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About Kuiu:

Our family is pretty adventurous. I mean, compared to most families who camp nearby with a tent, or maybe take their RV 100 miles away. I suppose we seem radical. It's funny because we have never done anything that's over-the-top of seemingly dangerous. Well, except for zip-lining 1,000 feet over the canopy in Costa Rica. Or, river rafting down the Rio Negro in Brazil. Hmmm. I guess I probably should re-evaluate dangerous. I suppose I should also re-establish the term I'm looking for as "super-adventurous". My new boyfriend is a hunter. That's something I've never done and probably never will. I don't eat meat and I don't need a pelt, so I would have no reason to kill an innocent animal. I try to stay open minded. Just like our family adventured together, so did his-but they went on hunting trips. He still goes twice a year. There's a trip coming up that he's begged me to go on with him and his buddies. I have no interest except for being in the outdoors. But I've made up mind and I'm not going. I want to buy him a gift so he won't be so mad. I looked online at, which is a cool site, if you're into hunting. I can't believe how expensive the tents are. But I suppose it's specialized gear. It has to be lightweight enough to keep in your pack. The best I could afford was a camo shirt-but it's really nice.

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