
Archive for May 22, 2013

10 Ways to Spoil Your Bundle of Joy Without Spending a Lot

Becoming a new parent is scary enough, so why over burden yourself with money worries while you’re expecting? There are a few basic techniques that can help you save money on your new addition to the family, so that you can take some time to enjoy your new born before you start to worry about how much he or she is going to cost. New parents have so much to worry about that money is just a miniscule detail in the mix. With these ten tips you’ll be able to forget the bank account and devote all of your attention to your little one so the two of you can keep that bonding period strong.

1. Avoid Pre-Birth Shopping
A lot of parents tend to want to go out shopping as soon as they hear they are pregnant. Stocking up on the basics seems to be the best idea when in fact it can really cost you a lot of money. The best thing you can do when you find out your pregnant is to sit back and relax. The baby won’t be born for several months so you have plenty of time to save up for the event. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy the basics. A crib, car seat, a few bottles, a package of diapers and formula and a couple uni-sex outfits are usually all you should buy before you give birth. Once the child is born you can go shop for clothes, stock up on diapers and find the right bottles for your baby. Many parents tend to learn this lesson the hard way. A lot of times we assume we know what the child will like and then we he or she arrives we realize we have a ton of passafires, bottle nipples and formula that the baby won’t use and clothes that just don’t fit properly.

2. Cloth Diapers
It might seem a bit old school to you, but using cloth diapers can actually save you hundreds during the first few months of being a new parents. Let’s face it, diapers are incredibly expensive and you’ll be going through a lot of them for at least a year or two. The best thing you can do is make the switch to cloth diapers. Most cloth diapers are made to stay with baby until the child is potty trained. So, you not only won’t have to go out and buy new diapers after your initial purchase but you also won’t have to worry about the diapers not fitting your child after a certain amount of time. You can even get cloth diapers in cute little designs, so you don’t have to miss out on that aspect of your child’s infancy. Sure, you will definitely be washing a lot of laundry, but when you see how much you’re saving on the diaper game you won’t think twice about running an extra load every now and then.

3. Go With Used
If this is your first child you might want to buy all new things because you might not realize how quickly your child will go through the items. Of course, a couple new things is nice especially for the memory box but buying all new can be a huge mistake. If you can try to shop at a thrift store for used baby clothes. Your child will grow so quickly in the first year that you will constantly be buying clothes. Used clothes are the best way to save money and will give your child the appropriate sizes so you won’t have to end up shopping every few months. You should also ask friends and family if they have any hand me downs for your baby. Most people tend to hang on to baby clothes, so you might just win the baby clothes jackpot if you ask the right person. Toys are another item that can be bought used, especially the bigger items. Your child will stay interested in certain toys for so long, which is why there are a lot of age limits to baby toys. Try looking online or used stores for good quality toys for your little one.

4. Multi-Travel Set
When you shop for on the go items for your child you might want to look into sets that have more than one function. For instance, there is a huge market for strollers that also double as car seats. Many of these awesome devices are even adjustable so they can be changed as your child grows. This is an easy way to save money as the item usually isn’t much more expensive than actually buying a stroller or a car seat. So, you can get an adjustable stroller and car seat that will support your child’s needs from infancy all the way up to the toddler years. Make sure you do your research on the product though. You will want a set that will cater to your needs.

5. Food
Feeding your child will become one of your top priorities, but it can also become one of the most expensive baby products you will buy. If you can try to breast feed your child, as this is actually free and gives your child the most nutrients imaginable. Giving your baby formula, of course, isn’t bad for the child but it does lack a lot of the enzymes that your natural breast milk can give to the baby. Formula can also cost your a lot of over time and if you don’t get the right brand the first time around you will end up wasting a lot of money trying to find what formula your child needs to stay healthy. As the child grows you will eventually have to switch over to baby food. The little jars and snack packets are incredibly convenient, but they will leave you hurting for cash pretty quickly. The best thing you can do it utilize your blender for your child’s daily meals. There are a lot of baby food recipes online that can help you provide your child with healthy foods that won’t leave you shopping for extra ingredients when you go to market. This will also help your child make the leap from a liquid diet to normal food a bit easier.

6. Nursery Furniture
Many new parents pride themselves on the way their baby’s nursery looks when they bring the infant home from the hospital. The truth of the matter is, your child isn’t going to remember what the nursery looked like nor are they actually going to use any of the extra furniture. The best thing you can do is stick to the basics. You don’t need an over elaborate crib, changing table and any of the other extras. Shop for simple things that are a but cheaper. A crib is the most important thing when it comes to your child’s comfort so pick one that is durable and will last until it is time to switch to a toddler bed. A changing table doesn’t need to be over elaborate either. In fact you can easily just buy a changing pad and utilize the bathroom cabinet or a table you already own as the changing area. Rocking chairs are nice to have, especially when the baby is very young, but you don’t have to go to the store and look for one of those overly cushioned reclined. Instead use a chair that has been in the family, or choose a cheaper rocker that you can add extra padding to. Most thrift stores or used furniture places tend to have a decent selection of rocking chairs to choose form.

7. Say No to Brands
Brand names don’t always mean the goods are top quality, so it is best to avoid them all together. There are a lot of baby products on the market that will provide your child with quality goods that don’t cost you a whole lot of money. Clothing is one of the big things that you should never purchase in brand name form. Your child will go through clothes quickly, so spending $20 on a set of onsies is a bit ridiculous. Try shopping for these things at department stores, you’ll find the same item can cost you less than $5 here. Bottles can be as cheap as $1 for a 3 pack if you look in the right places. They won’t have the brand name logo, but they will work perfectly when it comes to feeding your child in the middle of the night. You can also find a wide selection of off brand diapers that not only keep work just as well as the big brands, but will help keep the diaper budget way down.

8. Follow Sales/Coupons
If you’re a big shopper you know how much a sale or a coupon can help you. Shopping for baby stuff is just the same. If you can, try subscribing to websites that offer tips for new mothers. This will not only give you tips on what to buy but they often end up sending you information for online and offline sales, as well as coupons. One of the best things about baby products is they usually come with coupons attached to the products. Before you dispose of formula cases, toy and diaper boxes check to make sure there aren’t coupons on the packaging. Also, before you go shopping look online for coupons at your favorite stores or check sales ads for places that usually sale items for babies or children. Even a 5% discount can go a long way when it comes to saving money on your child.

9. Ask For Help
If you are feeling overwhelmed with your baby shopping then the best thing you can do is ask for help. Chances are you have plenty of friends and family that have been through the situation before, so bring them along on one of your shopping excursions. These experienced mothers will be able to tell you what is nonsense buy and what will actually come in handy during your first year as a new mother. Asking for help can also help you get rid of a little stress that has built up over the first few months of parenting. You can talk out your concerns and get great tips on ways to deal with the child as well as your own stress.

10. Babysitter
Every once in awhile you need a day or evening away, so a babysitter seems like a logical expenditure. Babysitting can really cost you a lot of money if you aren’t careful though. If you can try turning to a family member when you need a break. Grandmothers will typically take in their grandchildren with open arms which can save you a lot of money. If you don’t have family near by try making friends with other mother’s. This way you can take turns watching one another’s children without having to pay someone to babysit. It also gives you a chance to get to the person that will be watching your child, so you can go out without worrying about who you left your child with.

Having a new born in the home can be stressful, so why add money onto the list of extra worries. With these ten tips you will be able to enjoy being a new parent without having to worry about the added expenditures to your tight budget. You will love feeling a little bit more freedom with your child, as well as the financial freedom the savings can provide.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty