
Frugal Ideas for Your Children’s Hanukkah Surprises

As November slowly transforms into December, you may be trying to figure how you can give your children a great Hanukkah without spending a bundle on gifts. With the true meaning of the holiday the concentration of the celebration, it’s often hard to find gifts that will last the full length of the holiday. Frugality is a big need during the cold season, so splurging on gifts can leave you in a bind. Luckily, there’s a lot of amazing items out there that will make your kids feel amazing without totally spoiling them. So, this Hanukkah, you can make the season more about the religious aspect of the holiday and less about the gifts thanks to these big money saving ideas.
1. Coupon Book
If you’re looking to bring a smile to your kids’ faces this holiday then a coupon book will be a great option that won’t cost you a thing, at first anyway. The best thing about chore books is you can customize them to suit each child. You can decorate the coupon book to suit your child’s interests, the holiday, or to suit each specific coupon. Of course, if you want to keep things simple then you can easily just write out the coupon, which might work better for teenagers anyway. The coupons can include a wide assortment of things. For instance, for younger children it can include an extra 30 minutes of TV or videogame time. Older kids may like a day where they can skip chores or have a friend spend the night. Another great option is to offer a date with mom, dad or both parents. This will give the kids one on one time whenever they feel they need it the most. You can also make the coupons family oriented by adding in a few coupons to pick a movie out of turn on movie night or to pick the game on game night.

2. Snacks
Kids love junk food, but it’s not always great to give it to them on a regular basis. So, instead of giving in to their cravings throughout the year, you can use the junk food as a special gift. This will not only make them happy, but will teach them that splurging on food is okay on some occasions but not all of the time. So, you may want to find out what kind of snacks your kids have been craving. From sweets like candy bars to savory items like chips, you can easily find enough treats to make a pretty amazing gift basket for one of the days of Hanukkah. You may want to include beverages into the mix to cut down on sugary drinks throughout the year. Of course healthy snacks are always a great idea too. Some children may even want special homemade items, which will make the gift basket even more frugal.

3. Books
When it comes to gifts, a book can go a lot further than most things in life. Even if your child isn’t a huge fan of reading, there should be something special you can get them that will make their day extraordinary. For instance, younger children may benefit from coloring books. You can follow their interests or even buy them based on the holiday. Educational books also come in handy, particularly with kids who love to explore new subjects. If you have a tween or teen on your hands then it might be great to purchase a diary or a book you know will help them get through the trying period of their life. Of course, you may not want to rule out literature here either. There’s lots of age old tales that will help your children grow to become better people. Of course, you could also follow trends, their favorite authors or even look around for books that are age appropriate at your local book store. The best thing about books is they’re not very expensive, so you won’t go bankrupt after shopping for the entire family.

4. Hanukah Games
One of the most fun elements of the holiday, in most kids’ views, is the Hanukah games. There’s a lot of games available that can be played with the family or with friends, which make kids really love the holiday. So, when you’re looking for gifts, you may want to take this into consideration. One great idea is to provide your child with a new dreidel. There’s lots of options when it comes to dreidels, so you can always work to make the gift as age appropriate as possible. Wooden dreidels are great for older kids if you’re sure they won’t end up losing them. If you’re crafty then you may even want to consider making your own dreidel to show your child their gift was made with love. These days, there’s also many Hanukkah games on the market, such as card games or even board games which might keep kids entertained. The more you look around, the more options you’ll find.

5. Hobby Items
If you typically buy your kids toys or other items that will simply be a passing craze then it may be wise to skip out on these items this year. Instead of blowing money on something that will more than likely be forgotten in a few years, you could always purchase a gift to help your child with a hobby they’re interested in. From catching bugs to playing an instrument, there’s a lot of special gadgets that will help your kids improve on their chosen hobbies. For instance, if you have a scientist in the making then a telescope or microscope may be in order. Musician may enjoy a new set of reeds, a music book or even an upgraded instrument. Artist might enjoy new paints or some canvas to help bring their masterpiece to life. Even athletes could use new shoes or supplies to help take their game to the next level. There’s lots of hobbies you can endorse, so look around to see if there’s items that will make the fun last for years longer.

