
Cheap Ways to Beat the Arctic Blast and Stay Warm

With the Arctic Blast upon us and winter following close behind it you may be bracing yourself for those expensive gas and electric bills that seem inevitable this time of year. Staying warm when it’s freezing out doesn’t have to be a huge burden on you though. There’s actually a few tips you can follow to make your bills go down while keeping the heat in your home a lot more comfortable. Luckily, these tips won’t cost you too much money either, so you’ll end up saving even more in the long run. So, grab your favorite winter coat and enjoy this fun change in temperature because your bills won’t have to reflect what the weather throws in your direction anymore!
1. Alter the Radiator
If you live in an older home then chances are you have a radiator you battle with every single winter. Don’t let your radiator keep you cold and in debt this season though! Instead, work around it to make it work more efficiently for you. One easy way to do this is add tin foil just behind the radiator. This will help get the house warmer and will even work to spread the heat evenly through the room. This is probably one of the most cost effective ways to avoid high bills during the season. The heat from the tin foil will also make the radiator go off sooner so you won’t have to deal with charges for the radiator being on so frequently. Another way to maximize the heat in the room is to place a shelf over the radiator. This will prevent the heat from moving upwards right away. Instead, it will be closer to your body’s height so you’ll feel warmer faster and longer. You should also move any furniture you have in front of the radiator. In some home’s this could be dangerous. The large pieces of furniture will also block the heat from getting to you, which isn’t good for the bills.

2. Windows
Your window can be a huge way to cut down on heating expenses. It’s totally fine to leave your windows unblocked during the day. This not only gives you much needed light, but will also allow the room to use the sun’s heat to warm up. When the sun isn’t out then close the windows with heavy drapes or you can even put up blankets to secure the window even more. This will block out the cold from outside while keeping the heat from inside locked in. If you’re looking for an extra layer of warmth then try to find a few see through shower curtains. The shower curtains will absorb heat, thus releasing it into the home. It will also add an extra barrier for the cold outside, which will help keep the heat inside even longer. You should also check your windows for drafts every year, just to avoid even more heat loss.

3. Fireplace
Many choose to go the natural way when it comes to keeping warm during the winter. The only problem with this is when you do choose to use a fireplace, the fire can actually make the home even colder. So, when you do decide to start a fire make sure all of the doors in the home are closed. This will help keep the heat in the room longer while not making the extra rooms in the home even colder. You should also check to make sure the fireplace is clean and ready to go before you light your first fire. It wouldn’t be very cost effective to start up a fire and have the chimney go ablaze. Usually your gas company will offer a free inspection, but you can also hire someone for cheap to check it out. You may also be able to do it yourself. You should use wood you find yourself, but if you have to buy it then check on Craigslist or other local listings to see if you can find some for cheap. Of course, if you don’t plan on using the fireplace this season then you may want to invest in a chimney bubble. This will prevent cold air from coming in through the chimney so your warm air will stay in the house longer. Luckily, these aren’t expensive to find!

4. Check for Drafts
A draft can be your worst nightmare when it comes to your power bill! They can be found all over the house and will make all of your nice heated air seem cold in 0 to nothing. Before the extreme weather comes in you should walk around the house and feel around for them. They’re usually found by doors and windows. Don’t stress if you do find them because you won’t have to pay a fortune to get the issue taken care of before winter really sets in. There’s an endless amount of ways you can take care of a draft though. You can buy draft snakes which fit perfectly on the windowsill or you can add plastic film or Styrofoam around the windows. You could also just block the draft with some blankets to save even more money. If you’re getting a draft from the mail slot then slide some foam in the hole, or you could also place bristles, like those from a broom, in the hole. To cover up key holes just add some cardboard or foam to prevent the draft from leaking in. You can always find more permanent fixes for these items later on.

