
Archive for December 30, 2021

Quick Ways to Save Money in the New Year that Will Feel Like No Big Deal

With the New Year upon us, many people have made the resolution to save more money. Often, people feel like they have to put in a lot of effort in order to save some money, but this isn’t always the case. There are actually many small things that can help you change the way you save money so you can get the most out of your year. These ten ideas can help you to keep your mind on track so you can save without having to go to drastic matters. With any luck, you can utilize a few of the tips, if not all, to change the way you spend money so your savings can grow and grow.

1. Change Jar
It might seem a little old-fashioned but putting out a change jar can be one of the easiest ways to save a bit of money without having to blink an eye. If you ever pay for anything in cash, then this jar is definitely going to come in handy. If you’re not big on cash then you might consider pulling out a certain amount of cash for purchases you tend to make frequently, such as morning coffee or lunches. Then, you can use the change from these splurges to save when you place it in the jar. You might be surprised how quickly the money adds up in the jar, especially when you think about how much money you’ve lost in the past by not placing it in a secure place.

2. 30 Day Rule
Impulse purchases are one of the biggest problems with people’s budgets these days. We live in a world of instant gratification, which can carry over to our finances. So, whenever you decide you want to make a purchase, put the idea on hold for 30 days. This will allow you to think over the item so you can decide if it is something that you can actually use or if you even really want the item. More often than not, you will probably forget all about the purchase, so you won’t have to spend the money at all. Of course, if you’re still keeping an eye on the item after a month’s time then it might be worth the money. You should, however, make sure to shop around before you make the purchase though. This will help you save money on the items you actually do want.

3. Reconsider Subscriptions
Chances are, if you ditched cable, you probably have a few subscriptions for streaming services. You might also have subscriptions for music streaming, eBooks, or even meal plans, magazines, or subscription boxes. These subscriptions, even if they don’t cost a lot of money, can really add up without you even realizing it. So, as we roll into a new year, you might look at your subscriptions and see which you actually use. If you feel that you use all of them, then you might compromise with yourself. Instead of keeping them all, consider canceling half for a few months. Then, when you are bored of what you have, you can cancel the others and resubscribe to the services that you have up. You might find that you end up not even wanting to resubscribe, which can definitely save you some big money in the long run.

4. Pay Extra
Bills can be pretty frustrating, especially when it comes to calculating interest and the amount of extra money that you have to pay on your bills due to interest. Rather than spend a fortune on interest, you should consider paying in extra for every bill you have that has interest tacked on. This can be anything from your mortgage and car payments to credit card payments and loans. This doesn’t mean you have to give up hundreds of extra dollars on the bills. In fact, even if you round up to the next dollar you will be able to cut back on the interest you pay, which will help you in the long run without hurting you now.

5. Pack Lunches
Another easy way to cut back on spending is to pack lunches for those that must eat outside of the home. Going out to eat for lunch or having your child pay for a meal in the school cafeteria can really hurt the budget substantially. Rather than spending for every person in the household to have a separate lunch bill, you can create lunches that are healthier and cheaper than anything you would potentially buy. You can also pack leftovers and other items to help save even more money. This can actually save you hundreds in a month, which can be used to pay more bills or boost your savings account.

6. Unsubscribe
One of the main problems with saving is all of the temptations that we encounter on a daily basis. Any time you purchase something from a store, you will find that you will soon be bombarded by advertisements. Any time the store reduces a price of an item you checked out or offers a sale, which can be daily, you will get an email that will tempt you to make a purchase. Instead of dealing with this annoyance day in and day out, you might consider just opting to not get the emails. As soon as they begin, simply click to unsubscribe to the email. Legally, a mailing list will have to remove you from the list, so you won’t have to deal with the spam again. Without constantly being notified of price reductions and sales, you will find that saving money is a lot easier to do.

7. Grocery Shop Wisely
Another simple way to save on money is to grocery shop wisely. There is no doubt about it, grocery shopping can be intimidating, especially in today’s world. Even if you do prepare a grocery list to keep you on track, it is fairly simple to forget a lot of the items that were needed. Stores are often designed to cause you to do this so that you must go back and spend even more money. So, if you can, make a list and stick to it entirely. If it isn’t on your list, then don’t buy it. If you can exercise this discipline, then you should be able to get through the store without purchasing frivolous items that you don’t need. While shopping, you should also consider a few things. First of all, you should reach for the generic brands whenever you can. This will save you quite a bit, even if you’re only saving a few cents on the brand. Other than that, you should always purchase produce and meat that is in season. These items will be cheaper and fresher, which will help you get more out of your purchases. Doing price comparisons before you shop can also help you choose where you will purchase certain items from.

8. Automatic Savings
If you tend to have money left over after your bills, or you want to avoid temptation, then one of the best things you can do is set up an automatic savings account. Most banks will offer this, and it doesn’t take a lot to set up. In short, you will need a savings account to get started. Once your account is established, ask your bank to set up an automatic transfer for a specific amount of your income. This will move the money before you even see it, just like it would for a bill. This will help you forget all about having the discipline to do it yourself. After a while, you will begin to notice that your savings are growing nicely, which will definitely help you feel more confident about the future.

9. Coupon Shop
Coupons are still an important way to save. Coupons have changed a lot over the years, but you can still utilize the coupons that you saw your parents use when you were a kid. Many stores will offer these in the store or in catalogs when you do go shopping. However, you can also download them from your favorite brands’ websites. Apart from that, you can find coupons online with ease. These are great for online shopping and can be as simple as putting in a code. There are numerous sites dedicated to helping you find the right coupons too, so make sure to sign up for websites and apps that you feel will help you save. Before long, you might get so much more out of couponing than you ever would have expected.

10. Consider Lights Out Days
Our planet is currently in crisis, which means there are a lot of changes that need to be made. Luckily, some of these changes can actually benefit your budget too. As we move into 2022, you might consider having a lights-out day every month or so to help cut back on your use of energy. There are so many ways you can have fun with a lights-out day, as well. You can spend the day outside, if the weather allows, or you can embrace reading or catch up with cleaning chores. With no lights or gadgets to distract you, you may even find some time to relax and unwind. There are also lots of great alternative ways to eat and enjoy cooking without using the power in your home too. With a little creativity and a positive attitude, this might become one of your family’s favorite days.

Saving money doesn’t have to be about making major changes in your life. Rather, you can make some small changes to help you get on track with your life. These ten ideas can really add up as you go, so try out a few options to see which works out for your household, budget, and savings dreams.

