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Including a coupon for 15% off
Including a coupon for 15% off select apparel, shoes, accessories, fine jewelry, and home
Including a coupon for 10% off your first purchase
Including a coupon for $12 off select items
Including a coupon for 10% off
Including a coupon for 10% off

About Aeroflow:

It's such a different experience expecting my second child as opposed to what it was like with the first baby. When you're expecting for the first time, everything is overwhelming. There is so much "unknown" that you try to wrap your brain around every piece of information. Along with reading as many books as possible, I spoke to every mother I came in contact with. I couldn't get enough advice. What was so maddening was that I would get such contradictory info from different women. It wasn't until I actually had my baby that I realized everyone's experience is different-and the same. Most of our fears and worries are alike. But how one deals with it is what differs. For example, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. But I had no knowledge of how to do it, when, and how often. I also had no understanding of pumping breast milk. I took a class when I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant. They recommended getting an electric pump. I was in a panic and wound up renting one from a mom-and-baby shop in town. It was so expensive. Now with my second baby, I am definitely buying one instead. has a nice selection. The greatest thing about the site is that they check to see if your insurance helps cover the cost. The other thing I'd like to get from them is bra pads, which are priced well. There's nothing more embarrassing than leaking through your shirt in public.

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