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About Nomatic:

OK, I just got so excited. My boyfriend finally got another job. He is a brilliant project manager. He works in IT and knows everything about interoffice technology. I know nothing about any of that. Here' s the thing. It seems like there are a million project managers, like him, that are out of work. Even though every job site seems to have available work somewhere, by the time he applies, the job has been filled. It's tough for him because he's in his late 30's. If he were just out of college, he might have had an easier time getting hired because he wouldn't ask for such a large salary. But because he's got years of experience (and bills to pay), he can demand a particular salary. I feel even worse for people in the workplace in the 50's and 60's who lose their jobs. It's really difficult to get re-hired after a certain age. Well, there are freelance jobs where companies don't have to offer full-time or health benefits. I suppose if you could afford to do that, then you're in good shape. Anyway, my honey just got a new job, and I want to buy him a bag for his laptop. I just found out about They are a kickstarter company and their bags are amazing. They've got pockets for everything and the magnetic straps look like a great feature. The price is perfect and I know he will love the design. August won't come quick enough!

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