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Including a coupon for extra 40% off sale items
Including a coupon for free travel bag & tech case with a $300 purchase

About Simpli-home: offers modern furniture to help bring your home personality.

Pros: If you're looking to make your home more comfortable, then the designs offered on this website are bound to strike to your fancy. You can find everything from bathroom vanities to accent pieces that work in any room. The products on offer ae crafted to help suit your personal style, so you can get more out of your home even if you don't have a lot space to work with. Each product on offer features an in-depth description so you can get measurements, care instructions, assembly instructions, and warranty in one place. The website offers free shipping on items headed to the continental United States, as well as a 10% discount for students. You will also find that the products can be purchased at many retailers across the country. Your purchase will help a number of charities too, which you can read all about on the website.

Cons: Although your item might ship for free, larger items require a signature and you will have to have assistance removing the item from your curb, as this is far as delivery goes. Returning your items might be a problem too. You will have to place them in the same packaging and may have to bring them out to your curb on your own. You will also have a restocking fee for returning or cancelling your order, but the website doesn't let you know how much the restocking fee is. There are also quite a few bad reviews about the quality of the products on social media, which might detour you from purchasing. Plus, most of the items can be purchased from other stores for the same or cheaper price.

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