
Summer Skin Tips That Will Suit Your Vacation Budget

Taking care of your skin in the summer can be incredibly tough. With the heat opening up your pores to let in dirt and the UV index on the rise, skin care may feel like a chore that involves spending lots of money on products. There’s a lot of ways to take back your budget in the skin care department though, so you won’t have to stress about spending too much when you’re planning a getaway with family or friends. With a few DIY tips and some basic skin care procedures, you’ll be ready to show off your sun kissed skin wherever you choose to go.
1. Exfoliate
Fighting off dead skin and build up can be one of the most powerful things you can do for your skin during the summer months. With the heat on the rise, your skin is more likely to become oily, which could lead to clogged pores and other problems that will make your skin look less than perfect. There’s lots of great exfoliators on the market today, but many cost a small fortune. So, make sure to look at reviews before you decide to buy something out of budget. Often, you can find off brand exfoliators for a much cheaper price than the original. You may also want to consider making your own exfoliator. Try using baking soda and vitamin e oil. There’s many recipes online though, so you can play around and see which works best with your skin. You may also want to consider buying an exfoliator pad for your face and a loofah for your body. This will help get rid of dead skin without forcing you to pay a bundle on a product.

2. Sunscreen
A lot of people know to put on sunscreen before they spend a day out in the sun. However, many still wind up skipping sunscreen when they head out of the house. You should always wear sunscreen, no matter the season or how long you’re going to be outside. The UV index doesn’t have to be high in order for you to get burned, so don’t take a chance with skin cancer here. Luckily, there’s some brands of makeup that come with sunscreen already in them, so you won’t even have to think twice about putting it on your face. With these working to help you stay safe you can easily save money and peace of mind. Of course, not all sunscreens are made equal. You should do a bit of research before choosing one as there are many that can leak toxins into the body.

3. Oil Free
The skin naturally produces more oil in the summer time, which can become a major problem if you’re not careful which products you are using. Believe it or not, but many soaps actually have oil in them, which can be a huge problem when it comes to keeping your face clean without bringing on a breakout. This can be easily avoided by simply checking the ingredients of your soaps before you buy them. You may have to come up with a routine with an oil based soap for winter and a non-oil based soap for summer, but once you have it down your skin will thank you. Another problem is some sunscreens are also oil based which can be a real problem when it comes daily use. Again, simply look at the ingredients before you buy. One of the leading factors to breakouts for women though is make up. Most of it is oil based. With a little research you should be able to find something worth wearing.

4. Go Make-Up Free
With so many makeups being oil based and the sun already opening up your pores more, you might want to consider going without makeup during the summer. You don’t have to do this every day, but even cutting your use of makeup for a day or two will help your skin heal and will allow you to get rid of dirt and crime trapped in your pores. You may find that going without makeup during the summer months is a bit exhilarating as you will be able to show your natural summer glow and beauty. If you keep up with your make-up free ways, you may even save quite a bit of money on the makeup you’re not buying. So, protect your pores this summer by skipping the makeup routine and giving yourself a little longer to sleep each morning.

5. Minimize Pores
A lot of people find pores to be unsightly when they’re large, which can be a difficult thing to deal with in the long summer months. There are ways to minimize the appearance of your pores though, which can also help keep dirt and grime out of them. One simple trip is an egg wash on your face, which basically requires you to use eggs and tissues. This is a great way to get rid of hair on your face too and will leave your skin feeling nice and soft. If you’re not crazy about putting eggs on your face then you can easily help clean your face and reduce pores using water and soap. First off all, you’ll need to wash your face with very hot water. Don’t scald yourself, but use water that is sure to open up the pores. You can easily achieve this by putting a hot rag on your face. Once your pores are opened, use your favorite soap to cleanse your face. This should allow the soap to get deeper into the pores to hopefully wash away black heads. Once this is complete rinse your face well and then place a rag with cold water on your face. The colder the better! This will help close your pores up. There’s lots of other tricks you can use, so do a little research online to find a method that works great for you!

6. Love Your Eyes
With late nights out and rising early to catch the sunset, summer may bring a few dark circles to your days. This can easily be remedied though, so you don’t have to feel like you haven’t slept in a week or two. One way to accomplish this is to use a raw potato on your eye. This will help get rid of the darkness, while also brightening up the skin around your eyes. The same can be accomplished with cucumbers or a tea bag. With this simple trick to help leave your eyes the focal point of your beauty, you won’t have to worry about dabbing on the makeup or dealing with people commenting on your restless eyes. These tricks will also work to help eliminate dark circles that allergies bring too, which can be a common problem in the dry months.

7. Rehydrate
Keeping your body hydrated in the summer is imperative. Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day, especially if you find yourself out in the sun often. Simply by drinking water, you’re already doing your skin a huge favor which is certain to help you look and feel a lot better while you enjoy the summer months. Of course, drinking water isn’t the only thing you need to do to keep your skin hydrated during the summer months. You should always use lotion on your skin to help it maintain moisture and nutrients. Doing this after you take a shower, when your skin is still slightly moist, is one of the best times to use lotion. If you’re looking for a more natural lotion, then try coconut oil. It will help fight bacteria and will leave your skin feeling better than ever.

8. Skip Hot Water
A nice hot shower is always a relaxing way to get clean, but in the summer time it could leave your skin feeling dry and uncomfortable. So, you may want to take your shower down a notch if you can stand it. With the water drying out your skin, it can easily feel damaged and will force you to want to put more products onto it. The hot tub can also be a bit of pain in the summer too, so if you choose to use one make sure you use it sparingly and shower and lotion up after you do so. This should help you maintain healthier skin while you get through the heat waves.

9. Try Out New Products
If you’re already paying a small fortune for your skin care products, then you may want to explore the world around and you try out new things. For instance, if you’re currently purchasing items that are brand name, then look online to see if they have a generic counterpart. In most case they will, which should cut back on the amount of money you spend in the skin care department. Of course, you don’t have to stick with what you know. You may want to look into more natural products to keep your skin healthy. Things like coconut oil can go far when it comes to this. Not to mention, they can save you some money if you choose the correct ones. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to sampling products, then join a subscription service. There’s many available that will send you free samples of skin products as well as make up. Of course, every time you do try something new, make sure to put it on a small patch of skin in order to ensure you’re not allergic to it before use.

10. Treat Sunburns
Sometimes taking all of the precautions in the world won’t leave you safe from getting a sunburn. If this is the case, then make sure you take the time to heal the sunburn rather than just leaving it alone. Aloe vera is one of the best ways to do so and it will allow you to treat your skin with nutrients while it heals. You can find aloe vera just about anywhere, especially in the summer time. You might want to keep it in the refrigerator, or place the aloe vera in an ice tray and freeze it. This will bring a cooling sensation when applied that will make the pain of the burn go away for a little while. If you burn and begin to blister, then make sure you go to a doctor. Your physician or dermatologist will know the best way to approach such an intense burn, which can help make your skin heal better and help prevent skin cancers from popping up. There’s other ways to treat sunburns too, so do a little research online to see if you can find a way that suits you better.

Taking care of your skin is essential when it comes down to your overall health. However, this doesn’t mean you should have to pay a small fortune for these items. These ten tips should help you keep your skin looking radiant and healthy, without forcing you to spend hours on a health regime.

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