
Become a Super Cosplayer Without Spending Your Earnings

In the past couple of days cosplay seems to have taken the world by storm. What once was an underground convention hobby now has television series based around it. So, of course you and your families might be interested in getting into the fun. The only downside is cosplay can be a huge budget breaker. From casting your own metal to creating accessories and costumes, the price just keep rising on your new hobby. This can be even more challenging if you’re planning costumes for the entire family! There are a few way to relax and save a little money on your cosplay adventures though. With these ten tricks of the trade you’ll find a new found love for the hobby and may even create some designs for your own personal character.

1. Kid’s toys
Chances are, your kids have some pretty unique looking toys lying in the bottom of the toy box. These little forgotten gems can be a great way to amp up your costume without spending a lot of money. Typically, water guns and fake badges are perfect for most costumes; however your imagination is the limit. These toys can be customized with spray paint, hot glue and any other altering materials you’d like to try out. If your kids don’t have any of these toys lying around, or just aren’t willing to part with them then you’re still in luck. Usually you can find a god number of toys at your local thrift store. This can be a prime place to shop when you’re looking for spare parts for just about anything. If you’re still having trouble finding what you need then try your local dollar or discount store. These stores usually have ample small water guns and other fun toys that just need a little TLC to meet your costume needs. The best thing is, these cheap toys will really rock your budget.

2. Shop Discounts
Unfortunately, supplies for crafting can be terribly expensive if you buy them at the wrong times. This can be a major problem when you’re working on big or colorful projects. Instead of buying in bulk when items are regular price you should wait around for a sale or shop the clearance racks.This is a handy tricky when it comes to most supplies. The good news is, most major craft stores will hold sales all of the time. So, you should be able to stock up on items like paint one week and then fabric some time later. This is fairly convenient and if you can gather up a good stock of supplies you won’t have to worry about shopping when you decide to make your costume.

3. Recycle Costumes
If you tend to be a bit more seasoned with costumes then you should consider using aspects of one costume on newer costumes. Although most costumes tend to be very unique there are sometimes aspects that can be very generic. This usually happens with capes, belts and sometimes even skirts and dresses. Try to go through some of your old costumes before you plan out anything new. This can actually be inspiration in itself and could lead you to a better overall costume anyway. Once you have inventory on your costumes haves and have nots you can plan accordingly without stretching the budget too far. If you’re worried about money in your cosplay though you may want to choose characters that have similar looks. Say, if you aren’t anime character one year you may want to try to find another anime character that is easy to borrow from. This technique could help you perfect your skills in a certain genre while saving you a little money.

4. Save Your Scraps
Although it might be habit to clean up everything when you’re finished with a project you may want to refrain from actually throwing anything away. There’s a lot of materials needed for some cosplay items that aren’t exactly on the cheap side of things. Foam, metal and even some fabrics can be a huge expense if you have to buy them every time you create a costume. Luckily, when it comes to cosplay you’ll probably find a use for the smallest scrap item. When it comes to metal this is especially true as everything can be melted back down for next time.This will allow you to always have a little something on hand in case you need a touch up and could even provide you with the piece you need to make a project look completely finished. You may want to have a bin or box to put your scraps, especially if they could be dangerous for children to get into.

5. Start Small
If you’re new to cosplay then one of the worst things you can do is start out huge. In fact, picking a project that is too big can really change the way you feel about cosplay. If you bite off more than you can chew on your first project you may end up giving up before you actually get into the cosplay groove. Instead of going overboard try to pick something a little smaller. For instance, find a character that has a simple outfit to make and maybe a small accessory that could earn you some extra points. This will allow you to get your feet wet without forcing you to five into the deep end. Smaller costumes also require less supplies so you won’t have to put as much money into it. This will allow you a chance to enter in some competitions and possibly earn some money for the items you made.

