
Archive for December 13, 2021

Make the Holidays Tastier with these Baking Substitutions That Can Save You Money

The holiday season is here, which means you’re probably spending a lot more time in your kitchen baking your free time away. Although baking tends to be a pretty frugal activity, if you’re baking frequently, you might be wondering how you can possibly cut down on your baking bill. On the other hand, you might also not be able to keep track of all of your ingredients. Here are ten easy things to substitute when it comes to your baking needs, so you can cut back on spending while also ensuring you don’t have to stop what you’re doing to go shopping for ingredients.

1. Butter
You’re going to need butter for almost everything you’re going to be baking this season. The only problem is butter can be fairly pricey. It is always best to shop for butter in bulk when you can, but if you’re hoping to save a little money then there are alternatives you can work with. You can also find alternative options to help you out. One of the easiest things to add to the mix is applesauce. This will ensure whatever you bake is moist and delicious while also offering a healthier alternative. Another option is to puree white beans. This will add protein to your baked treats without sacrificing flavor. Avocado can work wonders in your recipes too. Coconut oil is another substitution, although it isn’t quite as healthy as the other options and might run you the same price as butter.

2. Eggs
Another common ingredient is eggs, which seem to go faster than expected whenever baking is involved. If you’re short on eggs, or you’re baking for someone that can’t have them, then there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. One easy option, but slightly pricier, is to soak one tablespoon of ground flaxseed in three tablespoons of water. You can also use a fourth of a cup of pumpkin, which will add a creamier texture. Another option, which is great if you’re really in a pinch is one tablespoon vinegar combined with one teaspoon of baking soda. You can also use yogurt or silken tofu, which works wonders in cake mixes. If you’re going for a plant-based option that is simple, there are also egg options to suit your needs there and can allow you to eat the cookie dough without worry.

3. Dairy
Dairy is another common ingredient that tends to go bad quickly and might not suit everyone’s dietary needs. It can also be a bit pricier, especially if you’re dealing with heavy creams. There are many things that you can substitute dairy for. For instance, nut milk is a simple option. You can choose from a wide variety of options for regular milk, but you might have to shop for specialty options if you’re looking for cream substitutions. If you need to substitute heavy cream, then you can mix milk and butter. If buttermilk is what you’re after, then a combination of lemon juice and milk will work out with ease. Other than that, you shouldn’t worry about always using whole milk as skim and reduced-fat milk will work just as well. In some recipes, you may even be able to get away with water.

4. Oil
Oil tends to be something that a lot of people are trying to cut back on. It is also an item that tends to be forgotten if you don’t often use oil. There are some options to work with here, so don’t fret if you don’t have it on hand. Using one cup of sugar combined with? cup of water will give you the same results. You can also melt down butter or coconut oil to get the same effect. If you want to go even healthier than that, canned pumpkin can help you reach a moist and delicious bake without the oil.

5. Chocolate Chips
There’s nothing quite like chocolate chip cookies around the holiday season. However, if you open up your cabinet to reveal you forgot chocolate chips, then you might have some tears on your hands. Although it isn’t quite the same, you can achieve a delicious chocolatey flavor by adding in sugar, cocoa, and butter in place of the chocolate chips. However, you might also consider taking the cookie in a different direction if you’re out of chocolate chips. You can use mint or peanut butter chips if you have them in your cupboard. You can also use candies like M&M’s or chop up a chocolate bar.

6. Vanilla Extract
Vanilla extract is commonly used in baking products, but not everyone always has it on hand. This can be one of the pricier ingredients to add to your baked goods as well. If you’re missing out on vanilla extract, then you’ll find a lot of simple options to help you get the flavor without the actual ingredient. One of the easiest options is vanilla-flavored nut milk. You won’t need a lot either, so if you have it on hand you’ll be good to go. Another option is honey or maple syrup. If you have almond extract or vanilla liqueur available, then these can work wonders too. Alcohol like bourbon or brandy will do the trick, too. Finally vanilla ice cream can make a big difference when it comes to flavor.

7. Sugar
Without a doubt, making baked goods without sugar can lead to disaster. So, if you’re out of sugar then there are options to turn to. Honey and syrup are a great natural way to skip the sugar without losing the sweetness of the baked goods. You can also enjoy applesauce or banana in place of the sugar. This can help create a moist baked treat as well. If you don’t want to use cane sugar, then you can swap for brown sugar, palm sugar, coconut sugar, and so on.

8. Flour
You might think that you can’t bake without having flour on hand, but this isn’t the case. If you’re out of flour, but you do have oatmeal around, then you’re set up for success. Simply place the oatmeal in a food processor or blender and let it get to work. When the oatmeal is fine, add it to your recipe and enjoy a delicious baked good with no flour. If you’re hoping to go gluten-free, there are many options to choose from. Some of the most common are almond flour or coconut flour. You can also blend up black beans to use in the mixture. This will pack your treat with protein while adding moisture to the mix.

9. Fill Ins
There are so many extra things that you can add to your recipe. It is hard to stray from a plan when we already have an idea of what we want. However, you might consider adding in peanut butter if you’re shy on chocolate or chocolate chips. If you have it, powdered peanut butter can go a long way too. If healthy is your goal, consider adding fruit and nuts to your treats. This can help you create sweetness and a delightful flavor that you will want to enjoy again and again.

10. Sweetened Condensed Milk
Discovering that you need a can of sweetened condensed milk when you’re in the middle of a recipe can be a huge source of frustration. If you’re low on this ingredient, then there are some simple and cheap ways to replace it. It might not be the easiest substitute on the list, but it can save you the frustration of heading to the store during the holiday shopping crowds. To make this substitution you will need to combine 3/4 cup white sugar mixed, 1/2 cup water, and 1 1/8 cups dry powdered milk. Bring the mixture to a boil while stirring frequently until the mixture becomes thick. This can take about 20 minutes to do, and the mixture will create one can’s worth of milk.

This holiday season, you don’t have to panic if you think you have ingredients that you don’t. These ten easy substitutions will ensure you’re ready for fun while bringing plenty of flavor to all of your baked goods. You may even be able to help other people meet their dietary restrictions so they can enjoy the baked goods too.