
Archive for December 29, 2016

Frugal Ways to Boost Confidence in the New Year So You Can Achieve Greatness

With the New Year rapidly approaching, you’re probably trying to come up with a few ways that you’d like to change your life for the better. Boosting your confidence is a great way to create a better New Year and will give you the motivation and courage to change other aspects of your life too. Luckily, working on your confidence won’t cost you a small fortune either. Rather, this can be one of the most frugal and rewarding ways to change your life for the better. So, this New Year, you won’t have to pick a resolution that will leave you scrambling to keep up financially and emotionally as boosting your confidence is one of the best ways to get more out of your life for 2017 and the upcoming years.

1. Exercise
When it comes to building up confidence, one of the best places to start is with your body. Even if you’re happy with the way your body looks, you can gain a whole lot of confidence when you start and keep up with an exercise routine. Boosting your fitness level is a great way to increase endorphins and even allows you to get to know your body and mind a little better. Even if you have a routine you enjoy, you may want to try out a couple of new exercises to ensure you are getting a well-rounded amount of exercise. It doesn’t have to be about dropping weight either. Rather, concentrate on your health and how your body feels through the routine and after. Even toning up should help boost your confidence, so stick with the routine even if you feel like you aren’t meeting physical goals. Exercising in itself can actually help you save money too, as you will feel healthier which will mean less visits to the doctor.

2. Eat Healthier
Consuming healthy food can actually make you feel confident about yourself, believe it or not. Foods that are good for your body actually help cleanse toxins and will boost your mood and appearance quickly. Of course, jumping on the health food bandwagon could leave you feeling overwhelmed, but you can start doing this by taking baby steps. For instance, if you plan on eating out then add a small side salad to each of your meals and go light on the dressing. You can also begin by having fast food a lot less. This alone will save you a whole lot of money and will ensure you begin to lose weight and feel better in no time at all. The change you will feel as you move from junk food to health food is sure to leave you walking with more pep in your step and as you progress in your healthier eating you will crave the stuff that is bad for you a whole lot less.

3. Stand Up Tall
One small thing you can do to help boost your confidence is to keep an eye on your posture. Standing up tall and holding yourself a little higher will show the world that you are strong and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. Even if you aren’t feeling like the most confident person on the planet, by keeping your posture long and tall you will instantly feel better about everything you have to take on. It is almost like fooling your mind into believing you are on top of your game, even if you feel like a nervous wreck. Treating your posture better can help you land a promotion, meet new friends or even get a date with someone special. If you’re having trouble with your posture consider grabbing a back brace or learn some of the yoga moves that help encourage the body to maintain a healthier posture.

4. Reach Out
Sometimes, we need a little help finding our confidence again. Often, depression, struggles with life or other problems get in the way, which can cause us to lose sight of our inner confidence. Luckily, there’s a lot of groups that can help you find your groove again. You can seek these groups out in person or online, so shoot for something that meets your needs. This will even allow you to look around for a group that suits you the best, without forcing you to feel committed. If you’re on a tight budget then you may want to seek out free groups. You should be able to do this through your community center or by talking to a doctor who may be able to recommend a great program. Of course, reaching out to friends and family can also help you feel better. Once you talk out your problem and figure out how to resolve it, you’ll be on the right track to feeling confident.

5. Start Small
A lot of people expect to hop into their New Year’s resolution goals and immediately make progress. This can not only discourage them from finishing out a resolution, but it could also cause some to throw money at the resolution. Instead of doing this you should take small steps to ensure that you don’t find the process totally overwhelming as you work towards your goal. You might start this process by making a list of things you’d like to change about yourself. From there, choose a small goal to help start you out. It may even be something as small as calling a parent more often. Once you’ve got this goal down then choose something a little bigger. As the challenge grows, so will your confidence. Remember, breaking a bad habit and forming a good habit only takes around 21 days, so you may be able to fit in over 12 goals a year if you really push yourself. With this success, you’re sure to feel incredible about yourself and you’ll probably also save some money in the long run too.

6. Ditch the Negativity
We’re all guilty of having days when everything is negative and we can’t seem to see the good in anything. These days can really bring us down though and can prevent us from having the confidence we need to get through life. One way you can combat negative feelings is to train yourself to detour from having them. You can do this by placing a sum of money in a jar every time a negative thought prevents you from reaching your potential or when it puts you in a bad mood. After spending your money, you’ll think twice about it which should lead you down a more positive road. Plus, at the end of the year, you may have a nice nest egg to splurge on something you’ve always wanted. Negative people can also hinder your success in life, so try to avoid people who may purposely bring you down. If they are a close friend or family member, then you might want to have a talk with them and explain your goals and how they are standing in your way. With the negativity out of your life, you may find you have more freedom to really shoot for your goals.

7. Read and Write
Working on your confidence doesn’t have to be all about work either though. You can really find confidence in doing activities you love or those that you may not know you love yet. For instance, reading a book can actually boost your confidence levels. Many people have a hard time getting into reading, but if you take the time to explore various books you may find that there is something that strikes your fancy out there. The more you read, the better you will feel mentally which will allow you to want to take on more challenging jobs and work on your well-being more often. Writing is another way to help with confidence levels, so you might want to invest in a notebook that you really like or start up your own blog. By writing down your thoughts and feelings you will help relieve stress and feel more confident as you take on the challenges in your life. If you choose to keep a public blog then you may even find a group of people who support you and appreciate your writing, which can also help you feel confident.

8. Step Outside of the Comfort Zone
Everyone has their own sense of security, but sometimes our safety bubbles can leave us feeling confined and a little down in the dumps. In order to boost your confidence and get yourself out of the everyday grind of things, you may want to try to take a step outside of your comfort zone every now and then. Of course, this step is going to depend on the person you are as everyone has their own boundaries. For instance, if you’re an introvert, you may want to decide to speak to someone new every once in a while. You might also want to challenge yourself by reading a book that you find to be advanced. Extroverts may get more out of trying out an extreme sport or asking the boss for a promotion at work. No matter what you choose to do, this action can help further your life and bring your confidence to a new height.

9. Volunteer
One way to challenge yourself and to make yourself feel great is to go out of your way to give back to others. Volunteering can truly change your life and leave you feeling confident about the person you have become. You can choose from so many ways to volunteer too, which makes it perfect for everyone. For instance, you can easily volunteer to help out at a nursing home or vet center if you enjoy spending time with people and helping others smile. If you enjoy working with your hands then you may want to try out Habitat for Humanity, planting trees in a park or even picking up trash on the side of the road. Animal fans will love working at a shelter or helping the elderly in the neighborhood walk their dog. No matter what you choose, making a difference is sure to help add the extra pep to your step.

10. Dress Up
Sometimes, all it takes to feel confident is to take the time out of your day to dress up and look your best. Even if you don’t have anywhere to go, you can always put on nicer clothes, fix your hair and do your make up. You may even find this activity to be a whole lot of fun, which is sure to make life a little sweeter anyway. You don’t have to do this all for no reason though. Try experimenting with new looks in your wardrobe or with your makeup. You may find looks that you’ve been neglecting that make you feel out of this world. If you’ve stuck with the same hairstyle for a while, then mix it up with something new. You might find all the refreshing looks can really make you feel like the go-getter you are.

Boosting confidence doesn’t have to be a chore or something that will leave you struggling throughout the year. There’s many ways to find your groove and keep it up, which will help you immensely in many aspects of your life. These ten ideas to boost confidence will not only help you with any other resolutions you have, but can also help keep your money secure in your bank account as you work to achieve greatness.

Frugal Ways For Kwanzaa Beginners to Celebrate and Learn

If you’re new to Kwanzaa and don’t know where to begin then you may find it overwhelming to see how expensive it is to get this holiday off the ground. There are, of course, cheap options, but if you’re not sure how to start and don’t have guidance then spending lots of money may be the solution. There’s lots of great ways to enjoy the holiday though even if you’re not sure how to set a proper budget for it. With a few simple tips you can easily bring the holiday to life without spending much of anything. This should allow you to embrace the holiday and incorporate it into your life for years to come without allowing it to add extra financial stress during the holiday season.