Efficient Ways to Save on a Personal Trainer for Your New Year Goals

As the New Year arrives, many people will be looking for ways to make their resolutions come true. One of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight or improve fitness levels, which is why so many people reach out to personal trainers during this time of the year. Unfortunately, personal trainers can be a rather expensive addition to your budget, especially if you don’t look for ways to save on the trainer. These ten tips can help you cut back on your spending while still allowing you to enjoy working with the personal trainer of your choice.

1. Go Through a Gym
One of the cheapest ways to save money on a personal trainer is to actually join a gym. A lot of gyms will have personal trainers on call, so they can help anyone that is currently working out in the gym. In order to take advantage of this, you will need to see what your gym offers. If you haven’t signed up for a gym yet then this might be one of the things you consider before registering. Of course, you might not be able to get the same trainer every time you are there, but you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a personal trainer nonetheless without having to pay extra.

2. Research
Before you sign a contract with anyone, ever, you should always do a fair amount of research. Before you begin even looking at personal trainers, you should consider whether or not you actually need one. Research what goes into working with a personal trainer, so you will know what you need to accomplish while also ensuring you will be able to keep up with the demands needed for your investment to pay off. When you decide that the investment is for you, research the personal trainer that you are interested in. You should check out their website and what they stand for. If you find a trainer you like, then look at reviews they have on various pages. You might even reach out to some of the people they’ve worked with, to see how they really feel about the trainer.

3. Ask for Recommendations
When it comes to choosing a personal trainer, recommendations are one of the best ways to choose the right person for you. You should start with chatting with friends and family that you know have worked with a personal trainer. If you can get a few names from people, then you can begin looking for the right person for you. Your loved ones aren’t the only people to turn to either. You might chat with people you know from the gym or those that are in a local fitness group with you. This should help you narrow down the search without putting a lot of risk into your investment. It will also help you weed out scammers right away too, which will give you some peace of mind.

4. Talk with the Trainer
When you think you have an idea of who you’d like to work with or you simply want to explore the idea of working with a personal trainer, then you might want to make an appointment to talk with a trainer. This will allow you to meet the person, so you can decide whether or not their personality will work well with your personal needs. You will also learn more about the trainer when it comes to their approach to your particular goals and what they offer in their training sessions. After talking with a trainer, you’ll have more knowledge about your investment and will know if you’ve found the right person to work with.

5. Make Sure You Have Time
It is easy to come up with the idea of working with a personal trainer. However, a lot of people don’t consider their schedule when they come up with his plan. Sometimes, it might seem possible to dedicate an hour a day or a few hours a week to working with a trainer. However, life gets in the way, and schedules get busy. Unfortunately, a lot of trainers will have in their contract stipulations that prevent you from getting refunds on the training sessions you miss due to your schedule. So, you might want to truly consider your time before making an investment or find a trainer that offers a flexible plan that you can easily work with.

6. Don’t Skip the Diet
A lot of people do believe that a personal trainer is going to be the answer to all of their problems. However, if you feel like you’re working out and can still eat what you want then you’re definitely not going to get the results that you want. Keeping up with a diet is a great way to make sure that you get everything you need out of your personal trainer. Some trainers will provide you with a diet plan and if this is the case then make sure to stick with it. However, if they don’t provide you with a diet then it is up to you to do the research to figure out what is going to work best for your personal needs. Once you’ve figured out your diet, then you’re good to implement it and watch as your results improve. Keeping to a good diet can also allow you to work harder in a workout, which will add even more to your results.

7. Find Promotions
If you’re worried about the price of a personal trainer then there are many promotions to choose from. Sometimes, personal trainers will offer a sales price, which is very common during the New Year when people are testing the waters. Generally, these deals will cover a few sessions, but that is enough to allow you to figure out whether or not the trainer is a good fit. Some trainers will offer a lower price if you pay for the year ahead of time, which can also save you money if you’re certain you’re going to stick with the program. Of course, you might also be able to find a Groupon promotion, which will allow you to save money with a group of other people.

8. Share Sessions
Sometimes, people don’t have enough time to spend at the gym every week. If you have a trainer that charges for multiple sessions a week, then you might talk with them to see if you can split the price with others. This will allow you to enjoy a training session whenever you can while other people take up the other lessons. This split will help you all save money without eating into the trainer’s time. Of course, some trainers won’t allow this, so you might have to look around for a bit to find a person that does. You will also have to make sure that you’re signing up to share with people that are going to be reliable and pay for their portion of the trainer’s time.

9. Referral Programs
If you already have a trainer, or you’re looking to get some money back on your investment, then you might ask to see if your personal trainer offers a referral program. This program will help you win either money or a discount on your bill if you refer people to the personal trainer. Generally, people have to sign up for a certain period of time before they earn the referral so keep this in mind when you recommend people to the personal trainer. Although you might not get a lot from this, every little bit does help, and you might be helping a loved one into the shape they hope to be in too.

10. Consider Online Programs
If you tend to be a pretty busy person and you don’t think you’re going to be able to make it to the gym often, then there are some great programs that you can take in on the internet. There are numerous apps that can help you save quite a bit of money while allowing you to work out in a more flexible manner. Of course, you should always put in research before you sign up for services so you can consider whether or not they are for you. Many online programs do offer free trials though, which will definitely allow you to figure out if something is going to be right for you before you make an investment.

When it comes to getting in shape, a personal trainer can be one of the best ways to achieve your goals, but you should also protect your budget in the process. So, if you’re shopping around for a personal trainer during the new year, then you might consider these ten options to help you save some money.

Ten New Year Resolutions That Will Improve Your Health Even On a Tight Budget

New Year will be arriving in the blink of an eye, and a lot of people are hoping to make 2022 all about their health. If you have a lot of resolutions regarding your health, then you might be looking into a lot of programs that could cost you a small fortune over the course of a year. There are many things that you can do to keep your health up that will cost you nothing or very little. These simple resolutions can really help you make the most of the year while improving your health with ease.

1. Ditch Eating Out
If you’re ready to get serious about your health, then one of the best things you can do is ditch eating out. When you order out or even go to a restaurant, you aren’t fully in control of the food that you’re eating. Fast food restaurants are terrible for your health, which is common knowledge, but a lot of people feel that going to a restaurant can be a better alternative. More often than not, this isn’t the case. When you do go to a restaurant, you’re often served a larger portion than you would normally have. Plus, you’re more likely to indulge in appetizers and drinks that are also high in calories. Ditching fast food will make you choose healthier options you can make at home while also cutting back on the amount of money you spend.

