
Oriental Trading Company Coupons, Promo Codes and Deals

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About Oriental Trading Company: is one of America's largest online sellers of party supplies, toys, crafts, patriotic items, and more.

Pros: If you've ever been on, you will be amazed at the variety of fun products they sell for a thousand different occasions. In fact, the company's mission is "to make the world more fun". If you're looking for party supplies, Oriental Trading will have items to fit any theme like superhero, western, fiesta, and luau. Let's say your theme is dinosaur (for party, classroom, or just decor), the site has hundreds of possibilities like stickers, paper cups, sand art bottles, cellophane bags, pencils, and the list goes on.) For holidays, the choices are also endless. There's stuff for baby showers, graduations, and First Communions. We especially appreciate the "Awareness" category. You can find colors to signify the celebration of breast cancer awareness, bullying, Autism awareness and others. On the Autism pages, we loved the rubber duckies. They were less than seven dollars for a dozen! The puzzle-piece lollipops are extremely original, too. If you're a teacher or know one, the website has thousands of helpful tools along with room decor like banners, reward stickers, posters, and even furniture and carpets! Oriental trading also carries some cool patriotic products as well as religious ones. There's basically something for anyone who likes to party and have fun. It's definitely a host/hostesses dream shopping spot.

Cons: Some items are only available in multiples or in bulk. You may not need that many, so you may wind up spending a little more than you planned.

Oriental Trading Company Shipping Info:

0-$25 ($6.99). $25.01-$50 ($8.99). $50.01-$75 ($10.99). $75.01-$100 ($11.99). $100.01-$125 ($12.99). $125.01-$150 ($15.99). $150.01-$200 ($17.99). $200+ (10%).
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