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About Hush & Hush:
This website specializes in beauty products that work from the inside of the body. The company sells products to encourage hair growth and skin smoothness for men and women with the intent of helping customers look young and fresh.
Pros: When I began browsing this site, I saw that they had it categorized by concerns that shoppers face. These were digestion, energy, and many more. Supplements that they sell deal with skin, hair, and mind. Once the shopper decides what their biggest concern is, they have choices within that category. A man concerned with thinning hair would look in the Hair category. Looking down the list, he would find "Thinning Hair." By clicking on that, he would find HushAndHush's Deeply Rooted supplement. This product was found to improve hair growth in 91% of customers in a clinical study. I appreciate the fact that they didn't just claim that these results were accurate, but they showed before and after pictures of customers who used the healthy hair product. Women could choose Skin as their Concern. When they click on this category, they will find the Time Capsule supplement. This product replaces a daily vitamin, so I thought I could switch the cost of Time Capsule for the cost of my vitamins. Overall, I had hope for looking younger and better with HushAndHush supplements.
Cons: I searched for the specific vitamins and ingredients of these supplements, but I was not able to find this information. I think that it should be available for potential customers.
Hush & Hush Shipping Info:
Free Shipping on a $50 Order.