
Wedding Planning That Won’t Take Away Your Honeymoon

Nothing is quite as stressful as sitting down and planning out your wedding. There’s a lot of options to choose from which could leave you tossing and turning over each tiny detail. Of course, when you start to consider your actual budget for the event you may just want to crawl into the fetal position until you’re pronounced husband or wife. There’s way to avoid the huge price tag of a wedding though. Although most people aim for extravagance you can have a totally adorable wedding for a price that won’t empty your savings account. All it takes is a few simple changes and the ability to think out of the box. These ten tips will guide you through your journey so you can dream up an unforgettable wedding and afford it!
1. Home-Based Ceremony
Venues are one of the top items on your mind when you’re planning out your wedding. If you don’t have a place to get hitched then the rest of it is pretty much obsolete, right? So, instead of springing for an exciting venue or even your local church, you may want to consider getting married at your home. Of course, this can also work for a close relative or friend if they seem to have a better location and more space. Cutting out the price of a venue will save you thousands of dollars. All you need to do is decide if you’re having it indoors or out. From there, simply make room for the event. This may require moving around furniture or even placing a cute gazebo area for the bride and groom to stand under. Seating will probably be your biggest issue but you can always rent seats for a decent price. Of course, if you plan on having a short service then asking people to stand is fine. Just make sure you have seats for anyone that needs them.

2. Free Reception
Location is a big deal when it comes to the reception too. Like the ceremony, you don’t have to go all out for this either. In fact, there’s many ways you can find a free reception location so you can add on to your thousands in savings. One idea is to, again, host it at your home or someone’s home that you’re close to. Ideal locations would be places with pools or large spaces. Accepting neighbors is also a plus as you’ll want somewhere you can play music without having to deal with constant noise complaints. Another great place to host is at a lake or beach. Most places won’t require permits, but you may want to look up any legal information before you send out the invitations and finalize your plans. Some couple’s even plan their receptions in national parks. The beautiful landscape really adds to the vibe and often you can host free of charge when you submit a permit application.

3. Stream Your Music
Another problem people face in the planning phase is whether or not they should hire a DJ or a band. Both have their benefits, but they also have their price tags and they’re usually not very pretty. Rather than spending a whole lot of money on your musical entertainment why not opt to stream your music? This actually gives you full control over what your guests are going to listen to and when they’re going to hear it. This doesn’t just add a personal touch to the night, but it will also help you keep to the schedule you planned out. For instance, if you choose soothing music for toasts you’ll be able to move right into them, then when it’s time to dance the music will call everyone out onto the dance floor for you. The best thing is, a lot of streaming programs are free so you can build up a playlist or even use one of their lists without having to worry about spending hundreds on yet another service. Simply hook up your laptop to some speakers and your receptions will be unforgettable.

4. Thrift Store Charm
Decorations are pretty important if you want to make a statement at your reception, but as you browse through catalogs you may recognize one trend, they’re all expensive. Rather than buying all of your décor new you may want to take your wedding party out for a day of thrift shopping. There’s a lot of items out there that would make amazing center pieces so let your imagination sore. Remember, not everything has to match! One table can have one centerpiece while the other table could have something entirely different. As long as it seems to follow a theme you’re all good. You can even put things together to make center pieces, which will add even more of your personality to it. Another set of items you should look for is plates. You can find a lot of beautiful eatery in thrift stores which will give your reception a fun and vintage vibe. Once again, your plates don’t have to match. The best thing is, if you choose not to keep the items you buy, you can always run them back to the thrift store for a tax deduction receipt.

5. Sew Your Dress
For a lot of women the dress is the star of the show. It’s the look your husband is going to remember for the rest of his life which adds some pressure to the decision. Unfortunately, it may be pretty tempting to go for the more expensive dresses; however, there is one way you can cut down on the price while still getting an amazing dress. The first way is to ask a seamstress you know and trust to do it. If they’re a close friend or family they may even volunteer to do it for free. Thus, your only expense is the fabric and sewing materials needed for the dress. This will also give you more control over the style of your dress and will ensure it provides you with a fit that is perfectly suited for your body. Of course, if you’re a great seamstress you may want to take on the challenge yourself. This will allow you to easily create just what you want and may even make the dress more meaningful to you and your future spouse.

