, which will actually help the holiday season become even more meaningful for them. You will see your child’s outlook change and their willingness to behave and help others will increase.

8. Teach About Traditions
You don’t have to spend all winter break working on celebrating your own religious holidays. Although this an important and fun aspect of your lifestyle, teaching children about other cultures and traditions can be an important way to cultivate acceptance and compassion. There are many holidays around this time of the year, so pick out a few to share with your children. Of course, if you don’t want to work with other religions you can actually teach holiday traditions from around the world. Every culture has their own way of celebrating, which can be interesting. For instance, in Germany, a pickle is hidden in the tree and the first person to find it gets to open the first gift. In some Scandinavian countries, a book is opened on Christmas Eve and the rest of the day is spent reading. You can find so many fun customs online. You might even incorporate a few into your own holiday celebration.

9. Donate Time
One of the best things to do to keep children on their best behavior while showing them that good deeds are important is to help them donate their time. During this time of the year lots of organizations are in need of help. Churches, for instance, do a lot of work to help feed the hungry and to offer clothes and gifts. Some churches also have special youth groups that go caroling to help cheer up those in nursing homes or hospitals. Visiting nursing homes and hospitals are another way to give back. Teenagers may even be able to volunteer to help share the holiday spirit. These activities help children realize that the holidays are more than just gifts, which is a great lesson to learn.

10. Create a Schedule
If you’re trying to keep your children’s behavior in check then one of the best things to do is set up a schedule to follow during winter vacation. When school is in session, most children fall into the routine and thus don’t know how to behave. However, when their schedule is taken away there is a sense of anxiety and boredom. So, one of your best tools is to actually keep the kids going on a routine that is as close as possible to what they were doing in school. This might mean no late mornings in bed for you, but you will be grateful for their good behavior because of the routine. You might also schedule activities that ensure children use their brains so that easing back into school won’t be as much of a challenge.

Winter vacation can be a real challenge for children. Life can get pretty chaotic with new activities and a sudden change in their routine. This can lead to poor behavior which could land children on the naughty list. These ten ideas can help you keep your children on track while bringing more meaning to the holiday season.

Ten Frugal Ways to Make Your Artificial Christmas Tree Look Like the Real Deal

When it comes to trees, many people can’t get over the look of a real Christmas tree in their home. However, there are many reasons that prohibit people from having a real tree in their life. May it be allergies, environmental consciousness or simply the type of home you have, it can be a let down not to have a real Christmas tree in the home. However, there are many ways you can give your artificial tree a look that will make you have to double-take. These ten tricks to give your fake tree a real appearance and smell will save you time and money while bringing you even more holiday cheer. So, get ready to have a little more fun while you decorate this year.

1. Shop After Holidays
Without a doubt, one of the best ways to work on your tree is to actually shop after the holidays. Your artificial tree and the decor you put on it can really be a game changer when it comes to how your tree looks for the holidays. One of the first things you should look for is a better tree after the holidays. You can actually find trees that have the appearance of a real tree, which will help cut back on the work that you have to put into it. This can also allow you to buy supplies that help you mask the fact that your tree isn’t real. Usually you can get most supplies for 50% or more off which can really help you rake in the savings.

2. Add Girth
One of the most common problems when it comes to artificial trees is their lack of girth and spottiness. This really isn’t a hard problem to fix though. The best thing you can do is spruce your tree up to make it look larger and fuller. One of the best ways to do this is to pick up some garland from the store. Most retailers will sell garland made from the same material as artificial trees, so it should blend right in. You can usually get this garland for about $5, which won’t hurt your budget too much. When you get your garland, strategically wrap it around the tree before you place your ornaments on it. You should also fluff out the branches as much as you can, this will give your tree a less spotty appearance. After a little TLC your tree should look a lot more realistic.

3. Ornament Order
A major problem that occurs with trees of all kinds is the gap that appears between the branches. Even though real trees have this problem too, it does make an artificial tree more obvious. So, one of the best ways to combat this problem is to organize your ornaments. You should start by applying the larger ornaments to the tree. These can strategically be placed in the large gaps, which will give the tree a fuller appearance. Once you manage to do this then all of the smaller ornaments can be placed on the tree to add the festive touch you desire. By organizing this way, you will be able to reorganize the tree to suit your style too, which will make this hack even more convenient.