2. After Dinner Walks
Walking daily is incredibly important and can help you maintain a healthier weight day in and day out. However, when you choose to walk can also help you out. When you go walking after dinner, you are actually helping the digestion process, which can help your body out immensely. Walking after dinner can also help you get rid of the stress from the day while also allowing you to easily ease into relaxation mode so you can fall asleep with ease. Apart from that, it does help you get out some extra energy which can also help you with a more restful sleep while allowing you to feel like your day was more fulfilling. The best thing is you don’t actually have to pay a dime to go for a walk, which can make the exercise all the more enjoyable.

3. Be Early to Rise
You might be surprised as to how much waking up early in the morning can help you and your health. Of course, this also means that you need to be in bed early so you can get the proper amount of sleep. Waking up early can help you in so many ways. One of the best things about waking up early is it allows you to get more done before you have to tackle your responsibilities. This can ensure you are able to start the day off on a positive note, which will definitely allow you to get where you need to be. Waking up early and going to bed early can also help you manage your weight. It can even improve mental health. This is only scratching the surface, so if you’re on the fence about becoming an early riser, you might want to look up all of the benefits yourself.

4. Stand Up Often
So many people spend their day sitting may it be for work or just sheer habit. One of the best things you can do if you tend to find yourself sitting often is to stand up every twenty minutes. You can easily set an alarm to help you remember to get up, which can help hold you accountable for this goal. If you have a fitness watch, you can even use a setting to encourage you to get up. This can help you to avoid problems like blood clots, while also allowing your body to get up and stretch and burn a little energy. Once you get the hang of this routine, you might actually start incorporating some short exercises to help you burn energy and maybe even lose a little weight.

5. Say Yes to Coffee
Coffee has been given a bad reputation by so many, but if you actually dive into some research about coffee then you’ll find it actually does have a lot of great health benefits. As a matter of fact, coffee can help reduce your chance of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s. You can have up to three cups of coffee a day to improve your health and maintain your energy. However, when you do have coffee, you do need to be careful of a few things. Adding lots of cream and sugar to your coffee, for instance, can add some negative side effects to your health. Overindulging in these can cause you to put on excess pounds and may even cause other health issues. You might consider healthy sugar alternatives and nut milk, which offer nutrients without the fat or high-calorie intake.

6. Consider Therapy
So many of us have baggage that is weighing us down and preventing us from truly meeting our potential. For some, it may even be impossible to get through the day without dealing with the turmoil. Even if you don’t feel like you have problems that need to be worked through, you might consider seeing a therapist. A therapist can help you work through the day-to-day stress, which will allow you to feel more joy in your life. You can even see a therapist if you’re not sure where you want to go in life and need to talk through your options. On the other hand, you can also see a therapist if you do have some big plans but you’re not quite sure how to make them happen. There are lots of affordable therapy options today. Some will even allow you to see your therapist online, so you never have to set foot in an office if that makes you uncomfortable.

7. Use Vitamins
A lot of people simply aren’t getting the nutrients they need from their everyday diet. Even if you eat all of the recommended foods and try to keep your diet extremely healthy, you’ll find that you still might miss the mark when it comes to your daily intake of vitamins and minerals. A simple daily vitamin can help you get where you need to be. However, there are so many other supplements you can take to improve your health. May it be improving your eye health or making your nails stronger, you can find supplements to suit your needs. Of course, you should talk to your doctor before you take anything just to make sure it aligns with your health.

8. Socialize
For the last couple of years, we have been pretty much stuck at home due to Covid-19. This can actually cause negative side effects on our health. So, if you plan on improving your health over the upcoming year, then one of the first steps you can take is to socialize more. Even if Covid-19 persists, you can easily keep on video chatting with those that you love. This will increase your health, but you should also make sure to hug the people that live in your home. A few hugs a day can help your health immensely. If you do find that going out is safe, may it be the lack of Covid-19 cases in your area or the vaccine, then you should make plans to get out more to socialize. Try to sign up for social events or pay visits to friends and family.

9. Meditate
If you aren’t already taking some time out of your day to meditate, then this might be one of the best health options for you. Without a doubt, meditation is one of the best ways to help reduce stress, center your mind, and improve your health. Meditation is also totally free if you give it a try without paying for aids. There are lots of great apps and videos to help you learn how to meditate with ease, so you don’t have to purchase anything if you don’t want to add it to your budget. After meditating for a little while, you may find that it has many advantages, which is why it is one of the best resolutions to have for the upcoming year.

10. Skip the Fads
Just like every year, there are going to be some diet and exercise fads going around. As in the past, you will find that these hot new trends are going to be a total waste of money, so the best thing you can do is just cut back on trying them out. The best way to diet and exercise is going to be the way your doctor recommends. Spending money on trying out new supplements or apps, probably won’t serve you well. So, figure out what works for your body, find an accountability partner, and work hard to make your goals happen. This will allow you to truly save money and reach your weight loss and fitness goals while keeping up with them, as most diet fads will only work a short while.

This upcoming year is going to be a great year to get your health in order. These tips are only scratching the surface but can help you to make the right resolutions to keep your body thriving without wasting a ton of money on meeting your goals. With hard work and frugality, you should be able to reach your fitness goals as we begin to recover from the pandemic.

Fantastic Ways to Celebrate The New Year On a Dime

The New Year is almost upon us, which might leave you wondering how you’re going to say goodbye to 2021 and welcome in 2022. A lot of people love to throw huge parties or attend events that will keep them busy throughout the night. However, if you don’t have money to spend on a party, New Years’ attire, and transportation, then there are several fun ideas that you can enjoy. These tips won’t cost you a lot of money and will ensure you feel like you can get the most out of the holiday without breaking your budget. So, get ready to make new traditions, because these ideas will transform the last and first holiday of the year.

1. Create Your Own New Year’s Eve Show
If you’ve ever watched Dick Clark’s Rocking New Year or any other similar shows, then you will know that there is a lot of fun to be had by hosting such a show. If you aren’t sure where you want to take your show, then consider just narrating an event that is already happening. You can live stream the show and have your friends and family interact. If you do want to create your own show from the ground up, then you can record the show in advance and use old music videos or other material as the performance portion of the show. If you are creating the show for the family, then consider using your children’s ballet recitals, music lessons, and so on to fulfill this aspect of the production. You can exercise total freedom here, which can definitely allow you to have some fun.

