
Keep Technologically Savvy Without the Cost With These Ten Tips

In today’s world technology changes fast and if you aren’t caught up on the latest updates you might lose job opportunities and feel awkwardly socially. The only down side with our rapidly changing technology market is it often cost a fortune to keep up to date with all of the newest gadgets. For many, it isn’t logical to go out and buy the latest device, but getting too far behind can be detrimental, so how can you stay in the technological loop without going bankrupt? These ten tips will help you find a zen in the technological world, which will help you keep up to date without your gadgets while still preventing you from throwing out your budget.

1. Always Remember Memory
When you buy a laptop or desktop you can only hope that it will last you some time. The reality is that in a year or two your new device will be old and worn out compared to the new items on the market. When it comes to running software and browsing the web your computer will be slow and, let’s face it, frustrating. One way to avoid having to go out and buy a new device is to consider the memory in your device. Many new products use software that requires a lot of memory, which is why many older devices have trouble keeping up with the new goods. Try looking around for a memory upgrade to the device that you already, as this may speed up your device and make buying a new one pointless. Memory upgrades run much cheaper than buying a whole new device and you will actually be surprised as to how much it makes you device compatible with all of the new processes available today.

2. Used/Refurbished Equal Big Savings
Everyone loves getting new things, but buying some technology straight out of the box can cos you around a thousand dollars. There are many items available that offer the same capabilities of the stuff straight out of the box at only a fraction of the price. Used items can be picked up off the internet, at stores or pawn shops, or even at auction. With a used item you will get the same great technology that everyone else has without having to empty out your bank account. Of course, if you are worried about buying something new then it is usually safe to shop for something refurbished. Refurbished items are sold back to stores and restored to their original sale state and resold to you at a lower price. Usually, when you buy refurbished you are also getting a warranty along with the deal, so you won’t have to worry about any refurbishing mistakes costing you money. If you’re interested in refurbished goods check out websites that typically sell the device you want and you will notice right away the price difference!

3. Reward Cards vs Credit Cards
We are all tempted to pull out the plastic card every time we really want something new, especially if it is expensive. It is very important to know which plastic card you should be pulling out though. Yes, you can get that great new item immediately when you charge it on the credit card, but what often doesn’t come to mind is the fact that you will be making payments and paying interest on these goods for some time. Credit cards, although convenient and provide you with the instant gratification you want, should only be used for emergencies as you will end up spending more money on each thing you buy. A Reward Card, however, is great to pull out when you are making a big purchase. Many reward card cost nothing to get and provide you with points and discounts that can be used in the store that provides the card. Some reward cards can even give you up to 30% off your big purchase, or will give you a lot of points to put onto a future discount.

4. Phone Plans
When it comes to shopping for phones the best thing you can do is look for a phone plan that suits your needs. A lot of the time you can get the newest phone on the market for free when you sign up for a phone plan. This will not only save you from spending a huge lump sum of money, but will also help you save on the monthly phone budget. Depending on the plan you can get a great insurance policy on your phone and after some time you will be able to upgrade to the new model at no additional price. Choosing a phone plan is a great way to help keep the technology budget in check without having to buy over priced goods. You can even get a new device for everyone in the family by only paying for the additional line charges. Of course, you don’t want to overspend on the plan, so make sure you choose a plan that suits your needs without forcing yourself to add all of the bells and whistles.

5. Utilize Insurance and Warranty
When it comes to buy technology insurance and warranties are key for keeping your items lasting as long as you need them to without forcing yourself to pay a fortune in repair cost. Like a car and home, it is important to have insurance on technological devices as they can often cost a fortune to repair. For instance, repairing the glass on some Apple products can cost $100 which is almost the same as buying a brand new product! By ensuring that your device is insured you will be able to get it repaired at no additional cost, which will definitely save you cash in the long run. The best thing is most insurance only cost around $5 a month! Most items come with a warranty when you buy the, and if they don’t there is typically the option to buy one at a low cost. Warranties can be incredibly beneficial if you find yourself with a product that just isn’t doing what it is supposed to do. Often the warrant agency will have your product shipped in for repair or replaced with a new item at no cost to you. There are some tricks though, such as extended warranties. Extended warranties tend to be costly and don’t cover much more than the free warranty covers. Yes, the extended warranty last longer, but when it comes down to the price of repairs opposed to the price of the extended warranty, you are almost paying the same thing.

6. Recycle or Sell Old Technology
We all have that box of old goods that we don’t really know what to do with. One of the best things about technological devices though is that they are always in need. Today, there are many recycling stations that will dispose of your goods for you so they can be reused for other devices. Some of these stations will even offer you money for your devices. At times, people have received over $50 for an old device that wasn’t even working! This is a great chunk of change to put towards your next device. Of course, there are also many ways to sell your old device. If you don’t want to put a lot of extra effort into finding a buyer then bring your old device to a pawn shop, technology store or the store in which you bought it to try to get your money back. If you are more into getting your money back for the item try selling it online or putting it into an auction. You will be surprised at how much money you can get back for old devices.

7. Always Shop Around
Although it might not seem like a huge step, shopping around is one of the best tools you have when buying new devices. There are many stores and web-stores that will tell you they have the best deal on goods, but it is up to you to do your homework. A lot of the the store will lower the price of the actual object while hiking up the shipping price, so you end up playing more than with other places. Shopping around can take only a few minutes out of your day while still saving you a lot of money. Even if you plan to buy your device from a store it is crucial that you look around at other places, or call ahead, to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible.

8. Rechargeable Saves In Many Ways
It doesn’t matter what kind of device you own, more than likely it runs on batteries. The bad thing about batteries is you are constantly going through them which means more money out of your pocket and more waste for the earth. Of course, investing in rechargeable batteries will allow you to keep your devices running for much longer and will keep the money in your pocket where it belongs. Rechargeable batteries allow you to use a small amount of power to recharge them, which will save energy when you compare it to the amount you use when you plug an item in directly. You will love fall in love with the conscience rechargeable batteries gives you, since you will always have an extra set of batteries around for your instant gratification. May it be for you phone, games, or a simple flashlight, rechargeables will make your home run so much smoother.

9. Forget the Cable
Cable companies often draw you in with their extensive channel selection and the convenience they allow you when you are ready to head home and relax. Of course, this is why cable companies can get away with charging you an arm and a leg for channels that you think you can’t get anywhere else. There are many entertainment options that will cost you so much less than a cable subscription that are available on the internet. You can stream movies, TV shows and broadcast that often aren’t even found on cable. When it comes to subscriptions you can watch you favorite TV shows for under $20 a month when you use websites such as Netflix or Hulu. There are also many free options online such as YouTube, Google video and many of the major broadcasting stations, such as ABC and NBC, will offer their top shows at no cost. You can even buy hardware such as Roku to keep track of all your channels and movies for a convenient relaxing evening without the burdensome charge.

10. Patience
Nothing can save you quite so much as patience. When a new device comes out it is typically at its maximum charge which often isn’t feasible for most buyers. Of course, as months pass and popularity dims down the device begins to decrease in price, which makes it much more affordable for the average buyer. Of course, if you really want to save on a device then wait until the newer model comes out, as that will ensure the model you’re looking to get will drop significantly in value. Although, you won’t be buying the top of the market of gadgets you won’t be too far behind in the technological craze.

Technology can be a splendid part of life, but when it comes to altering the budget for it can surely be a huge hassle. With these ten tips you can stay onto of the technological game without having to part with huge sums of money. If you can remember these tips then you’re technological shopping days will surely make you happier and save you a bit of money.

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