
Fresh Makeup Tips That Will Make You and Your Budget Look Incredible

Looking good costs money, but sometimes our makeup budget doesn’t always coincide with our love for shopping for new supplies. From the wide variety of colors to the must have cover up options, there’s a lot of ways your budget can be destroyed by your cosmetic choices. You don’t have to go overboard with makeup shopping anymore though. With these ten simple tricks you can get more out of each item you purchase while saving a whole lot of money on the shopping process. Now, you can enjoy playing with your look without worrying about how much product you’re using. With a few technique changes and a little know how, your makeup collection may look like it belongs on the set of the movies, which can’t hurt your style, right?
1. Use All of It
One of the biggest ways we lose money on our makeup investments is by throwing the items out before they’re actually finished. Sometimes it may seem impossible to get the last contents out of a container, but there’s ways to stretch your makeup even further if you’re up to the challenge. For starters, when you feel like your make up container may be empty then simply cut it open. There will be enough make up there for a couple of uses if not more if you’re using it conservatively. You may want to store it in a ziplock to prevent messes, but other than that you should be able to stretch your next purchase out a few more days. If you think your mascara is running dry then simply add some warm water and shake the container. Before you know it you’ll have lovely lashes again without having to buy more. You can also do this with tinted lip gloss! Perfume is another expensive item that can easily go to waste if we don’t bother with the last drops in the bottle. Rather than throwing it out, put the drops into unscented body lotion and you’ll be able to enjoy the smell for months longer!

2. Recycle
Recycling is a big deal with many of today’s products. It helps keep beauty products more ecofriendly and allows you to leave less of a carbon footprint for the next generation. With that in mind, many high end companies will actually take your old product cases and exchange them for new items or credit towards new items. You may have to check to see which brands do this and where you can turn in your old containers, but it will be well worth it once you know how and where to recycle this way. Make sure you’ve removed all of the contents from the containers this will make the process more efficient. You can also transform your containers and brushes into other things. For instance, mascara brushes for your high end products can be reused for cheaper product so you can achieve a better over all look. You can also use these to get rid of flyaways and to clean the home. Some containers can also be reused for homemade lotion or makeup, which will help save money and the environment. A lot of companies are also trying to switch their products to plastics that can be recycled, so keep an eye on your products to see how you should properly dispose of them.

3. Refresh Old Supplies
Old supplies don’t always mean they belong in the trash bin. There’s actually a few ways you can make your older supplies feel like you just bought them, which is perfect when you’re looking to save money on makeup. For starters, old mascara can be dry, sticky, clumpy and an absolute nightmare to work with. Rather than giving it the boot try adding a drop of saline to the container and shaking it up. In no time you’ll have easy to work with mascara that will make you feel fantastic. Don’t have saline around? Don’t worry, all you need is a mug of hot water. Place the mascara in the water and let it sit for a moment or two. Powdered products can also be a total nightmare when they break, especially if it’s your favorite shade of eye shadow. This can easily be fixed by placing alcohol in the container and smoothing out the powder. Once dried you’ll be able to use it like new. You can even stick a cotton ball into the container to prevent it from breaking.

4. DIY Supplies
Makeup and accessories doesn’t always have to be made in stores! In fact, you can do a whole lot with supplies from home that cost next to nothing. For instance, instead of buying make up remover you can easily replace it with Johnsons & Johnsons Baby Soap which is gentle on the face and incredibly affordable. You can also craft special wipes using baby wipes, coconut oil and water. If you’re a fan of thick and long lashes then don’t pay extra for special formulas, instead, apply baby powder to the lashes before using your mascara. Easy to apply eyeliner is also a breeze to make at home using only charcoal and coconut oil. It may seem too easy to believe, but you can go crazy with all of the DIY make up tips. One trick that is especially helpful is to heat up broken lipstick using a match or blow dryer. You can blend old lipsticks together this way, or create your own and add it to an old tube. You can also make those lips look even plumper by adding cinnamon oil to your lips. Finally, you can even recreate your favorite mineral makeup which isn’t the cheapest makeup on the planet.

