
Frugal Ways To Protect Animals on World Wild Life Day and Beyond

2018 is a great time to help make the planet a better place to live. One of the best ways to do this is to support the wild life in your area and around the world. World Wild Life Day is a great time to work on improving the world for the animals that we share it with. Unfortunately, many of the things we can do to help the animals can cost an arm and a leg. This should be no cause for worry though, as there are so many little things that you can do that will leave the world a better place. So, on March 3, you might want to start practicing some of these ideas, so you can protect wild life and improve on the world’s overall quality.

1. Monitor Garbage
Garbage is one of the biggest problems in the world right now. There is so much pollution in the world that it is causing many animals to become displaced or their habitat to become a danger zone. One of the first things you can do is begin with your plastic consumption. If you can, try to avoid using plastic bags at the grocery store as these often end up in oceans and aren’t biodegradable. You should also look for trash bags that are biodegradable, so you don’t have to create more long-term waste than necessary. Creating a compost is another way to help cut back on the waste in the world and will benefit local plant life. Apart from that, you should always cut plastic rings, so they won’t get wrapped around animals and marine life. There are other ways to help in your own area too. For instance, you should always secure your trash and recycling can so that local animals can’t get into them.

2. Plant Local Species
More often than not, local species end up taking the back burner because people would rather have roses and other plants that are considered to be beautiful in their yard. Although these plants are nice to have, you might want to consider adding a few plants from the local species too. Local plants often help the wildlife in the area as they provide food and shelter. Some of these species are also going extinct, so by planting them you’re doing your part to not only save the species but help preserve the natural habitat of the region.

3. Visit Sanctuaries and Reserves
There are a lot of sanctuaries and reserves in the world, which are designed to help preserve habitats and keep animal life thriving. These sanctuaries and reserves often charge a small fee or ask for a donation when people pay them a visit. This can help keep the area funded so that the animals can keep their land and slowly move off of the endangered list. The areas should be entirely respected when visited though, so make sure you leave all potential litter in your car. You may not know you are even in a reserve at times as there are places on the beach that are designated for turtles, birds and more. So, always be aware of your surroundings when you’re in an area that might host an endangered or at-risk species.

4. Learn About Endangered Animals
One huge thing you can do is actually sit down and learn about the endangered species in your area and around the world. Knowledge is power and simply knowing which animals you need to support can do a lot for the world around you. Of course, you should also spread this information to others, which is certain to help make the knowledge widely available. If everyone is willing to do their part to learn and respect the animals, then we are one step closer to helping prevent extinction. It is especially important to learn about the species in your area though as this is where you can do the most good.

5. Consider Donating
Money is a great way to help out with endangered animals, but you don’t have to give thousands to make a difference. You might want to put in a little research to see which animal or program you would like to donate to. Once you have decided then give a small amount, you can always come back later to give more. Make sure you hold onto your receipt too as you can use it to deduct taxes later on. There are some programs that allow you to “adopt” an animal. This doesn’t mean you get to bring the animal home, but the money you send each month goes to support the animal and others. This is a great way to feel more connected with the program, so you will feel as if your money is making a change in the world.

6. Avoid Possessions Made with Animals
Unfortunately, there are still many products on the market that use animal parts to make big money. Ivory, for instance, is one of the most popular items that has put many animals on the endangered special list. You can find ivory in all sorts of things, including pianos and jewelry. The fur trade is still a major problem too. Tigers, panda bears, and more are constantly poached to have their furs sold to anyone willing to pay the high price. Of course, there are other animals that are killed for their skin too, so if you’re buying fur then you’re helping support poachers in their endeavors. Another popular novelty item that you should avoid is rabbits’ feet. Although these aren’t as popular as they once were, they are still a business that requires the needless slaughter of many animals.

7. Slow Down
Believe it or not, but your car can be one of the biggest enemies to those on the endangered list in your area. Many people don’t think twice about going fast in certain areas, but if you’re not careful then you might end up hitting an animal on the list. If you’re driving in an area that isn’t habited, then chances are an animal might stop and cross the street at any given moment. Make sure you slow down in these areas and be aware of what’s going on around you. There have been many cases when even a bald eagle has been hit by a vehicle, so you never know what might come your way when you’re moving fast.

8. Research Companies
There are still so many companies that use animals to research the products that we use every single day. Cosmetics, hair products and dental hygiene products are some of the worst culprits out there. Worst of all, it isn’t always clear on the label which products are tested on animals. So, if you have a new brand that you would love to try out, then make sure to do some research on them first. Usually, company websites will give basic information on their products, but if you feel like they’re hiding something then check out an organization that fights for animal rights. These organizations are usually fast to jump on a company if they are testing on animals. If you avoid these brands, they might get the message and stop testing on animals.

9. Be Green
Living a greener life is another simple way to do your part to help the animals out. On the top of your list should be conserving energy and water. There are many simple ways to do this, like skipping showers and cutting your showers back to just a few minutes. You might also want to consider black out evenings to conserve energy. Shopping for products that conserve energy are also very important. You should always recycle when you can too. This is very important for the environment and will help cut back on your carbon footprint while allowing animals to keep their natural habits litter free. Cutting back on driving can also help the planet and animals out. So, this year, you might decide to dedicate your time to making your home and life a lot greener.

10. Volunteer
Helping out the animals can be as simple as volunteering to help out at a place that cares for animals. This can be a zoo, aquarium, conservation, animal shelter or more. You can do just about anything that you’re able too. You might be asked to clean up after animals, feed them, pick up garbage or even assist a veterinarian. No matter what you choose to do, it will be making a difference in the life of animals that need a little assistance. Of course, you don’t just have to volunteer at a venue. You can clean up a park, plant trees or other natural species and so much more. This activity could also be as simple as setting out water for animals or even making a cold weather shelter. No matter what you do, the world will be a better place because of it.

World Wildlife Day is the perfect time to show your appreciation for the animals that we share the world with. May it be helping out a stray cat or doing your part to stop ivory sales, your help won’t go unnoticed. These ten ideas should give you an idea as to what you can do to help out without blowing your household’s budget.

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