1. Start Off Small
A lot of people want to simply dive into the holiday full force, which means getting décor, attire, gifts and food. Of course, if you don’t know where to start then you may end up buying things that are overly priced or those you won’t be able to cook properly. Instead of throwing a lot of money into the holiday try starting simple. For instance, Kwanzaa is actually separated into seven different principles. So, try taking one of the principles and concentrating on that for your first year. Then, next year move on to the next. You can keep adding on this way, or you can move faster when you feel more comfortable with the holiday. You can also keep things simple by tackling one traditional dish a year, instead of overwhelming yourself with a feast. As you learn to perfect the one dish then add on until you can experience the full effect. You can do this with crafts, attire and games too.

2. Go to the Library
If you want to read up on the holiday or simply find resources to help you celebrate, then you’ve probably found a lot of pricey books on the subject. This can be discouraging especially if you’re looking forward to celebrating the holiday. Luckily, your local library should have a wide range of resources to help you gain a better understanding of the celebration. You may even be able to find cookbooks and other helpful materials to get your Kwanzaa party started. Many libraries will even have books directed towards children, so you can begin teaching the little ones about the holiday from a young age. If you’re just beginning, these books may be a valuable resource to you too as they usually present the ideas in a way that creates a perfect foundation. Of course, if you can’t find resources at your library then make sure to talk to the librarians. They may be able to request information for you or steer you in the right direction as to how to find it for free.

3. Print Out Activity Sheets
When it comes to learning about Kwanzaa, the internet can actually be your best friend. There’s lots of great resources that can help you plan out ways to teach your children about Kwanzaa. This can be a great resource for parents that are learning themselves, or for those who have celebrated the holiday for decades now. Many of these resources come in the form of activity sheets, which can be found on websites designed to teach about Kwanzaa, African culture or even most homeschooling websites. These activity sheets can also prove to be a fantastic way to keep your child’s mind active while they are enjoying winter break. You might consider starting to work on the sheets when the children get out of school for winter break, or you can always wait to begin the lessons until the holiday actually begins. Either way, you should be able to teach them quite a bit about the holiday without spending more than the cost of printer ink and paper.

4. Learn a Recipe
Food can play a big part in many holidays and Kwanzaa is no exception to the rule. If you plan on celebrating with family and friends, then having a bit of food on hand is an absolute must. Thus, learning a recipe may actually be one of the easiest ways to ensure you learn a lot about the holiday through experience. Most foods have specific ties to an event, so when you pick out the item you want to learn how to cook make sure you do a little research on it too. You will learn about where the items in the recipe come from, why it is a food used in the celebration and if it still has cultural appeal to this day. This will give you a deeper connection with the celebration and will help you feel closer to ancestors and the culture and country you are celebrating.

5. Watch a Movie/Show
One of the easiest and quickest ways to learn about something is through movies and programs that show the activity. There are actually quite a few movies and TV shows on Kwanzaa, which can be a great way to begin your celebration. Try to find a streaming website or a frugal movie or show to buy for the big occasion. Then, gather up the family to watch and learn through the actions of the film. You may find deeper meaning in the holiday by doing this, which will certainly allow you to find inspiration to progress in your celebration. Finding the perfect movie may be hard though, because there are so many great options that you may want to watch them all. In fact, there’s even a Kwanzaa Rugrats special that is sure to keep the kids glued to the screen as you all enjoy the quality time together.

6. Universities/Churches
You might find that one of the best resources you can find on Kwanzaa is actually your local education facilities or churches. Although Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday, many churches will offer classes to help to teach you the meaning of the holiday and to help you celebrate whether it be on your own or with the church. Some universities and community colleges will also offer courses for the celebration around the time winter break shows up. Full courses may cost money, but if the facility hosts a guest lecture or special program then it may cost you little to nothing to attend. You may even find the institution to host its own Kwanzaa party that is open to the community. By spending time at these functions, you should be able to grasp the holiday a little better while ensuring you have a lot of fun without spending a lot of money.

7. Craft Gifts
Another way to learn more about Kwanzaa is to get your hands dirty, so to say. Try looking up some Kwanzaa crafts to see if you find something you’d like to make for those in your inner circle. When you do this, you will learn a lot about the types of crafts celebrated during the holiday and why they are often incorporated into the Kwanzaa fun. This will also give you a deeper meaning of the holiday and will supply you with cost friendly gifts to pass out to friends. You can also craft African drums to celebrate the culture. These make the perfect gift for children and will help keep them engaged in the holiday while showing them they can have a little fun. You may even look into online lessons to help the family learn more about the drums and how to play them.

8. Learn Songs
Singing is a huge part of African culture, so it goes without saying that singing your heart out during Kwanzaa is a must. Thus, you might want to start your Kwanzaa education by learning some of the songs that are commonly used. This, in itself, will give you a deeper meaning of the holiday because songs tend to layout reasons for celebration, history and culture. You can find lots of Kwanzaa songs online too, so check out spread sheet websites, your favorite streaming apps or even video streaming websites. Before you know it, you’ll be singing along like you’ve been celebrating the holiday your whole life. You may even try to find some special songs for children to ensure they get the chance to learn and participate in the holiday as well.

9. Share Family Stories
Part of the beauty of Kwanzaa is celebrating the culture of your family. This can be the perfect time to share the story of where you come from with your family. If you don’t know when to begin then this holiday might be the perfect time to uncover some of the stories that make up your legacy. You may want to start by asking the elders in your family about your roots. Make sure to write it all down in a book so you can share with your family for generations to come. If you’d like to take a closer look at your roots then you may want to look into a DNA ancestry test or a service that will help you trace your roots. You may be surprised by how far back you can trace your family tree and the stories and family you may uncover along the way.

10. Visit a Kwanzaa Celebration
Of course, if you really want to experience the beauty of the holiday and still don’t know where to begin, then you may want to talk to a friend or family member who celebrates the occasion every year. If you know someone like this they may invite you into their home to enjoy the full 7-day celebration with their friends and family. This will give you a first-hand look at the holiday, which will help you understand more about the rituals of the celebration as well as the true meaning. After seeing the holiday with your own two eyes, you should be able to plan your own holiday celebration in the upcoming years, which will ensure your family will fall in love with Kwanzaa and will take pride in the celebration.

Celebrating Kwanzaa doesn’t have to leave you feeling blindsided financially. These ten tips will help you find the resources you need to get started on the holiday while teaching the younger generation without forcing you to spend a bundle. Before you know it, you’ll be setting up Kwanzaa like a veteran.

Boxing Day Ideas to Keep the Holiday Rolling on a Small Budget

For many families, Boxing Day can be a strange transition from the buzz of the holidays to dealing with all of the recycling left behind from the big day. There’s actually a lot of great things you can do on Boxing Day though that will help make your holiday even better and will add memories to this special day that your kids will want to pass on to their own. This doesn’t mean you have to go wild and spend even more money to have a great time. In fact, there’s lots of great low cost and free things to do to ensure Boxing Day doesn’t ruin your holiday budget. You may even find that some of these ideas will help keep the home in working order as you struggle to get ready for the New Year with your family. So, don’t let Boxing Day pass you by as this could soon become one of your favorite ways to unwind after the holiday rush.

1. Go Through Your Items
With an influx of new items in the home, you may find things to be a little crowded, to say the least. So, take Boxing Day for face value this year and use it to declutter a bit. In fact, Boxing Day was a time when the elite would box up their old items to give to their servants as gifts. You can use this same premise to inspire the kids to get busy in their own rooms. Everyone can go through their clothes, toys and other items to see if there’s anything they don’t really need or want anymore. These items can be tossed in a box and donated to those who may actually need them. If you ended up with duplicate gifts and have no idea where the gift receipts went, then these items might be perfect for donation too. That is, unless you still have Secret Santa parties to get through. It doesn’t matter if you take your items to a thrift store or donate them to a nursing home, as they will find their way to a home that will appreciate them. If you want to save money on this, simply ask for a receipt of items you donated. You can use it as a tax write off in the upcoming tax season.

2. Plan Meals
Chances are, you probably have a huge stash of holiday leftovers in the refrigerator. This can be overwhelming, especially if you still haven’t gotten over the turkey and ham sandwich epidemic after Thanksgiving last month. This could often lead to waste, but with a bit of planning you should be able to avoid it altogether. Try sitting down with the family and coming up with creative ways to use the excess food. Sure, heating up leftovers for a day or two may be great, but you can also come up with casserole ideas and so much more. Once you’ve made a game plan get the items together and start to freeze them. This will make for fast meals when you’re busy or will simply cut down on your grocery bill. You may even feel a bit of success as you conquer the leftover problem without throwing half of it out! Of course, if the family wasn’t entirely keen on the meal then you might consider fixing up plates or making sandwiches with the food, to pass out to those in need. Make sure you know the laws in your area though, so you don’t get fined.

