
Holiday Toy Shopping Tips That Will Save Your Budget

The holidays are a time when it’s hard not to buy your children all the gifts you believe they deserve. Of course, thinking like this can get you into a lot of trouble with your bank account. There are ways to make your child’s dreams come true without spending a small fortune though. With a few simple techniques your kids can enjoy their special visit from Ole Saint Nick without forcing you to spend hours in long lines only to pay for toys that are incredibly over-priced. Sometimes, not being able to get what you want can be disappointing, but when you look at holiday giving from a new perspective you may find you have a lot more fun shopping with these tips than you ever did when you were simply following the crowd! So, let the holiday spirit fill you and enjoy watching your kids unwrap their less expensive gifts this holiday season!
1. Shop Clearance
Most of the time when it comes to shopping for kids we tend to hit the toy aisle without thinking of any alternatives. A lot of the time this leads to over spending on items that the kids are going to be bored with after a couple months of use. Instead of shopping in this section try to hit up the clearance bin before you make your final decisions. Usually, these bins are filled with toys that will still make your child’s face light up. Better yet, they’re a fraction of the price of those items that still remain on the shelf. You don’t have to feel like you’re settling when you shop this way either. Generally, a lot of popular toys make it to the bin because other movies or TV shows are released and stores want to move items that aren’t as fresh out of stock. You don’t have to simply stick to local or chain stores when it comes to clearance bin shopping either. Try looking online for items that your child will love, this is especially great if kids like a certain brands of toy as it’ll make it much easier to find something your child will adore.

2. Skip the “IT” toy
Every year a toy hits the market that every household seems to need. These toys are usually highly advertised and tend to be a bit on the expensive side of things. Although your child may follow suit and beg and plead for this item, it isn’t a necessity for it to be under the tree. In fact, when your children unwrap the presents you chose based on their personality and interests, you may find they’ll forget all about the “IT” gift that Santa Claus didn’t leave behind. When it comes to gifts like this it may take a whole lot of money to even reserve the item, so don’t stress over trends at all. Even if your child is a bit disappointed it’s pretty much a guarantee that he or she will have forgotten about the item a month or two after the holiday anyway. If not, it’ll always be cheaper to purchase at a later date!

3. Go Generic
When it comes to shopping for toys, we often don’t think about generic brands. There are, in fact, many toy companies that make items similar to the big brands but sell them at a much lower price. If you’re looking to save big this holiday season then purchasing an off brand item or two can help you keep under budget. Generally, you can find these generic brands with building blocks, dolls and toy cars. Sometimes, even electronic toys will have an off brand to choose from. If you’re not certain what you should be looking for then do a little research online or talk to a sales associate in the area. However, just like shopping for groceries, the off brand toys are usually found on the lower shelves where you may not look right away.

4. Discount Rewards
If you do a lot of shopping then chances are you have some discount cards in your wallet or purse. These are amazing when the holiday season rolls around, especially if you’ve saved up your points during the year. Discount reward cards can be acquired from a number of stores, so don’t be afraid to think out of the box when it comes to shopping this season. For instance, if you have an awards card with lots of points on it from a store like JC Penny or Sears, which mostly caters to clothes, you can easily find the small section of toys which usually has some pretty good choices. Of course, stores that cater to toys are going to be your best bet so make sure you tally up your rewards and use them as a major discount for your holiday purchases. You may also want to plan shopping around the amount of points you have as it might be worth wild to use the greater discount points on items that are more expensive opposed to cheaper purchases you’ll need to make.

5. Shop Early
Many people don’t begin their holiday shopping until after Thanksgiving when all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals begin to pop up. This can be a great time to shop, but don’t be afraid go out to buy gifts before this. Typically, toys are at their cheapest in November before the sales begin so look around and see what you can find before the rush begins. This can really help out if you’re shopping for popular toys that may not stay in stock during the holiday rush. You can also shop even earlier, especially if you have a good idea of what you want to purchase for the holidays anyway. Stocking stuffers and other items can be purchased throughout the year which will limit the burden and money spending when you need to buy more expensive items. You may also want to pick out items and put them on layaway well before the holiday season begins. This is especially important when you see a pricey item that is on sale!