6. School Supplies
Although the kids may pretend school is out forever during their winter break, it may be wise to use the holiday to help them restock the items they’ll need for the next semester of school. Sure, the kids might roll their eyes at first, but when they get back to school and realize how much their cool new backpack helps then they’ll definitely be a bit happier about the gifts. You don’t even have to concentrate on the obvious items. Instead, you might want to think out of the box. For instance, if your child is taking math then a calculator that’s faster or easier to use might be a great investment. You may even consider a new gym bag or special towel to make gym class a lot easier and more comfortable. Of course, the basics like customized pencils or special folders may also make this gift a treasure for your student. You may even want to consider buying school clothing items, such as a new uniform or a school approved jacket that your child has had his or her eye on.

7. Clothing
Apart from school clothes, your child may have a special look they’re showing off, which will make clothes a simple gift for the holiday season. Luckily, during this time of the year, lots of clothing items are on sale. This is especially true if you manage to catch Black Friday sales. If you have teens then it may be easier just to give them a gift card to buy a little something new to support their wardrobe. Of course, shopping for larger items like jackets, tops and pants don’t have to be your only option, especially if you’re on a budget. Socks and underwear are always a good buy and will help prevent you from having to buy when it’s not as convenient. If you are willing to splurge then now may be a great time to buy your child a new pair of shoes, especially if they will help your child get through the long winter months.

8. Heirloom Piece
Hanukkah is a great time to give gifts that come straight from the heart. So, if you have a piece that’s been passed down from generation to generation, then this may be the time to share it with your child. Of course, this is based on your child’s age and maturity level, so don’t pass down something valuable to you if you feel your child isn’t ready. Depending on the child’s age, an heirloom piece may be what gives the holiday its charm. It’s a perfect way to bring the connection to the holiday, so your child always associates it with family. If you don’t have an heirloom piece to pass down, then create one. When it comes down to passing an item down, it’s truly all in the story. You can easily come up with an item that means something to you, or brought you good luck. It’s a fun way to create memories too and will help your legacy live on.

9. Toys
Sometimes it’s hard to avoid giving out toys during the holiday, especially with holiday ads playing all of the time. This doesn’t mean you should go overboard on the toy buying though. Instead, come up with one toy you know your child will go crazy over and stick with it. If you want to make a wise purchase ask yourself how long the toy will last. Sometimes, it’s simply a passing trend, while other times your child has a genuine interest in the toy they’re asking for. If you do plan on buying toys for the kids then remember to shop frugally and intelligently. Always keep an eye out for sales to ensure you find the best possible deal on the toys you plan to purchase. Although most of the best price cuts will happen after Hanukkah is over, you may still find some awesome deals that will help out your budget. Also, coupons will certainly come in handy during this time of the year, so make sure to browse around online to see if you can find something that will help you out.

10. Chocolate
Gelt is a huge part of Hannukah, but it often is only used in games. Not to mention, sometimes the gelt you buy doesn’t taste all that great. So, you may want to consider using your skills in the kitchen to whip up some homemade gelt for the kids. This is a great gift that will show them just how much you love them. You can even use the golden coin shells from the gelt you buy to make it look more authentic. Of course, gelt doesn’t have to be the only chocolate gift available. You can also make chocolate into fun Hanukkah shapes that will suit the occasion. Of course, I’m sure the children will also appreciate their very own fudge or custom made chocolates that will drive their sweet tooth crazy.

Hanukkah is meant to be a holiday shared with friends and family, but sometimes the commercial aspect gets in the way. These ten gift ideas should help you cut down on the amount you spend on gifts this year, so you can bring the holiday back to its roots without disappointing the family. Not to mention, your budget will thank you for saving so much money during the shopping season.

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