6. Thrift Stores
When you’re looking for accessories or even cheap supplies for your cosplay costumes then the thrift store is actually your best friends. These stores aren’t just filled with amazing vintage clothes that scream steampunk costumes, but also a variety of fabrics that can be used to make a wide assortment of different costumes. You should actually be able to ample undershirts, skirts and other items that can be slightly altered to suit your costumes needs. On top of fabrics and clothing you should also be able to find ample belts and shoes that work perfectly with some characters. Even if you can’t find something that suits your needs exactly you will be able to find cheap items that can be completely remade to fit your needs. Props are also a huge plus when it comes to the thrift store and you should be able to find a lot of cool items that can suit various aspects of a costume. If you’re looking for wires and other gadgets then you may also be able to find products that can be take apart for your needs. The best thing is, all of these items won’t break your budget and will leave you with ample supplies for your costume.

7. Home Supplies
If you’re really on a tight budget or don’t want to spend money on items you don’t need to then your home can be your best friends. There’s a whole lot of items that can be used that are just lying around the house. The best place to look for supplies if your recycle bin. You can really do a whole lot with old cans. For instance, if you’re shaping a gun accessory cans are simple to work with and won’t cost you anything. This is great for larger pieces like bazookas. Old oatmeal cans or anything larger is a great way to great arm piece armor or leg armor for children. You also probably have some paper clips, rubber bands, staples and numerous desk supplies that can help with last minute closures. Fabrics, papers and other items can really go far when you’re planning a costume too. So, before you go shopping for new supplies try to think a little outside of the box and use what you already have.

8. Barter Skills
After you’ve spent a little time in the cosplay world you should have a pretty good idea of what you’re good at and what you need a little extra help with. This can be a huge asset when it comes to saving money. When you go to conventions you’ll begin to meet new people who share your hobby which will allow you to network a little over skills. As you build more costumes you’ll begin to show off your talents in some areas which people may begin to admire. When this happens you can easily offer your skills to someone in exchange for their help with some other items. For instance, if you tend to have a knack for sewing but need a costume with some welding then you should ask a friend that welds to help you out in exchange for a little help with some more advanced sewing. This will allow you to really amp up your costume without having to pay someone to do the welding for you. If you’re lucky your friend may also be able to give you some lessons in their specialty so you can go on and create these items for yourself.

9. DIY
When it comes to cosplay it really pays to do everything yourself. You may find this out the hard way if you end up showing up to a convention in a store bought costume. Costumes that you buy tend to be terribly expensive and can really put you in the hole if you’re not careful. These costumes usually cost a whole lot less to make, so you’re better off skipping the costume stores and take to making the items on your own. Another reason you should DIY your costume is it will earn you the respect of other cosplayers. This community bonds over their hard work and creativity and when you show up in something you’ve purchased then you’re not going to make yourself any friends. You also won’t be able to enter the competitions with any chance of winning if you sign up with a store bought costume. Thus, you won’t be able to win any prize money so you won’t be able to make up any of the money lost on your costume.

10. Enter Competitions
If you’re going to get into cosplay then you should try to enter as many competitions as possible. Most of the time the costumes are free, but even if you have to spend a little money on an entrance fee you’ll end up getting the money back if you can get into the winners circle. Competitions aren’t just important for the prize money though. When you enter a competition you’re going to have a series of judges who can give you feedback about your costume. This will help you know what you need to change up to make things better or what went above and beyond the judges expectations. With this constructive criticism on your side you’ll be able to work out your projects more efficiently so you can win further challenges and continue improving your skills as a cosplayer.

Cosplay is a great way to bond with family and friends while paying tribute to some of the characters that made your life more interesting. With a few simple tips and tricks you’ll be able to create some noteworthy costumes that will earn you some major props as you stroll around the ground floor of the convention. After you try this fun hobby you may spend lots of your time working on cool new ideas for costumes for the whole family. With any luck, you may even make some extra money off your cool ideas and dedication to the craft.

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