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About Mrs. Fields: is an online retailer of a huge assortment of cookies and sweet treats.
Pros: If you have a hankering for something sweet to eat, offers over 10 different brands that offer a select range of products including cookies, chocolate, and popcorn. At a competitive price you can find their Signature items that are sure to bring you the satisfaction you're looking for. For example, a full-dozen signature cookie tin has all the favorite and popular flavors of cookies. Especially if you are trying to get your money's worth, we would recommend the Cookie Crate Combo, which is perfect for a party or even a household midnight snack. also offers ways to send your appreciation whether it be a birthday, holiday, or "congratulations" gift. Sometimes it's hard to find the perfect snack when movie night comes around, but we loved the option of the hand-dipped berries, which are freshly made. We also enjoyed that Mrs. Fields makes freshly-baked "treats of the month". This is fun for those who like a little variation or enjoy treats connected to particular holidays. An appealing option is the ability to order online and pick up your products at your local store (nice and fresh!)
Cons: Without being able to taste the product, it may be a challenge for some to order in quantity. The cookies have an excellent reputation as being delicious; however, if you're diabetic or gluten intolerant, these may not be the right treats for you.
Mrs. Fields Shipping Info:
0-$21.99 ($6.99). $22-$29.99 ($8.99). $30-$44.99 ($10.99). $45-$59.99 ($12.99). $60-$74.99 ($14.99). $75-$99.99 ($17.99). $100-$134.99 ($22.99). $135-$174.99 ($27.99). $175.00+ ($29.99).