3. Holiday Shopping
Boxing Day is also known for its extraordinary deals. This might be the perfect time to grab all of the items that you missed out on, especially if they were holiday specials. Many toys and jewelry that were must have gifts only the day before will actually take a cut in prices, so retailers can move them off of the shelves. Apart from these items, holiday décor is sure to be on your must-buy list. Items like Christmas trees, holiday lights and ornaments will be reduced significantly. Of course, if you can hold out longer then you may wait because the clearance price will only keep reducing. Holiday baking kits, candy and holiday specific foods, like ham, will reduce in price to give you some great grocery steals. You might even find some awesome clothing deals like ugly sweaters or holiday inspired pajamas for next year’s holiday fun.

4. Host a Party
The holidays can be pretty demanding, especially if you try to plan around everyone’s schedule. Rather than host a party on Christmas day or even Christmas eve, reserve this time for your family. Boxing Day is actually a great time to have the rest of your group over to celebrate. Your holiday décor will still be up and you’ll have plenty of food to go around from the previous day’s meal. In fact, you may even consider asking people to bring along some of their leftovers for a potluck event. If you received new music or movies then this may be the time to bring them out to. The same can be said for games that can keep people entertained. You may even consider exchanging small gifts, crafts or have a gifting trade to help keep the price of your party down.

5. Share Gifts
Most people want to spend some time exploring their new gifts, which can be turned into a great bonding experience for the entire family. Parents can sit down and play with their children to see how their mind thinks as well as what their interests are. It is also a good time to show children that it’s okay for adults to play too. Other than that, you may want to break out any board games or video games people may have received as this can help the family bond together even more. Of course, reading is always a great option too and will help children see that it is a fun activity, which should help them stick with it for the rest of their lives. Other than that, you may want to catch up on movies or listen to music together, especially if someone received new items. Sharing one another’s gifts can really allow everyone to get to know each other a lot better overall, which is sure to create lasting memories.

6. Create Christmas Album
With all of the Christmas fun finally over, it may be time to look through all of the amazing footage you got during your holiday adventures. Whether you traveled, or just hung out with family there’s bound to be some great memories that everyone will want to look back on in the years to come. So, gather up your family photos and pick your favorite items to immortalize. Many photo stores will actually sell photo albums at a discounted price on Boxing Day if you want a printed album, but if you want to save even more money you might want to consider adding them to a scrapbook instead. This will allow you to take your time to write in memories, or will allow each person in the family to create their own custom page. This bonding experience will help make the warm memories concrete, especially when you look over what you wrote next year and the years to come.

7. Volunteer
Since you got to enjoy your lovely holiday, you may want to use Boxing Day as a time to give back to your community. Usually, major holidays are pretty booked when it comes to volunteering, but Boxing Day can be overlooked. This means you should have your choice of places to volunteer with. You can choose anything from soup kitchens to visiting a nursing home though, so let your heart guide you to the perfect volunteer service for you. Make sure you include the kids with some of the volunteer activities too, so they see it is important to give time as they grow. You never know whose life you will touch in the process, especially since many people are still lonely during this time of the year.

8. Choose a New Year’s Resolution
Since Christmas is now over, you may want to take Boxing Day to look at the next big holiday in your life. That is, New Year’s. Coming up with a New Year’s resolution can be a real pain, but it can be important to at least think of ways you’d like to improve your life in the future. This will show your children that making improvements is crucial to growth. So, you may want to sit down with the whole family and discuss the ideas you’ve been thinking of. This will allow the children to engage in the process and come up with their own handy ideas. If you don’t have a family then consider doing the same thing with your friends. This will help you work up a support system before the New Year begins too. Of course, if you’re at a loss for what to change in your life, you might want to review some healthy options to help get you on a brighter path in life.

9. Write Thank You Letters
Now that everyone has received their gifts and are settling in and enjoying them, you may want to take the time to properly thank those that sent them. You can go about this a few ways, so you may want to experiment with different methods to see which suits you better. The old-fashioned way is to fill out thank you cards and send them through the snail mail. You can find lots of great designs in stores at a price that won’t leave you hurting. If you want to save some money though, you can make your own thank you cards via a printer or by handcrafting. These can also be mailed or hand given to those who took the time to shop for you. If you don’t want to go either route, then there’s many online services that will allow you to email personalized thank yous to every person who sent you something. Of course, you can also get the kids in on the fun, which will show them to express gratitude. You can even get them to send a thank you to Santa Claus himself.

10. Get Out of the House
Chances are, if you have been cooped up with the kids all week or the weather hasn’t been cooperative then you may have some cabin fever going on. Try to choose some cheap ways to keep everyone entertained outside of the house. For instance, you can go for a nature walk depending on the weather. This may end up becoming a snowball fight though, but it will also give you a chance to catch up on snow angels and snow men. Apart from that, you may want to see if there’s any ice skating in your area as this is always a great winter adventure for all ages. If you’d prefer to stay in the warm then catching a movie might be a lot of fun, especially since many people may still be out of town for the holidays.

Boxing Day doesn’t always have to be thought of as just the day after Christmas. With these ten ideas, you should be able to make plans that will make the whole family happy while creating traditions that the family will anticipate as the years pass. With any luck, you’ll get through the day without any extra spending.

Cheap Winter Foods That Will Keep Your Family Warm, Fed and Satisfied

Keeping the grocery budget in check can be pretty hard no matter the time of the year. However, winter seems to be a bit harder on most households. With major feasts happening for the holidays and family members wanting heavier meals to keep them warmer, buying groceries to satisfy everyone can really become a huge form of stress. There’s a lot of great ways to stretch your food budget further though, so you can enjoy feeding your family without feeling guilty about not having enough for them to eat. With any luck, you may even find these tips cut back on your time in the kitchen, so you can enjoy the close-knit feeling of the season with the people you love.

1. Homemade Bread
Feeding the family cheaply during the winter months often means a lot of meals with bread and simple sandwiches for lunch. Although bread at the store isn’t exactly the most expensive item in your grocery cart, the amount you buy can add up quickly. Baking your own bread at home can be a cheap alternative that will allow you to have more control over what your family eats. Homemade breads lack the preservatives and harmful ingredients that store bought breads do too, so you can feel better about giving them to your family. Apart from that, you can easily make a wider variety based on you family’s likes and dislikes. Homemade breads usually taste better too, no matter if you serve them alone or as part of a meal. The baking process isn’t very hard either, especially if you have a bread machine. While baking, you should be able to cut down on the heater as the oven will make the home warm and cozy, as will the delicious smell.

2. Crockpot Recipes
If there’s one thing that comes in handy during the cold months, it’s certainly the crock pot. This handy device doesn’t escalate your gas bill and barely uses any power, so you can leave it going all day long while saving plenty of money. This is especially great if you have to spend all day at work or running errands, as you won’t have to stress over your meal being ready in time. There’s a lot of good and hearty recipes you can utilize with the crockpot too. This is especially true when it comes to soups and stews, which are sure to warm up your family when the weather is freezing. Crockpots make it easy to cook a lot of food at once as well, so you can enjoy leftovers for a day or two, or freeze them to have on a separate occasion.

3. Go Casseroles
Make life a little easier by choosing more casseroles during the winter months. You may find some casseroles as comfort food from childhood, so pass on the tradition to your children too. The best thing about casseroles is they usually take up only one pan, so you should be good to go when it comes to cleanup options as well. You can really mix it up with your casseroles too. There’s tons of recipes online, but you can also work with breakfast, lunch and dinner concepts or throw in a few cultural elements. You may even be able to work on a casserole using leftovers from other meals. Casseroles tend to last longer too, so you can use them for other lunches or dinners to help spread out your meal plan. For an added bonus, the oven will heat up the home saving you even more money.

