
Quick Tips to Make Real Jewelry Month an Asset for Holiday Gifting

Jewelry is one of the most popular gifts during the holiday season. However, a lot of responsibility goes into owning jewelry, which many people don’t consider when purchasing or receiving such a gift. Luckily, Real Jewelry Month is the perfect time to take a step back and look at the possession you have or those that you might want to purchase. This month is dedicated to educating yourself and others about real jewelry and helping to ensure your investments are well taken care of. These ten tips will allow you to get more out of your possessions while helping you assess what you have and what you plan to buy.

1. Certification
One of the most important things you can do when shopping for a new piece of jewelry is to figure out if it comes certified. Most real jewelry will, so if a jeweler doesn’t want to provide you with the certification, you might want to take your business elsewhere. Of course, you could ask for the item to be inspected prior to purchasing, if you really like a piece. Usually, this will cost you out of pocket, but the inspector will then provide you with a certification, so you can prove exactly what the piece is. Your certification will help you insure your piece and can improve the price at which you sell it. You will want to make sure to store your certification in a safe place, as well.

2. Take Photos of the Item
When it comes down to it, one of the best things that you can do for your jewelry is taking a picture of it. This provides you with tangible evidence that the item does belong to you. This also helps to provide your insurance company with evidence of the item, in case something does happen. Apart from providing you with proof that the item does exist, you’ll also find that taking photos will help you monitor the piece over time. This is great for finding problems before they become too difficult to repair. It will also help you discover when the clarity of your jewels is starting to diminish, so you can get them cleaned. Make sure you keep a hard copy of your photos with a timestamp too, as this will make documentation much easier.

3. Insure you Jewelry
If you have expensive jewelry in your possession, then it is important to get it insured. Just like any other expensive item in your household, you don’t want to have your items at risk. Some home insurance companies will talk to you about your possessions to see if anything of high value does need to be insured. This is usually the case with policies that will help you replace your belongings if the unthinkable happens. However, if your insurance company doesn’t help out then there are lots of companies that do. You will have to shop around for a good rate, but with a little patience, you’re bound to find a company that will work for your needs. Insuring your items will ensure you’re not out thousands in case there is a theft or disaster that leaves your items gone.

4. Inspect Items
There’s no doubt about it, your items aren’t going to be in perfect condition forever. In fact, if you’re not careful they might not be in perfect condition when you purchase them. So, it is important to get your items checked out every year. You can do a simple inspection of your own, especially on new items. However, after a certain period of time, you might consider getting a jeweler to look over the piece every few years. This will allow you to get problems fixed quickly, so they can’t progress. It will also help maintain the value of your jewelry. It can also save you money on any minor repairs that may have become major repairs if left unattended.

5. Learn To Clean Each Piece
Cleaning is a huge part of caring for your jewelry. If you want to keep everything looking nice, then you can easily learn how to clean each piece yourself. There are actually instructions for a wide variety of different items, so if you’re curious as to how to clean each piece then there are lots of tutorials that work for you. If you’re not comfortable with cleaning items yourself, then you can always pay for the service. Some companies that you purchase from might even offer this service for you. Make sure you check your warranty for this information or call the store up and ask. This will allow you to use a trusted service that will truly make your jewelry look fabulous.

6. Store Properly
Another problem that many people face when working with jewelry is they do not store the items properly. This can be a huge problem because it can cause corrosion and a lack of clarity when it comes to your jewelry. Luckily, jewelry isn’t very hard to take care of. Usually, if you place the items in a controlled environment then they are good to go. Sometimes, it is best to hang necklaces and place rings and bracelets on a special hanger. This will prevent them from intertwining or being damaged by other pieces. Another great place to store the items is in a safe. This will not only keep them out of sunlight and away from moisture but will also ensure they are safe from prying eyes. Some items will come in a special bag when purchased and this is generally a good place to keep your item if you don’t want to invest in extra accessories.

7. Ditch Trends
Many people, especially around the holidays, tend to follow the trendy gifts of the year. Instead of doing this, you might consider looking into pieces that will have more value over time, as well as more personal value. The markets tend to be flooded with the trendy pieces, which means they’re not going to sell for as much in the upcoming years. On top of that, the bulk design might cause them to be made as cheaply as possible. Thus, the durability of these items might not be as trustworthy as you would hope. Of course, there is also the fact that the piece won’t make the recipient feel special when everyone around them is wearing it. A signature piece, on the other hand, will have a more unique look with a design that can stand the tests of time, in most cases. It also offers the message that you think the person is special.

8. Shop Birthstones
Diamonds aren’t the only stone out there that can win someone’s heart. If you want to show off your love for someone, you might shop birthstone jewelry. There are many unique pieces you can find and the birthstones will offer a great way to show off the recipient’s personality. Shopping birthstone jewelry can also be on the frugal side too. Generally, during the month of someone’s birth, you will find that stones are much cheaper. If you don’t like the jewelry on offer during this time, you can always have a ring customized to suit your needs at a much cheaper price than other stones. So, don’t forget about the beauty of birthstones when you’re planning a special surprise.

9. Research Companies You Purchase From
If you’re looking to purchase jewelry that is going to be a collector’s piece, or you simply want to purchase responsibly, then it is imperative that you research the companies you purchase from. Most companies will talk about the materials they use on their websites; however, if you’re shopping at a brick and mortar shop then feel free to ask the company questions. You might even ask for proof of where they purchase materials from. Some companies still do not use fair trade or harm free diamonds, which might make your piece less appealing. Companies that use less than desirable materials might also sell you items that won’t last very long.

10. Don’t Be Tricked Into Purchasing
Another problem many people face when shopping is feeling pressured into purchasing something. This can cause someone to spend more money than they may have wanted. However, it can also leave someone with an item they didn’t really want to buy. If you come across a store with a really pushy salesperson then don’t be afraid to walk out. Try to come back at a different time or simply shop at a different store. Luckily, online shopping allows you to shop ahead before you go to a store to check out something. This gives you some power over the situation and will allow you to make a quick purchase. Of course, if you don’t mind shopping online then you can easily do this too; however, you might not get the item you expected, so be careful.

Celebrating real jewelry month is the perfect time to embrace your collection and prepare you to shop more efficiently in the future. These tips are not only helpful for the items you currently have but will make you a better gift-giver too. So, embrace your love of jewelry while celebrating this amazing month.

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