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Semi Annual Clearance: Up to 60% off Select Mattresses + FREE Adjustable Base
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About MattressFirm:

I tend to sleep like I'm in a coma most nights. I used to sleep like I was in a wrestling match with an octopus. I would toss and turn and kick and I would get all twisted in my covers. I think I was like that all through my 20's. I settled down after we had a baby. I think I was so tired that I just fell asleep and didn't have the strength to move once I passed out. The other factor is my dog. He likes to curl up right next to my knees. If I roll over, there's always that concern that I'll smoosh him underneath my legs. Of course that wouldn't happen. But in the back of my mind, I probably lay more still for fear of harming my pup. My husband, on the other hand, doesn't roll over, but instead "flops over." He's like a giant fish out of water when he sleeps. The worst part is that when he flops, my side of the bed flips. It's like being on a stormy ocean. We have to get a new bed. I went to because of its name. I figure if the bed is firm, I won't feel him moving on my side as much. The good news is that the site carries brand name mattresses at excellent prices. They, like many bed sites today, allow a 120-night sleep trial. I find that remarkable. I'll probably chat online with one of their sleep experts before purchasing.

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