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Including a coupon for $10 off
Including a coupon for 15% off lingerie
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Including a coupon for $20 off $60
Including a coupon for 60% off wall decor

About LELO:

I got married pretty young, as least for today's standards; I had just turned 21. We met in high school, I lost my virginity to him, and we were together four years before he proposed. I knew I wasn't going to college. I got a job right out of my senior year with a department store. I wanted to work in fashion whether it was retail, selling, marketing, anything. It was the right move for me because I was never a great student. I also knew I wanted to get married and start a family of my own. So for the next 20 years, I did just that. When our kids were little, I took time off of work to stay at home. That was nice, but I liked my job and the paycheck. But after our 15th wedding anniversary, I sensed the marriage was pretty much over. He started having an affair and after that I couldn't trust him anymore. I think we gave each other our best years. It ended amicably and we keep in touch because of the kids. I don't know much about his personal life (and really don't care). I started dating this younger guy who is very adventurous in bed. I went on to see if there were any toys for us. The wand massagers looked interesting. The problem I had is that there were no explanations on how anything is used. I also had to laugh when I saw a gold-plated vibrator for $15,000.

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