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About Showpo:
I think it's pretty ironic how when we're young, we can't wait to grow up. And then, when we're older, we bemoan the passing of our youth. Of course there's the issue of vanity. As we age, we tend to complain more about our physicality. "My hair's gotten so thin", or "My stomach used to be so flat", or "I never used to have to wear glasses", and the list goes on. The only reassuring thing about this process is that we're not alone; everyone else our age is feeling the same "growing older" pains, even if they're just psychological. But for me, I feel a bit jealous that the younger generation today has certain things easier because of technology. Writing a paper for school used to take weeks! You'd have to go to the library, read a bunch of books, and then compose your essay. Then, you'd spend forever typing it on a typewriter. Computers and the Internet have made doing even the most mundane of chores so much simpler. For one, paying bills online. And for another, the most obvious-shopping. I was checking out when I started thinking about all this. It's such a cute site for clothes, but also for accessories and even kitschy pool inflatables! I was thinking that if were a teenager or in my 20's, I would shop at this site. Their prices are fair and the styles are trendy and sexy. Some outfits border on trashy, but for the most part, they're age appropriate.
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