
Shrink the Size of Your Grocery Bill with these Simple Tips

Everyone knows how stressful grocery shopping can be, especially when you head up to the register and find out the final cost. There are many ways, however, to relieve the stress grocery shopping causes by reducing the amount of money you spend at the store. For many, shopping is a hectic experience that is often done with children or in the wrong conditions mental or physical conditions, which leads to over spending in most cases. Falling into the grocery store trap can be one of the easiest things to do, but these ten tips will guide you into a successful grocery shopping trip that will help you bring in the savings and make you feel confident about the shopper you are.

1. Coupons and Bulk Buys
Coupons are one of the most commonly used ways to save money. There are many different ways of getting a hold of coupons including sales papers and internet. For some people coupons save them so much money that store actually ends up giving them money back. However, for the people who don’t have a whole lot of time to look for deals coupons can at least save you a few dollars every time you go into a store. One way of saving more money is to design your meals around the coupons you find. This will allow you to use more coupons instead of allowing many to expire. Stocking up on items such as toilet paper and detergent is also a great idea when there is a coupon to do so. Many of these items can also be bought in bulk though. Toilet paper is always something needed around the home, so bulk deals will never give you buyers remorse! Some perishable items, such as meats, are also good to buy in bulk as they can always be sealed and frozen for a later meal.

2.Have a Shopping Buddy
An easy way to save money is to go shopping a buddy. This will take away the tedious task of shopping and will keep you alert throughout the chore. When you have a buddy with you the two of you can maximize the coupons you have, so that each of you might end up saving money on more items than you thought. For instance, you can always give your friend the money you would spend on an item with a coupon if you are only allowed to use one of the coupons. You can also trade off on coupons one of you might not need, so you will end up finding unexpected deals. Having a shopping buddy can also mean sharing the price of household items. If you find a great deal on a bulk item the two of you can split the price and the product to satisfy both household needs. One of the best things about having a shopping buddy is it gives you the power of restraint. If you’re buddy sees that you’re throwing things into the cart that typically aren’t part of the household budget then your buddy can point it out, thus saving you from over-shopping.

3. Seasonal Foods
If you love providing your family with healthy dinners, but often struggle with the cost then shopping seasonal is a great way to go. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are much cheaper than items that aren’t in season. You will love having the fresh ingredients in your home and will find lots of recipes based on seasonal fruits and vegetables to keep your family’s taste buds excited for the healthy food. Shopping seasonal can even save you money if you are into organic foods, which tend to cost a bit more than typical produce. Foods that come from a local farmers market will save you even more money as they won’t include extra charges such as shipping. Buying plenty of fruits will also help you cut down on the amount of junk food you buy as you will be able satisfy all of the sweet fanatics in the home.

4. Generic Brands Taste Great
One of the great shopping traps is name brand goods. Name brands get plenty of commercial time so most people tend to believe they taste better than the other items on the shelf. This is not so, as most generic brands follow close to the same recipe as the big names we all know. You can grab a bag of cereal that is twice the size of a name brand box for half of the price in most cases. Name brands also tend to dominate the top shelves that are level as we walk. Next time you go shopping have a look at the items placed on the bottom and the price difference between he two. Most grocery stores even have their own brand of food, which is typically priced a lot lower than competitors. Give generics a try sometime and you will certainly see that they taste just as great as the expensive items you’ve been buying. If you have picky eaters in the home you can always replace the generic brand box with the name brand box! Breaking a way from the name brand game can save you almost a hundred dollars each time you shop, which is money they could go elsewhere.

