
Satisfy the Spring Cleaning Bug Without Draining the Budget

Spring has once again graced us with its beautiful presence bringing along with it the annual spring cleaning bug. Instead of spending a fortune to get your home in order this season try making your spring cleaning adventure a budget conscious task that will ensure that you will be able to save money with your accomplishments throughout the rest of the year. With these ten tips you will be on your way to a clean and organized home that will have your family impressed by your cleaning know how. You will also enjoy the huge savings you made during your cleaning process that will help spread the wealth for months to come.

1. Cleaners
When the cleaning bug hits many women they feel the need to run out to the store and purchase a lot of different kinds of cleaners in order to get the job done. This can be a huge mistake that will cost you a ton of money before your cleaning is complete though. If you are looking to save big on your spring cleaning then try to identify cleaners that are multipurpose and off brand. This will cut down huge on the cost and will ensure that you will have more ground to cover without having to take up space with a lot of cleaning supplies. For instance, many bathroom cleaners can be used on just about any surface, which includes the toilet and bathtub. This type of cleaner can also make its way into the kitchen for a great clean at no extra cost. Also, only use a few sprays of a product, you will be surprised at how far a small amount will take you. If you don’t want to spend a lot of chemicals and prefer a more natural take on cleaning then you will be amazed at the cleaning power that vinegar and baking soda have on just about anything!

2. Don’t Buy Cleaning Tools
Stocking up on cleaning tools, such as sponges, towels and magic erasers, might also seem like a wise decision on your part, but like cleaning supplies this simply isn’t so. One of the best parts of spring cleaning is the excess old fabrics you have lying around the house. If you have towels or old clothing that you intend on getting rid of then use these items as your cleaning rags. You will cover lots of ground with these items and won’t have to feel bad about staining or getting grease on the items since you didn’t want them in the first place. If you have tight corners and small crevices that need taking care of then grab a few cutips for a flawless clean. An old toothbrush is perfect for hard to clean areas that need a little extra scrubbing.

3. Clean Overlooked Areas
It is almost impossible to see every area of the home that needs to be cleaned, which is why so many of the important areas get overlooked. Before you start cleaning make a list of the larger appliances in the home and throughout the cleaning make sure that each of this appliances have been cleaned under and inside. One example is the refrigerator! Behind the refrigerator is often overlooked because we never look back there, so lots of dust collects in the coils which can drain more power and increase the bills. Simple take the vacuum cleaner and carefully vacuum out the coils for a more energy efficient refrigerator. Don’t forget to get behind the stove as well, this area can be covered in grease and other food particles that might be dangerous to the families health if left for years unattended. Finally, give the vacuum cleaner a good cleaning to ensure that it will be operating a long time.

4. Invest in Proper Storage
Storing items can be one of the pricier task when it comes to Spring Cleaning. Many homes have a ton of boxes sitting in their storage area that have broken down over time and let in dust and bugs that can potentially destroy the contents within. If you really want to make an effective change in your home without spending a lot then try looking for storage bins in a dollar store or look for spring cleaning sales that many department stores offer. When you put your items in plastic and resealable bins you are ensuring the items within will be stored away properly and won’t be ruined. If you plan on storing clothing or other linens put them in a plastic bag, like a trash bag and push the air of the bag. This will keep the clothes moth and bug free. If you have pillows that need to go into storage you can also put them in a trash bag, when you push the air of the bag and tie it off the bag will suck the air out of the pillow which will make it easier to store. For small items, such a screws that go to a piece of furniture, use old jars or tins that you have recycled.

5. Get Rid of Clutter
Every home has clutter may it be from busy lifestyles or holding onto objects we think we might need in the future. One of the best things about spring cleaning is trying to get rid of some of these items. Chances are, if you aren’t using an item or have forgotten that you even have it then you don’t really need. Try gathering up your old furniture, toys and clothes and opening up a yard sale. Yard sales are free to have and can actually bring hundreds of dollars back into the home. If you can’t seem to get rid of some of the items or just don’t have time for a yard sale try selling them online or donating them to a charity. By getting rid of the old items you will have more storage space and less items to clean. You never know, you might even get rid of some many items that you finally have room to turn your garage into the game room you’ve always dreamed about.

6. Change Your Filters
Your home is filled with filters that all work to keep your family feeling healthy and happy. Spring cleaning is one of the best times to make sure that the old filters get thrown out and the new ones get put in. You might not realize how much filters actually save you money in the home. With a water filter on your refrigerator your family can have cool and clean water without you having to purchase other filtering devices or water bottles. Air filters help keep dust and allergens away from your family which will bring down the amount of visits you make to the doctor’s office each spring. It will also reduce the amount of time you spend dusting your home, which will save you time that you could be using on some of the more daunting task.

7. Investigate Home Openings
Your home is filled with opening from the doors to the windows which should be investigated every time that you clean. The window and door tracks, especially on sliding glass doors, tend to collect dirt that can ruin the seal. When the seal is destroyed on any of your windows or doors the ventilation of your home can become insecure. This means that the cool air you use in the summer time will go straight out of the window so your home will have to worker harder to stay cooler. The same can be said of your heating when it is cold outside. When the home works harder to cool or heat your electric bill goes up. So, taking a few extra minutes to clean out the grime from the window sills and door tracks can actually save you hundreds of dollars on your electric bill every year.

8. Take in Recycling
Recycling is an important part of our relationship with the earth, which is why taking in all those recycled goods is a perfect way to start off your spring cleaning. In many states you will even get refunded some of the money you spend on the item when you turn in certain cans and bottles. This can give you a good boost in money and will help with the rest of your spring cleaning task. Even if you don’t get paid to turn in your recycling it is still a great way to begin getting rid of the excess clutter in your home. Your home will already start to look better and you will have helped the environment!

9. Install Shelving
You might think that installing shelves in the home, or in the storage unit might be a huge drain your budget. However, installing shelves can be fairly inexpensive and will save you a lot of clean up. If you shop for shelves at the right time you will be able to save big on many of the units. You can also build your own shelves, after all if they are going in your storage unit they don’t have to look pretty. Try purchasing a few boards, brackets and screws or nails and you are ready to go. When you put up shelving you are getting your storage items off of the ground so that you don’t have to deal with build up around the items. When items sit on the ground they are more likely to get dirty or infested by bugs, so by picking them up off the ground you are giving them a longer life which will save you money. Having your items up off the ground gives you more space as well and makes it easier for you to sweep up and messes.

10. Space Out Clean Sessions
One of the easiest ways to save money on your spring cleaning is to space out your cleaning sessions. It is incredibly ambitious to want to take on the house in one big sweet, but this often isn’t feasible. When you over work yourself you tend to get bored and tired of the job which makes you want to find other ways to get the job finished in a less time consuming way. This is when the spending tends to begin. There are many items on the market that can get your home clean in a flash, but they cost a lot of money and won’t allow you to see exactly what all needs cleaned in the home. There are also many services that can be called to get the job done for you, which are also incredibly expensive. The best thing you can do is make a game plan and take on the house piece by piece. Perhaps even schedule cleaning days when you know your family will be home to help you. They might not like it much, but the house will be finished faster and you won’t be overly exhausted!

Although Spring cleaning might not be the most loved task each year it has to be done. The great news is that you don’t have to spend a lot to do it. When you follow these ten tips you will find yourself relaxing in a clean and allergen free home that will look amazing for at least a few months. You will love how little you have to clean after your big spring cleaning event almost as much as you love the savings.

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