
Easter Friendly Ideas to Make Your Holiday Break Eggs-Cellent

Easter is on its way, which might leave you scrambling for a few things to do as a family. Easter is one of the easiest holidays to find events for, which can help save you time and money. One of the best things about this holiday is you can find something Easter related around every corner, so you won’t have to look far. In case you’re shy on time, here’s ten great ways to make the most out of the Easter holiday. You might even be able to span the holiday out into a few different days. Best of all, you won’t have to spend a lot of money to make these Easter plans a reality.

1. Community Egg Hunt
Egg hunts are one of the most famous ways to enjoy Easter with your children. These activities are usually fairly cheap to host at home, but if you want to add even more fun to the event then you might want to head to a community egg hunt as well. You can find these hunts all over the place. For starters, your community center might host its own giant egg hunt, so make sure to look up the information so you won’t miss out. Apart from that, you should see a lot of egg hunts pop up at churches around the community. Most churches will welcome you in with open arms, so your kids can participate in all of the fun. If you’re feeling daring, you might travel to community egg hunts around the area, as most towns won’t schedule hunts all at the same time. This will help your kids get the most out of the holiday.

2. Join a Potluck
If your budget is a little short this year, then you can make up for it by joining a potluck for Easter dinner. There are actually many public potlucks that will pop up around the community. You might start by checking with your community center to see if the town will be hosting one. You may also check with local churches to see what is going on there too. During this time, it is entirely possible to plan on going to more than one potluck on Easter, which will help make the day even more exciting. Apart from that, you might try to plan a potluck with friends or family, or attend someone else’s potluck. There are many cheap dishes you can make too, which will make the price even more affordable.

3. Watch Easter Shows
The weather isn’t always cooperative during Easter, which might leave you stuck inside. One way to remedy the cabin fever blues is to watch a few Easter shows. If you have cable, then you will probably be able to find a few cartoons or movies with ease. You can even broaden your search to include shows that are mainly about rabbits. If you don’t have cable, then don’t fret. Usually movie rental kiosks keep up with the holidays, so you should be able to find something fun to watch for a relatively low price. Streaming networks also like to have holiday themed movies in their queue, so it shouldn’t take you long to find something fun. You may even want to look into renting some movies online, as you may even be able to get more recent blockbusters. Of course, these will cost more than other Easter or religion-based movies, but it might be worth it if it entertains the family.

4. Have an Egg Dying Party
Dying eggs is a major part of the Easter holiday, so you might not want it to pass you by. You can add even more fun by having people over for a dying party. Everyone can bring a few supplies to the party to help cut down on the cost of things. Eggs might be one of the best requirements for the party as you will need more to accommodate the extra people. Dying eggs can be fairly cheap, so you won’t have to fret the price. You can even go natural here, especially if you plan on eating the eggs after the big hunt. There are many natural recipes that will have everyone excited to try them out.

5. Visit a Real Farm
Nothing will make your kids feel closer to Easter than paying a visit to a real farm. This will allow them to see the way that real bunnies and chicks live their lives, which will add to the fun of the occasion. A lot of farms will host Easter events to bring in extra holiday income too, so you might want to look into local farms to see if anyone is. Of course, if you do plan on going to a farm, make sure you make arrangements to do so on a day that isn’t actually Easter. This will allow the family running the farm to enjoy their holiday too. Before you make plans to do this, you might also see if the farm charges for tours, or if they just allow people to check out certain areas of the farm for free. This can help prevent you from making a plan that might end up costing you more than you’d expect.

6. Volunteer
If you’re looking for a great way to make a difference then volunteering is a fantastic Easter activity. There are so many ways you can help out for the holiday. One of the more obvious options is to volunteer at a soup kitchen. This will allow you to work with people that could really use your help. You may also want to volunteer for a church. Usually, during this time of the year, they work to pass out food baskets, visit those in nursing homes and hospitals, or simply come up with activities for kids. If you’d like to keep things simple, then you may consider hiding eggs for the community event. This is one of the options that might help you have a lot more fun. If you’re really feeling ambitious, then you can always volunteer to be the Easter Bunny.

7. Enjoy Crafting
Easter is a fun time to pull out the crafting supplies and get to work. You can really have fun with Easter ideas, but you don’t have to stick to this theme. In fact, you may want to create a few crafts to celebrate Spring too. There are so many craft ideas online, that you’re sure to have some fun with whatever you create. One quick example would be making an Easter Bunny rock pet to keep the kids excited about the holiday. You can also make bunny masks using construction paper and paper plates. When you’re done crafting, you might consider taking some of the crafts to a local children’s hospital to help lift the spirits of those that can’t go Easter egg hunting.

8. Visit the Easter Bunny
If you have small children in your home, then visiting the Easter Bunny is a great tradition. If you’re willing to pay a little money, there is usually an Easter Bunny available at most malls. However, you may be able to see the bunny for free if you don’t want pictures. Don’t let the price tag detour you though, as there are many Easter Bunnies you can see. If your community is hosting an event then there will most likely be an Easter Bunny there too, so the kids should be able to enjoy seeing him or her then. These events tend to be free too, so you can enjoy seeing the bunny without having to stress about hidden fees. Seeing the Easter Bunny may even allow your kids to receive a special treat, which will make their holiday even more fun.

9. Make Easter Bunny Treats
The Easter Bunny does a lot for your kids, so why not allow them to make a few treats for the bunny? This can work a lot like leaving Santa Claus cookies and other treats on Christmas. You can keep it realistic by leaving out a tray of carrots for the Easter Bunny, or you can have a little fun with your baking skills. For instance, one fun idea is to make Rice Crispy eggs and bunnies. These are fun to decorate and make great snacks too. You can also leave special cards for the bunny to say thank you for leaving eggs behind. Your imagination and your children’s are the limit here, so have some fun with it.

10. Practice Forgiveness
Easter is all about forgiveness, which might be the best way for you to enjoy the holiday. It is hard to practice forgiveness all of the time, especially when someone hurts you. So, Easter might be the best time to begin the forgiveness process. This doesn’t mean you have to do it all at once though as it can be quite hard. However, if you start the motions of forgiving then you will begin to feel a weight lift off of your shoulder. If you have children, then try to practice forgiveness in front of them. This will begin a good habit, so they do not harbor anger or frustration in adulthood. You may also teach them why we practice forgiveness during this holiday.

Easter is a fun holiday that doesn’t have to be another holiday based on consumerism. These ten ideas will give you something fun and engaging to do around the holiday, so you can make the most of the occasion without spending a lot of money. You may even begin to find new meaning in the holiday as you spend more time with your community.

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