2. Make a Signature Dish
There are a lot of traditions based around the New Year. Many people and cultures believe that certain foods actually bring you good luck and prosperity when consumed on the first day of the year. Foods like black eye peas and longevity noodles are incredibly popular during the New Year. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to stick with other people’s traditions if you don’t already implement them. Nor does it mean you can’t add on to the traditions you already have in play. So, this year, you might consider coming up with a signature dish that you can enjoy every new year. You can pass this recipe down to loved ones, so your family can carry on the tradition for generations to come.

3. Fill a Donation Box
Starting the year off with less clutter is never a bad idea. So, if you have the time, take a little time to get rid of the items that you don’t currently need. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to take an entire day to deep dive into the depths of your closet. Rather, pull out a box and fill it with items around you that you no longer want. Kids can also do this with clothes and toys that they no longer enjoy. If everyone in the family comes up with a donation box, you might be able to help someone in need. Before you donate to a charity shop, you might also consider looking for a home for the items. Some people might actually be in need, but can’t shop, so by bringing them the donations you could be making their new year all the better.

4. Make a New Dance Move
Dancing is one of the best ways to have some fun in life. A lot of people love to dance their way into the new year, which is why creating your own dance move can be a great start to 2022. You can really have fun with this, which will help occupy quite a bit of your time for your new year’s celebration. To add to the fun, you can share your dance move with others and allow them to share the dance moves they’ve created with you. You can even host a dance-off if you’re spending the holiday with others. There are so many ways you can use your new move throughout the year too, so you will get a lot of value from this form of celebration.

5. Announce Accountability Partner
If you have some big plans this upcoming year, then you’re going to need an accountability partner. An accountability partner is someone that holds you to your goals, so you are less likely to procrastinate. When you choose an accountability partner, you do need to put some thought into who you choose as a partner. That is why New Year is a great time to send love to your accountability partner by announcing the person to the world. This can be an act to help your accountability partner feel appreciated, but also a great way to tell everyone you mean business and someone is going to help you make your goals happen.

6. Create a Photo Booth
Nothing takes a good time up a notch quite like your very own photo booth. This might seem like an expensive addition to a party or celebration, but it really isn’t. There are numerous hacks to help you save a whole lot of money without missing out on any of the fun. To begin with, you can use your smartphone to capture the images. You can create your own tripod or buy one for cheap, to make capturing images easy. You can also come up with props from items you already have in the home or print off graphics. This activity can help preserve some of your holiday memories so you can cherish them in years to come.

7. Make a 2021 Playlist
Help document the ups and downs of the year by making a playlist for your year. You can start by documenting the months, or even just the events that happened to you. There are many ways you can go about the playlist, which will help you save money. For instance, you can easily use programs like Spotify to create a playlist that you can enjoy for years to come. Even if you don’t subscribe to the service, this feature is available. If you’re not sure what songs to use, then browse through mood playlists to see if something reminds you of the year. Once your playlist is complete, you can share it with friends and family and listen to their playlists as well.

8. Volunteer
With the end of the year here, you might consider spending any extra time you have volunteering. This is a great way to end the year doing something nice for others. There are so many in need during this time of the year too, especially since the weather tends to be much colder. You can also start the new year off doing something good, which will help you kick it off on the right foot. This will also allow you to occupy your time without spending money, which can be a great way to keep your year going well from day one.

9. DIY Party Games
Games are a quick way to make any gathering come to life. If you don’t have a lot of games on hand, Then you’re not out of luck. There are so many games that you can DIY on next to no notice, which can allow you to customize the fun had at the party. If you have more adults attending the party, then there are lots of word games you can download and print out. Of course, there are kid-friendly options too, so if you think the children in your life will love this type of game then there are options. You can also come up with physical games too, like variations on Twister, musical chairs, and scavenger hunts. If you’re at a loss for ideas, there are so many to choose from online, so make sure to do a little research.

10. Try Something New
Instead of following the same habits, you might spend New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day doing something new and exciting. There are plenty of new and exciting things you can take on that won’t leave you broke. For instance, you might consider trying a new cuisine to see if there is something you might love eating more of in the new year. You can also try a new sport. Renting items is usually fairly cheap, but there are many other things you can try for free if you look around.

New Year is definitely going to allow you to enjoy some changes and some fun in your life. However, choosing an activity to do doesn’t have to be costly. These ten ideas can set you up for success in the new year while allowing to start things out on the right foot.

Budget Friendly Kwanzaa Gifts That Will Make Any Child Thankful

Kwanzaa is just a couple of short weeks away, which means there is a lot of fun to be had soon. However, it also means that there isn’t a whole lot of time for holiday shopping. If you’re struggling to come up with a gift or two to share the love with the children in your life, then you’re in luck. Not only will these gifts help to fit the theme of Kwanzaa, but they will also allow you to save some money so you can enjoy other aspects of the holiday too. With these ten ideas to guide you, you are certain to be the best gift-giver during this incredible holiday.

1. Holiday Inspired Books
Since Kwanzaa is a celebration of African culture, then one of the best gifts that you can give is a book inspired by the holiday. It doesn’t have to be all about Kwanzaa as there are many books that you can purchase that talk about Africa, its history, and its culture. Of course, there are numerous books to choose from that are actually all about the holiday. These are actually amazing for younger children but can also be a good gift for any newcomers to the holiday or those hoping to learn more. One of the best things about books is you can cater to personality, interest, and age. This helps to make it a wonderful gift for just about everyone on your list.

2. Kwanzaa Clothes
It is part of the holiday’s tradition to dress in traditional African clothing. So, one of the best gifts that you come up with for a child is a new set of traditional clothing. You can purchase these from specialty shops online, but you might also be able to make your own clothing. You can find traditional fabrics online and in some craft stores, which is a great place to start. You might even be able to order patterns or follow tutorial videos to create unique looks that suit traditions. If you don’t want to give traditional clothing, then there are Kwanzaa-themed tees, hats, and hoodies to choose from. You can also stray a bit by offering African-themed clothing that children can wear all year long.

3. Talking Globe
Learning about the world is incredibly important for children. Since Kwanzaa teaches about Africa and beyond, it is a great idea to give little ones a globe that can teach them more about the place they are learning about. These globes can help make Africa feel real to a child and will give them imagery to add to the things they are learning. The globe is also a gift that can be used throughout childhood. You never know, you might be inspiring a globetrotter, which will make your gift all the more important in the eyes of a child.

