
Cheap Ways to Get Ready for Autumn Before the Cold Hits

With autumn less than a couple weeks away you may want to consider getting some of your household chores out of the way before the cold weather moves in. Although many may consider getting ready for autumn a pricey expense it can actually be done fairly cheap and will even help you save money in the long run. There’s a lot of items around the house that can be cleaned and altered to make your autumn and winter a lot cozier. You may even find that your early preparations saved you time, money and a some uncomfortable moments in the icy weather. So, get ready for the big cool down with these ten items you should consider doing before autumn settles in.
1. Switch Out Bedding
Our bedding gets a whole lot dirtier during the summer months because we sweat a lot more. If you don’t clean properly before the cold months come in you may feel gross when you snuggle into bed. Before the weather gets too cold make sure you take your heavier comforter in for dry cleaning or do it yourself at home. This will allow you to be prepared when you need a little extra coverage during the night time. You may also want to consider buying a new set of sheets. This will give you a fresher start to the autumn so you can enjoy watching TV or reading a book without feeling like you’re sitting in germs. A pair of flannel sheets are always a good way to cut down on your heating costs so you won’t have to worry about a huge bill. The pillows are another thing that should be properly cleaned or replaced before the cold front comes in. Pillows pile up the germs and with so much sweat they probably won’t smell nice in the slightest. While you’re working on the bedding made sure to flip and rotate your mattress. You can also clean it with a mixture of baking soda.

2. Go Through the Closet
The closet can become a huge mess throughout the year, so do yourself a favor and go through it before you run out space. The last few weeks of summer are a great time to dig out your old winter clothes and go through them. Make sure to try everything on as your size may have changed over the past year. Of course, you may also want to set aside some of last year’s fashions that are simply dreadful. Once you have your clothes all worked out make a list of what you need and try to donate or sale the items you don’t want. This will free up space to put up some of those summer clothes you won’t be wearing for some time. You may also go through your clothes to see if there is anything you just don’t wear anymore. When you’re finished with the closet go through the sock and underwear drawer and throw out holy items or items that don’t fit. Once you have a general idea of what you’ll need keep an eye out for sales or look at your local second hand store.

3. Prepare the pantry/freezer
A lot of the time we tend to overlook the food that is in our pantry and freezer. This could lead to meats and other goods to become inedible. Although its usually a good idea to rotate foods when you go grocery shopping, some items will manage to slip through the cracks of your system. There are numerous charts online that will let you know how long food can sit in the freezer, so try this method out, especially when it comes to meats. When you’ve cleared out the foods that have been in storage too long make a list of items you need to make cheap, warm and filling meals. One great way to do this is look at crock pot recipes. You can buy the foods in advance and freeze them so when you’re ready all you need to do it put them in the pop on medium heat. You may also want to make a few batches of soup and freeze them in individual containers. This makes cheap and quick dinner plans throughout the cold season.

4. Switch your fans
Many people forget to switch their fans for the seasons which can cause a huge price surge on the electric bill. During the summer you need fans to produce cool air so you don’t have to fun the air conditioning as often; however, running the fans on the same setting in the winter time would be counter productive. You don’t want extra cool air on you while the heater is trying to warm up the house, which is why the alternative switch allows the warm air to be moved around the house more quickly. It also allows the house to maintain air flow while the windows are shut, which leads to a more comfortable environment. Without having to use the heater or air conditioning as often your bills will drop significantly, especially in the early months when the fan is all you need to keep cool or warm.

5. Have the house checked
Although it might not seem like you’re saving money, you should always have someone inspect the home before the really cold months get here. A lot of the time the insurance, electric or gas company will do this for you if you can and ask. This will save you big time, so make sure to call around to see if this service is offered before hiring someone to do it. When the inspector comes you should make sure they check to see if the heater is clean, as dust and other particles could lead to a house fire in some cases. They should also check to make sure the house is sealed properly, the chimney is clean and all of your fire alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are working properly. This inspection alone will cut down on accidents, heating costs and other fees that occur during the cold months. Before rain and snow begin in your area you may also want to take a peak at the room. A lot of roofers won’t do business in the winter and you won’t want a leak, so make sure everything looks good before a potential problem occurs. You should also check your dryer vent to make sure it isn’t clogged and clean out the gutters.

