
Frugal Ways to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness This October

In case you didn’t notice all of the pink this month, October is breast cancer awareness month. There’s lots of events going on this month to help raise money and awareness for breast cancer, which may inspire you to jump in on the activities. Between walkathons and merchandise, you may find that keeping up with the activities costs a pretty penny. There are several ways that you can join in to support the message of the month while helping with fundraisers and donations. So, embrace the month of pink without worrying about money, because these ten tips are sure to help you find one or several ways to tell breast cancer a powerful message.
1. Wear Pink
Pink is the official breast cancer awareness color, which makes it easy to spot people sharing the message in the month of October. This can be a great time pull out all of your lovely pink clothes to show off to the world. If you’re a little shy on the pink front, then you might want to consider dying some clothes so you’ll have plenty to wear. You can even make your own t-shirts to add to the fun of the month and to ensure that people notice the message you’re trying to get across. This is a great way to help children participate too, especially if they have a pink day at school. If your office or the clubs you’re in don’t have plans to work on a pink day then you may want to organize one. This could really bring awareness to a larger group of people and will bring a sense of strength to the message you have to share.

2. Pass Out Ribbons
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to share the message with a large group, then passing out pink ribbons is one of the best options. You can easily and cheaply buy pink ribbon in bulk which will allow you to cut and make tiny ribbons that can be turned into pins. This should only take a few dollars to make and won’t eat up a lot of time either. Once you have your ribbons ready to go then you can pass them out at schools, the work place or even on crowded streets. This will help get the message out to a lot of people, which is sure to spike awareness in your area. With every pin you give you, you will be sharing the message to several people which can do a lot of good.

3. Volunteer
This month, there is bound to be several events that you won’t want to miss out on. From charity concerts to marathons, the list goes on and on. Of course, with all of these charity events, you may find that the price tag is a little steep too, especially if you try to make it to all of the events. This can easily be remedied if you volunteer to help out at the event. This will give you a chance to do a lot of good for the cause without forcing you to miss out on the event. Most events will begin accepting volunteers early, so make sure to get in your application. Although they usually can use all of the volunteers they can get, you might find some of the more popular events can fill up before you know it, so don’t wait. If an event isn’t your thing then see if you can volunteer for another charity that donates to the cause, or for a cancer center.

4. Walk/Marathon
One of the best things about the month of October is the weather is cooling down and there tends to be numerous walk for a cause events going on. This is especially true when it comes to breast cancer awareness walks. Marathons are also incredibly popular during this time too, so if you’re feeling fit then make sure to sign yourself up. Both of these events tend to cost an entrance fee, but if you can get enough donors on your behalf then you should be good to participate without spending an arm and a leg. This will also allow you to work on your own health, so you can set a great example for others looking to spread the word about breast cancer. Depending on the walk or marathon, your winnings may actually go to support a breast cancer charity, which is one of the best gifts you can give during the month of awareness.

5. Pass Out Flyers
Many people are still unaware that October is breast cancer awareness month. You may be able to remedy this and help them find out more about breast cancer when you choose to pass out flyers in your area. Usually, you can get a great deal on bulk flyers from many printing websites. Try to find a coupon code to cut back on expenses too. Of course, you could also print out the flyers on your own or use a copy machine to cut back on spending altogether. Make sure your flyers include basic information on breast cancer, preventive measures and numbers that people who need support can call. With a little information you can help out a lot more people than you ever thought possible. This should help you make the most of the month and protect people with knowledge.

6. Hold a Fundraiser
If you like to plan events and have a bit of money to spend this month, then a fundraiser is a great way to show breast cancer that you’re willing to fight. You don’t have to host a grand dinner party or anything that will cost you a fortune though, so don’t fret. Instead, host a car wash if the weather still permits. Yard sales, bake sales and other common fundraisers will help out too. You can even host a party where guests leave donations to help out with the cause. No matter what you choose, try to keep it on the frugal side while promoting the idea of donations. You may be surprised by how many people are willing to donate, especially considering so many people have had someone affected by cancer in their lifetime. The event may even encourage others to host similar events, which will allow even more money to be donated to the cause.

7. Visit a Cancer Unit
Like many hospitals and nursing homes, those spending large amounts of time in a cancer unit tend to be a bit on the lonely side. For some, having someone to talk to during their time of need can really help make the treatments pass by quickly. Sometimes, the company can even lift their spirits enough to encourage them to heal faster, which is always nice. So, if you really want to do something special for the cause this month you might see if there is a cancer unit that needs guests. You may even consider bringing blankets, reading material and other supplies to make the patients feel a bit more at home. Without a doubt, you will make at least one person smile, which is something money can’t buy.

8. Survivor Potluck
Another way to support breast cancer awareness is to host a potluck for people who have actually survived cancer. Ask friends, family, neighbors and anyone who will listen to donate a dish to the event. This will allow survivors to get together and enjoy food, while sharing their stories with those who may be suffering from cancer or for those living with loved ones who are. This should help others find inner strength while encouraging people that there is life after cancer. A potluck shouldn’t cost you much. In fact, the venue should be one of priciest aspects of the event. You might try churches or community centers to see if anyone will offer you a good price. If you contact churches and community centers, you may even have more people willing to donate dishes, attend the event or donate to a breast cancer charity.

9. Research
Most people don’t really know all that there is to know when it comes to breast cancer. That’s why, you may want to take this month to explore the ins and outs of the cancer. This shouldn’t cost you anything extra than your basic utilities because you can explore the internet as well as free data bases. Some sites will even allow you to ask doctors questions, which can help you learn even more about this disease. Before the month is over, you should be able to detect the signs, know about the treatments and what exactly occurs when cancer grows in the body. You may even be able to visit research centers to learn about the newest tech designed to wipe out cancer more efficiently. By the end of the month, you may not be an expert, but you’ll have a greater understanding which is half the battle.

10. Take Care of Your Health
One of the best things you can do to raise cancer awareness it to take care of your own body. Both men and women should check for breast cancer as both genders can get it. This month, you should try to get a screening with your doctor to make sure you’re in the clear. Many hospitals will even allow you to receive a reduced price on a mammogram due to October being breast cancer awareness month. There are things you can do at home to make sure you’re in the clear too. A self-breast exam should be performed every month for women on the last day of their period. You can also watch out for skin changes such as dark sports or puckering. With a little mindfulness you can ensure you’re healthy. You should also begin to teach your children about self-care and how often they should visit the doctor, so they’ll be prepared when they grow up too.

Breast cancer awareness month is a great time to do your part to help better the world and eliminate a deadly disease that causes so many deaths around the world. Although we have a long way to go in regards to cancer, every little bit helps toward a cure. This doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune though as there are frugal ways to help out during this important month of awareness.

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