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Friends & Family Sale - Up to 50% off Select Styles
Up to 40% off 4th of July Sale

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Including a coupon for 25% off $150+
Including a coupon for 20% off lysse products
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About KSwiss:

As far back as I can remember, I have loved tennis. Luckily, we belonged to a country club with tennis courts. My parents and sister played quite often, and my aunt was an excellent player. She played through college and considered going professional. I grew up in Queens, NY, so we always went to the U.S. Open every year. I even landed a gig as a ball boy there for a few years. So tennis, among other sports, has always been a big part of my life. I took lessons as a child, played on my high school team, and played in college. Today, I still try to play several times a month. My wife also loves tennis, so we try to carve some time out of our busy schedules for a singles or doubles match. Whether we play solo or together, it always brings out the competitor in us. Guess you could say we are both "type A" personalities. We are also both long-time fans of K-Swiss shoes. For me, they have always been the most comfortable sneakers out there, and I'm glad I found the website. Their shoes aren't always the easiest to find in most stores, so I'm really happy with the ability to see and order them online. I know they will fit me well, since I've been wearing the brand for years. The site is pretty nice. It's easy to use and navigate. It would be even better if they had a wider selection of styles.

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