6. Car inspection
Your car is even more important in the winter when you’re more than likely going to use it more often. The cold weather often makes people look for a quicker solution of getting around, so you should make sure you’re in good running order before it becomes too cold to risk a breakdown. A car inspection generally doesn’t cost a lot of money and can even be done at home if you have a member of the family that knows what to look for. You should consider changing the oil and checking the fluids too as more people tend to pay for this service during the winter rather than do it themselves. You may also want to send her through the car wash and have the interior detailed as a fresh way to start the new season. You should also check out your car’s first aid kid, emergency kit and the condition of your snow chains as these items are especially important when roads are icier and more dangerous.

7. Stock up on produce
It always seems we crave the produce we can’t have because its out of harvest. Rather then pay too much to enjoy your craving you might want to shop the summer produce before it is out of season. If you buy these items in bulk you can easily cut them up and freeze them for meals later in the year. There’s a lot of ways to preserve the delicious taste of summer, so grab the items you need while they’re still cheap. You can start preserving by looking up recipes for pickles, jam and tomato sauce and salsa. These will last for years and will give you the taste you long for when they’re out of season. You may also want to freeze some items into meal plans or create pie filling for when the urge occurs. You should also stock up on the early bulk of fall harvest foods. You can use some of the items as décor until you eat them or can do the same things you did with the summer produce to keep them longer. Shopping this way can save a lot of money though and will ensure you have a good stock of food to last you.

8. Take to the yard
A lot of the time the yard gets over looked when the weather begins to change. However, there’s lots you can do to plan for an easier Spring time blossom. To begin with, you should give your lawn one more mow just to ensure it doesn’t look terrible with long dead grass throughout the cold season. This will also make raking up the leaves a whole lot easier. In some areas you can go ahead and plant more grass seed to take hold before the big freeze occurs. This will allow a fuller lawn when Spring arrives. One of the biggest things you can do is trim your trees and bushes. In the upcoming months your area may freeze over and there might be snowy days. This can lead to the breakage of trees which could harm people or destroy property. So, its always best to get this major chore accomplished before any real damage can occur. Another great thing to do is start up a compost. This is great for the environment and can help you with fertilization in the Spring time. Of course, you don’t have to give up on your garden entirely as there are ample flowers and produce plants that flourish in the fall months.

9. Lighting
Soon it will begin to get darker a lot sooner which means you’re going to use more lights in and out of the home. Before this happens make sure you replace your bulbs, but try to use energy efficient bulbs to make things even more cost effective. This will ensure no one will slip and fall outside do to lack of visibility. If you can create a pathway of solar powered lights to ensure that everyone cans safely pass your walkway. You may also want to consider solar lights for the home, or simple battery operated lights for the kid’s rooms to cut down on power used.

10. Workout Space
We tend to stay in a lot more in the winter and we also eat a bit more, which means we’re looking at some weight gain. To avoid too much over indulgence try to set up a workout area in the home. This will minimize gym and gasoline fees which can help with your overall costs. You can use any space in the home available, even if it means setting up a treadmill in your living room. Some of the more common workout spaces are in the garage/basement or in an office area. Of course, space is always an issue so keep it simply with a small trampoline, punching bag or even a small pilates/yoga area. You don’t have to go overboard to say healthy, but a workout area will encourage you to move more.

Autumn is filled with beauty, but if you’re not ready you could be looking at some major fees. With these cheap and easy ways to prepare you’ll be ready for the cold and might even be able to build up a savings account for anything extra that comes you way. So, get busy because the season change is only a few days away!

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