6. Buy Used
When it comes to the big ticket items you don’t have to spend a fortune on brand new toys. In fact, some of the items are just as good when they’re used. This is especially true for items like bikes or trampolines. Generally, these purchases can cost you hundreds of dollars, but if you find a good buy online or at a yard sale you should jump on it. Kids won’t care that these items are used and they’ll get worn down or replaced after time anyway. This doesn’t mean you should pick up the first item you see at a low price though. Make sure you investigate to make sure it’s safe and doesn’t look like it’s in terrible shape. It’s okay to replace some nuts and bolts in items and adding a new chain, brakes or tires to a bike won’t set you back too much, but if the item doesn’t look safe then move on to your next choice!

7. DIY!
Not everything has to be bought in a store to make your children happy. In fact, there’s a lot of items you can make yourself that will give them hours of fun. One great gift for younger children is homemade play dough. There’s lot of recipes online for this and you can even spice it up by adding special colors, scents or creating a cute packaging for storage. You may also want to consider making your own building blocks which can be created to suit your child’s personality. If your kids are into LEGOS then buy a bulk box and then split them up into sets. You can put a picture of what the set can build on the front to entice your child’s imagination. Crafts sets are also great for kids that love art. These can be as simple as paints and paintbrushes in a personalized box, or special strings for friendship bracelets. If you’re feeling really ambitious then you may want to build a dollhouse, or playhouse outside! Just make sure it’s easy to assemble on the night before the big day!

8. Sell Old Toys
Although your kids might not be crazy about the idea, you can use the holidays as an excuse to move out some of the old toys that have been collecting dust in their toy boxes. Once you’ve gone through the old toys, auction them off online or start a yard sale. The money you earn from the old toys can be used to buy new ones for the kids. Plus, you’ll have a lot more space in the home without the old stuff cluttering up their rooms. If the kids aren’t on board with the idea then try to go through the items and get rid of the stuff that isn’t age appropriate anymore. There’s a lot of toys you may be keeping in your attic that aren’t getting any use. Remember, if you sell the toys at a low price you’ll not only be helping your kids get new stuff, but you might help a family in need afford some gifts for their children.

9. Skip Electronics
A lot of kids today tend to ask for expensive electronic devices during the holiday. This can be a huge burden on your budget and you may not be able to afford anything else if you do choose to purchase them. Instead of buying the electronics, you may want to consider skipping them this year. Most children get to spend a lot of time with electronics at school, so why not encourage their imagination to grow with toys that don’t require charging. For generations kids have played with dolls, cars, blocks and other items that encourage brain stimulation, so why stop with this generation? These toys usually won’t cost you an arm and a leg and will teach your kids to slow down and enjoy play time rather than having their toys meet their need for instant gratification. You’ll be pleased to see them having fun and your budget won’t be blown for the season!

10. Holiday Sales
Holiday sales can be one of the best ways to get the items you need at a fabulous price. When the holiday season kicks off there is usually a lot of flash sales that can come in handy when ordering your gifts. You may want to start your mission locally, as this will help avoid shipping prices. Make sure you’re subscribed to your favorite stores mailing list and that you get local sales ads. This will help you make a game plan to get what you need while it’s at a low price. You should also check online for these sales. Many big name stores as well as small stores will actually hold small sales for specific items. Log in to your favorite sites when you can to see if a deal is going to be up your alley. Some stores will even let you know ahead of time what the flash sale will be so you can be prepared to jump on it. Sometimes you have to be fast though as often they will only offer a select amount of items for the low price.

Holiday shopping for your kids’ toys doesn’t have to be bring you down. With these ten tips you should be able to find a collection of items that will help you fill your tree and create smiles on your children’s faces. With a little careful planning and some thinking out of the box you may find your kids will be happier this year than years where you followed the shopping trends!

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