4. Candle Kit
Each day of Kwanzaa is accompanied by a candle. So, if you want to help children feel like they play a larger role in the holiday, then you might consider gifting a candle kit. A kit can allow children to learn a new hobby which is beneficial in numerous different ways. It can also allow children to work to create their own candles for the holidays. You can find candle kits, even those designed for children to use, at a variety of hobby or craft shops. However, if you know how to make candles then you can easily set up a kit yourself, so you can customize it for the child you’re gifting it to.

5. Instruments
Creativity and music are another great part of Kwanzaa. That is why gifting musical instruments is an easy thing to do. There are many instruments to choose from for this, but you might first aim to choose traditional options. Drums are always a good pick and can be a great option for children to learn. You can also make your own drum or purchase a kit to make one, so the gift is a bit more personal. Of course, children can benefit from any instrument you provide, especially if you accompany it with lessons or information about music that is derived from Africa or music that stems from African culture.

6. Beaded Jewelry
Another great idea is to offer beaded jewelry for Kwanzaa. This will help to create a traditional vibe for the holiday while allowing you to easily provide a gift that is perfect for all-year use. You can even find beaded jewelry that is designed by African artisans, which can allow you to truly put the meaning of the holiday into action. If you want to satisfy the creative aspect of the holiday, then you might consider purchasing some beading kits for kids that are old enough. There are so many kits to choose from so you can truly make this gift personalized and fun for each recipient.

7. Coloring Book
Coloring books are currently a big trend, but they have been popular for little kids for quite some time. Luckily, you should be able to find quite a few Kwanzaa coloring books on the market, which will help little ones have some fun for the holiday. There are coloring books for older kids and adults, as well. You might have a harder time finding books that are Kwanzaa related, but you should be able to find African-themed coloring books. If you are good with programs like Adobe Illustrator, you can make your own coloring sheets and add them to a special book for the recipient. This can truly add a special touch to the gift.

8. African Blanket
Since Kwanzaa takes place during the cold season, you might want to consider gifting a blanket for the holiday. There are so many online stores that offer artisan blankets at a fair price. This will allow you to help out someone crafting in Africa, which will add even more meaning to the gift. One of the more popular blankets to purchase is a Basotho blanket which can actually be worn. However, there are so many options to choose from that you are certain to be able to find something that will allow you to personalize the gift to suit anyone on your gifting list.

9. Art
A work of art that depicts everything that Kwanzaa is about is a great way to share the holiday with a child. There are so many works of art out there to choose from too, which will make it simple to find age-appropriate options. If you don’t want to stick with Just Kwanzaa then you might consider a piece that involves African or African culture. If you are crafty then you can always make your own art to give out. Some children might prefer an art set that you can enjoy with them as they learn more about African art.

10. DNA Kit
A DNA kit can be one of the best ways to help the children in your life learn more about their ancestry. Some DNA tests will even be able to help children pinpoint where their relatives come from, which is a great way to help inspire them to learn more about their culture and what area of Africa that they are from. Although younger children might not appreciate this gift today, it will become a valuable resource when they are older. These tests can always be managed by parents until a child is old enough to manage an account. Some ancestry tests can even connect to relatives living abroad, which might prove to be a great learning resource under the supervision of an adult.

Kwanzaa gifts can be a fun addition to your holiday. These ten ideas can actually help to find the perfect way to gift to the children in your life. With any luck, you will choose the perfect item to help spread knowledge and so much more.

Make the Holidays Tastier with these Baking Substitutions That Can Save You Money

The holiday season is here, which means you’re probably spending a lot more time in your kitchen baking your free time away. Although baking tends to be a pretty frugal activity, if you’re baking frequently, you might be wondering how you can possibly cut down on your baking bill. On the other hand, you might also not be able to keep track of all of your ingredients. Here are ten easy things to substitute when it comes to your baking needs, so you can cut back on spending while also ensuring you don’t have to stop what you’re doing to go shopping for ingredients.

1. Butter
You’re going to need butter for almost everything you’re going to be baking this season. The only problem is butter can be fairly pricey. It is always best to shop for butter in bulk when you can, but if you’re hoping to save a little money then there are alternatives you can work with. You can also find alternative options to help you out. One of the easiest things to add to the mix is applesauce. This will ensure whatever you bake is moist and delicious while also offering a healthier alternative. Another option is to puree white beans. This will add protein to your baked treats without sacrificing flavor. Avocado can work wonders in your recipes too. Coconut oil is another substitution, although it isn’t quite as healthy as the other options and might run you the same price as butter.

2. Eggs
Another common ingredient is eggs, which seem to go faster than expected whenever baking is involved. If you’re short on eggs, or you’re baking for someone that can’t have them, then there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. One easy option, but slightly pricier, is to soak one tablespoon of ground flaxseed in three tablespoons of water. You can also use a fourth of a cup of pumpkin, which will add a creamier texture. Another option, which is great if you’re really in a pinch is one tablespoon vinegar combined with one teaspoon of baking soda. You can also use yogurt or silken tofu, which works wonders in cake mixes. If you’re going for a plant-based option that is simple, there are also egg options to suit your needs there and can allow you to eat the cookie dough without worry.

3. Dairy
Dairy is another common ingredient that tends to go bad quickly and might not suit everyone’s dietary needs. It can also be a bit pricier, especially if you’re dealing with heavy creams. There are many things that you can substitute dairy for. For instance, nut milk is a simple option. You can choose from a wide variety of options for regular milk, but you might have to shop for specialty options if you’re looking for cream substitutions. If you need to substitute heavy cream, then you can mix milk and butter. If buttermilk is what you’re after, then a combination of lemon juice and milk will work out with ease. Other than that, you shouldn’t worry about always using whole milk as skim and reduced-fat milk will work just as well. In some recipes, you may even be able to get away with water.

4. Oil
Oil tends to be something that a lot of people are trying to cut back on. It is also an item that tends to be forgotten if you don’t often use oil. There are some options to work with here, so don’t fret if you don’t have it on hand. Using one cup of sugar combined with? cup of water will give you the same results. You can also melt down butter or coconut oil to get the same effect. If you want to go even healthier than that, canned pumpkin can help you reach a moist and delicious bake without the oil.