5. Never Shop At Eye Level
Shopping for makeup can be a lot of fun until you make your way to the checkout counter and find out how much you’ve really spent. Rather than letting this be a surprise, cut down on your temptation by avoiding the eye level areas on the shelf at all costs. Stores will place their more expensive items here because they want you to buy them; however you may find items of equal or greater beauty on the top or bottom of the shelf. The best thing is, these items will cost you a whole lot less than those attention grabbers calling your name. If you can’t avoid the section, which it is hard to do, you may want to go ahead and pick out items you like. Then, once you have a good idea of what you’re looking for, match the items with those you find on the lower or higher shelves. You may even find that you enjoy some of the shades you find there even more than the shades you originally picked out!

6. Shop Online
When it comes to makeup, shopping online is probably one of the best choices you can make. Local stores may present you with deal every now and then, but shopping online is the easiest way to ensure you get a good deal every time. You not only get a chance to shop around, but you can shop directly from your favorite brands website in order to save more money. Shopping online may also provide you with a greater selection as many stores won’t carry every product you’re looking for especially if the item isn’t on the popular list. Many sites will also allow you to sign up for their mailing list which will offer you plenty of online coupons that will cut down on the total price of your purchase. Of course, for many people one of the biggest draws to shopping online is the free samples that come with most orders. This is a great way to try out new items and will help stretch out your makeup supply.

7. Look For Generics
The makeup world is filled with top brands that will make you feel like you’re a star. Of course, these brands could also lead you to shell out up to $50 or more for one product item! If you’re on a budget this isn’t exactly the way to cut back on spending. There is a way to enjoy some of the same looks without spending a small fortune. This is easily done by looking for the generic version of your supplies. Although you may feel lost at first, doing this will get much easier as the time passes. In fact, there’s even many blogs dedicated to comparing makeup brands with their generic counterparts. If you follow these guides you should be able to enjoy generics with little research on your end. With all the great hints online, there’s no reason why you’ll need to spend so much for makeup when a generic item will run you less than $5!

8. Flash Sales
Although it may be a bit harder to plan your shopping excursions, flash sales are a great way to get more for your money. Most online stores hosts these from time to time, but even some local stores will offer random temporary savings. The best way to keep in touch with flash sales is to subscribe to your favorite brands mailing list. Whether its online or locally, they tend to give members or subscribers a heads up before the sale begins so they can be ready to shop. Some members may even get a discount on sales items, so make sure to sign up whenever you like a new website. If you’re not sure about shopping this way then try to refrain from buying makeup until a sale pops up. This will allow you to save up so you can see how much money you’ll actually spend when a flash sale arrives. You may be surprised by how little the price tag is.

9. Buy Bulk
If you like a specific type or color of makeup then you may want to look into buying it in bulk. A lot of the time if you get in touch with the manufacture they will cut you a deal on your bulk purchase which will save more money in the long run. You may also be able to find the items in bulk stores like Sams Club or Costco. These items will definitely have a price cut and will help your makeup budget last longer. Often, makeup is released for only a short time so if you’re not interested in the classic looks then you should stock up before your choice disappears. Sometimes, companies will release an item at one price and then we’re they’re about to take it off the market the prices will go up for those looking to stock up. So, rather than buying late in the game try to stock up while you still can. If buying bulk you should leave your products in a cold environment like the refrigerator to keep them fresh.

10. Use What You Have
Using the supplies you have is one of the easiest ways not to spend money. We often end up wanting more supplies before we’ve finished what we have which means more of our product goes to waste. By choosing pieces you know you like you’ll be able to stick with your look for longer which will help you cut down on spending so you can occasionally splurge on something new and exciting. If you do see something you think you must have then promise yourself you’ll get it when you use up another product. This will help instill disciple while shopping.

Makeup is a great aspect of the fashion world, but it can really add to monthly expenditures. With these simple tips you’ll be able to enjoy a fun new look from time to time without having to constantly shop for new supplies. With a few budgeting techniques you’ll feel like the fashion world is even more affordable!

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