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20% off Tungsten Electric Heaters
Holiday Sale - Up to 30% off Select The Outdoor GreatRoom Co. Pits
$100 off Select Astound Flexmount Units
FREE Burner Upgrade and Canvas Cover with TOP Fire Pit
$250 off Select Simplifire Electric Fireplaces
15% Off EcoSmart Fire Pits (User Submitted)
10% off Select Gas Fire Pits
FREE Griddle with Select Grills by Fire Magic
FREE Toolkit with Any Grill from American Outdoor Grills
FREE Burner with Select Grills from Wildfire
FREE Gift on Select TEC Infrared Grills
10% Rebate on Select Lynx (Grills) Products
10% off Select Amantii Outdoor Fireplaces

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About Woodland Direct: features products that will add a bit of fire to your life.

Pros: If you're hoping to add a fire place to your home, then this is the perfect place to start. You can find everything from the chimney to fireplace covers, which will allow you to completely customize your style. On top of that, there are even accessories to help you store logs, finish off a mantle and so much more. Indoor fires aren't the only thing the website specializes in. You'll find a whole lot of cool products to make the exterior of your home amazing too. These include fire pits with colored glass options, grills, pizza ovens and more. Most of the products are customizable too and come with a warranty. The website has your back when it comes to choosing items for the home too, as you can learn all about chimneys, fireplaces and more in order to make wise purchasing decisions. The website is very active on social media too and features lots of cool videos and facts about many of their products. The "special offer" feature of this website is definitely going to entice you to shop though. There are so many freebies that will make purchases even more exciting. Plus, you'll get free shipping if you spend over $99!

Cons: The prices on this website aren't incredibly competitive, but you'll have a hard time finding these products from many retailers. If you're hoping to learn more about your future item from a customer, then you're out of luck as reviews are not available.

Woodland Direct Shipping Info:

Free Shipping with $99 Order.
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