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About GemsNY: features gemstone-based jewelry at the right price.
Pros: When it comes to purchasing jewelry, this website has just about everything you need to leave you feeling satisfied about every purchase that you make. The website is dedicated to creating a simple atmosphere for shopping, so you can search for exactly what you want without the headache of a salesperson hassling you. Since you aren't dealing with a retail setting, you will find that the prices are immensely lower than what you might pay in a store. Best of all, the website has a price match guarantee if you find the same item for a better price elsewhere. Saving money is easier than ever on this website too, with free shipping and free returns. You'll also find referral programs and discounts for signing up for its newsletter. Apart from that, the company has a lifetime upgrade policy that will give you 90% value for an item if you want to trade it in for something more expensive. The company also helps you connect you to insurance for your jewelry as well as financing so you can buy today and pay later. If you're worried about the company not living up to their hype, then you'll find good reviews on social media to help you make a decision. There are also lots of great images of the products sold, which can help you decide on a piece if you're not sure what you want.
Cons: This website seems to have it all. The only problem is the return policy can be a little confusing at times when it comes to its diamond return policy. There are two different sections for these returns, and they seem to contradict one another.
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