
Get the Garden of Your Dreams At a Price That Won’t Give You Nightmares

If you love to dig in the dirt then there is a good chance that you dream of having your own unique garden. Although it might seem like a pricey concept, having your own garden can be an inexpensive hobby that might even bring money back into the household. With these tens tips you will be able to keep your garden looking amazing without having to worry about spending a small fortune. These tips will provide you with ways to grow your plants without having to spend a cent on fertilizers and other products designed to help you keep your garden looking magazine worthy. By the end of the planting season you will be relaxing in your own personal garden paradise!

1.Plant Perennials
When choosing plants for your garden you should always make sure to read the labels. Perennials are the best thing to buy if you are looking to save money each year on your garden. Perennials are flowers that come back each year when they are in season, so by having perennials in your garden you are ensuring that you won’t have to replace the plants each and every year. The best thing about having perennials is you can come up with a budget each year for adds on, so as the years go by you will have an exciting garden that always makes a comeback when spring has come back. Of course, if you fall in love with an annual or two it won’t hurt to go ahead and plant the item, but allow most of your garden to be made up of perennials so you won’t find you garden looking sparse when they begin to bloom at the beginning of the season.

2. Use a Compost
Composting is incredibly cost efficient and even helps the environment out! In many states composting will save you on garbage cost, as you will actually produce little to no waste when you have a working compost. You can make your compost out of simple items or can even purchase one at the store. If you are looking into a larger compost then you might want to get together with your neighbors and discuss sharing the cost of a neighborhood compost that will be available for all to use. This will also ensure that you will have diverse waste that the plants will love. Make sure to throw items such as banana peels in the compost as they make incredible plant food. When the time comes to use a fertilizer, skip the store and add the items from the compost onto your soils for a better than store bought fertilizer that will have your plants healthier than ever.

3. Know When to Water
A lot of garden failures have to do with when the gardener chooses to water the plants. Of course, watering at the wrong time can also cost you a lot of money. The best time to water is when the sun goes down and the soil has plenty of time to absorb the water before the sun comes back to dry out the water again. This is particularly important in the summer when the sun is extremely hot. When you water in the morning hours the water will do a bit of good, but as stated before the water will be evaporated throughout the day by the sun, rather than absorbed by the plant. The worst time to water is when the sun is peaking in the sky. This period of time is usually the worst to use water anyway, as many cities will enforce peak water hours that will cost you more. The other downside to watering during this period is the water will be scorched off the plant, thus damaging the plant without even hydrating it.

4. Know Your Land
Knowing your land can be a huge part of your gardens health. Whether you live in an apartment or home with a large yard, it is up to you to understand the way your home will effect your garden. One aspect to look at is the way the sun hits the home during different periods of the day. Plants that requite little to know sunlight work best in areas that are shady throughout most of the day, so it is important that these plants are places beneath a tree or on the side of the home that always have shade. While other plants require a lot of sunlight and should be placed in areas of the home where there is hardly any shade. This alone will save you a lot of money on replacing plants! Another thing to consider is areas that are often heavily trafficked by children and animals. It is unwise to put fragile plants in these areas because they are more than likely going to be trampled. Instead think bushes that are durable and might even stop the traffic in the area. By knowing these things about your home you will ensure that you will have success without having to waste money on more seeds and fences to do the same job your home can do.

5. Don’t Create a Show Garden
Your garden doesn’t have to be filled with beautiful high maintenance flowers that will make the neighbors awe over your skill. Instead, put your green thump to good use and plant a garden that will help bring down the family’s grocery bill. Gardens are a great way to get fresh organic fruits and vegetables without having to spend a pretty penny on them in the store. You will be well on your way to having exciting vegetable inspired dinners thanks to your garden and you won’t have to worry about buying most of your vegetables in stores any more. If you produce more fruits and vegetables then you thought you might then you can always give them to friends and family or try to sell them for some extra cash!

6. Stop Spending on Accessories
Accessories are one of the biggest drains when it comes to spending on your garden, and usually you can find the same items in the home for absolutely free. For instance, cut open an egg carton and fill it with soil for great starter cups that will have your seedlings starting out life the right way. If you are worried about worms getting a hold of your younger seedlings then cut the top and bottom off a tin can and bury in one inch into the ground. Make sure to place the seed in the center of the can and watch it sprout without damage. The can will block any curious worms from munching on the root of the plant as they can will work as a barrier. If you have plants that need extra heat or sunshine then don’t invest in one of those expensive lamps, but add come tin foil behind the plant. The foil will attract more light and will therefore keep the plant healthier. During the cold spring nights cut a hole in one end of a plastic milk or soda container and slip it over your plant to reduce frost bite from harming the plant. Apart from helping you save money, this will also put your recyclables to good use.

7. DIY Pest Repellent
There are a lot of chemical based items on the market to help clear out the bugs on your plant. Although this can be troublesome for the environment it can also cause you to spend a lot of money you don’t need to. There are many natural remedies that will help you take care of your garden that can be found inside of the home. If you have a problem with slugs then nothing cures it better than a little beer. Take a small container like a margarine tub and put it in the ground. Fill the tub with some beer and watch as your slug problem disappears. The slugs will be drawn to the smell of the beer and will falling to the container and drown. After a few days the problem should be gone. If flies and other bugs are constantly swarming your plants that add a little soap to a partially filled water bottles and lightly spray the plants. The insects will quickly disappear and your garden will regain its healthy look.

8. Keep Weeds Down
Weeds can actually be the death of any garden. They take over an area quickly and will kill your beloved plants if you aren’t careful. The best thing you can do when it comes to weeds is to look over your garden once a day. If you see any weeds coming up then pull them immediately as it is best to get them while they are still small. If you have to use chemicals to get rid of the weed population in your yard make sure not to waste money on products such as round up. These items tend to be overpriced, especially in the spring and summer months, and can be easily replaced. If you find a particularly difficult weed that needs a little help then pour some vinegar on it. This will make getting the plant out of the ground easier and is much safer for the environment and your garden than using chemicals.

9. Know Your Limits
Having a garden can be a lot of work which is why you shouldn’t get over ambitious with your plans. When you decide to have a garden you have to realize that it can be a daily chore that can’t be overlooked. This is why planning is incredibly important. Start out with a small area and work your way if you find yourself wanting to expand. Of course, you must also take into consideration your other duties such as work and family, as juggling your schedule is important. When you have the garden a size in which you are still able to complete the task you need to with some free time then stop. Over doing it can cause you to grow tired of the garden. The garden can also be overtaken if you, for whatever reason, don’t have time to go and work in it. This will mean replanting everything, which will cost you a lot of money in the long run. So, play it safe and keep your garden at a reasonable size.

10. Make Some Money!
When planting always make sure to plant all the seeds you have as long as space permits. By doing this you will ensure that you have enough plants sprout to take up the space in which you need them to, just in case the expected amount doesn’t sprout. If you have extra plants sprout then use them as a bartering tool with other gardeners who might have a plant you want, or sell them to someone who needs the particular plant in their garden. The same can be said for excess fruits and vegetables as stated before. Try finding a local farmers market to sell your goods, or if your close with your neighbors perhaps ask them if they would like to purchase some of the goods. This way you are contributing to your community as well as adding to your gardening or home fund!

You will find that gardening can be a great therapeutic hobby once you get past the price of having the hobby. You will love how happy it makes you feel and how great it makes your home look. With these ten tips gardening won’t have to be an idea, but a reality that will allow you to get outdoors more and spend some time with mother nature.

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