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About Carl's Golf Land:
You could say golf is an obsession. I'm no Tiger Woods, but I have been playing since I was about six years old. My dad and grandpa were both golfers, and they encouraged me to start early. My grandpa even made me a kid-sized set of clubs from some of his old ones. He took them into his workshop and cut down the shafts, and I had a pint-size starter set. I'd spend hours every month in the backyard whacking around plastic practice balls. As I got better, my dad would take me to the driving range. Eventually, I got to practice in the yard with real golf balls. So yeah, I was hooked on golf at a young age. I played on the high school team, where I was made captain, and through college. I tried my hand at the amateur/pro circuit, but it was rough. So, I got a real job and play golf as often as I can. Luckily, my job lets me do some business on the golf course, so I play at my club a few times a week. I'm always scoping out golf gear and I recently found It turns out they're not far from where I grew up in Michigan. They have some great deals. I'm definitely going back to their site when I want a new pair of Footjoy shoes. One downside I discovered was that I need to get my clubs custom fit, which obviously can't be done online.
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