5. Chocolate Chips
There’s nothing quite like chocolate chip cookies around the holiday season. However, if you open up your cabinet to reveal you forgot chocolate chips, then you might have some tears on your hands. Although it isn’t quite the same, you can achieve a delicious chocolatey flavor by adding in sugar, cocoa, and butter in place of the chocolate chips. However, you might also consider taking the cookie in a different direction if you’re out of chocolate chips. You can use mint or peanut butter chips if you have them in your cupboard. You can also use candies like M&M’s or chop up a chocolate bar.

6. Vanilla Extract
Vanilla extract is commonly used in baking products, but not everyone always has it on hand. This can be one of the pricier ingredients to add to your baked goods as well. If you’re missing out on vanilla extract, then you’ll find a lot of simple options to help you get the flavor without the actual ingredient. One of the easiest options is vanilla-flavored nut milk. You won’t need a lot either, so if you have it on hand you’ll be good to go. Another option is honey or maple syrup. If you have almond extract or vanilla liqueur available, then these can work wonders too. Alcohol like bourbon or brandy will do the trick, too. Finally vanilla ice cream can make a big difference when it comes to flavor.

7. Sugar
Without a doubt, making baked goods without sugar can lead to disaster. So, if you’re out of sugar then there are options to turn to. Honey and syrup are a great natural way to skip the sugar without losing the sweetness of the baked goods. You can also enjoy applesauce or banana in place of the sugar. This can help create a moist baked treat as well. If you don’t want to use cane sugar, then you can swap for brown sugar, palm sugar, coconut sugar, and so on.

8. Flour
You might think that you can’t bake without having flour on hand, but this isn’t the case. If you’re out of flour, but you do have oatmeal around, then you’re set up for success. Simply place the oatmeal in a food processor or blender and let it get to work. When the oatmeal is fine, add it to your recipe and enjoy a delicious baked good with no flour. If you’re hoping to go gluten-free, there are many options to choose from. Some of the most common are almond flour or coconut flour. You can also blend up black beans to use in the mixture. This will pack your treat with protein while adding moisture to the mix.

9. Fill Ins
There are so many extra things that you can add to your recipe. It is hard to stray from a plan when we already have an idea of what we want. However, you might consider adding in peanut butter if you’re shy on chocolate or chocolate chips. If you have it, powdered peanut butter can go a long way too. If healthy is your goal, consider adding fruit and nuts to your treats. This can help you create sweetness and a delightful flavor that you will want to enjoy again and again.

10. Sweetened Condensed Milk
Discovering that you need a can of sweetened condensed milk when you’re in the middle of a recipe can be a huge source of frustration. If you’re low on this ingredient, then there are some simple and cheap ways to replace it. It might not be the easiest substitute on the list, but it can save you the frustration of heading to the store during the holiday shopping crowds. To make this substitution you will need to combine 3/4 cup white sugar mixed, 1/2 cup water, and 1 1/8 cups dry powdered milk. Bring the mixture to a boil while stirring frequently until the mixture becomes thick. This can take about 20 minutes to do, and the mixture will create one can’s worth of milk.

This holiday season, you don’t have to panic if you think you have ingredients that you don’t. These ten easy substitutions will ensure you’re ready for fun while bringing plenty of flavor to all of your baked goods. You may even be able to help other people meet their dietary restrictions so they can enjoy the baked goods too.

Make Christmas Exceptional Without Breaking Your Budget with These Ten Cheery Activities

The Christmas season can be one of the best times to celebrate with your family. However, the holiday itself can be one of the priciest of the year. Luckily, there are lots of great things that you can do for Christmas that won’t leave you feeling like your budget is too stretched. These ten ideas will make sure you have the fun you deserve during the holiday without having to stress out over money, as many will cost you next to nothing.

1. Decorate
Decorating can bring so much joy to the holiday season, and it doesn’t have to cost you a small fortune. You might start by using the items you already own. As long as you’re using LED lights, you should be able to decorate without it bringing your energy bill up too much. Also, make sure to turn your lights off at a certain hour, so you won’t have to pay for the lights being on for hours at a time. This can help you to create joy without waste. If you’re shy about decorations then you might surf your local thrift store for deals, as they tend to have many throughout the season. You can also make your own fun DIY decorations. There are numerous ideas online if you’re not sure where to begin.

2. Bake
Baking can help to bring some seasonal cheer to the mix. With the weather getting colder, it might also be a cheaper way to keep your home a little warmer since you will need the oven on to bake. Baking can be a simple way to keep everyone busy and satisfied instead of going out and spending money. You can even choose items that will cater to your home’s weekly menu or use recipes with ingredients that you already have in the home. There are even apps that will help you find recipes when you enter in the ingredients that you have. If you’re worried about pricier ingredients, there are numerous alternatives to check out so you can easily find what you need to make your favorite baked goods.

3. Enjoy Holiday Lights
During this time of year, there are lots of great holiday lights to see. If you want to lift your holiday spirits take a quick walk around your neighborhood or go for a quick drive so you can check out all of the lights near you. Most communities will also have light shows that you can check out for free or at a low price. You might check out what is going on in your community as well as the communities around you. This can help entertain the little ones as well, especially if the light show allows you to walk through the area.

4. DIY Gifts
Christmas is about generosity, but so many people struggle to get the gifts they need for their families, not to mention those outside the home. You can still gift without spending a fortune though. You might start your gifting journey with some holiday crafts. There are so many holiday crafts to choose from, such as snow globes or ornaments, that you will definitely not have a hard time finding ideas. If you don’t want to gift something holiday-themed, then consider using your talents to create something. You might draw or paint a picture, write a song or a poem, knit something, and so much more. These DIY gifts will especially be appreciated as they require a lot more thought than just purchasing something.

5. Holiday Movies
Holidays are a lot more fun when it comes to holiday movies. You can find so many holiday movies on this time of the year that your biggest problem might be deciding which to watch. Most streaming services will offer an abundance of options. However, if you’re not subscribed to anything, you can find television guides to help you choose what to watch. There are also many streaming options on free websites like YouTube, which can help you save money while reconnecting you with your childhood favorites.

6. Story Time
There are so many magical holiday stories to choose from, which makes storytime a great time to make the holidays magical. If you have Christmas books in the home, then you might stop to read them during downtimes to help bring some joy to children. You might also find that local libraries and bookstores are going to be reading holiday stories more often. If you are staying in then you can find a wide assortment of story times online, which can help occupy children for some time.

7. Send Out Cards
Nothing spreads joy quite like sending out holiday cards. So, sharing your cards with others might be a great way to enjoy the holiday season even more. You can purchase bulk boxes of cards for just a few dollars, which will definitely help to make it affordable to share your message with friends. However, if you want to save money and have a little fun then you might consider making DIY cards. To cut back on spending consider handing out all of the cards that you can. You can also make digital cards to suit your needs, which can make life a lot easier and eco-friendlier.