5. Lose the Soda and Bottled Drinks
Soda and bottled drinks are a great way to drain your grocery fund quickly. These drinks tend to be in constant demand in the home and the more you buy the faster they seem to go. So, why not lose the drinks to begin with an start your family on a healthier regiment. If soda is a must have in the home then you might want to look into home products that allow you to make your own drinks, such as Soda Stream. With these products you can create a wide variety of drinks for only cents per bottle. Bottled water is another money drain. Grab a water filtration device and you will be set for months. Of course, water tends to get boring after awhile, so why not grab some ad-ons. Cool-Aid, Tea packages and Lemonade mixes are typically priced at a low cost and will give your family the opportunity to drink less carbonated drinks.

6. Throw Away Convenience
Passing through the isles there are plenty of meals, especially in the frozen section, that are already made and ready for you to heat and enjoy. These items are often a waste of money and are designed to get you to spend a little extra for something you could make for much cheaper. Many of these pre-made meals are designed to attract dieters or people that are on the go, but when it comes to saving money they are a shopping no-no. Canned beans, grated cheese and many season packets are also ways that will drain your budget. Each of these can be made on their own with a little elbow grease and dedication. Grab a bag of beans instead and you will pay three times less than you would a can of beans that probably won’t taste as great as your homemade beans. The same can be said for grilling mixes as most people will already have the spices used in the mixes in their home spice cabinet. By skipping over these items you will add a bit extra to your budget in case you run into an item that you might want to treat yourself to.

7. Shop in Comfort
A lot of shopping splurges occur due to a person’s mental state. When you are uncomfortable you are more than likely going to give into your urges and buy items you don’t need just so you can get out of the store faster. Shopping on an empty stomach is one of the worst things you can do while shopping. Have a nice snack or meal before you go shopping so you won’t make choices based on the current state of you stomach. Also, shopping with kids can be a major strain on your comfort. Even the best behaved kids can leave you buying items you typically wouldn’t grab for when the kids weren’t around. If possible arrange shopping trips while the kids are in school, or choose a daycare or babysitter that can watch them for a few hours a couple times a month. Grocery stores also tend to be a bit chilly, so bring a sweater along so you won’t feel rushed to get out of the store before you get the items you actually do need. One’s mental state can really effect the way one shops, so if you’re feeling a bit down, reschedule your trip.

8. Stick To The List
We’ve all done it, that is, spent hours on a list only to leave it at home. The shopping list is actually one of the best ways to save on money. Spend some time on the list and decide what the house really needs and what your budget will pay for. Once you’ve written it down make sure you won’t forget it the next day. One way to ensure that you won’t forget the list is to put it into your tablet or smart phone. When you get to the grocery store make your list the only thing you see. If it isn’t on the list don’t buy it! This will ensure that you don’t over shop or switch up your family menu while in the store, which can save you big!

9. Don’t Make Multiple Shopping Trips
One of the worst shopping mistakes you can make is go shopping every single day. Daily, or even weekly shopping can mess up your budget and leave you paying hundreds more in groceries each month. Try to get all of your shopping done once a month, or if you have to go twice a month. By shopping as little as possible you are more likely to buy items in bulk, which will save you lots. You will also be more likely to spend less money on items you won’t need since you will be paying a lump amount of money, rather than a bit at a time. By making fewer shopping trips you will also teach yourself how to maximize what you already have in the home, while also learning how to master the art of list making and planning ahead!

10. Shop Around
Choosing one market to shop at can cost you a lot of money as well. Before you head to the grocery store check out your local sales papers to see what is on sale where. If you can find a great deal on certain items it is always wise to get them for the cheapest price possible. For instance, shopping at a farmers market for your fruits and vegetables might be far more economical than you shopping at the typical grocers. Many butcher shops also sale meat a much lower price than you would find in the grocery store. Of course, some items like canned goods might be best purchased at the local grocers. The key to saving money here is knowing when and where you’ll get the most for your money!

Although most people don’t actually enjoy grocery shopping there are many ways that it can become less of a chore and more of an art. With these ten tips you will be able to take on your local grocery store and show it that you mean business. Even if you only save a few dollars at first you are still on your way to becoming a more frugal shopper that knows all of the tricks of the trade!

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