4. Consider Garland
Even if you try out the garland for the interior of the tree, you may also want to add some garland to the outside too. You can buy this in all shapes and sizes to suit your needs too. There is the traditional, colorful garland that has been a hit with trees for decades now. However, if this doesn’t suit your taste then you might want to consider a more natural approach like using popcorn or cranberries. You might also consider adding even more style to the tree inspired garland that you purchased for the interior of the tree. If you have any leftover, try adding pinecones, Santa figures, fake snow and more. This garland can be used to cover up large gaps while still offering style to the tree that everyone is sure to love.

5. Cover the Base
The base of your tree is pretty much a dead giveaway as to if it is real or fake. So, your best option here is to cover it up as soon as you are ready to present your tree. A tree skirt is probably one of the best steps you can take to cover up the tree’s base. However, the plastic part of the tree will still be visible. In order to hide this, you can create a log appearance using façade or other supplies. However, you can easily just cover this aspect of the tree up with larger presents if you can. If you don’t already have presents for under the tree, then you can easily make fake gifts for decorations. You might also consider buying a train or other distractions that will draw the eye away from the inner base and closer to the actual tree.

6. Reconsider the Topping
A lot of people consider the tree topper to be one of the most important elements of the tree. Traditionally, a tree or angel is placed on the top, which looks great. However, when you have an artificial tree, this can really draw the fakeness of the tree to the eye. Often this area is sparse or doesn’t have the strength to hold up such a decor item. You might want to consider using something that is going to take up more space without weighing in as heavy as classic toppers might. One great option is to use a large bow to do this. You can make your own using the ribbon of your choice, which is sure to make the tree even more personable. Another fun option is to consider a top hat in order to give a snowman appeal to the tree. You can even buy these in a light plastic which make the top even lighter for the tree. Of course, your creativity is the limit here, so have a little fun with it.

7. Consider Natural Ornaments
One way to have a little fun with your tree while making it feel more natural is to use all-natural ornaments. You can make your own garland with popcorn, chestnuts, cranberry or anything else that strikes your fancy. This is a fun craft to do with the whole family too, which is sure to help raise the holiday spirit in the home. Another fun option is to use pinecones. You can simply place these in the tree, or you can turn them into Santa Claus, reindeers and other cute animals or holiday figures. If you want to get even more creative, then you can use sticks to make adorable little reindeer. The options are endless here, but if you’re shy on ideas then look online. You’re sure to find more than enough to make your tree look natural and beautiful. If you’re short on time, then you can always find these ornaments in your favorite stores too at a reasonable price.

8. Lighting
Most people add lights to their holiday tree, which can really give away the fact that your tree isn’t real. There are many options that can help you create a more realistic appearance though. For instance, if you shop LED bulbs then most of the lights aren’t so bright that it will immediately highlight the fake appearance of the needles on your tree. These lights are also more energy efficient, so you will get even more savings out of them. Another thing to look for when it comes to your tree’s lights is the color of the cord. Some lights have white, brown or black cords which can throw off the look of your tree. You should look for lights that have a green cord. It will blend into the tree and might even help add to the girth of the tree and cover up empty spaces.

9. Add Scent
One of the major appeals of having a real tree is the fresh and beautiful scent of the tree. So, your artificial tree not putting off an aroma can lead many people to come to the conclusion that it is, in fact, fake. However, this problem is actually very easy to remedy. There are actually special scent sticks that can be hung on the tree, which will fill the room with aroma. These sticks usually come in a green color too, so if you hide them towards the core of the tree or behind your garland, then your tree will feel even more realistic. If you’re not a fan of the scent sticks, then you can actually buy ornaments that are infused with essential oils to put off the same scent. You can even make these at home, which is sure to save you lots of money. If you don’t want to deal with ornaments, then use some essential oils and water in a spray bottle and spritz your tree.

10. Shop Efficiently
If you’re really interested in making your artificial tree look and feel like the real deal, then you may want to shop wisely. There are actually trees that are specifically made to look real. These trees typically aren’t found in your average retail store though, so you will have to go out of your way to find one. One of the best things you can do is shop online as you will get to see reviews of the trees you are looking at. This can help you make a wiser decision. If you can find a tree that looks just like your favorite type of holiday tree, then you should have decades of use out of the tree as long as you store it properly.

Putting up the holiday tree can be one of the best aspects of Christmas. So, don’t feel down because you don’t have a real tree to enjoy this year. Instead, get crafty and put a little extra love into your artificial tree. You are certain to love the changes you see and may feel thankful that you won’t end up stepping on dried pine needles for months after the holiday is over.