5. Camp In
On the weekends have some fun with the kids by camping in. You can easily make a tent in the living room using blankets and household items. Spend the time munching on camp foods like s’mores and chili to make things even warmer. You can share stories, play games and read books to pass the time and get the full camp experience. While you’re in the tent, body heat will get trapped inside which will keep you all warm. It will get even warmer if you build your fort with heavier blankets. You may also want to pull out your warm sleeping bags if you own them. If not, then your typical bedding will work just fine. If things still aren’t warm enough then you may want to build a fire in the fireplace or add a small and energy efficient space heater the mix.

6. Warm Hands & Feet
It might sound pretty obvious, but keeping your hands and feet warm are the best way to keep your entire body warm. So, instead of blasting the heat on your body try to go to greater measures to keep these parts of your body warm. Generally, gloves and thick socks can go a long way with this issue, but sometimes even these items aren’t enough. If you do a lot of work on the computer or like to spend some time catching your favorite programs on T.V. then try placing your feet on a heating pad. You could also use a water bottle on your feet. This is especially important at night when you’re in bed. An Incandescent light might also help keep you warm without raising the cost of your electric bill. There’s other special items like a heated mouse for the computer that could work in your favor to!

7. Build a Heater
One great way to transform the cold into a science experiment for the kids is to build your own heater. This can be a lot of fun and may even help you heat the home for mere pennies a day. One of the most common homemade heaters is a candle heater. This project is quick to make and only uses 3 main components. You’ll need tea candles, a metal pan and 2 ceramic flower pots. Put the tea candles in the metal pan, light them and cover the pan with flower pots. You can find a quick tutorial online for this project. The other more popular homemade heater is made from a tin or aluminum can. This takes a bit more work and can be more dangerous than the other heater, so it’s only good for older children under strict supervision. When making your home heater it’s important to remember safety first. Follow the tutorials online as well as your own rules for fire and safety before attempting this.

8. Baking
Nothing cheers up a winter day quite like something baked. Although warm food does help heat up the body and make us more comfortable, using the oven brings the home to a warmer temperature. So, instead of cranking up the heat on your home take to the kitchen. This can be one of the best times to teach kids how to cook. Try to come up with healthy desserts and meal plans that require the oven during this time. As your meal heats up so will your home, which will help make everyone feel much more comfortable. When the meal is finished cooling don’t just let that heat go to waste. Instead, block off the kitchen if you have pets or little ones. This is easily done with a baby gate. Then, open up the oven and let the heat flow into the home. It’ll offer a nice boost of warmth to the home, especially as the temperature drops for the night time hours.

9. Be Healthy
One easy way to avoid feeling cold all the time is to keep a healthy lifestyle. Working out will help warm up your body quickly and will also help keep it warm because it boosts your metabolism and helps with circulation. Try to work in small amounts of exercise throughout the day, especially on days when you’re not doing much. You should also eat more stews and soups, especially if they’re on the healthier side. These hot meals will warm up your body, but will also keep you feeling better with good nutrition. Soups have a lower calorie intake too, which could help you feel more lively and energetic thus making getting the proper amount of exercise easier. Drinking hot tea is also a great way to keep warm. Generally, teas don’t have a lot of calories and offer a wide variety of health benefits. Finally, eat foods with ginger and snack on nuts as these foods will help with circulation too!

10. Layers
Don’t let your closet fail you in your time of need! As the weather begins to drop you should start piling on the layers. The more you wear the less likely you’ll want to put on the heater. Try adding a pair of tights beneath jeans and triple layer tops. You can also double up thick socks to keep your body heat regulated. To make it even more fun you can direct a fashion show to get the kids on board. The more clothes you can utilize in the cold the better. You can also wear a lot of the items over again so you won’t have to do as much laundry. If the Arctic Blast gets too cold for your taste then you may even want to wear your winter coat and beanie inside.

Getting away from the cold may seem hard when you’re trying to keep your expenses down. With these simple tips you should be able to keep your body warm so you don’t have to rely on your home’s heating system as much. With the thermostat set at a cost efficient setting you’ll be ready to enjoy the savings while also having a little more fun with your family!

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