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This discreet mini-vibe is crafted from health-grade silicone, ensuring a luxurious and body-safe experience. With all the beloved features of the original and more, including a rechargeable design and a removable sleeve, the Pocket Rocket Elite promises heightened satisfaction in a compact, stylish package.
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About Babeland: is an online store which sells quality products geared toward women who want to explore their sexuality.

Pros: was founded by two women in 1993 with the desire to provide women everywhere with top quality sexual products, as well as an educational format for women to have so they can comfortably explore their sexuality. We like the appearance of's website because it didn't give the appearance of some sleazy sex shop- rather a classy place to shop for sex toys. We found they offer an extensive inventory of products which will enhance anyone's sexual experience- from those who want to experiment with something new or others just looking to enhance their sexual encounters either with a partner or by themselves. They sell everything from the customary vibrators, condoms, and lubricants to sexy gifts and sex kits. Prices for many of the products we looked at seem comparable when we checked out other stores with similar items. We also like that doesn't just sell sex toys they actually provide their visitors with video guides, sex tips, How to's, a book for learning more about sex, a glossary of terms, and a format to ask Claire and Rachel (the founders/owners of advice.

Cons: The only thing we can say is... is really just like all the other stores that sell sex toys for adults and we really couldn't find anything special per say about this one. The only thing that makes distinctive is that it was founded by two women so the site is geared more toward the female consumer. Because of this aspect, we also think it will be a more personalized shopping experience, so we recommend that if you are in the market for a sexual product of any type you should just take a look and check it out for yourself because shopping her can be a unique, fun and informative experience!

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