8. Throw a Party
Hosting a Christmas party might seem like an expensive thing to do. However, you don’t have to go all out. Your home will probably already be decorated, so you’ve already checked one item off the party list. Holiday music is easy to come by for free online too, which will allow you to set the mood and inspire everyone to get up and dance as a form of entertainment. If you have board games, then set them out as well, but you can also find free games online that will make great forms of entertainment too. Other than that, you can ask people to bring snacks and drinks so everyone has refreshments that they can enjoy. You really don’t need much more for a party. However, if you want to spice it up, have everyone bring a Secret Santa gift, which can be used to play games or just bring joy to guests.

9. Consider Drawing Names
If you come from a large family that likes to exchange gifts, you are probably facing a pretty big budget problem. One way to remedy this big-budget holiday is to ask everyone if they would be willing to draw names. This will allow you to just purchase gifts for the people that your family drew, which can really help to cut back on your spending substantially. Going this route can allow you to put more time and thought into the person you drew as well, which can make the gift-giving experience a lot more fun.

10. Check out Parades
Holiday parades are definitely going to add to the fun of the season. So, if you’re looking for a little Christmas joy, you might look up when your town’s parade will take place. If you live in a smaller community, then you might also look into the community options of surrounding areas. More often than not, you will find that the parades won’t take place at the same time, which will allow you to enjoy even more parades. You can also check out parades online, to add even more cheer to the season. No matter how you enjoy the parade, don’t get the holiday-inspired snacks to add to the fun.

The Christmas season doesn’t have to be filled with pricey productions and activities. These ten ideas will help to occupy your time while allowing you to have some fun with the family. You are certain to make some amazing memories while helping to keep children from getting too bored during their holiday break.

Deck the Halls with These Cheap DIY Holiday Ornaments

The holiday season is upon us and if you’re looking to make your tree look magical you might run into some budgetary problems. Ornaments can really eat into your holiday budget if you’re not careful, especially if you’re planning on adding a new theme or color scheme to your tree this year. Luckily, there are so many different types of ornaments that you can make with your own two hands. These ten ornament ideas are cheap and easy to make alone or with the entire family. So, prepare to make your tree phenomenal this year while having fun and saving money in the process.

1. Reindeer Pipe Cleaners
Reindeers are one of the most popular symbols of the holiday season, especially when you think about Rudolph. That is why making pipe cleaner reindeers will truly add to the joy of the season. All you really need for this craft is a few brown pipe cleaners, some red poms, and googly eyes. Simply shape the pipe cleaners in the form of a reindeer. You will need to connect two or three to do this. There is no real trick to the process either, which will make it fun to see how everyone’s reindeer turns out. When the shape is complete, glue to the eyes and nose. Then, add a string to the ornament and hang it up for all to see.

2. Wooden Ornaments
During the holiday season, you’re bound to find a large assortment of holiday ornaments and kits to make them. One of the best options to go with is wooden ornaments. You will be able to find ornaments that offer a variety of designs ad sizes, so you can find precisely what you need to get the job done. There are even kits you can choose from that will include everything you need to make the ornaments including paint and brushes. If you don’t want premade ornaments, then you can easily paint images onto wood slices for a more rustic look.

3. Salt Dough
Another great way to show off some creativity is to use the salt dough. This is an incredibly inexpensive recipe to make as it basically requires flour, salt, and water. Once your dough is made, you can shape it in any form that you’d like. One of the most common ways to make ornaments is to use them for hand and feet prints. However, you can also use it for painting and other craft projects. Before you paint, make sure the dough has dried in order to ensure the colors will stay put. To do this, you should bake the ornaments for a short while. This will also help ensure the shape you create will stay in place. You should make sure you create a hole in the dough so you can hang the ornament from the tree.

4. Twig Trees
If you enjoy a natural look on your holiday tree, then Twig Tree ornaments are the way to go. Simply gather up some twig from outside and then break them into a variety of sizes. From there, you can easily glue the pieces back together with the larger piece at the bottom and the smallest piece at the top. If you prefer a more modern look, glue the pieces onto another twig or a piece of string. Make sure you leave space between each item if you go this route. Once you have your tree put together, you can paint it, add embellishments, and so on.

5. Handprint Snowmen
If you have a lot of spare ornaments in your home that seems to be a bit boring, then gather them up. You can use ornaments with a solid color or those that are transparent. From there, take white paint and spread it on your child’s hand. Then, place the bulb in the palm of their hand so that each finger is spread from the others. This will create five snowmen. When the paint has dried, you can add an assortment of accessories to make the ornament look cuter than ever. You can even paint on its background.

6. Photo Ornament
When it comes to adding memories to your tree, one of the best things you can do is make an ornament with a photo. This is incredibly easy to do. All you really need is clear ornaments to begin this craft. When you have your ornament, print out one of your favorite holiday memories. You can even glue two images together so there is an image on each side of the ornament. When you have your picture set up, simply roll it and place it through the top of the ornament. It should unravel once inside the ornament. From there, you can add glitter, fake snow, confetti, ribbon, or whatever suits your needs. Once you’re finished with the inside of the ornament, glue the top on with hot glue or super glue. You can then add a ribbon or bow to the top of the ornament to hang it up.

7. Retro Folded Ornaments
Vintage fans won’t be able to resist creating fun vintage ornaments that will suit their needs. All you need for this craft is some card stock or scrapbook paper. Once you have the materials you need, simply fold the items and glue them together for a phenomenal look that will make your tree look incredible. If you need a tutorial, then you will be able to find numerous options to keep your style going strong.

8. Kids Art Blocks
Kid’s art can truly make your tree look phenomenal. So, this season you might consider highlighting some of the art your little ones have made over the past year by creating ornaments with your favorite art pieces. You can use holiday crafts or paintings that your child is just proud of. Once you pick out the art, scan it to your computer and then readjust the size. You can print the smaller graphic onto a sticker maker, or you can simply mod podge it to the ornament of your choice. Art tends to look good on wooden ornaments, but you can add it to almost anything and find it to be charming. These make great gifts too, especially since you can use the art multiple times without having to give away the original masterpiece.

