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About Wheeler Tools:

This company sells tools for gunsmithing, cleaning, and for scope mounting. Wheeler brand products have a limited lifetime warranty against any manufacturing defects.

Pros: Wheeler sells products to keep your firearms in the best useable condition. The AR Armorer's Ultra Kit includes an AR-15 Armorer's Vise, a Combo Tool, Roll Pin Installation Kit, and many other tools that will keep your AR in the best condition This set also includes a Custom Fitted Carrying Case. A smaller version of this maintenance kit is the Wheeler Delta Series AR Armorer's Essentials Kit with some of the tools included in the Ultra Kit. There is an AR Maintenance Mat for cleaning your AR sold, along with a Wheeler Compact Tactical Rifle Cleaning Kit. Lower Receiver Tools and Upper Receiver Tools are also sold. Helpful how-to articles are on this website to guide the gun owner who want to keep his equipment ready for use. If you want to add a scope to your AR, Wheeler sells the products needed to do this. The Scope Mounting Kit Combo, 1-inch and 30mm includes many parts and tools to get the job done. Gunsmithing tools are also featured such as the Professional Digital Trigger Gauge, the Hammer and Punch Set and the Professional Gunsmithing File Set. Wheeler Tools also sells lights and magnifiers, refinishing supplies, bore lapping supplies, and gauges and scales. Everything needed to maintain your firearm and to keep it in top condition is sold at Wheeler Tools.

Cons: I do not see any cons. The website says that there are many YouTube videos showing how to use some of the tools.

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