4. Soups/Stews
Warm up the body and the soul, when you whip up a delicious homemade soup or stew for the family. Most soup recipes won’t cost you an arm and a leg, especially if you plan a way to use the ingredients to suit more than one meal. This will help spread out your grocery budget, so you can eat healthier and smarter. Soups and stews tend to last a lot longer than other meals as well, especially since the broth fills up the belly while ensuring everyone gets plenty of nutrients. You can base a soup around things you already have in the home, or go off recipes of your own. You never know, you may even come up with your own special recipe that can be passed down from generation to generation. If you’re worried about holiday pounds then soup is the perfect diet choice as well, since so many have a low-calorie count per bowl without forcing you to feel hungry or unsatisfied. If you make large batches of soup, you can freeze them for later, which is perfect for weekend lunches for the kids.

5. Oats
One of the keys to keeping your family well-fed during the winter season is to start out early. You can do this by serving up foods like oatmeal for breakfast. These will warm up their bodies while keeping them feeling energized and full much longer than other foods would. If you don’t have a lot of prep time in the morning then you may want to consider making overnight oats. This allows you to mix the ingredients at night and simply microwave the meal in the morning. Oatmeal is great for keeping everyone happy too as you can make all sorts of varieties, with ingredients that will add even more health benefits to the family. Best of all, oats are proven to increase mood and may even help fight Seasonal Affective Disorder. If oatmeal isn’t on your agenda then consider making snack bars and cookies with oats, or cooking meals with the wide variety of oats available in the market.

6. Caffeine
Tis the season to enjoy lots of warm beverages, which will help fill you up and keep your body temperature feeling nice for much longer. When it comes to winter, caffeine can be one of your biggest friends. Most coffee beverages now contain milk and other ingredients, which almost act as a full meal. If you love your lattes and cappuccinos, then there’s many great home recipes you can use that are incredibly cheap and easy. You don’t have to stick with just hot coffee either. In fact, iced coffee will even help warm you up. It may not be as fast as the hot beverage, but the caffeine will boost your metabolism so you feel much warmer. You don’t just have to stick with coffee either though. Tea and chocolate will do the trick too.

7. Curries
If you love to eat curry then you’re in luck because it is actually one of the best foods to eat when you’re really cold. You can also whip up a lot of these dishes with ease at a price that won’t leave you stammering. The key to curries is most of them contain turmeric and cumin. Both of these spices are known to help boost your metabolism, which also raises your body temperature on top of a wide assortment of other health benefits. If you love spicy food then this will also help raise the temperature. Most curry contain chili powder and you can always add even more to raise the temperature of food, but go gentle on the amount if you’re not used to eating spicy food often. Some curries will even have ginger in the mix, which helps to keep you warm too. Of course, serving yours with some ginger tea may also be a quick way to get your body feeling great again.

8. Bulk Meals
Sometimes, it’s a lot easier to make large portions of food at once. This allows you to not spend as much time cooking on a regular basis and can help save a lot money when you’re shopping for ingredients. Often, we end up spending more than we should on food items, because we can pay a little more to get a whole lot more of the product. When you find deals like this you should jump on them and use them to your advantage. For instance, macaroni and cheese can easily be made in large batches. This is an easy dinner, side dish, or lunch for the whole family and can be frozen without worry. You can do the same with lots of other dishes you may find yourself making over and over again. Before long, you’ll wonder why you spent so much time in the kitchen when you could have just made serval meals in one quick cooking session. Cooking like this is especially great during the holidays and will help keep your family in leftovers for some time.

9. Water
The season doesn’t matter, as water consumption is a must when it comes to keeping your body’s temperature regulated and your belly full. Most people don’t drink enough water, which actually ends up causing overeating and other health problems that can make your grocery bill skyrocket. Instead of spending more on groceries, try having everyone drink a glass of water around half an hour before every meal. This will cut back on over eating while ensuring the family feels full and happy. Doing this will help you meet your daily quota for water too, which will help ensure you don’t feel as cold as the freezing weather works its way through your region. Water is a lot cheaper than most beverages too, especially if you use a home filtration system. So, make sure this winter you concentrate more on hydrating than you do on raising the grocery budget.

10. Seasonal Produce
You might not think it, but the winter months have some pretty awesome produce to enjoy. Everything from root vegetables to fruits like pomegranates are on sale during this time, which means you’ll have a lot to work with when you make your meals from scratch. Seasonal produce is always the best to buy as it is the freshest and helps you and your body flow with the seasons. Of course, it also helps that the produce is also cheaper than other items in the produce section. Generally, munching on seasonal produce will help your body get through the specific season too as it provides nutrients needed to handle colds and so much more. Your winter produce won’t be frozen or imported from abroad in most cases either, which means you get a better overall product.

Cooking in the winter time can be stressful if you find yourself working around a tight budget and a hungrier family. These tips will help you find the cheapest and most efficient ways to feed your family while keeping your money anxiety down. You may even find new recipes using these methods that are sure to stick with your family throughout the year.

Winter Vacation Trips That Will Have Your Family Feeling the Holiday Fun

The holidays are rapidly approaching, which means it’s almost time for the kids to take a break from school. Although winter break isn’t as long as summer break, you may find yourself struggling with ways to keep your kids busy as the holidays pass and boredom sets in. There’s lots of great things to do during this holiday season though, even if you don’t have an arm and a leg to spend on the field trips. These ten ideas should help you give meaning to winter vacation while showing the children that boredom doesn’t have to overtake their time away from school. You may even find a few new traditions to enjoy as the years pass, which are sure to help you prevent cabin fever.

1. Local Stores
With the holiday season here, many stores will be able to give you some entertainment without costing you a penny. A lot of stores love to host their own Santa Claus to draw in customers and keep children happy. They will even set up toy displays to help encourage customers to shop while their child meets with the big man from the North Pole. Seeing Santa Claus usually doesn’t cost a thing as long as you don’t purchase a picture. Apart from seeing jolly ole Saint Nick, many stores will even have activities to help kids feel the holiday spirit. Bass Pro, for instance, hosts a wide variety of crafts, activities and giveaways to keep customers coming in over the season. This is a great way to let your kids have some fun with other children, even if you don’t plan on shopping. So, try asking around your community to see which stores will be spreading holiday cheer when your child is out of school.

2. Cooking Class
Learning a new skill is a great way to put a winter vacation to good use. Luckily, during the winter there are lots of cooking courses available for kids, adults or the whole family. Many will even specialize in holiday dishes or desserts, which should come in handy when you need to whip up a feast for the whole family. Children will love taking courses designed to help them make cookies for Santa Claus. Usually, these children’s classes can be found at children’s programs, schools and other education centers. For adult friendly and family friendly courses, you might try your local college or restaurants. Many of these courses will be low cost, but if you want to save even more money then surf around on Groupon or other coupon sites to find just what you’re looking for.

3. Caroling
If your evenings seem to be filled with reruns on the TV and kids complaining about how bored they are, then it might be time to utilize a holiday tradition that many often overlook. That is, caroling. This activity is absolutely free of charge and can help your family and friends bond together while spreading a little holiday spirit. You never know, you may even pick up a few people willing to join in on the fun while you’re out. You may want to start this activity in your own community where you tend to know how people will respond. This will make caroling a little more comfortable for first-timers. As time passes, you may decide to branch out or simply go to a park to carol. If you’d like to cheer some people up, get in touch with a nursing home or hospital to see if you can carol there. You may also want to bring along hot chocolate and coffee to help keep everyone warm and happy as you go. If you aren’t sure about what to sing, there’s lots of great songs online you can print out for absolutely free.

4. Tree Farm
Picking out a Christmas tree can be one of the best elements of the holiday season. However, going to the store and looking through a pile of trees that are already practically dead can be a little frustrating. It takes away part of the magic of the holidays and can even be a waste of money if there isn’t a decent tree left. If you live near a tree farm, then you could be in for a real treat though. This will allow the whole family to pick out a tree that is still beautiful and that will last until the holiday season is over. Once you’ve found your perfect match then the family can work together to cut it down. This can be a lot of fun and will help with the bonding experience. Better yet, while you’re there, the kids can learn about what it takes to a grow a tree and you may even be able to volunteer to plant new trees when spring arrives.

5. Museum
A lot of museums know that children are bored during their vacations from school. That’s why many jump into gear to try to come up with ideas to draw children into their learning environment. Some, may host free days which will allow local families to check out the current exhibits for a day. Other museums will come up with their own holiday inspired exhibits to draw in a crowd. This can help children learn the meaning of the holidays while showing them the history as well. Some museums will even host craft lessons to help keep children’s minds working while they are away from school. You may find having a membership to your museum will ensure these activities are free of cost, but smaller museums may actually offer free classes if you ask. Some will even host a holiday breakfast, complete with Santa visit, so make sure you know what your local museums are up to before the fun gets all booked up.

