
Princess Polly Coupons, Promo Codes and Deals

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About Princess Polly: offers chic clothing and accessories for women.

Pros: This website is dedicated to helping women find affordable fashion pieces to suit their personality and their wardrobe. The clothing is created with inspiration from latest fashion trends, but street style and comfort are also kept in mind with every design. This helps the brand create a unique look that will suit a wide range of women. The website even shows off images of real women wearing their clothing and connects customers to the item that the person is wearing. This allows customers to see how items look on real people. They also feature videos of models wearing the items so you can witness how the fabric moves and more. Each product has a convenient description and mentions the website's shipping and refund policy. You get a full 60 days to turn in items for a refund, which is a lot more generous than most clothing stores. The brand is also dedicated to social media as it even has a Tik Tok, so customers can truly embrace the clothing with ease. There are many promotions you can take advantage of too and you don't have to sign up for anything to receive them.

Cons: On a negative note, the store only offers clothing up to a size 12, which means a lot of people won't be able to find the clothing they need. The company also doesn't allow for reviews on their social media pages, as they only offer those from their website. So, it is hard to tell if they are honest or not.

Princess Polly Shipping Info:

Free 2-Day Shipping on a $50 Order.
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