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About The Sunday Collective:

The Sunday Collective features stylish clothing for children. The clothing is designed for children aged 3-12 in styles that are simple and fun to wear. They are comfortable and are made to grow with your child.

Pros: It is a very good idea to produce apparel that grows with a child. The Sunday Collective makes durable, quality clothing that children can wear even if they have a growth spurt. Thanks to adjustable straps and waistbands, this clothing can be adjusted for longer wear. There are adorable dresses for girls like the Foliage Dress or the Dahlia Dress. The dyes and fabrics used for The Sunday Collective are locally sourced to cut down on the company's carbon footprint. A mixture of prints is sometimes shown on female models who often wear leggings. Cocoon Corduroy Pants have cuffs on the bottoms that can be let out as the child grows taller. They are quilted and designed for warmth and comfort for either gender. Another pair of pants made for either gender is the Recycled Cotton Cargo Pants in green with dark brown cuffs to allow for growth. There is also an assortment of sweaters that are very cute for boys and girls. One sweater features a patch that says, "You've Got Mail." It's the Alpaca Mailbox Sweater in solid black with gray and black striped sleeves. A cardigan sweater for girls is the Poststamp Cardigan which is retro in style with puffy sleeves.

Cons: I love this clothing for kids and the idea of allowing for growth with pants cuffs and adjustable straps. Even so, the clothing choices are too scarce. Give customers more choices!

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