
Duke Cannon Coupons, Promo Codes and Deals

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About Duke Cannon: features soap designed for men.

Pros: If you prefer to smell more like things that are naturally considered masculine then this website is going to be for you. The website offers an assortment of soaps and other hygiene products geared primarily towards men. When you look at the descriptions of the products, you can almost smell them through the screen because the descriptions are so elaborate. The company also does a lot with beer and bourbon products, so if that is a scent you enjoy, then you're more than likely in the right place. You can also find random gifts on the website, which is great if there is a man in your life that is tough to buy for. This company was designed by a veteran and supports veteran rights and helping veterans in need. They also send all of their products to soldiers overseas before they sell them to others. If the soldiers aren't a fan of the items then they never see daylight again. If you spend over $30 on the website, you will also receive free shipping, which will definitely help you with savings. The website also offers a fun blog that is designed to lift spirits with inspirational and funny stories.

Cons: This website really plays on the traditional belief of what a man should be, so some people might feel offended by their products, blog, social media, and so on. When you do go on their social media page, you will find a mixed bag of reviews. Some people have a lot of complaints on their social media pages. Some say the products are terrible and don't really work. Another customer shares that his negative reviews were blocked from the website, proving you can't really trust website reviews. Apart from that, the website doesn't really have a return policy. You are supposed to email if you don't like a product, so there is really no guarantee of a refund, even if the product arrives damaged.

Duke Cannon Shipping Info:

Free Shipping on a $25 Order.
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