
Archive for May 2, 2013

Treat Mom Right Without Breaking the Bank for Mother’s Day

Mother’s do everything they can to give you a great life, so when Mother’s Day rolls around each year it is hard to find the perfect gift to thank them for all that they do. This Mother’s Day try to find your mom a treat that will bring a smile to her face without having to bust your bank account. Most moms don’t care how much you spend on a gift, so if you’re looking for ways to save on a gift this year look no further than these simple tips. Your mom will have a beautiful day filled with your gratitude and you’ll be able to keep a bit of money in your savings account!

1. Homemade Cards
We all did the homemade card trick as children, which always made mom tear up a little. So, why did we ever stop? Mom’s love things that come from the heart and what says love more than skipping out on the pre-made card and stepping it up a notch with your home thoughts. If you love to paint, draw, make collages or anything artistic try to incorporate it into the card so that your mother can see that you put a lot of effort into her own custom piece of art. If you enjoy writing poetry then come up with a special message that your mom can cherish forever. Even if you don’t feel you have a way with words then try writing a small letter to your mom thanking her for what she has done for you. If you aren’t so artistically inclined then take the internet for your artwork. There are an abundance of poems, photographs, and paintings based around mothers and children that will make your card look one of a kind.

2. Do Some Cleaning
Mom’s tend to do a bit cleaning every single day of the year, which is why doing a bit of cleaning for you mom is the perfect gift. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been living on your own for a decade or still occupy your childhood bedroom, find a way to get your mom out of the house so you can do a bit of cleaning. Make sure to plan ahead on this one as you can really spice up mom’s day by sending her to a movie or having one of her friends or partner take her out for the day. Once she is gone start working on her most hated chore and work your way down the list. Even if mom comes home early and catches you in the act, try your hardest to get the job done despite her protest. Your mom will then get to enjoy a couple of days off her chores and you will have pleased her immensely, even if she protest!

3. Flowers
Many mother’s love getting a nice bouquet of flowers for their big day, but this does not mean that you have to go out and spend a small fortune on flowers that won’t last past the week. Many stores will offer you a discount on flowers that aren’t fresh, so you can have a beautiful bouquet for the day at a fraction of the cost if you shop wisely enough. If you really fall in love with a low price bouquet too many days prior to mother’s day then try freezing the bouquet. If all else fails you can also press the flowers for an amazing image that mom will want to frame. If you keep your own garden then present mom with a bouquet of homegrown flowers that will show her how your hard work in the garden has paid off. This is particularly great if you and your mom gardened together when you were a child, as it will show your mom how much she has taught you. Of course, if your mom is a big fan of gardening then you might want to buy her some bulbs or seeds that will help her improve her own garden. Most seeds and bulbs can be purchased for an incredibly low price so you can get an abundance for a small price.

4. Collaboration Video
Home videos are one way to see how much you’ve grown over time and all of the happy memories your spend together as a family. So, pull out the old videos from the shelf and make your mom a nice collaboration video of your favorite moments together. If you’re feeling particularly nice you might include some of the memories of your siblings, but of course that is optional! There is a lot you can do with old videos today thanks to an abundance of software options. Perhaps, you might spend some time converting VHS movies to digital format, so your mom can have an easy to use DVD that takes up less space. If you want to get fancy try pieces the scenes together for a smooth video that will be enjoyable to watch. You might even want to add some musical pieces that help set the mood for the videos you’re showing. This type of gift cost little to do and will definitely bring a tear to your mom’s eye.

5. Photo Gifts
Mom’s love to be surrounded by their family members, especially if they live far away. This is one reason why photograph gifts will be right up any mom’s alley. Try choosing a few of your mom’s favorite photographs of your family and ordering her a custom made calender, so she can look at a new photo each month. There are also many different stores that offer memory books for a very low price. Choose the pictures that will make your mom happy and watch as her face lights up with this exciting gift that she will love to show off to her friends. If you want to go a bit bigger choose your mom’s favorite family photo and have it printed on a large canvas or blanket. If you have kids of your own then take the family out to get a recent family photo and pass along a generous size photo to your mom. Your mom will certainly be pleased with your gift and will have something that reminds her of her family everyday of the year.

6. Make Her Dinner
Nothing says family time quite like a nice family dinner, but for your mom nothing will say love quite like her not cooking it. If you really want to give your mom a special gift then try to whip up her favorite meal and encourage the family to sit down at the table and spend time with one another. If you aren’t a fantastic cook then try to encourage the entire family to chip in and help. Your mom will feel honored for the effort and will love the dinner even if it taste terrible. If you really don’t want to cook then try ordering from some place nice, but make sure to get the meal to go so you can enjoy a peaceful dinner in the privacy of your home.

7. Plan an Event
Don’t settle for letting mom stay home on her big day. If you really want to treat her then try to plan an outing the two of you might like. For instance, take your mom to go antique store looking. Even if you decide not to buy anything you’ve still had fun spending time together. You could also try going to a pottery shop and choosing an inexpensive piece to paint while catching up on your girl talk. If you want to be really frugal than pack a lunch and find a nice area for a picnic. This one works great if you have kids and grandma will love spending time chatting with her grandkids and watching them play.

8. Shop Early
If you don’t want Mother’s Day to pass without getting your mom a special gift then try to shop early. There are many sales on popular mom jewelry and other items that mom will love after the day has passed. So, make sure to surf the web right after the day to grab a gift for next year’s celebration. You can also start shopping a few months in advance for old clearance jewelry that your mom might love. There are many sites that offer low cost gemstone jewelry that your mom would adore, it is just a matter of finding the right time to buy. An expert shopper knows to look for goodies all year, so they cut cost and please everyone they love.

9. Personalized Goodies
There are many items on the market that make giving mom an entirely original gift possible. Depending on your mom’s personality you can find her a beautiful mug with her name on it, or a nice engraved name plate for her office at work or home. Of course, there are many other creative ideas that you can make at home. For instance, try painting your mom a number one mom t-shirt that she can wear with price on her big day. Another fun idea would be to paint your mom a family tree and add photographs of your family. Or, gather all of the grandkids of the family together to create a large hand print canvas that will make the perfect centerpiece for mom’s dining area.

10. Talk to Her
Kids who live far from home often have the toughest time finding something perfect for mom. However, one of the best and cheapest gifts you can find for her is to give her a little time. Try setting up a Webcam date with your mom so she can see your face and the two of you can catch up with what is going on in one another’s lives. This is also a great way for grandma’s to get to spend some talk time with their beautiful grandchildren. If you don’t have the option to get on a webcam then simply give your mom a call and let her know you case. We all have busy lives so just taking some time out of your day to catch up with mom on her big day can be one of the most cherished gifts you can give her all year.

Mother’s Day can be one of the best days for your mom, so put in a little extra effort this year and make your mom’s day unforgettable. Mom’s can be easy to shop for you just have to put a little creativity into play to find the perfect gift for her. With these ten tips you will hopefully find the perfection combination of gifts to make your mom think back on this Mother’s Day for years to come.

Author: Chelsey McQuitty