6. Theater
Nothing brings the holidays to life quite like a ballet or play based around the beauty of the season. This can be a great cultural field trip for the whole family and will allow everyone to spend time learning and enjoying a great show. Usually, theaters that are local or in a school won’t charge an arm and a leg for their productions. If you volunteer to help out, then you may even be able to see the show with the whole family for free. This can help alleviate boredom as everyone works on sets, lighting or even ushering the event. Your family will be able to experience some classics that have been beloved for years too, which is sure to help make memories they will want to share with their own children one day. Of course, if your children are in a drama or ballet class then you should be able to experience the magic for free as well. This will also give your child a sense of purpose during the holiday season, since they won’t have homework to contend with.

7. Nursing Home/Veteran Center
During the holidays, many people get lonely especially if they are living in a home away from their loved ones. The elderly in nursing homes are often deeply affected by the holiday season, which is why it may be a great idea to get your kids out of the house, so they can spend time with those who don’t have family to spend time with. You will be amazed by the numerous stories your children will hear as they hang out with people who celebrated the holiday season decades ago. Sometimes, veterans also end up feeling alone during the season, especially if they have no family to get in touch with. Thus, caroling or hanging out at a veteran center can be a great way to show your children the meaning of the holiday spirit while allowing them to pay their respects to those that have served. You might even consider bringing some food, cards or small gifts to help cheer up soldiers who may have hit a rough patch as the world around them celebrates.

8. Hay Rides
The season may not be complete without a fun hay ride with the whole family. These rides can be pretty inexpensive if you look for a Groupon or know someone who has a trailer. Generally, the hay rides will take the family to check out holiday lights or on a caroling trip through the town, which can be a lot of fun for everyone. If you’re a part of a club or a church then you may even be able to snag a few spots on a hay ride without spending a penny. Either way, your family will stay entertained for the whole evening, which will help make the anticipation of the holiday a little easier to bear for children.

9. Library
It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, the library is always a great place to take the whole family. This is especially true if you have kids that are out of school for a little while. A trip to the local library can help keep their minds active while encouraging them to learn without the school making them. During the holidays, there is often a wide variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy though. From story time with Santa to arts and crafts, the kids will feel like the library is the place to be whenever they don’t have to hit the books at school. Most libraries will also display holiday inspired books, so you can pick out all of the best bed time stories for the winter break. The best thing is, a trip to the library doesn’t cost a penny and you can spend all day there if you really want to.

10. Santa Village
Chances are, you probably have at least one Santa Village in your neck of the woods. May it be a small shop that only opens up around the holidays or a display in a shopping mall. Either way, this can be a great field trip for any child who wants to see Santa in person. Santa Villages usually have an area where kids can visit with Santa and do the official sitting on the lap experience. Many will have much more though. For instance, some will allow you to work on crafts, drink hot cocoa and simply hang out with St. Nick. This can be an enticing experience for children, especially if they’re at the right age. Other villages may even sell little trinkets that make cute gifts for friends and family. If you’re really looking to step up the trip then you may want to check out some of the more famous Santa Villages that may be closer to you than you realize.

Keeping the kids busy during winter break doesn’t have to leave you scrambling. These ten tips will allow you to keep the kids entertained without spending a small fortune on field trips. You may find it easier than ever to find new things for the whole family to enjoy after you plan out a few fun trips from this list. All in all, the beauty in the field trips will be keeping your family together and bonding during such a festive season.

Ten Ways to Bring in Holiday Cash in Your Spare Time

The holidays can be the worst on your budget. With all of the money quickly jumping out of your pockets, you’re sure to feel your head spinning. If you have a few minutes of spare time each day, you may be able to help make up for the loss of funds that happens during the merry time of the year. There’s lots of great ways you can earn some side money without having to qualify for anything or do training for a job. This can be perfect for stay at home parents, or anyone who is struggling to get all of the gifts they planned to. So, buckle up, because you’re going to want to jump on some of these tips right away.

1. Surveys
You’ve probably heard a lot of people talk about doing surveys for a little extra cash. In most cases, these jobs actually aren’t a scam and you can receive incentive payments for taking random surveys. Usually these surveys take a few minutes each and cover a wide variety of items. You will probably be asked to share some personal information about yourself though in order to receive surveys that are a right fit. Of course, these surveys aren’t going to pay you enough to afford the lavish holiday you dream of. However, the companies usually do pay in gift cards, which can help you pick up some of the items on your list with ease. There’s lots of great survey sites out there, so make sure to do a little research to find one that will fit your needs. With any luck, you’ll be bringing in the gift cards in no time at all.

2. Watch Videos
It may sound too good to be true, but some companies will actually pay you to watch videos and advertisements. This can be a great way for you to rake in some cash while you work on your household chores or finish up some items for work. Most of the time, you only have to have the video player going, so you can multitask while earning a little bit. Although these jobs usually don’t pay much, you can quickly build up your points to earn a reward. Like taking surveys, most of these websites will pay you in gift cards, so don’t expect to get a big check in the mail. This is helpful though with shopping, but if you want to see the money hit the bank then you can always opt for a PayPal gift card. All the same, this is a great way to earn extra if you have kids running around or don’t have the attention span to make it through surveys.

3. Blog/Vlog
If you feel like you have something to say to the world then create your own blog and get to typing. You can easily transform your blogging into a little extra cash, especially if you can gain a following. This may sound harder than it actually is, so don’t feel intimidated. There’s many websites designed to help you figure out where you should start with your blogging and how to earn fans as well as money. Most of the time, you’ll find that the money comes with advertisements, which will make your job even easier. Vlogging is another popular way to earn some extra cash, but gaining money by doing this is a little less likely than with blogging. There’s many famous vloggers on websites like YouTube, so competition will be fierce. However, if you can gain a following and earn the website views then you could receive a decent payday from doing this. Try to follow your passions when you choose your subject matter though, as this will help keep the work fun which can inspire you to keep it up and earn even more money.

4. Drive
If you have a license and your own car, then you’re one step closer to making a pretty decent amount of extra money. There’s many companies out there who are always looking for drivers to keep their company thriving. Some companies don’t even require you to go through training or sign a contract, which will allow you to make money even faster on your own terms. The holiday season is a hot time for people to need rides. There’s lots of parties going on, so people are driving less to maintain their own safety. The weather is also a bit too harsh for some people to drive in, which will work out in your favor too if you feel comfortable on the roads. So, don’t let the money pass you by. Try looking up companies like Uber to see how you can get started working your own hours for some great money.

5. Craft
Crafting has become a really popular way of making money over the past couple of years. With websites like Etsy popping up you should be able to get your amazing goods to the public in no time at all. When it comes to crafting, you will have to spend a bit of money in order to earn some, unless you have crafts you’ve made in the past already ready to be shipped out to a lucky consumer. You can make anything from scarves and paintings to holiday decor and little girls’ bows. If you’re not entirely sure about selling your items on the internet, or you simply don’t want to deal with shipping, then you still have options. One is to advertise on social media to see if anyone is willing to buy your items locally. Choose a safe spot to make an exchange and enjoy the extra cash you’ve earned. You can also try selling your items to a consignment shop. You won’t receive a payday straight away, but you also won’t have to worry about the retail end of making money off of your crafting skills. Yard sales are another option, especially if you have other items you want to sell off or if you have a large abundance of items to sell.

6. Utilize Your Skills
There’s lots of ways you can make some extra money during the holiday season doing things that you would normally do around your own home. If you want to earn some extra cash, put an advertisement out for cleaning, landscaping, recycling or whatever skills you have to offer. You may find that more people than you think could use the extra help during the holiday season, particularly the elderly who have a hard time getting around in the cold weather. If these skills aren’t up your alley, then consider things you’d enjoy doing for others. If you love photography, then place an ad for family photos. This can be lucrative during the holiday season as people scramble to get their holiday cards out. Tutoring is another big deal during this time as students are dealing with finals or they have extra time for studying while on winter break. If you’re great at baking, then take this time to make holiday treats and sell them at a bake sale. Offering lessons for music or dance can be lucrative too as often people receive lessons as a holiday gift. If you’d rather work on the computer then hop on websites and look for jobs in writing, data entry or even translation.

7. Professional Shopper
Lots of people have a knack for finding items for other people, even if they don’t particularly know them. If this is you, then you may cut it as a professional shopper, which can earn you some major money over the holiday season. A lot of people don’t have time to go shopping, so they end up leaving things until the last minute and don’t know what to buy their loved ones. Your job would be to come in and handle their shopping list for them, so they can carry on with work. This job could be as easy as finding the best deals on items that are on the customer’s list, or as hard as figuring out what to buy someone with only a small description of their personality and interests. All the same, it’s a great way to spend your free time while earning extra money. You could also become a secret shopper, which reimburses you for shopping and sometimes pays you to see how a store is operating.

8. Test Websites
If you’re bored and love to explore websites then testing websites might be a great way to earn you some extra money. There’s many websites that will assign a new website to check out. All this requires is for you to poke around and see how things work. Some of these jobs only require you to answer a survey about the website or write down your thoughts and any problems you may have run into. However, some jobs will require you to record your experience, which might mean investing in a recording system for the computer.

9. Baby/Petsitting
One of the most common forms of business you can find during this season is babysitting or petsitting. With the holidays coming, a lot of parents end up working a lot of overtime hours, especially if they are in sales or retail. This can cause a problem if their children are in daycare or they have a babysitter that can’t keep up with the hours. You may even find parents desperately seeking a sitter for the winter break. Some will even look for a sitter to watch their children while they go holiday shopping or get their wrapping in. No matter the reason, this can be a simple way to capitalize on some holiday cash, so you can enjoy a great budget. Petsitting is also very common during this time of the year. With people leaving to visit family and friends, you may find an abundance of people don’t have anyone to look after their pet, nor do they have the money to board their animal. Some people will simply need you to come and walk their dog while they’re at work. These jobs can be a lot of fun, so you’ll hardly feel like you’re working for the money.

10. Sell Items
Without fail, Christmas always tends to bring in a whole lot of new items that we simply don’t have room for. One of the best things you can do is go through your items to see if there’s anything you really don’t need in the home. Old toys, clothes and clutter can be donated for a tax exemption, or you can sell it online or at a yard sale. You don’t have to limit your items to junk though. You can also get rid of technology that will be upgraded after the holiday season. This should help cut back on clutter while allowing you to appreciate the new stuff even more. Before you know it, the holidays will seem less of a burden financially as well as in regards to your home’s comfort level.

The holidays don’t have to leave you pinned under a mountain of debt for the rest of the year. These ten money making ideas can help you find the cash you need to make the holiday great without forcing you to give up on other items or to use your charge card too often. You never know, you may find a job you love that will help you earn extra money all year long.

DIY Ornament Ideas That Will Make Your Tree Frugal and Festive

Decorating the holiday tree can be one of the most exciting times for the whole family. It’s a great way to get together and bond over the holiday magic, while adding your family’s personality to the holiday season. However, finding the perfect ornaments to let everyone know who you are as a family can really add to the financial strain. Between tree themes and characters or customized ornaments, you may find that your tree can really dip into your gift budget over the season. Luckily, there’s some pretty awesome DIY ornaments that can help you make your tree extraordinary without forcing you to throw your budget to the wind. The best thing is, many of these ornaments can be made with the whole family helping, which is sure to help everyone bond even more.

1. Books
If you have some book worms in the family, then there’s a few options to help you have a little fun while showing off your love of the written word. One option is to take an old, worn out book from your collection or a thrift store and cut out your favorite lines. If you don’t want to damage the book, then simply scan and print the page and go from there. Once you have everything cut out, then take an old ornament and glue the sentences onto it. You can have a lot of fun with this by putting the lines in order or scattering them throughout the ornament. You can even use basic sentences and highlight words to form your own sentences or season’s greetings. Another option is to take one of your favorite lines and place it inside of a clear ornament. You can add faux snow or curl the paper to give it an extra special touch. Finally, you can make your own little books to hang on the tree. You can do this by printing out your favorite lines and gluing them onto small pages hooked together. Add a cover to the book by printing out a small version of the book’s original cover.

2. Snowflakes
Snowflakes are always a magical part of the holiday season, whether you get to experience the snow or not. With every flake different, it is a lot of fun to see what snowflakes children come up with. This makes them great additions to the holiday tree too. One simple way to make your own snowflakes is to gather up sticks from the yard. Once you have an assortment of thin sticks then glue them together in various snowflake shapes. Younger children may need help with this, but older children should have a lot of fun using their creativity. Once the glue has dried, you can add faux snow, fake berries, bells or anything else that strikes your fancy. Another option is to go the more classic route and make your snowflakes out of paper. Most school children will have participated in this craft, so you may wind up with enough snowflakes to decorate the whole home.

3. Picture Ornaments
Everyone wants to remember special memories from the year, which is why ordering a picture ornament each year has become such a popular craze. However, these custom ornaments can run you a whole lot of money that you don’t really need to spend on an ornament. Instead, you may want to consider making your own ornaments. One popular way to do this is to take some wood, which works great for rustic themes, and transfer an image onto it. You can do this by printing out an image and using mod podge, glue or a special transfer paper in order to secure it to the wood. Of course, mod podge will work on a variety of surfaces, including an old holiday ornament. Another great way to do this is to take a clear holiday ornament and simply place the picture inside. You can add other details to the mix too to spice it up.

4. Scrabble Messages
Another hot trend for DIY ornaments is to use scrabble letters to form messages for the tree. You can easily do this by buying a few scrabbles games from thrift stores. When you shop this way you’re helping out the charity the shop is sponsored by and you’re probably getting a few games that are missing pieces anyway. Grab all of the letters and begin to form the message you would like to present. You can choose anything from season’s greetings to names or Biblical verses. Once the letters are pulled out and put in order, begin to hot glue them together. You can even glue on a wire or string to help hang the tree up. If you’re not keen on using game pieces, then find some scrap wood and sand it down. You can find a cheap wood burning kit to make the letters, which can always be used for your other crafting needs in the future.

5. Hand Prints
If you have little ones in the home, then remembering the size of their hands can be magical. That’s why hand print ornaments are one of the best options when decorating your tree. These ornaments can be made in several different ways too. You can always buy a casting kit at your favorite craft store, which is perfect for younger babies. These kits are simple to use and also allow you to write an inscription. You can also make your own clay for the baby or child to use. This is very cheap and efficient and can be baked in your own home. If you don’t want just a hand print, then consider using your child’s hand print to make a lovely bulb. Simply dip the child’s hand in white paint and place it on a colorful bulb of your choice. Once the paint has dried then paint on hats, noses and buttons to create a cute snowman ornament. Older children will love turning their handprints into reindeers too. Simply trace and cut out their hand and foot print on paper or felt. Then cut out eyes and a cute red nose. Once you’ve finished with your cutting glue the hands onto the feet and then add the rest of the details to finish off your cute reindeer design.

6. Cork Ornaments
The holidays often mean an abundance of leftover wine corks, so put the recycling to work for your tree. Corks are great for making a variety of items with very little effort. For starters, with a few adjustments you can transform a single wine cork into the face of a reindeer, which will look adorable on your tree. If you’re feeling a bit craftier then consider making the whole reindeer, which only takes a few extra corks to accomplish. You can also make snowmen, Santas and anything else your heart desires. One of the ideas for a larger ornament is to piece together the corks to create a cute sled, which will look good on the tree or underneath it, if you decided to make yours a little larger. There’s lots of great inspiration online, so don’t overlook tutorial pages while working with your corks.

7. Character Ornaments
Let’s face it, children love to have their favorite characters on the holiday tree, but buying ornaments for these can be pretty pricey. Even adults like to represent their fandoms on the tree, but finding the right decorations can cost way too much. Luckily, you can make a whole lot of characters out of simple colored bulbs. All you have to do is take the bulb and paint on the character of choices face. There’s even stencils to help you out with some of the characters, so browse around until you find a stencil that is free or make one for yourself. You can also print out images or take them from coloring books and then mod podge the item onto the bulb. Some people really love to get into the creation process though and have posted lots of great ideas, including how to make your own golden snitch from Harry Potter. The imagination is the limit when it comes to making your own character ornaments, so have fun with it and your kids will never long to buy the ornament from the store again.

