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After studying the state's principles and practices, this comprehensive program ensures you master the key concepts covered on both the National and State portions of the licensing exam. Through targeted lessons and practice questions, you'll gain the confidence and knowledge to ace the test. Say goodbye to exam jitters and hello to new career opportunities by allowing this course to be your guide.
This coupon was added about 11 months ago, may expire any time. Verified by Andy35.

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About 360 Training:

I run a small business and have twelve employees. For the most part we are a really good team, have a great blend of creativity and strengths, and work well together. However, whenever there is a conflict, it seems as though our team splits into two groups. We don't seem to address the issue and after a couple of days things get back to how they were. Through I signed up for a conflict resolution course. I'm really hoping that this will equip me with the tools that I need to help our team deal with conflicts in a healthy way. I had never heard of before, but a friend of my told me about it. She actually took a course in realtor and was thrilled with the amount of information that she learned.

The pros: offers a variety of courses that can be taken online. When you go to the website, you can click on "store" and you'll see the different careers that the website offers courses for. Some of the courses are related to Trades and Engineering, Business Skills, Environmental Health, Cosmetology, Finances, Food and Beverage, Insurance and Real Estate. Most of the courses have a fee and you have to pass exams in order to receive credit for the courses. However, there are some free courses as well. Live chat is available if you need help in enrolling in a course.

The cons: Not necessarily a con, but you need decent internet and a willingness to commit the time to complete a course.

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