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Up to 70% off Winter Clearance
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FREE Pair of Unicorn in a Garden Drop Earrings with a $125 Jewelry Purchase
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Full Price Jewelry BOGO 50% off + FREE Paire of the Unicorn in a Garden Drop Earrings with a $125 Jewelry Purchase
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About MetMuseum:

Several years ago, I was offered a job in Tucson, Arizona. Besides having been a geology major, my thrust was in desert planning. The position is perfect for my skill set. It's so funny because I grew up in Connecticut, thousands of miles away from the nearest desert. Yet, I was so drawn to that type of terrain. I've always had a sense of aesthetics. I try to find the natural beauty in all things real and man-made. That includes art. Of course I especially love the type of architecture where natural resources are used to build or to be built within. I am mesmerized by properties that use the rock from the side of a mountain to create, let's say a wall of a home. To be able to see that, to have that vision as an artist, amazes me. I can tell what type of earth, rock, and materials could be used in such a project-but actually visualizing it or constructing it is far beyond my grasp. I feel the same way when I look at a fine painting or sculpture. I just don't understand how anyone could be so gifted. Whenever I go back home, I make sure to go into New York to make a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. provides me with the exhibits they have and will have. I can get their schedule and also buy tickets in advance. I also like that I can order from their gift shop online.

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