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About Tools Today:

When we bought our new house, there were certain stipulations that every member of the family wanted. For example, the boys wanted a small room or a space where they could store Legos and structures they built with them. My daughter wanted her own bathroom .I wanted my own bathroom and my own office. My husband wanted a tool shed. Unfortunately, his name is not Bill Gates. We, like many middle class American families, live on a budget and make due with what we can gather or create. So when we finally chose the house we wanted, we all made concessions. The boys used a section of their closet for their Lego monuments. My daughter got her own bathroom that she has to share with guests or anyone downstairs. I got a small office, but the kids' computers are in there too. As for hubby, no shed, but he got one side of the garage all to himself and his tools. I don't begrudge him any of his "toys", because not only does it may him happy to whittle, it can be very useful at times-especially when things need fixing. I was so excited to find as I was perusing the Internet recently. This place carries every type of drill bit, router bit, drill blades, and more. This is the site I'll go to for gift ideas for my handyman. They have an engraving set that looks interesting. I wish the splash page pictures didn't switch to the next so quickly.

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