
Archive for March 19, 2018

Ten Frugal Ideas to Cut Back on the Pain of Teething

A teething baby can be a source of pain, frustration and fear for many parents. This often warrants them to spend a small fortune on teething supplies or doctor visits that are unnecessary. Although teething can be a hard time for children and parents, there are a few simple ways you can help ease symptoms of the problem that won’t cost you a small fortune. So, remember to take a deep breath as you work through the trying time for you and your child. Before you know it, you’ll get to enjoy a smile filled with beautiful teeth.

1. Know the Signs
One of the keys to dealing with teething is to be aware of the symptoms. If you are on your first child, then you might not know what to look out for, because teething can be quite a mystery. One symptom is a fever. Sometimes it will appear as an actual fever, while other times the top of your child’s head will radiate heat without showing a temperature on a thermometer. Babies can also develop a cough or tug at their ear while teething, which might make you think they are actually ill. Other symptoms include swollen gums, excess drooling, irritability, loss of appetite, increased appetite and restlessness. Your child is entirely unique, but you will began to learn the signs of teething after the first instance. Just make sure to comfort your child, watch out for high fevers and try to keep them as happy as possible. Knowing the signs will help you prepare for the upcoming pain faster too.

2. Freezer pops
Ice and popsicles are about to be your best friend. Cold foods will help ease the pain of your child’s gums for some time, so you might want to look up some natural recipes when you have a chance. These foods can be hard to give to younger children though, but there are ways to make your life a lot easier. For instance, begin by filling up an ice tray with yogurt, mushed banana, premade smoothies or anything else that strikes your fancy. Then stick a pacifier in each tray and freeze it. Your child will be able to enjoy the cold treat with ease. Babies that are too young for foods can enjoy the same popsicle made with breast milk or formula. Flavored ice chips can be fun for little ones that are old enough to use their fine motor skills. For toddlers, you may consider making your own popsicles out of smoothies or fruits to add a healthy solution to their teething needs.

3. Change Diet
There are some foods that simply won’t do your baby any favors when they are teething. For starters, dairy, potatoes and carbs can actually increase inflammation in the body, which will make it hard to make your little one comfortable. During this time, it is best to keep it simple with fruits, vegetables and meats. Of course, there are some vegetables and fruits that can do double duty during this time. For instance, celery and carrots are great items for older babies to munch on in order to ease the pain of teething. You can also freeze apple slices for babies to enjoy while cooling down their mouth. There are even recipes for teething cookies which can leave your baby feeling much better too while allowing them to enjoy a special treat.

4. Gum Massage
One simple way to help your baby out is to massage their gums. You shouldn’t be afraid to do this as it will help your child relax. Of course, if your child doesn’t like you doing this then don’t worry about it. You can also buy gum massagers that will do the same trick. If you do choose to massage your child’s gums or use a massager, make sure to wash your hands before doing so and sanitize the massager entirely each day. You can also use a little clove on your finger tips to work as a natural anesthetic.

5. Non-Toxic Teether
Teethers are one of the most common solutions for a lot of families. Most babies tend to take to these colorful toys. However, you might find that not all teethers are made equal. In fact, some actually have harmful chemicals that can be dangerous for your little one. This is a cause of stress you don’t really need to have, so shopping smart is efficient here. There are many great teethers on the market, so looking at reviews can help you to find the best and safest match for your child. Of course, if you don’t want to stress over it at all, then you might want to stick to a wooden teether. These are hassle free, easy to clean and the firmness will ensure your baby will feel much better.

6. Keep Feeding
If you nurse or bottle feed your baby, then don’t let the teething stop you. Try to keep it up as much as your baby needs. Some babies actually use feeding time to help relieve the pain that they are feeling. Feeding can ease pressure on the gum and may work as a way to comfort your little one. Apart from that, it will keep your baby hydrated, which is important if they have a fever. Of course, some babies won’t want to feed at all. For those babies, it is important to try to feed more often. Even getting a little bit of food in them during shorter feeding times is better than having them reject food at feedings that are further apart.

7. Distraction
Sometimes the best thing you can do for your baby is offer a few distractions to help keep their mind off of the pain. One of the best ways to do this is to give your child a soothing bath. Using lavender might help your child relax and toys will make the bath time a lot more fun. If the weather is fine, then take your children out to play. They will love getting fresh air and seeing outdoor toys will allow your child to find something else to do that will take their mind off the burning sensation in their gums. You can also do this inside by offering activities that will keep their hands and mind active. For instance, you might consider putting whip cream on their high chair tray as a small treat that the can play with. You’re sure to have lots of ideas that will suit your child’s individual needs. If you’re struggling for ideas, then make sure to look online as there are lots of fun and development friendly ideas you can try out.

8. Watch For Fever
Usually teething isn’t a dangerous process. So, you can rest easy that your child is just experiencing discomfort. However, if a fever does develop make sure to keep your eye on it. Babies need to see a doctor immediately if their fever skyrockets into the 100 range. Make sure to talk to your doctor about this before a fever occurs, so you will know exactly what to do if a fever strikes. There are many ways to help bring a fever down though. For starters, baby ibuprofen tends to help for a few hours and might even relieve some of your child’s discomfort. One home remedy that many people swear by is the VapoRub on your child’s feet. Simply smear it on before bed and place socks on the feet. The rub should help bring the fever down while your child slumbers. Keeping a fan on your child, removing clothes and giving them a cool bath are also helpful in bringing down a fever.

9. Keep Their Face Dry
When a baby begins to teeth, it is almost inevitable that they will also begin to drool. Although this really isn’t a problem you should worry about, keeping their face, neck and hands dry is. Your baby’s saliva can actually cause a rash to form if left on the skin for too long. This rash can quickly spread and cause even more discomfort for your child. In rare cases, the rash may even become infected. Keeping your child’s face dry isn’t entirely difficult though. If you keep a spit rag on hand, you should be ready to deal with the problem as it happens. There are also cute baby bandanas that look great, are safe to wear and give you easy access to a towel to wipe away drool.

10. Offer Extra Love
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your baby is give them a little extra attention and love. You can start by offering cuddles more often, especially if your baby wants to be held often during this time. You may consider watching a movie with your little one or pulling out their favorite story to read to them. Talking to your child can also be soothing and will help your child feel assured that everything is okay. If your child enjoys singing, then do it a little more often.

A teething baby can make the whole house feel terrible. For a little one, it is not only uncomfortable but a little scary. These ten tips should have you armed and ready to deal this painful aspect of growing up. Before you know it, the teething phase will be over, and everyone will be able to rest easier.