6. Stick with Snacks
Feeding your guests is going to tack on a lot to the final costs of your wedding too. However, there’s no rule saying you need to have a four course meal ready. Rather than go all out on foods many people aren’t that interested in you could keep it simple by providing snacks rather than a full on meal. This will allow guests to not feel confined to a table and will add more fun to the reception. You don’t have to pick really extravagant snacks either. In fact, if you have a theme then you can alter the snacks around it. Popcorn is usually a big hit and you can mix it up by adding different flavored popcorn balls. Foods that can be dipped in a series of sauces is also a winner. This can include vegetables, fruits, chips, cheese or anything else your creativity comes up with. Finger foods are also a must, especially bite sized pizza and sandwiches. If you want to go the extra mile then try making some sliders. Of course, if you want to create a cozy meal for your guests then set up a soup and sandwich bar. This is especially great for cold or rainy day weddings. The best thing is, these items don’t require a caterer and can be made quickly.

7. Homemade Cake
Apart from the dress, the cake is the other star of the show which inspires a lot of people to spend a whole lot of money on it. The thing is, cake is cake and yes this is your wedding cake, but no one is going to complain about it if it tastes good. So, one remedy for the cake situation is to bake your own or ask a friend with a baking skill set to lend a hand. This allows you to choose the kind of cake you plan on making without having to negotiate with a baker. If you want to try out special decorations then try practicing a bit first. You may even find that you have a talent for it or generally just love doing it. If a big cake isn’t even on your radar then bake a whole lot of cupcakes. It’ll make it easier for guests to eat while enjoying the celebration and they’re a lot of fun to decorate. You can bake a small cake for you and your partner to cut into for the traditional aspect of the celebration.

8. Craft Everything
Weddings are a great way to get your crafting time in! There’s no reason you should have to spend a fortune on décor, invitations or any other item that can be made. In fact, you can even take your crafting skills up a notch by making your own bouquet out of paper flowers. It’ll look amazing when you walk down the aisle and you’ll also be able to save it and share the story with your kids. You can also use the paper flowers as centerpieces or a way to direct guests to their tables. Old curtains can be transformed into table cloths or table runners which will add charm to your wedding for even less. You may also want to craft your own invitations. If you plan on having a travel theme you may consider sending out postcards as your invitations! If you’re unsure where to start look online for cute ideas and then transform them to suit your needs!

9. Entertainment
Keeping your guests busy is actually easier than it looks. One of the easiest steps is to set up a dance floor and get the music going. Choosing games is also an easy way to appease guests and will keep the youngest of guests to the oldest busy. You can choose games like horse shoes, limbo and even hot potato to keep everyone smiling. There’s a lot of wedding reception games online, so make sure to look around a bit before choosing. You can also set up a fun trivia game, raffle prizes or even karaoke or video game competitions. If you’re catering to a younger crown then beer pong has been a recent trend. Make sure you utilize your venue too. If you’re near water then add swimming, races or diving scavenger hunts to the mix!

10. Disposable Cameras
Wedding photographers don’t normally run cheap and unless you can find a family member or friend to help you out you may end up without a photographer. Rather than forking over lots of cash, try placing disposable cameras on each of your guests’ seats. Throughout the ceremony and reception, guests can take pictures of their favorite moments. When everyone leaves set out a bin for the cameras and then develop each one. You don’t have to do them all at once if you’re short on money. However, you’ll get an assortment of amazing photos from many different points of views that you can use to fill your wedding albums. If you have to have professional photos then try to do a simple wedding set with a photographer sometime before or after you get married. This won’t take long and thus will save money.

Weddings are one of the biggest moments in life and they can be one of the most expensive. Don’t let your wedding run your savings account down though. With these simple tips you should be able to enjoy the wedding you’ve been dreaming of without spending thousands of dollars on items you don’t really need. With these tips you may even get more out of your honeymoon!

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