8. Pinecones
If you live near a lot of pine trees then you probably see pinecones in abundance. If not, then there’s lots of cheap places to purchase these items, so you can cheaply make some nature inspired ornaments. Pinecones alone look amazing on a tree, especially if you’re going for a rustic or natural style. However, you can easily add a bit of flair to these items too. For instance, you can spray paint them to match other themes or to simply give them a festive look. Even painting them with glitter will add a bit of fun to your tree, especially when the lights on the tree make the glitter sparkle. If you want to get craftier then turn the pinecones into little animals. If you choose to use ribbon or colorful string to hang them up, then you’re in for even more holiday charm.

9. Stringed Foods
A little garland can take your tree to the next level and it’s a lot of fun to make with the whole family. The best things about garland is it can be made from a wide variety of foods that cost next to nothing. For instance, you can pop some unflavored popcorn and have the whole family work to string it onto fishing wire or any other thin string you may have. If you’re looking for something a little easier for children, then use yarn and a large bag of cereal. This can keep them busy while you put on your favorite holiday movie to watch. Another option is dried cranberries or other dried fruits. You can even use fake food items if you plan on holding onto your garland for upcoming years.

10. Origami
Being shy on a tree budget doesn’t mean you have to go without stunning holiday decor. One of the cheapest ways to decorate your tree is by using origami. You can choose from a wide selection of designs too, which will make your tree look outstanding even without all of the other ornaments. There’s many tutorials on origami that you can access for free, so all you’ll have to worry about is finding the paper to use. If you really want to be frugal or eco-friendly then you can always use paper from your recycling bin. If you don’t want the lettering to shine through them simply paint it before you begin to work on all of your folding. You may even consider adding a coat of glitter to make the items look festive. This activity can be very peaceful too, which might help you escape the stress that the season brings.

Decorating your holiday tree should be a fun time spent with your loved ones. If you’re wanting to keep your holiday tree budget down, but still want to add something new to the tree then these ten tips should set you on the right path. Before you know it, you’ll be hooked on making your own ornaments, which will certainly make your tree unique and fun to decorate as the years pass.

Ten Ways to Avoid Overspending On This Year’s Holiday Gifts

There’s no doubt, it’s pretty easy to go overboard when it comes to spending over the holidays. This is especially the case when there’s children involved. No matter how many times you tell yourself you’re going to watch your spending and concentrate on the true meaning of the holiday, it always seems to end up the same. That is, telling your budget to take a hike and filling the bottom of the tree with lots of goodies. These ten tips will help you find easy ways to stay on track when it comes to your holiday spending, so this year you may actually ring in under budget without feeling guilty.
1. Set A Budget
The first rule of thumb that you have to make when holiday shopping is to actually sit down and work out a budget for the whole season. This will include the money you can spend on everyone on your list, not just your immediate family. Once you have this figure in mind, then you can break it down to suit each individual person that you need to buy for. When you figure out how much you can spend make sure you don’t stray from the number. If anything, always shop under the number to ensure you don’t overdo your limits. If it helps, leave your credit card at home. Instead, put cash into envelopes with each person’s name on it. This will allow you to keep your budget for the person, so you don’t take from your household’s regular budget. Don’t take money from other envelopes either. If you wind up spending less, then this money can go to pay down the debt created over the holidays or to give your home budget a small boost.

2. Rule of 4
Shopping for kids can be one of the hardest things to do when it comes to your self-control. Usually, kids wind up with so many gifts that they are entirely overwhelmed and don’t actually remember half of the items they received. Rather than overspending on the children, try to use the Rule of 4. That is, parents give them each a total of 4 gifts. These represent something the child needs, something the child wants, something the child can read and something the child can wear. This should cover a wide basis so kids will feel pleased when the holiday comes around. Of course, one Santa gift a piece will help keep the holiday magic alive too, especially when the children are much younger. Make sure to give Santa the memo though, so he doesn’t go overboard as well.

3. Don’t Impress
A lot of the time, people end up shopping with a price tag in mind, rather than the person. The need to impress others with how much we spend on them is tough to overcome, but you may find the response is well worth it when you break out this cycle. Rather than trying to match the price tag of the gift someone bought for you, think out of the box and choose something you know they would actually like. The personal touch of this type of gift is sure to warm their heart while the price tag shouldn’t leave you hurting as much as it would when you were trying to match the price. If the person isn’t impressed with your gift giving, then don’t stress out over it. It’s the thought that counts, not the money spent.

4. Forget the Hype Gifts
Every year, there’s always the one gift that everyone scrambles to find before they’re all sold out. After some time, the toy is sold on the market for an extraordinary price, which leaves parents breaking their budget or disappointing their children. Usually, kids only want these items because other children want them. They are hyped up on commercials and kids work themselves up over them at school. Instead of supporting your child’s need to fall into the crowd, try to talk to them about gift alternatives that they may enjoy all year long. You may even let them know if they still want the item after the holidays then you can get it for them then. Most of the time, they’ll forget all about it because the gift isn’t really that important. Gifts that suit personality and interests will always be a better bet. Your child may not even think about the hype gift, after they open up toys they actually want. The same can be said for adult hype gifts, so don’t fall for the jewelry or technological hype that goes around during the holidays.

5. Cut Your List Down
It’s hard to exclude people from holiday gift giving, but if your list is long and keeps on growing then you may want to sit down and do some thinking. Spreading holiday cheer is a lot of fun, so placing colleagues, neighbors and even acquaintances on the list can lead you into a world of trouble. Instead, try to stick with just your family and close friends. Some years, you may even want to cut the list down even further. If you have a close-knit group of friends then consider drawing names for the holidays. You can even do this with extended family to ensure everyone gets a gift without forcing you to spend money on everyone in the family. Secret Santa drawings are always a lot of fun too so don’t exclude these at the office, with friends or even with the family. If you’re feeling guilty about not getting everyone something, then bake cookies or make them something special. You can even just send out cards to share your holiday greetings to those who don’t make your final shopping list.

6. Make a List
One of the biggest mistakes many shoppers make when it comes to holiday shopping is going shopping blind. You should always sit down and write a list of the things you want to buy for the people on your list. This will help prevent you from straying when you finally make it to the store to go shopping. Rather than browsing every aisle for items, you will have a general idea of what you need. This will help prevent you from making spontaneous buys that you simply don’t need. These types of buys are rarely useful and can kill your holiday budget if you’re not careful. Knowing what you want to buy for each person on the list will also allow you to shop around so you can find the best possible deal around. As you go, simply mark off each person you have already bought for and before you know it you’ll feel victorious over the holiday season.

7. Skip the Card
Another major problem with holiday shopping is the power of the credit card. This card will allow you to go way over your limit without even having to think twice about it. This can be a major problem if you tend to over shop during the holiday season though. So, instead of bringing along your faithful cards, you may want to leave them at home in your time of holiday crisis. If it is still too tempting, then put them in water and leave them in the freezer until you’ve finished up your holiday spending. This should help you forget all about using them to go over budget.

8. Go Homemade
If you’d still like to give a lot of gifts without spending a small fortune, then think about some fun homemade items you’d like to whip up. Try knitting something special for the kids or working on some art that they can put in their room all year round. If you want to skip out on spending money on colleagues, friends and acquaintances then this could also be a great concept to try out. There’s so many holiday crafts to try that you won’t fall short even if you are trying to personalize the craft to each individual on your list. Popular items include making ornaments, cookies in a jar, holiday cards and so much more. Let your imagination do the work for you as you create gifts that cost next to nothing, but still bring lots of smiles to those you give them to.

9. Avoid Stockings
Stockings can be a pretty big money pit when it comes to filling them year after year. Usually, people put candy and small items in the stockings, which can end up becoming pretty pricey before it’s all said and done. Kids already get plenty of candy since Halloween has already come and gone and there’s plenty of treats to indulge in over the holiday season. Thus, you probably shouldn’t even worry about adding candy and junk food to the stockings. Smaller items can be pretty pricey too, especially as the child begins to age. Many parents will add in cheap items that children wouldn’t even think they’d want as well. This usually is just overwhelming and the toys may end up cluttering the room rather than being used for playtime. So, you may want to stick to keeping presents under the tree. If you do want to fill up the stockings, then consider doing it with items the child needs. For instance, a fresh toothbrush, toothpaste, small school supplies and fruit are great options for the holiday stocking.

10. Talk to Your Kids
A lot of the time children expect to have a lot of presents under the tree, because they are taught this is normal and if they behave throughout the year they will be given what they want. You shouldn’t let this become the case when it comes to your child as it could become a problem later on as your child grows into an adult. Instead, have a sit down with your child before you decided to host a more frugal holiday celebration. You might explain to them that they get items all year long and that the holiday isn’t supposed to be about receiving a ton of gifts. Rather, you should explain the true meaning of the holiday in your own words, so the child will know just what they should expect. You might also want to bring up children who do not receive many gifts for the holiday. Even adding in an element about Santa can help you cut down on your gifts without feeling too guilty.

Practicing self-control can be a huge battle, especially during the holiday season. These ten tips should allow you to find the perfect method to cut back on spending so you can save this season while you complete your holiday spending. With a little luck, you may find the perfect method for you which will help you in the upcoming years too.

December Must Buys to Help You Save Money During the Holiday Season

December is here and so is the biggest shopping period of the year, which means your budget could be going a little haywire right now. With lots of holiday goods to buy and a few household necessities and wants, you might find that saving during this time of the year isn’t exactly an option. Luckily, there are a few things that you should be looking to buy during this month if you do want to get the best deal available. With a little luck, you might find that shopping in the right categories can help ease the burden of your holiday shopping while helping to prepare you to get ready to save in the upcoming year.
1. Gift Cards
With the holidays coming up, you may find that shopping for gift cards can be one of the most rewarding purchases of the season. Although you tend to have to pay regular price for most gift cards, you may find that some retailers will add in a little something extra onto your purchase. For instance, many restaurants will add a coupon for a free entrée onto your gift card purchase. You can gift this to the person as well, or treat yourself to a little something special for all of your hard work shopping. Another option that is quite popular when shopping for gift cards during the season is to have a retailer add an extra $5 gift card onto your purchase. You may also be given options when shopping, like a free prize if you purchase gift cards worth a certain amount of money. Also, some companies, like iTunes, will bundle packages of gift cards to sell at a reduced price during the season. This can help you save big time and will allow you to get multiple gifts taken care of at once.

2. Tools
Chances are, you won’t see a good deal on tools again until June so you may want to stock up now. In fact, tools see the most discounts in the month of December, so if you have a handyman on your list then you might want to stock up for Father’s Day, birthdays and other gift-giving holidays too. This is largely because most people can’t use tools during the winter months unless they are season based. Thus, your chain saws, leaf blowers, lawn mowers and even common household and mechanical tools will come at a price that is simply hard to pass up. So, make sure you grab items that are missing from your collection or a few treats for the carpenter, mechanic or landscaper in your life.

3. Televisions
It used to be Black Friday was the time to grab a TV on sale, which is still the truth. However, many companies are also bringing out deals closer to the holidays now. So, if you missed out on the great TV deal back in November, then you don’t have to feel as bad about it. A lot of companies want to lure in people who are feeling bummed out about their bad luck on Black Friday, or the fact that they waited to grab a TV. These consumers will find their second chance as the big holidays get closer and closer, so if you want the TV make sure to make room for it in your budget. You may also want to wait until the end of the year. As the Super Bowl approaches, companies will also discount their TVs to bring in business from the football crowd. Either way, you should end up with something cool that might have your hardcore Black Friday friends feeling a little jealous.

4. Toys
Toys are probably one of the biggest sellers in the month of December as parents struggle to make Santa’s job a touch easier. There’s no doubt, even though toys are in high demand during the month, retailers can afford to cut down the prices and move as many products as they possibly can. This is pretty helpful to parents on a budget and will allow you to grab some of the items you never thought you could afford to put under the holiday tree. Of course, there is an ulterior motive for all of the awesome sales. In January and February, the Toy Fair rolls into New York and displays all of the new products that will soon be on sale. So, all of the items you grabbed in December will soon be old news on the market. Thus, you might want to rethink trendy toys that your child only wants because they are hyped up by schoolmates and commercials. Instead, focus on toys your child will actually play with for longer periods of time, which will help you save more money than you think

5. Videogame Supplies
There’s a lot of talk about video games this holiday season and even more deals to check out. With several huge releases hitting in the past 3 months, you may find that the holiday lists in your family are filled with a variety of gaming items. Luckily, December offers great deals on games, consoles and bundles to help you save some major money. Many stores will throw in free games to get people to buy in bulk or to purchase high priced consoles. Apart from just shopping for games in stores, you’ll even find that there are huge savings on digital download games that can really help boost up any gamer’s collection. Some older releases may even sell for 75% off, which makes this month the perfect time to catch up on all of those hot releases you may have missed out on. Items that go with consoles will come at a discounted price too and may even be included into some of the bundles to help move more stock. Try to get the most for your money during this month, because it may be some time before you see the big bundles at such a great price.

6. Shipping
When it comes down to it, shipping can be a huge burden when you’re trying to get gifts to loved ones around the world. Luckily, during December, lots of online stores are willing to go the extra mile to take away the pain of shipping. Some companies will actually offer free shipping as a promotion, so watch out for deals like this if you have your eye on something special. Other companies will reduce their shipping price or offer free shipping when you spend a certain amount of money. This will certainly make the big ticket items on your list a lot easier to buy since you won’t have to pay the extra to get them delivered to your home. Apart from that, there is actually a free shipping day. This takes place on December 16 and many big and small retailers take part in the special event. You can look online to see who is participating if you’d like to wait and make your purchases then. Shopping on this day gives your items a full week to arrive at their destination by Christmas, which should leave you in the clear when it comes to holiday shopping.

7. Thanksgiving Leftovers
You can easily find a lot of good items when it comes to Thanksgiving in the month of December. In fact, if you plan on stocking up on the holiday décor then this is the perfect time to do it. Usually, after Thanksgiving the decorative items go on sale, but as time passes their clearance mark downs begin to increase. You can find everything from items to keep the home festive, including items that are simply autumn based, to plates and cutlery that follow a Thanksgiving theme. This will help you create the perfect set up for your next holiday, which is sure to wow your guests. Apart from that, you can also find holiday food on sale. This is perfect if you like to repeat some of the dishes you made on Thanksgiving for Christmas. Turkeys, stuffing and even cranberry sauce should be at an unbeatable price to ensure your Christmas meal or even meals later in the year are frugal and tasty.

8. Outwear
Although the really cold weather is just beginning, now is the time to stock up on all of the outerwear you’re going to need to get you through the season. Fall oriented clothing is going to be the area that you find the most sales in so check here first. Most stores should have already moved it into the clearance section to make room for the heavier coats and accessories. You should find extraordinary deals on winter items too though, especially if you watch out for sales. Although Black Friday brought some huge sales, many stores like Old Navy and JC Penny will still be trying to clear out the items for a lot less than you’d normally pay for them. Although you might not end up with a huge discount, the clothing will be more than affordable and will help keep everyone warm as we move into winter.

9. Holiday Food
Without a doubt, the month of December is all about some of your favorite holiday treats. There’s lots of great deals on food out there, especially if you hold out past the actual holiday. However, grocery shopping isn’t the only time you can grab some great deals on food during this month. In fact, this month hosts so many food holidays that you could be well on your way to some freebies before you know it. For instance, there is National Pie Day, National Cookie Day, National Eggnog Day, National Candy Cane Day and National Champagne Day to contend with this month. That means, you should find coupons and giveaways on these items just about everywhere you turn. This could lead your sweet tooth to some major savings over the holiday as you jump from one restaurant to the next trying out the best freebies around. This also may be a time to stock up on these items since they will most likely be at a reduced price.

10. Holiday Supplies
Decorating for the holidays is half the fun, but supplies can be pricey during this time of the year. That is, unless you can hold your horses until the holiday is over. Sure, you may find some pretty awesome stuff from last year on sale, but nothing will beat the price cuts when you shop after the holiday is over. As soon as Christmas Day passes and Boxing Day begins, you’ll instantly see store savings on everything Christmas. Most retail stores don’t want to keep these items in stock so they will reduce the prices substantially. As time passes, you will find even greater discounts too. So, everything from trees to ornaments and even some of the gift sets will be at an unbeatable price that will help make next year outstanding.

Shopping in the month of December can be pretty stressful, especially if you are worried about a holiday budget. These ten items are musts when it comes to saving money on this month’s shopping. With price cuts that will throw you for a loop, you’re sure to feel al little less like the Grinch with every store you visit.