
Archive for November 3, 2016

Cheap Ways to Enjoy Chicken Soup For the Soul In the Dreary Months

With the cool weather blowing in and the gray skies dominating the weather, you may feel a little down in the dumps. Season Affective Disorder affects many people, but even if you’re not suffering from this disorder, there’s still ways to prevent the weather from bringing you down. Luckily, on November 12, everyone has the chance to celebrate Chicken Soup for the Soul day, which is certain to lift your spirts. This is a great time to dig deep and find the things in your life that makes you tick. Of course, it’s also a great time to start coming up with ways to keep your mood up during the long autumn and winter months. These ten tips should help you find your way without forcing you to spend a fortune.
1. Buy Second Hand Books
For decades, the Chicken Soup for the Soul books have helped people all over the world find emotional and spiritual guidance to help them get through the hard times in life. These books come in a wide variety of topics too, so you can find the perfect book to suit your needs. You can even find these books for children and teenagers, which will ensure the whole family feels like a million bucks even when they aren’t getting the weather that helps perk them up. Since the Chicken Soup for the Soul books have been around so long, you should be able to find them at just about any second-hand book store or thrift store. This will allow you to find the help you need for mere scents. Of course, you can reach for other books during this time too that could help you find the assistance you need.

2. Submit a Story
Many people get a lot of joy from writing down their feelings. For many, it is a relief to get all of the emotions out on paper, which boosts mood and reduces stress. Of course, if you feel like you have a story to tell others then you might want to consider submitting it. This will allow you to concentrate on your personal story, so you can perfect it and find the right words to express yourself. By putting time and effort into your story, you should find confidence in your story. Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul still accepts submissions for stories and even pays for those that they publish, which could make you feel even better about your story. You never know, writing down your feelings could actually help someone else in the world.

3. Comfort Food
If you’re feeling a little down, then you may want to alter your food menu to find some dishes that will actually make you feel better about life. Since the weather is cooling down, then it may be time for some of your favorite comfort foods. For instance, you may want to start out a weekend with a nice hearty breakfast of biscuits and gravy. Other than that, you can always cook some of your childhood favorites like pot roast, meatloaf or anything else that makes you remember the warmth of childhood. It’s also a great season to pull out your crock pot for delicious meals, which could make you happier anyway. With less dishes to clean up, you may find planning a menu is easier than ever. Of course, it might be a lot of fun to find a chicken soup recipe to help celebrate this occasion. If your family doesn’t already have one, there’s lots of amazing recipes online to start you off.

4. Let in the Light
One of the major problems that affects people during the autumn and winter is the lack of sunlight. With gray skies, it’s harder to get in the light that we need to get the vitamin D that keeps us going. In the spring and summer most of our light comes to us without extra effort, thus when the skies aren’t as bright you actually have to go the extra mile to get what you need. Instead of keeping your curtains and blinds drawn, open them up and the sunlight flow in. You may also choose to sit closer to the windows when working on the computer, reading a book or simply watching TV. Getting out of the house more often will also help you get the sunlight you need. Apart from that, you may want to go to extra measures if you’re still feeling a little low. A light box can make a huge difference in your life and may even be prescribed for those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.

5. Change Your Music
It’s easy to fall into the routine of listening to the same music over and over again, but in the autumn and winter you might want to make an effort to switch things up. If your favorite songs tend to be a bit on the mellow side or have lyrics that you find depressive or aggravating, then you might not be doing yourself any favors. Instead, toss on an upbeat album that will make you want to get up and move around to the beat. By listening to this music, you will instantly feel a wave of energy and your mind will feel more relaxed and happier. Of course, you can always put on songs that bring back happy memories too as this should help lift your spirits. If you’re not a huge music person and find yourself in silence more often than not, then it might be time to listen to music more in order to help keep those spirits lifted.

6. Exercise
Getting and keeping fit isn’t always as fun as people make it out to be, but it is one of the best ways to beat the blues during the gray seasons. In autumn, try to get out and take a walk or go for a run. The fresh air and light will do you good and having your body move will help make you feel happier and healthier. Of course, getting outside isn’t always an option, especially as the snow, wind and rain take over the days. When the weather keeps you in then try out something you may not have otherwise tried. For instance, you might want to give yoga or Tai Chi and try. This will allow you to easily feel relaxed, while working out your body. The best thing is these exercises work around all fitness levels. You can also keep it simple by doing pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks and so much more. You may even wind up learning a bit more about yourself and your physical needs during this time.

7. Invite People Over
One of the biggest things that can help you find your happiness during these months is to invite people over. Even if you’re an introvert, a little social interaction can be a good thing when the sun isn’t shining and the weather seems far too gloomy for words. You don’t have to have people over every single day, but you should try to invite others over to suit your own comfort level. This is especially important during the holiday season, if you don’t live near your family. Make sure you choose people you’re comfortable with though as this will help make you feel even better. Friends and family are a must, but you may try to meet new people or have small dinner parties with friends from work. As long as you’re engaging in social interaction, your spirits should be lifted.

8. Take “You” Time
It’s always important to treat yourself, but in the months when you’re feeling down and out this can be crucial to your mental health. A lot of the time, we seem to get lost in the holiday work grind, especially those who are hoping to bring in extra money for presents. This can really weigh you down when it comes to your mental health. Thus, you should always take a day to do something entirely for you. This doesn’t mean you have to spend a small fortune though. Rather, you can easily get the break you need by engaging in pass times you enjoy. For instance, if you are a musician then pick up your instrument and play for a couple of hours. You might even dedicate the day to learning or writing a song. You can even just spend your day in bed reading or binge watching your favorite TV shows. No matter what you choose to do, try to eliminate the stress from your life, so you can find happiness and peace of mind again.

9. Add Plants
In the winter, we usually don’t have a whole lot of plants around to brighten our day. Since it’s a little tough to keep them alive outdoors, you can always use this time to add some beauty to the inside of your home. It doesn’t matter what level of green thumb you have, you can easily find a plant that suits your needs. Of course, make sure to consider your pets in the mix, as there are many plants that can be harmful to them. It isn’t just the sight of the plants that can bring happiness to you. Plants will actually help cleanse the air, which will make you feel healthier. The act of caring for them will also bring meaning to your day to ensure you feel needed and wanted in the home. Of course, the lovely colors and fresh scents will help lift your spirits too, so try to add a few different varieties when you choose which plants are right for your home.

10. Add Supplements
Sometimes, eating healthy and getting the right amount of exercise isn’t always enough for our bodies. In this case, a supplement could be the right way to help make you feel healthy and happy again. There’s many supplements that can help your body get back on track. For starters, you may want to try out B12, which can give you more energy and help with cognitive functions as well as other health benefits. Omega-3s are another supplement known to help you feel better about your life and health. Not to mention, they’re one of the best supplements to add to your diet. If you’re feeling particularly down, then St. John’s Wart is a natural anti-depressant that can also help with anxiety. You might want to talk to your doctor about supplements before taking them though as he may have more insight into your health and what would help maximize your mental and physical health.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day is a great time to examine your overall health, especially when it comes to how you’re mentally feeling. With so many people suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, you may find yourself dealing with its symptoms too. These tips should help you cheaply lift your spirits while allowing you to enjoy life more during the gloomy months.