9. Felt Ornaments
If you’re looking for a low-cost option, then you might consider using felt to make your ornaments. Simply choose the felt colors you’d like to use and then cut out the shapes you desire. You can work with stockings, teddy bears, bells, holiday trees, ornaments, reindeers, and anything else your imagination comes up with. After you finish cutting out your ornaments simply glue the pieces together. You might use hot glue to improve durability, but regular glue will work out too. When your ornaments are put together, simply add a string by gluing it to the ornament or cutting a hole in the top of the ornament.

10. Painted Pinecones
When it comes to seasonal fun, one of the best ornaments you can make is a painted pinecone. You can easily collect pinecones around the home and take them home for crafty projects. You can allow children just to paint the pinecones, which can be fun in itself. However, another option is to transform the pinecones into fun characters. You can create deer, squirrels, owls, snowmen, and any other seasonal character you can think of. These can be created by using felt or cardstock to create the animals’ accents. Finally, you can transform the pinecones into mini Christmas trees by painting them and adding sequences, glitter, and so on.

Holiday ornaments never need to be a huge investment. Rather, you might consider finding some options that you can craft at home. This will allow you to make memories while you work on making your holiday tree special. These ten ideas are a great start to ensure you’re ready for a fun holiday season.

Ten Perfect Gifts for the Hard to Shop For People in Your Life

Chances are, there is someone in your life that you want to shop for, but you can’t seem to ever find the perfect gift. From picky recipients to those that you just don’t know well, shopping for those that are hard to buy for can bring a lot of stress to the holiday season. There are a few items you can easily fall back on if you’re struggling to shop for a specific person. So, if you’ve got some tough customers on your list this season, then you might consider these ten items to help you ease the stress of finding something under their tree.

1. Herb Garden
Anyone that loves to garden or even those that simply cook from time to time will be able to appreciate receiving an herb garden. These gardens come in all shapes and sizes but tend to come with the three most common herbs, rosemary, basil, and parsley. Other than that, you will find that the garden comes in all shapes and sizes. This will allow you to find the perfect style for the person you’re shopping for. There are even herb gardens that take up minimal space, for those that have to deal with a lack of space. Other than that, you can shop in your price range too, which will help narrow down your search while keeping you on budget.

2. Massager
One easy option that will appease almost anyone is a massager. These come in all shapes and sizes too, so you can pinpoint the type of massager that someone might need. If you know someone that works in an office, then a back and neck massager might be the best option. Whereas some people might prefer a massager that can easily be moved to deal with issues all over the body. There are even models that work wonders on legs. If the person commutes a lot, then you might consider a massager that can be placed over a seat to help ease muscles during a commute. There are so many options to choose from which makes it incredibly hard to go wrong.

3. Coffee Subscription
For so many people, coffee is the fuel that helps people get moving faster and more efficiently. A lot of people will spend a fortune on purchasing coffee though because they can’t find the right mixture for their needs. Thus, it might be very handy to purchase someone a coffee subscription for the holiday. This will deliver coffee to their door without any hassle. Plus, depending on the subscription you purchase, it might even allow people to discover new and tastier coffee beans. If the hard-to-shop-for person in your life isn’t into coffee, then you might consider swapping it for tea. There are even coffee and tea subscriptions that pair with items like books, vinyl records, and so much more.

4. Power Bank
In this day and age, most people are glued to their electronics. Thus, many people are always looking for new ways to charge when they’re not at home. A power bank can offer reassurance when it comes to keeping your device up and moving when you can’t plug it into your charger at home or at work. A power bank can be a real asset when traveling too, as it will allow you to recharge your items without having to stop and sit down somewhere. So, most people will feel grateful for a new power bank, even if they already own one.

5. Health Watch
Today, most people enjoy keeping track of their fitness levels. A health watch is a great larger purchase that can help you appease some of the hard to shop for people on your list. You will find that there are numerous different watches on the market so you can shop to suit the need and personality of the person on your list. You can even find an assortment of prices to make sure your budget is met. If the person on your list already has a fitness watch, then you might consider finding some accessories to make the item more personal.

6. Reusable Water Bottle
With so many people trying to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle, a reusable water bottle might be the perfect gift. Even if someone already has one of these bottles in their home, an extra can never hurt. You will find a wide assortment of water bottles to choose from. So, the only problem that you will have with this gift is figuring out which option to choose for the person on your list. You might try to observe the type of cup they generally use as it will help you to decide what type of bottle you should pick out. You might also monitor their choice of color or interests, so you can purchase something that will suit their needs. There are many small businesses that will also customize items to suit your needs.

7. Meal Subscription
It can get boring to choose meals and prepare them week after week. So, if there is someone in your life that tends to eat out often or complains about their meals feeling boring, then a meal subscription might be the perfect option. These meals subscriptions will allow you to easily gift someone a few months’ worths of weekly meals, which can be a great gift in itself. There are many guides to help you chose the right subscription service as well, which can help you completely customize the gift. If you’re not comfortable with starting the subscription, then so many of these subscriptions do offer gift cards so the recipient can purchase the subscription when they’re ready.

8. Digital Frame
Digital frames have become incredibly popular over the years. Most people love to display pictures of loved ones or artwork, so this is an easy gift to suit their needs. If you shop around, you should be able to find one of these frames for pretty cheap during the days of holiday deals. If you have a close relationship with the person, you might even consider adding photos to get them started. Parents and grandparents especially might be pleased to see new pictures of their loved ones.

9. Oil Diffuser
Everyone loves having a home that smells great, which is why an oil diffuser is a fairly simple gift to give to most people on your list. You can find all sorts of oil diffusers as well, which will allow you to choose a look that is perfect for the people in your life. Apart from the diffuser, you should be able to find beginner oils for fairly cheap, or you might want to choose a diffuser that comes with a few options. An oil diffuser can be a great way to improve health while offering a more comfortable atmosphere.

10. Puzzle
Puzzles have been a very popular gift in the past few years. With more people staying home due to Covid-19, it is tough for people to find entertainment. Puzzles have stepped up to the plate while offering an easy way to de-stress and improve logic skills. Puzzles can range in shape and size too, so you can shop to suit the person. There are even 3-D puzzles that make a great gift for anyone that loves to decorate their home with the unique items they create. Puzzles are more than budget-friendly as well, which makes them a great option for Secret Santa gifts and more.

Shopping for your loved ones doesn’t have to be a challenge. These ten gifts should give you plenty of options to choose from when it comes to those in your life that are a bit tough to shop for. With any luck, you will be able to knock these items off of your list in no time, so you can rest easy for the rest of the season.